RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1855: Old fox

, The quickest renewal infinite destiny rewrites the latest chapter! ,最快更新无限之命运改写最新章节! So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Just certainly Dai peaceful that struck, actually feeding in some sense incurred., Composes to emit from condensation of faith energy, hiding contraband that has no completely. 刚刚绝岱澹的那一击,其实是某种意义上的喂招。从信念能量的凝聚、组成到放出,完全没有任何的藏私。 Xie Ming also therefore, had a deeper understanding of the so-called faith energy. 谢铭也因此,对所谓的信念能量有了更深一层的认识。 In some sense, certainly the Dai peaceful just that move actually and the principle of projection magic and strengthened magic was very similar. After analyzing the structure of thing, will construct to make the change, transformation and strengthening. 从某种意义上来说,绝岱澹刚刚的那招其实和投影魔术、强化魔术的原理十分类似。都是通过解析事物的构造后,将构造进行变化、改造、强化。 Only pitifully, understood did not represent the learned. Certainly Dai peacefully is not the right sparring partner candidate, he so detailed feeding incurs, takes the status of military person to be sorry as the behavior that oneself just looked down on the opponent purely. 只可惜,看懂了不代表学会了。绝岱澹也绝不是什么合适的陪练人选,他之所以如此详细的喂招,纯粹只是以武人的身份为自己刚刚小瞧对手的行为而表示歉意而已。 Following comparing notes, is the true climax. 接下来的切磋,才是真正的重头戏。 Therefore wants to train itself the control to the faith energy, after waiting this time to compare notes to finish, said. 所以想要训练自己对信念能量的控制,还是等这次切磋结束后再说吧。 The thumb stroked gently under the hilt slightly, Xie Ming tranquil saying: Then the triumphant emperor, we can start certainly again.” 拇指微微摩挲了下刀柄,谢铭平静的说道:“那么绝凯帝陛下,我们可以再次开始了吧。” ~ ~ naturally.” “啊~~当然。” The skinny body exhibited martial arts to have the gesture, in the Dai peaceful eye burnt certainly just like the substantive flame: Come, different person.” 干瘦的身体摆出了一个武术起手式,绝岱澹的眼中燃烧起了宛如实质般的火焰:“来吧,异界人。” The sound just fell, the blade then drew close to old person's pupil once again. But this speed, wanted on quick several times compared with before time. 声音刚落下,刀刃便又一次贴近了老人的瞳孔。而这一次的速度,比之前要快上数倍。 Naturally, just cut, this time is a thorn. Moreover after Xie Ming by Not bright three suddenly Unifies various potential surfaces to puncture kind of sword technique and blade technique improves three after the main source to puncture suddenly suddenly. 理所当然,刚刚是斩,这次是刺。而且还是经过谢铭以【无明三段突】为蓝本结合各位面突刺类剑技、刀技所完善后的三段突刺。 If were condensed the point to stab by that knife point on, on the body will present a big hole absolutely. 若是被那刀尖上凝聚着针芒所刺中,身体上绝对会出现一个大窟窿。 However this time Dai certainly is peaceful, before is not, old man who that is holding the playing nature. As a shouldering target of fourth-order world, possibly so to be how simple is hit. 不过此时的绝岱澹,可不是之前那个抱着玩耍性质的老头了。作为一个四阶世界的扛把子,怎么可能这么简单就被打中。 Ha!!!!” “哈啊!!!!” The right foot, the old person sent out the air/Qi full shaking roar. But along with shaking the roar appears, is turns toward all around wild proliferation the air current. 右脚顿地,老人发出了中气十足的震吼。而伴随着震吼出现的,是向着四周狂暴扩散的气流。 But the air current after all is the surface, but suddenly the thorn is. Raised flew air current of spirit X-ray machine armor simple by the thorn to be poked a large cave/hole sufficiently suddenly, the blade castrated continuation that did not reduce to attack to the Villain/enemy forehead. 但气流毕竟是面,而突刺是点。足以掀飞一台灵光机甲的气流简简单单的被突刺戳出了一个大洞,刀刃去势不减的继续攻向敌人的眉心。 However, stopped. 不过,也到此为止了。 The air current and shakes the roar, 气流和震吼, Is only the old person the addition product that prepares to attack. The true attack, is that seems like skinny fist that can break off with ease. 仅仅只是老人准备攻击的附加产物罢了。真正的攻击,是那看起来可以轻松折断的枯瘦之拳。 Fist front, yielding an inch facing on sharp glow. 拳锋,寸步不让的正面对上了尖芒。 The air in this moment, as if falls into to the condition of complete stagnation. However, is the genuine storm. 空气在这一刻,似乎陷入到完全停滞的状态。不过紧接着的,便是真正的风暴。 Bang!!!!” “轰!!!!” Practices the ground of martial stage to scrape off several centimeters instantaneously, becomes the stone of bean waste to retain broken the impulse that endures compared with the bullet shot the hornet's nest the surrounding counterfort. 习武场的地面瞬间被刮掉数厘米,碎成豆腐渣的石块保留着堪比子弹的冲劲将周围的护壁射成了马蜂窝。 Xie Ming and certainly Dai is peaceful two people, then spreads out taking advantage of the air current thrust force simultaneously. A person looked to the weapon in hand, a person looked to own fist. 谢铭和绝岱澹两人,则是借着气流的推力同时拉开距离。一人看向了手中的武器,一人看向了自己的拳头。 Even if there is spirit strength and dual protections of blade glow, in the Xie Ming hand this withstands the pressure that the material quality ordinary long blade should not it bear as before, at this time has changed into the flying ash thoroughly, is only left over a hilt. 哪怕有着灵力、刀芒的双重保护,谢铭手中这把材质普通的长刀依旧是承受了本不该它承受的压力,此时已经彻底化为飞灰,只剩下一个刀柄。 But its sacrifice, what brings is certainly that several drops of blood on Dai peaceful fist. 而它的牺牲,所带来的是绝岱澹拳头上的那几滴鲜血。 Really hard.” “真硬啊。” This Dai peaceful body, imagines him certainly absolutely also is more tenacious. Moreover, this type does not originate from the strengthening and protection of faith energy tenaciously, but is human body's firm tenacity. 这绝岱澹的身体,绝对比他想象中还要坚韧许多。而且,这种坚韧并不是来源于信念能量的强化和保护,而是肉体本身的坚韧度。 The feeling... seems like Dai deliberately to concentrate present this dry appearance own body fining certainly peacefully. 感觉...像是绝岱澹刻意把自己的身体精炼浓缩成了现在这副干巴巴的模样。 To hide one's incompetence by remaining silent? But strong did the so strength, what in this world have to make he such unparalleled Emperor Wu hide one's incompetence by remaining silent? Exists compared with him also wants the fierce person? 是为了藏拙?可如此强大的实力,这个世界上还有什么能让他这样无双的武帝藏拙?难道说,存在着比他还要厉害的人? But this person, in the colored glaze special Sir/minister Republic? 而这个人,在琉特卿共和国? One pile of questions one after another jumps from the mind, the eyeground of Xie Ming flashes through a dignity. 一堆疑问接二连三的从脑海内蹦出,谢铭的眼底闪过一丝凝重。 This world truly powerful strength is spirit X-ray machine armor. But the intensity of spirit X-ray machine armor, entirely depends on summoner's faith intensity. 要知道,这个世界真正强大的力量是灵光机甲。而灵光机甲的强度,完全取决于召唤者本身的信念强度。 The Dai spatial fist, can with hit not to know one's place with blade certainly peacefully empty-handed. Although oneself one pile of cards in a hand have not caused, the opposite party only has Zhang Ming merely. 绝岱澹空手空拳,就能和拿刀的自己打个不分上下。虽说自己还有一堆底牌没有使出来,对方仅仅只有一张明牌。 May light/only be this Zhang Ming, then has pressed most cards in a hand in hand sufficiently. After all in this world, own overwhelming majority strengths be by the condition that the rule suppresses. 可光是这一张明牌,便足以压过自己手中的绝大多数底牌。毕竟在这个世界,自己的绝大部分力量都是处于被规则压制的状态。 But is good because of the Zhang Ming of opposite party, similarly can change into an own card in a hand. 但好在对方的这张明牌,同样可以化为自己的一张底牌。 Therefore, present need as far as possible with the card in a hand that these possibly cannot apply, received exchange most important card in a hand formation opportunity. 为此,现在的自己需要尽可能用那些可能派不上用场的底牌,来换取最重要的底牌成型的机会。 Thinks of here, the spirit strength of Xie Ming within the body starts to instill into to the record in unceasingly. Symbolizing King The tenth particle, starts gradually to be lightened. 想到这里,谢铭体内的灵力开始不断灌输到图录之中。象征着【国王】的第十质点,开始逐渐被点亮。 Ha, does not hit does not hit.” “哈哈哈哈哈,不打了不打了。” What?” “什么?” Instilling into of spirit strength was interrupted, Xie Ming is frowning to look that is certainly peaceful to Dai: Doesn't hit?” 灵力的灌输被中断,谢铭皱着眉头看向绝岱澹:“不打了?” „, Does not hit.” “啊,不打了。” Dai certainly peacefully smiles has carried the hand: Regarding my old man, just degree enough has moved the physique. And .... 绝岱澹笑眯眯的背过手:“对于我这个老头子来说,刚刚的程度已经足够活动筋骨了。而且....” Hits again, suffering a loss, but I.” “再打下去,吃亏的可是我啊。” „......” “......” Obviously, here suffering a loss does not refer to suffering a loss that fights, but is layout. 很显然,这里的吃亏并不是指战斗上的吃亏,而是布局方面的。 Dai detected the plan of Xie Ming certainly peacefully, but he actually did not plan to expose too many things on Xie Ming. This to him, is not cost-effective to entire fierce magnificence. 绝岱澹察觉到了谢铭的打算,但他却并不打算在谢铭身上暴露太多东西。这对他,对整个烈华凯都不划算。 If a list pure military person, that Dai naturally stops at nothing certainly peacefully. But he is not a military person, but was Emperor Wu, ruler who empire that occupied half mainland. 若身为一名单纯的武人,那绝岱澹自然无所顾忌。可他并不是一名武人,而是武帝,一个占据了半片大陆的帝国的帝皇。 The responsibility as triumphant emperor, does not allow him to work with the temper certainly. 身为绝凯帝的责任,不允许他随着性子做事。 Let alone, this compares notes .... In which meaning also is not certainly Dai peaceful having one's interest in an old hobby revived upon seeing somebody else doing. More, probably the opposite party is confirming anything. 更何况,这场切磋....其中的含义也并不全是绝岱澹的见猎心喜。更多的,像是对方在确认什么。 Hey, your several.” “喂,你们几个。” Yes!” “是!” solution Loutan and is intimate friends to take the lead from the auditorium of high place to jump down, single knee in certainly Dai peaceful front: Your majesty has what instruction.” 解楼坛和连心率先从高处的观众席跳下,单膝跪在绝岱澹面前:“陛下有何吩咐。” Young doll, you goes to take clothes to come for Us. But General solution, then this days besides falling capturing of treasure, the duty that you and week finish is to take care of this guest from different.” “小女娃,你去替朕重新取件衣服过来。而解将军,接下来这段日子除了落宝的夺取外,你和周毕的任务就是照顾这位来自异界的客人。” Dai feels the beard certainly peacefully, took a look at Xie Ming: Also, gives our guest 5 knots to vow the bracelet.” 绝岱澹摸着胡须,瞅了眼谢铭:“还有,给我们的客人五个结誓臂环。” Wha!?” “什!?” Is intimate friends conciliatory building Tan to stare the big eyes immediately, being intimate friends of being able to calm down speaks directly: Your majesty, please feudal official with great courage expostulation. The knot vowed the bracelet is my fierce magnificence important military commodity, cannot give the status details and standpoint unknown person at will.” 连心和解楼坛顿时瞪大双眼,沉不住气的连心更是直接发言道:“陛下,请恕臣斗胆谏言。结誓臂环乃我烈华凯的重要军事物资,绝不可随意给予身份底细和立场都未知的人。” But this .... Is Our rewarding.” “可这....是朕的赏赐啊。” Even, still asked your majesty to think!” “就算如此,也请陛下三思!” ~ ~ ~ what to do should? I take a look, I take a look again.” “唔~~~该怎么办呢?我瞅,我再瞅。” Saw Dai peaceful this to never revere certainly shooting a look at that the fellow non-stop to oneself, the Xie Ming corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out, after the heart criticized one old fox, said in a soft voice. 看到绝岱澹这为老不尊的家伙不停的瞥向自己,谢铭嘴角抽了抽,心中暗骂了一句“老狐狸”后,轻声说道。 Such being the case, does not know that triumphant emperor whether is willing to accept my different traveller, becomes the fierce magnificence guest official?” “既然如此,不知凯帝陛下是否愿意接受我这名异界旅行者,成为烈华凯的客卿呢?” „? Guest official?” “哦?客卿?” Dai is certainly peaceful „” surprised looked: My fierce magnificence does not raise the twirp, becomes the guest official, but represents you to for my fierce magnificence work?” 绝岱澹“一脸惊讶”的看了过来:“我烈华凯可不养无用之人,成为客卿,可就代表着你要为我烈华凯做事哦?” Reaching out for a yard after taking an inch. 得寸进尺。 Xie Ming cannot bear show the whites of the eyes, but does not have the means. No matter the knot vowed the bracelet, was the fierce magnificence knowledge background, is the present urgently needed thing. 谢铭忍不住翻了个白眼,但没办法。不管是结誓臂环,还是烈华凯的知识底蕴,都是现在的自己急需的东西。 Let alone the old fogy is extravagant, also understands after the martial arts contest probably the personality of this fellow, is the thinkable person. 更何况老家伙出手又阔绰,在比武后自己也大概明白了这家伙的性格,属于可相信的人。 Generally speaking, becomes the guest official and is no harm. Was given to plan with this method by this fellow, a little small uncomfortable. But thinks carefully, pouring insufficiently is also uncomfortable. 总体来看,成为客卿并没有什么坏处。就是被这家伙用这种手段给算计,有点小不爽而已。但仔细想想,倒也不至于不爽。 First takes the thing, if not really willing to do, can throw up one's job directly. 先把东西拿到手,要是实在不愿意干,也可以直接撂挑子嘛。 Thinks of this, Xie Ming also had no opinion. Both hands slightly arch, tranquil saying. 想到这,谢铭也没什么意见了。双手微拱,平静的说道。 By rights ought to so.” “理当如此。” Provides the big god poor fine jade arched infinite destiny to rewrite the quickest renewal for you, for you can also examine the quickest renewal of this book next time, please must preserve the good bookmark! 为您提供大神穷琼穹的无限之命运改写最快更新,为了您下次还能查看到本书的最快更新,请务必保存好书签! Chapter 1855: The old fox read free. https:// 第1855章:老狐狸免费阅读.https://
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