RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1856: Surrendering guest official

Because is certainly the Dai peaceful direct hire, therefore the Xie Ming status and government position handle almost does not have any hindrance. Even if looks at his uncomfortable prime minister from the beginning, does not dare to get up to what tricks at this matter. 因为是绝岱澹的直接录用,所以谢铭的身份和官职办理几乎没有任何的阻碍。哪怕是从一开始就看他不爽的宰相,也不敢在这件事上做什么手脚。 Why as for this Zheng side and Prime Minister Zheng will look oneself are not feeling well .... The Xie Ming line thinks, should be looks like many that Prime Minister Zheng this kind of person butcher. Therefore people like him sees itself, perhaps during has the type to be dark the stress reaction? 至于这位郑方和郑宰相为什么会看自己不爽....谢铭行思,应该是像郑宰相这类人自己宰的多了吧。所以他这种人看到自己,或许有种冥冥之中的应激反应? Who knows that Xie Ming does not care in any case. First, fierce magnificence is not oneself country. Secondly, how this Prime Minister Zheng should process, the Dai peaceful that side has arranged certainly. 谁知道呢,反正谢铭又不在乎。一来,烈华凯又不是自己的国家。二来,这位郑宰相该如何处理,绝岱澹那边早就已经安排好了。 The royal government has him to control personally, in the embezzlement as for wealth, making him continue corruptly is. 朝政这边有他亲自把控,至于钱财上的贪污,让他继续贪就是。 Entire king city are in certainly under control of triumphant emperor, even corruptly much money, without place flower that are white Tan. Perhaps as for the usual luxurious expenditure, is not what important matter in the Dai peaceful eye certainly. 整个王城都处于绝凯帝的把控之下,就算贪再多的钱,没地方花那就是白贪。至于平时的奢侈花费,恐怕在绝岱澹眼里根本算不上什么大事。 Without his did fellow who sang the black face, make Dai peaceful receive money from the infamy sound difficultly inadequately certainly forcefully? Prime Minister Zheng corruptly again many , is just certainly a Dai peaceful treasury. 没有他这个唱黑脸的家伙在,难不成让绝岱澹自污名声来强行收钱?郑宰相贪再多,也只不过是绝岱澹的一个金库。 When the time comes the infamy black famous consequence is he undertakes, Dai peaceful will instead receive the justice wise appraisal certainly, to be how could it not be happy. 到时候污名黑名后果全是他承担,绝岱澹自己反而会得到个正义英明的评价,岂不乐哉。 Why as for must store up so many wealth taking advantage of Prime Minister Zheng, that naturally for with the war of colored glaze special Sir/minister. Wars between two big powerful nations, in the competition except for positive/direct military force, burn the money of remaining looking. 至于为什么要借着郑宰相储存这么多钱财,那自然是为了和琉特卿的战争。两大强国之间的战争,除了正面武力上的比拼,剩下看的就是烧钱。 Although has the knot to vow a bracelet such destruction war balanced thing to exist, but the war is burns money Ku the essence therefore not to change. 虽说有着结誓臂环这样一个破坏战争平衡的东西存在,但战争是烧钱窟的本质并不会因此改变。 Fierce magnificence economic development Xie Ming has seen, if according to the normal thought judged how to see fierce magnificence has not initiated the background of war. 烈华凯的经济发展谢铭已经见过了,如果按照正常的思维去判断,怎么看烈华凯都没有发起战争的底蕴。 The most important thing is, if fierce magnificence really must launch the war to the colored glaze special Sir/minister, then definitely will transfer lots of personnel and funds, making the poor country have one misfortune after another again. 最重要的是,如果烈华凯真的要对琉特卿发动战争,那么必然会调动大量的人员、资金,让本就贫穷的国家再雪上加霜。 But the colored glaze special Sir/minister is impossible unable to detect such sound. 而琉特卿绝不可能察觉不到这样的动静。 But, lets Zheng side and corruption slowly, slowly property accumulating words, colored glaze special Sir/minister that side, even if knows the circumstances of the matter, will only ridicule that the corruption of fierce magnificence Royal government, rather than will think this matter must have the fishy. 但,让郑方和慢慢的贪,慢慢的将财物给积累下来的话,琉特卿那边哪怕知情,也只会嘲笑烈华凯朝廷的腐败,而不是会觉得此事必有蹊跷。 This plans, certainly Dai peacefully above everyone. 这一层算计,绝岱澹可谓是在所有人之上。 However wants to come but actually is also, has the military person of animal courage spatially, how also possibly to bring an entire country? 不过想来倒也是,一个空有蛮勇的武夫,又怎么可能带起一整个国家? But the understanding turns over to the understanding, Zheng side and this dung beetle, although has the value that he has, may look that he saunters in the front all day long truly is also disgusting. 但理解归理解,郑方和这个屎壳郎虽然有着他存在的价值,可看他成天在面前转悠也确实蛮恶心的。 For example, although Xie Ming becomes the procedural entire journey of guest official to have no hindrance. But in last step, is in the name of this guest official position, Zheng Fanghe is secretly disgusting his. 比如,虽然谢铭成为客卿的手续全程没有任何阻碍。但在最后一个步骤,也就是这个客卿职位的命名上,郑方和算是偷偷的恶心了他一把。 Surrendering guest official, This is the Xie Ming final position name, aiming at taunting Xie Ming is a villain of person with no mind of his own, with unloads armor surrender. 【解甲客卿】,这便是谢铭最终的职位命名,意在嘲讽谢铭是一个墙头草的小人,遇强就卸甲投降。 After all when you look, meets spirit X-ray machine armor of colored glaze special Sir/minister, the response of Xie Ming does not resist to follow they to walk. When runs into solution Loutan, responded that similarly does not resist to follow he to come back together. 毕竟你看,遇到琉特卿的灵光机甲时,谢铭的反应是不抵抗跟着他们走。遇到解楼坛时,反应同样是不抵抗跟着他一起回来。 As for afterward and a Dai peaceful war, was naturally neglected certainly. After all this war, observing no one multi- tongues will say. 至于后来和绝岱澹的一战,自然是被忽视了。毕竟这一战,观战者没人会多舌的说出去。 No one said, represents does not exist has not happened, is almost such a truth. 没人说,就代表不存在没有发生,差不多就是这么一个道理。 Regarding this villain as, the response of Xie Ming laughs in spite of trying not to merely. If not know the cause and effect, others hear this name to think oneself can hit, making Villain/enemy see, abandons the soldier to unload armor. 对于这种小人作为,谢铭的反应仅仅只是失笑。如果不知道前因后果,别人听到这名字或许会以为自己很能打,让敌人见到后就弃兵卸甲呢。 Must, this Surrendering guest official And does not have any substantive position and power, on are solution Loutan and week outwardly finish, but Xie Ming is in fact free, two people orders are unnecessary. 总得来说,这个【解甲客卿】并没有什么实质的地位和权力,明面上是直属于解楼坛和周毕,但实际上谢铭非常自由,两人的命令可听可不听。 Even if falls the search of treasure, he can still put on an act on the line, participates or not does not matter, will not have anyone to care. 就算是落宝的搜寻,他也可以装个样子就行,参加与否都无所谓,不会有什么人在意。 The discerning people know, this guest official the position is used to do. 明眼人都知道,这个‘客卿’的职位到底是用来干嘛的。 Compared with this immaterial position, what Xie Ming is interested is vows the bracelet as this world the knot of root of military force. Certainly Dai peacefully is also the atmosphere, brings five all of a sudden. 比起这无关紧要的职位,谢铭更感兴趣的是作为这个世界的武力之根的结誓臂环。绝岱澹也是大气,一下子就拿来五副。 Normal, a person used a knot to vow the bracelet to be then enough. But, in this world some association/will people are quite special. 正常来说,一个人使用一副结誓臂环便已经足够了。但,这个世界上总会有些人比较特殊。 Certainly the triumphant emperor, is one of them.” “绝凯帝陛下,便是其中之一。” In the week of side Xie Ming guiding finishes is shaking the feather fan in hand, while is introducing to Xie Ming: „The triumphant emperor faith non- average man of compares favorably. Therefore, the triumphant emperor wants to summon oneself spirit X-ray machine armor, the knot oath bracelet number of needs is also unusual.” 谢铭身旁带路的周毕一边晃着手中的羽扇,一边给谢铭介绍着:“凯帝陛下的信念非常人所媲美。因此,凯帝陛下想要召唤出自己的灵光机甲,所需要的结誓臂环数量也非同寻常。” Perhaps solely one, the appearance of spirit X-ray machine armor is unable to summon continually, bracelet because cannot withstand the triumphant emperor the faith to collapse.” “只是单单一副,恐怕连灵光机甲的模样都无法召唤出来,臂环就会因为承受不住凯帝陛下的信念而崩溃。” Saying, the week finish looked in the Xie Ming hand to install five knots to vow the long box of bracelet: Therefore your majesty gives you five bracelets, perhaps judges your faith similarly also no small matter.” 说着,周毕看了眼谢铭手中装着五副结誓臂环的长盒:“所以陛下给予你五副臂环,恐怕是判断出你的信念同样也非同小可吧。” Let us hope so.” “但愿如此吧。” Regarding this matter, Xie Ming has not hugged too anticipated. Said Xie Ming will faith not firm anything actually not, but is Xie Ming felt faintly, only then five knots vowed the bracelet, perhaps is unable to support begins the transport of the coffin or cinerary casket development of X-ray machine armor. 对于此事,谢铭并没有抱太多期待。倒不是说谢铭的意志信念不坚定什么的,而是谢铭隐隐感觉,只有五副结誓臂环,恐怕无法支撑起灵光机甲的展现。 So-called spirit X-ray machine armor, is faith complete embodiment. In other words, on development of machine armor, is unable through the control force the strong and weak size of change machine armor. 所谓的灵光机甲,是信念的完全具象化。也就是说,在机甲的展现上,是根本无法通过控制力量来改变机甲的强弱大小的。 Simple description, has certain lower limit and upper limit. 简单的形容,就是拥有一定的下限和上限。 If the faith firm degree does not satisfy this lower limit, then the user is unable to vow the bracelet to summon spirit X-ray machine armor through the knot. But if the faith lower limit surpasses the knot to vow the upper limit that the bracelet may withstand is too many are too many, then after the knot will vow the bracelet the faith by increase to be flushed broken. 如果信念的坚定程度不满足这个下限,那么使用者就无法通过结誓臂环来召唤出灵光机甲。但如果信念的下限超出结誓臂环可承受的上限太多太多,那么结誓臂环就会被增幅后的信念冲碎。 Then, Xie Ming faith strong? 那么,谢铭的信念有多强? This basis does not have the means to calculate accurately, but five knots vowed the bracelet to be willing to be not enough, basically can determine. Therefore these five knots vowed the bracelet, from the beginning Xie Ming regarded as an experiment and experience it. 这点根本没有办法准确计算,但五副结誓臂环肯是远远不够的这点,基本上可以确定。因此这五副结誓臂环,从一开始谢铭就是将其视为一种实验和体验。 Experiment next five knots vowed the upper limit that the bracelet superimposed high, by this calculated that was appeared by own spirit X-ray machine armor, needed many knots to vow the bracelet. 实验一下五副结誓臂环叠加起来的上限有多高,以此来推算让自己的灵光机甲显现,到底需要多少副结誓臂环。 What feeling experiencing uses the knot to vow the bracelet is, was familiar with the forms of combat that this world is in sole possession by oneself ahead of schedule, as soon as possible grasps this card in a hand, to prepare emergency requirement. 体验一下使用结誓臂环到底是什么样的感受,让自己提早熟悉这个世界独有的战斗方式,尽快的将这张底牌掌握,以备不时之需。 Arrived, was here.” “到了哦,就是这里。” The week finishes opens the front door forward, showed in the construction spacious, but somewhat dim location: Here, is I reconciles the common training ground.” 周毕向前推开大门,展现了建筑内宽敞但有些昏暗的场地:“这里,便是我和解共同的训练场所。” I as the destiny palace big senior official, have the use knot to vow the qualifications of bracelet, but I do not like the battle, therefore this place often is solves a person to train.” “我身为天命宫大长官,同样有着使用结誓臂环的资格,但我这个人不太喜欢争斗,所以这个地方往往是解一个人来训练。” Grasps in him thoroughly diamond After the characteristics, this room was also no one comes for a long time. Can make me use here?” “不过在他彻底掌握【金刚】的特性之后,这个房间也是好久都没人来了。可以让我用这里吗?” Why not?” The week finish smiles: Lets the room that the person uses, has the value that it has not?” “为什么不可以?”周毕笑了笑:“让人使用的房间,才有它存在的价值不是吗?” Moreover, to me, is also interested in your spirit X-ray machine armor.” “况且,就我个人而言,对你的灵光机甲也是十分感兴趣的啊。” First reaches an agreement to you, coming out that I may not be possible to summon.” “先给你说好,我可不一定能召唤的出来。” Xie Ming shrugs, turns on the long box, hooks in five knots to vow the bracelet with the finger, while arrived at the room midpoint. 谢铭耸了耸肩,打开长盒,一边用手指钩出里面的五副结誓臂环,一边来到了房间正中央。 „, Gives a try.” “那么,试试看吧。” The finger flings, five knots vowed the bracelet to fetter above the right arm of Xie Ming in turn. The next instance, the intense ray illuminated the trim room instantaneously. 手指一甩,五副结誓臂环轮流束缚在了谢铭的右臂之上。下个瞬间,强烈的光芒瞬间照亮了整片房间。 Machine installs to appear 【机装显现】 Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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