RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1857: Cooperation

Machine installs to appear 【机装显现】 In that instance that the mechanical sound plays, in the knot vowed the effect role of bracelet when own faith, Xie Ming understood two matters. 在机械音响起的那一个瞬间,在结誓臂环的效果作用在自己的信念之上时,谢铭明白了两件事。 The first matter: Really the faith and his known any energy are different, is the profound studies and idealism, the one strength of closer soul essence. 第一件事:果然信念和他已知的任何能量都不同,是更加玄学和唯心,更贴近灵魂本质的一种力量。 In understanding the foundation of first matter, the second matter only has four characters: Ended the calf. 在理解了第一件事的基础上,第二件事就只有四个字:完犊子了。 Originally should package spirit X-ray machine armor even only to present one empty shadow then to disperse the light corpuscle Xie Ming, but is the time of such a blink, the entire room has been full of the slash, creakies. 本来应该将谢铭包裹其中的灵光机甲甚至只出现了一个浅浅的虚影便散成了光粒,但就是这么一眨眼的功夫,整间屋子就已经充满了刀痕,摇摇欲坠。 But did the knot on hand vow the bracelet? Then becomes a fragment of place in that quarter that the empty shadow presents broken. 而手上的结誓臂环?在虚影出现的那刻便碎成一地的碎片。 Hey, the week finishes, you are all right.” “喂,周毕,你没事吧。” .... I good .... “啊....我还好....” Front the week of collapsing to the ground finish looks proliferates the fissure the light-green protecting shield, twitched several that the corners of the mouth cannot control: Just, should be I am away from death recent one time.” 瘫坐在地上的周毕看着面前遍布裂痕的浅绿色的护盾,嘴角控制不住的抽搐了几下:“刚刚,应该是我距离死亡最近的一次吧。” Words that you spoke, that perhaps.” “你这么说的话,那或许是吧。” Patted the ground the disintegrating slag on sleeves, Xie Ming looks at this to become the construction of dangerous house: Words said, the building can reimburse?” 将衣袖上的碎渣拍到地上,谢铭看了看这已经成为危房的建筑:“话说,建筑物可以报销吗?” Does not know that this needs to ask that Prime Minister Zheng is good.” “不知道啊,这需要问问郑宰相才行。” That considers as finished, I give to reinforce. Also, you planned when sits on the ground?” “那算了,我自己给加固一下吧。还有,你打算在地上坐到什么时候?” Do not force someone to do something against his will.” The week finish patted own thigh, has the complaint looks at Xie Ming: Here may just now experience the life and death great misfortune, the leg is soft.” “别强人所难啊。”周毕拍了拍自己的大腿,颇有怨念的看着谢铭:“这边可才刚经历过生死大劫,腿还软着呢。” Although I have imagined my cause of death, because others' spirit X-ray machine armor summon dies anything, even if my talent does not have the means to expect.” “虽然我想象过自己的死法,但因为别人的灵光机甲召唤而死什么的,哪怕是我这个天才也没有办法预料啊。” Naturally.” “当然了。” Reinforces the structure that constructed with the strengthened magic, Xie Ming the week finish reaches out: Which world no matter, would having military who can break through the adviser to plan exists.” 用强化魔术加固了一下建筑的构造,谢铭向周毕伸出手:“不管在哪个世界,总会有着可以突破谋士算计的武者存在。” In fierce magnificence, such existence will be only more, not?” “在烈华凯,这样的存在只会更多,不是吗?” Sounds, Mr. Xie Ming you are good to the fierce magnificence impression.” Stands up taking advantage of the Xie Ming arm, the week finishes is brushing off ash, while asking calmly: Is with is the resonance of military?” “听上去,谢铭先生你对烈华凯的印象不错啊。”借着谢铭手臂重新站起身,周毕一边掸着身上的灰,一边若无其事的问道:“是同为武者的共鸣吗?” „It is not a little correct, but can also say.” “有点不正确,不过也可以这么说。” Xie Ming naturally understands that the week finish asked this saying intention, but he did not think that this matter was worth his covering up specially: Accurate, I compare appreciation Dai to bring certainly peacefully, the military atmosphere in this country.” 谢铭自然明白周毕问出这话的用意,不过他并不觉得这件事值得他特意的遮遮掩掩:“准确的来说,我比较欣赏绝岱澹所带出来的,这个国家的武者风气。” Most sincere, to Italy, to loyal, to letter/believes. Everyone has the same goal, everyone is trying hard for this same goal, everyone's strength causes toward one.” “至诚、至义、至忠、至信。大家都拥有着共同的目标,所有人都在为了这个共同的目标而努力,所有人的力都往一处使。” Such atmosphere, such spirit, making my many somewhat fondly remember. Although also has this many disparities with my hometown, but can feel similar atmosphere again, to me is enough.” “这样的风气,这样的精神,让我多少有些怀念。虽然和我的故乡还有这不少差距,但能再次感受到类似的氛围,对我来说已经足够了。” At this point, Xie Ming looked that finishes to the week: Although I had once said that perhaps the colored glaze special Sir/minister will be more suitable you. But in fact, do you like fierce magnificence?” 说到这里,谢铭看向周毕:“虽然我曾说过,或许琉特卿会更适合你。但实际上,你喜欢烈华凯吗?” I......” “我啊......” The week finish shook the feather fan, turned around to look to behind king city: Has disliked, has liked.” 周毕晃了晃羽扇,转身看向了身后的王城:“讨厌过,也喜欢过。” Also right, after all you do not remember in this.” “也对,毕竟你志不在此。” Hou humph humph, if little even/including hears your, must by fan the senior official plots a rebellion the reason to begin to you.” “嚯嚯嚯,要是小连听到你这的话,恐怕又要以‘扇动高官谋反’的理由对你动手了吧。” She.” “她啊。” Mentioned is intimate friends, Xie Ming shakes the head: Compared with me, you must pay attention.” 提起连心,谢铭不禁摇了摇头:“比起我,你才更要注意吧。” Because of liking living the woman who hates, is very fearful.” “因爱生恨的女人,可是很可怕的。” Un, about this matter .... Week finish thinks, later revealed suspended the rotten smile: Has the solution in any case, their two will get together to be all right.” “嗯,关于这件事嘛....”周毕想了想,随后露出了摆烂的笑容:“反正有解在,他们两个搭伙应该会没事吧。” Since boasts of being the talent, do not give up pondering.” “既然自诩为天才,就不要放弃思考啊。” Without the means that the talent, still has matter how after all even, regardless of unable to achieve.” “没办法啊,毕竟就算是天才,也有着无论如何也做不到的事情嘛。” The week finish shrugs: Ok, the idle talk chatted here. My also this/should chapter of destiny palace destination director served, you?” 周毕耸了耸肩:“好了,闲话就聊到这里吧。我也该回天命宫去处理事务了,你呢?” king city has the library or the book collection pavilion and so on construction?” “王城有图书馆或者藏书阁之类的建筑吗?” „? Do you want to go to Cangshuyuan? Beforehand reminded your, although outside Cangshuyuan book was precious, but the most essential material was hidden in the seal banned book room. Does not have the triumphant emperor and prime minister pass the words of, does not have the means to go.” “哦?你想去藏书院?事先提醒你一下,藏书院外面的书虽然珍贵,但最关键的资料都是被藏在封印禁书室里面。没有凯帝陛下和宰相的通行证的话,是没办法进去的。” Raises again while convenient, even if you successfully entered in the banned book room, perhaps will still fly back without any results. After all... inside old book uses may be the ancient writing.” “再顺便一提,就算你成功进到了禁书室里,恐怕也会无功而返哦。毕竟...里面的古籍用的可都是古代文字。” Hou?” The Xie Ming eyebrow selects lightly: How I felt, your saying has the second meaning in inside.” “嚯?”谢铭眉毛轻挑:“我怎么感觉,你这话有着第二层意思在里面呢。” Hehe, this, must look how Mr. Xie Ming thinks.” “呵呵呵,这,就要看谢铭先生是怎么想的了。” After the week finish smilingly returned to one, bows to say goodbye toward Xie Ming slightly, walks in the direction of destiny palace. 周毕笑眯眯的回了一句后,向着谢铭微微鞠躬道别,朝着天命宫的方向走去。 But keeps same place Xie Ming, pondered over slightly and week finishes just dialogue, the facial expression on face instantaneously becomes incomparably strange subtle, even could not bear scold a swearing. 而留在原地的谢铭,稍微琢磨了一下自己和周毕刚刚的对话,脸上的神情瞬间变得无比古怪微妙,甚至忍不住骂了句粗口。 Grass, how just this talked in such gay the gay air/Qi.” “草,刚刚这对话怎么这么gay里gay气。” ----- ----- Complained turns over to complain, this matter of doing naturally must be done. Late at night, before Xie Ming arrives again the daytime summoned the construction of spirit X-ray machine armor, really here saw that spoken parts robe form in estimate. 吐槽归吐槽,该做的事情自然还是要做。深夜,谢铭再次来到了白天召唤灵光机甲的建筑前,果然在这里看到了预想中的那道白袍身影。 You came, Mr. Xie Ming.” The week finished with the feather fan covered half face: I can believe, Mr. Xie Ming did accept with my cooperation?” “您来了啊,谢铭先生。”周毕用羽扇遮住了半张脸:“我可以认为,谢铭先生是接受了与我的合作吗?” Originally planned that does not need the question.” “本来就是这么打算的,不需要有疑问。” Saying of Xie Ming undulating: So-called say/way different is not the stratagem, the thing that you and fierce magnificence pursue is different. When I raised the colored glaze special Sir/minister, your vision did not have too many changes.” 谢铭澹澹的说道:“所谓道不同不相为谋,你和烈华凯所追求的事物不同。在我提起琉特卿时,你的目光也没有太多的变化。” Only has when seeing me, your vision presented the change. After I and Dai have compared notes certainly peacefully, that change the thorough root has solidified in your eye.” “唯有在见到我时,你的目光出现了改变。而在我和绝岱澹切磋过之后,那点改变就已经彻底根固在了你眼里。” Since then, you start to test my attitude, speculates my goal, right?” “从那时开始,你就开始试探我的态度,推测我的目的,对吧?” Yes.” The week finishes broad and level saying: I pursue forever is unknown, I inquire about forever is the essence of the world, I must first satisfied forever is own curiosity.” “是的。”周毕坦坦荡荡的说道:“我所追求的永远是未知,我所探寻的永远是世界的本质,我所要首先满足的永远是自己的好奇心。” However Mr. Xie Ming, your arrival brought innumerable unknown and curiosity for me. Only light/only disclosed from your mouth few words that let me excitedly to sufficiently. You denied this world's largest cognition until now, what is more important is .... “而谢铭先生,你的降临为我带来了无数的未知和好奇。光光是从你口中透露出的只言片语,就足以让我兴奋到不能自己。你否定了这个世界一直以来的最大认知,更为重要的是....” The week finishes the flashing eyes is staring at Xie Ming: You have the qualifications and strength of denial general knowledge, but thing that this... I lack.” 周毕目光炯炯的盯着谢铭:“你拥有着否定常识的资格和力量,而这...正是我所缺少的事物。” Mentality guest 思路客 Mr. Xie Ming, traveller mister from different world. You arrive at forest Garlind, should not be will want to travel such pure goal?” 谢铭先生,来自异世界的旅行者先生。你来到林加林德,应该不会是‘想要旅游’这么单纯的目的吧?” If yes, then you definitely do not need to enter to fierce magnificence, does not need to understand the faith strength, does not need to conduct absolutely not to have comparing notes of profit with the triumphant emperor to travellerone time ‚. You arrive at this world to have your goal inevitably, but this goal will have the possibility... to subvert entire forest Garlind very much.” “如果是,那么你完全没有必要进入到烈华凯,没有必要了解信念力量,没有必要和凯帝陛下进行一次对‘旅行者’完全没有益处的切磋。你来到这个世界必然有自己的目的,而这个目的很有可能...会颠覆整个林加林德。” So far, my speculation should not have wrong.” “到目前为止,我的推测应该没有错吧。” Un, no mistake. However, I must repeatedly confirm a matter to you.” “嗯,没有错。不过,我还是要再次向你确认一件事。” Xie Ming tranquil looks at the week to finish: Although is not same, but you were also born, grew up and struggle in this fierce magnificence. You experienced all the way, you also knew.” 谢铭平静的看着周毕:“虽道不相同,但你也是在这烈华凯出生、长大、奋斗。一路上你见识到了许多,你也结识了许多。” If you plan and me cooperate, then you definitely will betray these to trust your person in the future.” “如果你打算和我进行合作,那么将来你必然会背叛那些信任你的人。” Is facing when look that is intimate friends, solution Loutan that disappointed resenting, can you still say the present words?” “面对着连心、解楼坛那失望愤恨的眼神时,你依然可以说出现在的话吗?” „, Naturally.” Week complete(ly) Miyan smiles: After all, this is my faith.” “啊,当然。”周毕眯眼一笑:“毕竟,这就是我的信念啊。” „The talent like me, how can limit in a small country?” “像我这样的天才,怎么能局限在一个小小的国家呢?”
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