RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1854: The faith, is very mysterious

Popular recommendation: After one hour, fierce magnificence kings compared with martial stage. 热门推荐:一小时后,烈华凯王都比武场。 Because the national customs of fierce magnificence Chongwu, in the person compared with martial stage are always continuous. But most people's goal, is common. 因为烈华凯崇武的国风,比武场里的人从来都是络绎不绝。但大多数人的目的,都是共通的。 Shows the that unapproachable military force to everyone, by this reputation remoteness. Settled on, army that can join fierce magnificence, becomes soldier who named fierce magnificence fights bravely. 向所有人展现自己那无可匹敌的武力,以此声名远扬。就此被看中的,就可以加入烈华凯的军队,成为一名为烈华凯奋战的士兵。 Again splendor that if displays, even can also divide to the strategic weapon knot vows the bracelet, drives spirit X-ray machine armor to sweep away all obstacles in the battlefield. 若表现的再出色,甚至还能分到战略兵器结誓臂环,驾驶灵光机甲在战场上所向披靡。 But the invincible general, after solution Loutan the deeds was passed on, raised big wave to practice martial art frantic of martial arts contest. After all .... solution Loutan is the true grassroots family background. 而无敌将军,解楼坛的事迹被传出来之后,更是掀起了一大波习武比武的狂热。毕竟....解楼坛可是真正的草根出身。 Was sold the slave cannon fodder of army from one by the village, to an ordinary soldier, again to obtaining the knot vowed the bracelet to summon and other person of unusual spirit X-ray machine armor, was bestowed name by the emperor diamond, finally entered into the position of general. 从一名被村子卖到军队的奴隶炮灰,到一名普通士兵,再到获得结誓臂环召唤出和其他人与众不同的灵光机甲,被皇帝赐名‘金刚’,最后再迈入将军之位。 The talent and diligently, in addition the appropriate luck, accomplishes to understand the success of building Tan and Zhou and Bi. 天赋和努力,再加上恰当的运气,才造就了解楼坛和周毕两人的成功。 solution Loutan can succeed, why can't we? 就连解楼坛都能成功,为什么我们不能? By people that the survivor bias affects, naturally can arrive at this king in a big way sought the opportunity compared with the martial stage. How as for the result, can know 12 from fierce magnificence that huge army. 被幸存者偏差所影响的民众,自然都会来到这个王都最大的比武场来寻求机会了。至于结果如何,从烈华凯那庞大的军队就能得知一二。 But such lively compared with the martial stage, can actually in just one hour empties the participant and visitor completely . Moreover the soldiers entire journey that is responsible for clearing has not used any mandatory measure, short a few words. 但这样热闹的比武场,却能在短短一个小时内将参加者和参观者全部清空,而且负责清场的士兵们全程没有动用任何强制性措施,只有短短的一句话。 Triumphant emperor Sir is going to use compared with the martial stage certainly.】 【绝凯帝大人将要使用比武场。】 No matter proud aristocrat bureaucrat, bragged that skill in Wushu excellent military person, after hearing these words obedient standpoint, what words do not dare to say. 不管是再骄傲的贵族官僚,还是自诩武艺高超的武人,在听到这句话后都乖乖立场,什么话都不敢说。 The person who although later some do not lose heart will look for the relations to ask that secretly is anything, can oneself go to work as the audience anything. But this dominant strength and prestige, made Xie Ming feel the exclamation sufficiently. 虽说之后有些不死心的人会偷偷找关系问是什么事,自己能不能进去当观众什么。但这种统治力和名望,也足以令谢铭感到惊叹。 Makes the national take orders with the prestige and wrist/skill voluntarily, with use violence and forces the national to obey frightened, is the completely different two concepts. 用名望和手腕使国民自愿听命,和用暴力和恐惧强迫国民服从,是完全不同的两个概念。 Really difficult to imagine, emperor who so many people respect, unexpectedly is this at present , since Xie Ming complies, man old before his time who the smile on face cannot shed completely. 实在很难想象,这么多人所敬重的皇帝,居然是眼前这个自谢铭答应后,脸上的笑容完全褪不下去的小老头。 Quickly, chooses your weapon in a big hurry.” “快快快,选择你的武器吧。” Lifted arms rack conveniently, has wooden frame of many weight/quantity then weapon together accurate falling in front of Xie Ming, even has not splashed what dust. 将身边的武器架随手一抬,有着不少分量的木架子便连带着武器一起准确的落在了谢铭面前,甚至都没有溅起什么尘埃。 Said, you do want to fight a spirit X-ray machine armor war?” “还是说,你想要打一场灵光机甲战?” I to spirit X-ray machine armor truly a little interest. However newly-arrived, I cannot guarantee oneself can certainly summon.” “我对灵光机甲确实有点兴趣。不过初来乍到,我也不敢保证自己一定能召唤出来。” Xie Ming shrugs: On the other hand, what weapon does the triumphant emperor plan to use?” 谢铭耸了耸肩:“话说回来,凯帝陛下打算用什么武器?” We?” “朕?” Man olds before his time cheerful stretched out oneself blue vein to collapse since the spacious sleeves, such as normal old person generally skinny hand. In the hand takes, before was intimate friends the ring that pulls out. 小老头乐呵呵的从宽大的衣袖中伸出了自己青筋崩起,如正常老人一般枯瘦的手。手里拿着的,正是之前连心掏出来的圆环。 By the ring, two ordinary silk threads such let fall the ground. 圆环两侧,两根再普通不过的丝线就那样垂落地面。 We used this to be good.” “朕用这个就好了。” That... my.” “那...我就这把吧。” Draws out a design and seedling blade similar long blade from the arms rack conveniently, then arms rack steady losing to compared with the edge of martial stage. Seeing that. The smile on triumphant emperor face becomes certainly happier. 随手从武器架上拔出一把款式和苗刀差不多的长刀,便将武器架稳稳的丢到了比武场的边缘。见状。绝凯帝脸上的笑容变得更加开心起来。 Really good really good ~ ~ We have not really misread. This one's blood bubbles up to the brim feeling, was really has not felt for a long time has been.” “真好啊真好啊~~朕果然没有看错。这种热血沸腾的感觉,真是好久都没有感受到过了啊。” Your one's blood bubbles up to the brim, but also is really in the literal sense.” “您的热血沸腾,还真是字面意义上的啊。” Looks at certainly the Dai peaceful that calm automatic long gown, beard and long eyebrow, as well as that has changed into the visible thing the terrifying imposing manner, Xie Ming shot the back of the blade with the finger gently. 看着绝岱澹那无风自动的长袍、胡须、长眉,以及那已经化为有形之物的恐怖气势,谢铭用手指轻轻弹了弹刀背。 „, Do we start?” “那么,我们开始吧?” ~ ~ ~, starts to start.” In the hand the two silk threads of ring support instantaneously straight, saying that Dai smiles certainly peacefully: Does not want, disappointing Us.” “啊~啊~~,开始吧开始吧。”手中圆环的两根丝线瞬间撑直,绝岱澹笑眯眯的说道:“可不要,让朕失望哦。” Regarding this, the response of Xie Ming only has a character. 对此,谢铭的回应只有一个字。 „.” “呵。” The next quarter, the blade edge of long blade cuts off the silk thread that Dai wielded certainly peacefully, presses up to old person's nape of the neck. Afterward, the blade edge flashes through, 下一刻,长刀的刀锋斩断了绝岱澹挥出的丝线,直逼老人的脖颈。随后,刀锋闪过, The Dai peaceful head is maintaining the surprised expression certainly, such and body divides family property. ----- 绝岱澹的脑袋保持着惊讶的表情,就这么和身体分了家。----- Triumphant emperor!!!!” “凯帝陛下!!!!” Saw this scenery, the head of being intimate friends directly entered the down condition. What does not have to bellow to make noise, the eyes are red, the corner of the eye with tears, crossed the parapet of auditorium to jump to puts together a life immediately compared with the martial stage on and Xie Ming. 见到此景,连心的脑袋直接进入了宕机状态。什么都没有多想就大吼出声,双眼通红,眼角含泪,立马翻过观众席的栏杆要跳到比武场上和谢铭拼个死活。 But big hand, caught her latter collar promptly. 但有一只大手,及时的拽住了她的后衣领。 Please drop! General solution!” “请放手!解将军!” Is intimate friends to struggle turning head: Your majesty he! Your majesty he was killed by that thief!!” 连心挣扎着回过头:“陛下他!陛下他被那贼人杀害了啊!!” Calm, is intimate friends.” solution Loutan the line of sight closely is staring compared with the martial stage, even has not cast aside the condition that a look has looked at to be intimate friends: In your heart, your majesty is so small and weak?” “冷静一点,连心。”解楼坛的视线紧紧盯着比武场,甚至没有撇过一个眼神去看连心的状态:“在你心中,陛下就这么弱小吗?” Is small and weak, even doesn't a that person of blade have the means to catch?” “弱小到,连那人的一刀都没有办法接住?” Wha......” “什......” Hehe, little even/including, your some were anxious.” The week finishes gently the fan the feather fan: This is, matter that the writers who even my does not understand the military completely can watch.” “呵呵,小连,你有些过于紧张了哦。”周毕轻轻扇着羽扇:“这可是,连我这个完全不懂武的文人都能看出来的事啊。” But .... But!” “可....可是!” Shut up, is intimate friends.” “闭嘴吧,连心。” In solution Loutan the voice had serious: If you also think oneself is a military person, then you most this matter of doing is not stronger the innumerable time of triumphant emperors to be worried for now here, but is uses own looks completely, feels this competition.” 解楼坛的声音中出现了一丝严肃:“如果你还认为自己是一名武人,那么你现在最该做的事情不是在这里为比自己要强无数倍的凯帝陛下担心,而是使用自己的全部去看,感受这场比试。” Even if can learn a tiny bit, has the greatest advantage to the future.” “哪怕能从中学到一星半点,对未来都有着莫大的好处。” This is in the true sense, peak showdown.” “这可是真正意义上的,巅峰对决啊。” Triumphant emperor ..... “凯帝陛下.....” Looks that was cut the Dai peaceful form of certainly head to vanish slowly, reappears in compared with another position of martial stage, falls to the ground including stone heart to heart finally. 看着被斩下脑袋的绝岱澹身影缓缓消失,重新出现在比武场的另一方位,连心心中的石头才终于落地。 Only then, she to the Xie Ming mouth in ‚the different traveller status believed 12. After all, certainly the triumphant emperor in her heart is the strongest person of unparalleled in the world, is impossible to exist to be able with military who the triumphant emperor places on a par certainly. 直到此时,她才对谢铭口中的‘异界旅行者’身份相信了一二。毕竟,在她心中绝凯帝就是天下无双的最强之人,不可能存在能和绝凯帝相提并论的武者。 Only if, that person came from other world. 除非,那个人来自其他的世界。 But only some Dai know certainly peacefully, just scene truly was somewhat dangerous. Xie Ming that blade, he has not felt any murderous aura. Therefore, he despised. 而唯有绝岱澹知道,刚刚的场景确实是有些危险。谢铭的那一刀,他没有感觉到任何的杀气。因此,他轻视了。 Also therefore, paid the price of despising Xie Ming. 也因此,付出了轻视谢铭的代价。 On erasing nape of the neck with no trace that wipes the bloodstain, Dai discarded the ring in hand certainly peacefully, takes off the emperor long gown that this was in the way arduously. 不着痕迹的抹掉脖颈上的那一抹血痕,绝岱澹丢掉了手中的圆环,也脱下了身上这繁重碍事的皇帝长袍。 Before starts again, first lets Us .... No, first made me say that to you sorry, called the Xie Ming boy. Excuse me, was I underestimates you.” “在再次开始前,就先让朕....不,先让我对你说一声对不起吧,叫谢铭的小子。不好意思,是我太小看你了。” The boys, my age you turn several times not to compare actually. 小子,我实际岁数你翻个好几倍都比不上。 Shows the whites of the eyes at heart silently, Xie Ming continues to inject the spirit strength to the knife, enabling it to continue to maintain the shape of long blade: „Then, you can make me see some solid stuff solid materials?” 心里默默翻了个白眼,谢铭继续将灵力注入到刀身中,让其能继续维持着长刀的形态:“那么接下来,您能让我看到一些干货实料了吧?” Naturally.” “当然。” The long blade of Dai peaceful line of sight from Xie Ming hand, shifts to the face of Xie Ming on certainly: Moreover as the apology, makes me first give you this different travel information.” 绝岱澹的视线从谢铭手中的长刀,转移到谢铭的脸上:“而且作为歉意,就让我先给你这位异界旅者一份情报吧。” „Any thing of this world, is based on the faith exists. But mastered the composition way and control method of faith, was equivalent grasped investigation extremely secret skill that destroyed the myriad things.” “这个世界的任何事物,都是以信念为基础存在的。而掌握了信念的组成方式和操控方法,就相当于掌握了破坏万物的究极秘技。” For example, this!” “比如说,这样!” If under dry fuel/thin -like arm ordinary wielding, but the next quarter, Xie Ming was standing the place, presented a being too deep to see the bottom huge fissure. 如枯柴般的手臂普普通通的挥下,而下一刻,谢铭原本所站着的地方,出现了一道深不见底的巨大裂痕。 ........ “........” What kind of?” Dai touched certainly peacefully must steadily: „Is faith, very mysterious?” “怎么样?”绝岱澹摸了摸长须:“信念,很神奇吧?”
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