RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1853: Certainly triumphant emperor

According to Xie Ming inquired all the way from the soldiers mouth history that the fierce magnificence empire is actually an extremely young country. Here, what referred to not being the country has the time, but is the time of national rise. 根据谢铭一路上从士兵们口中打听到的历史,烈华凯帝国其实是一个极为年轻的国家。这里,指的并不是国家存在的时间,而是国家崛起的时间。 Depends on a person of strength to strive to turn the tide merely, the expedition is ever-victorious everywhere, constructed to be able a small fierce magnificence kingdom with the fierce magnificence empire that the colored glaze special Sir/minister treated everyone equally. 仅仅靠着一人之力力挽狂澜,四处征战且百战百胜,将一个小小的烈华凯王国建设成了能和琉特卿不分高下的烈华凯帝国。 This then takes certainly triumphantly as the given name, is called the present age emperor certainly, Dai is certainly peaceful. 这便是以绝凯为名号,被称为当世之绝的皇帝,绝岱澹。 In this regard, Xie Ming feels ashamed of one's inferiority. After all he does merely only then the destruction and destruction, the unceasing destruction, letting the later generation can create the brand-new thing on the ruins. 在这一点上,谢铭是自愧不如的。毕竟他所做的仅仅只有破坏、破坏,不断的破坏,让后人得以在废墟上创建全新的事物。 But who understands, the creation may compared with destruction wanting difficult over a hundred times of thousand times. The leadership country is powerful, not only requires the time, but also needs to plan and discover that the talent and info clerk talent, lets the talent the bearing that is willing to submit. 但谁都明白,创造可比破坏要难上百倍千倍。带领国家强大,不仅需要时间,还需要规划和发现人才、收纳人才,让人才心甘情愿臣服的气量。 Triumphant emperor certainly Dai is certainly peaceful, without a doubt has both these certainly for the emperor. Even if this week of confessing the ability and wisdom first under heaven finished, when raising the Dai peaceful this name presented one to dread and admire certainly unavoidably. 绝凯帝绝岱澹,毫无疑问是兼具这些的绝代皇帝。哪怕是这位自认才智天下第一的周毕,在提起绝岱澹这个名字时都不免出现了一丝忌惮和敬佩。 Expression that let alone solution Loutan and is intimate friends, that is venerates, is the respect .... No, is a belief. 更别说解楼坛和连心的表情了,那是尊崇,是敬仰....不,是一种信仰。 The fierce magnificence empire does not have the religion, their so-called gods are the walls. But compared with wall, these two obviously to certainly Dai peacefully respectable. If... is Dai makes them attack the wall certainly peacefully, perhaps these two will do not to hesitate. 烈华凯帝国并没有宗教,他们所谓的神就是墙壁。但比起墙壁,这两人显然对绝岱澹更加尊敬一点。如果...是绝岱澹让他们来攻击墙壁,或许这两人做起来根本不会犹豫吧。 Sees these three people of expressions, made Xie Ming be held the emperor in space to have an interest in this quickly. This emperor, actually has what charisma, makes solution Loutan this uninhibited person be willing to offer own loyalty. 见到这三人的表情,也让谢铭对这位快被捧到天上的皇帝产生了一丝兴趣。这位皇帝,究竟拥有着什么样的人格魅力,才使解楼坛这种不羁的人都甘愿献上自己的忠义。 The matter that now Xie Ming can determine only, only has one. 现在谢铭唯一可以确定的事情,只有一件。 Dai is certainly peaceful, absolutely is a powerhouse who is above the imagination. 绝岱澹,绝对是一名超乎想象的强者。 But in fact, that's true. 而事实上,确实如此。 With announcement of soldier, stands Xie Ming out central main hall is following the soldier of showing the way, treads the good rug to enter. Both sides, is the neat soldier. 随着士兵的宣告,站在中央大殿门外的谢铭跟随着领路的士兵,踏着上好的地毯走进。两旁,是队列整齐的士兵。 Front, is the destiny palace big senior official week finishes, invincible general solution Loutan, a minister of physique short and stout whole face deceitful counter posture, hangs the thin and tall minister who interested is smiling badly with a face on. 前方,是天命宫大长官周毕、无敌将军解楼坛,一名体态矮胖满脸奸逆之姿的大臣,和一名脸上挂着饶有兴趣坏笑的瘦高大臣。 The expression of short and stout minister filled the hostility and despising to oneself, the thin and tall minister seems like calculating anything. 矮胖大臣的表情对自己充满了敌意和鄙视,瘦高大臣则像是在盘算着什么。 After the vision has swept these two strange faces, Xie Ming the attention will concentrate the main hall deep place, that sits well the white eyebrows above sovereign place must white/in vain the old man. 目光扫过这两名陌生面孔之后,谢铭才将注意力集中了大殿深处,那端坐在皇座之上的白眉白须老者。 This sovereign place, really has Quirk .... “这皇座,还是真是有个性啊....” The grotesque hard rock center, was carved a surface smooth cuboid together. The side body upfront, writes fierce magnificent two writing technique forceful large characters. 一块奇形怪状的坚硬岩石中央,被人雕刻出了一块表面光滑的长方体。方体正面,写着‘烈华’两个笔法铿锵有力的大字。 gold-edged red bottom sovereign place, then place above this side body. 金边红底的皇座,便置放于这方体之上。 Xie Ming this walked is also sees many imperial families to construct, but the common grounds of these constructions usually were resplendent in gold and jade green, the sunlight was beautiful. But this central hall actually seems somewhat dim, is matching other matching colors, felt that seems like calmly is burning the flame to be the same all around. 谢铭这一路走来也算是见过不少皇家建筑了,而这些建筑的共同点通常都是金碧辉煌,阳光明媚。但这中央大厅却显得有些昏暗,在搭配其他的配色,感觉周遭都像是在静静燃烧着火焰一样。 All sorts of details, see this emperor sufficiently are how an individualistic person. 种种细节,足以看出这位皇帝是多么一位特立独行的人。 Interesting.” “有趣啊。” Really is interesting .... “真是有趣啊....” No agreement, but sits well Dai certainly above sovereign place is peaceful, said these words with Xie Ming simultaneously. This tacit feeling, making two people stare slightly, was makes the surrounding soldier, general and minister stare in a big way the eye. 没有任何约定,但端坐于皇座之上的绝岱澹,却和谢铭同时说出了这句话。这默契感,让两人都微微一愣,更是让周围的士兵、将军、大臣瞪大了眼睛。 Then, is the lackey arrives. 接下来,便是狗腿子登场的时候了。 Bold!” “大胆!” Sure enough, that short and stout minister foams with rage is looking angrily at Xie Ming: „The despicable outcastes of full mouth lie, saw that the triumphant emperor is so unexpectedly impolite! When the crime executes!” 果不其然,那名矮胖的大臣吹胡子瞪眼的怒视着谢铭:“满口谎言的卑劣贱民,见到凯帝陛下居然如此无礼!其罪当诛!” Hey, the week finishes. This fellow who?” “喂,周毕。这家伙谁啊?” „... Ha .... “呃...哈哈哈....” The week finishes has not thought, the main hall is so grand the serious weaponry, unexpectedly has not affected Xie Ming. In looked at certainly Dai peaceful one secretly, discovered that he has not gotten angry, instead after showing the smile, forward an introduction. 周毕也没想到,大殿如此隆重严肃的阵仗,居然没有丝毫影响到谢铭。在偷瞄了绝岱澹一眼,发现他并没有发怒,反而露出微笑后,才向前一步介绍。 Mr. Xie Ming, this is the prime minister in our fierce magnificence empire, 谢铭先生,这位是我们烈华凯帝国的宰相, Sir Zheng Fanghe. But another you have not seen, is fierce Chief magnificence in empire martial Fanggong: Jiang Mingjie. ” Prime minister ..... 郑方和大人。而另一位您没见过的,则是烈华凯帝国的武防宫长官:姜名杰。”“宰相啊.....” Looked at Zheng Fanghe, looked at Dai to be certainly peaceful again, Xie Ming shakes the head with a smile, was saying to Zheng Fanghe submissively: Prime minister Sir also please appease anger, such as everyone heard, below is the passenger who came from the different world, therefore not familiar fierce magnificence etiquette.” 看了看郑方和,再看了看绝岱澹,谢铭笑着摇了摇头,对着郑方和拱手道:“宰相大人还请息怒,如各位所闻,在下是来自异世的旅客,所以并不熟悉烈华凯的礼仪。” If there is a disrespectful place, but also please take on.” “若有失礼的地方,还请担待。” Un, word usage unusual politeness, no matter what who can listen to not caring at all in words. But such words, can play function that naturally also only then aggravates the situation. 嗯,用词非常的礼貌,但任谁都能听出话语中的毫不在意。而这样的话语,能起到的自然也只有火上浇油的作用。 Your this .... “你这....” Might as well, you draw back, Prime Minister Zheng.” “无妨,你退下吧,郑宰相。” But your majesty!” “可是陛下!” Un?” “嗯?” ..... Is.” Prime Minister Zheng the whole body hit to startle, fell back on the one side honestly. Naturally, looked that also becomes to the Xie Ming look meaner. “.....是。”郑宰相浑身打了个激灵,老老实实的退到了一旁。当然,看向谢铭的眼神也变得更加阴狠。 It is estimated that found the opportunity, this fellow will definitely kill himself. 估计找到机会,这家伙肯定会弄死自己吧。 Thinks of here, Xie Ming shrugs slightly, later then no longer minded this small role, the line of sight looked is peaceful again to Dai on certainly sovereign place. 想到这里,谢铭微微耸了耸肩,随后便不再介意这种小角色,再次将视线看向皇座上的绝岱澹。 The black bottom purple side emperor takes, does not have many expensive decorations, because of getting old somewhat to become slim figure. How see, did not seem like can lead the military commander to go on an expedition the four directions in years past the appearance. 黑底紫边的帝服,没有过多的昂贵装饰,因为上了年纪而变得有些瘦小的身材。怎么看,都不像是能昔年带领武将征战四方的模样。 The light looks with the eye, that's true. 光用眼睛看,确实如此。 May promote a level the vision, with words that the energy angle of view looks, then can see this old person's terrifying place. 可将视觉提升一个层次,用能量视角去看的话,便能看见这名老人的恐怖之处。 Because, his all around faith energy, is at a relatively static condition. All faith energies, are completely consistent with the distance that he maintains, and as his breath fluctuates mutually. This control, can only two characters describe with anomaly. 因为,他四周的信念能量,是处于一种相对静止状态的。所有的信念能量,和他保持的距离都完全一致,且随着他的呼吸相互起伏。这种控制能力,只能用‘变态’两个字来形容。 Oneself, except that making everyone on the scene summon spirit X-ray machine armor to come out to fight together, perhaps cannot threaten this emperor. 把自己除去,让在场的所有人召唤灵光机甲出来一起战斗,恐怕都威胁不到这位皇帝吧。 Thinks carefully, Dai also has no accident/surprise certainly peacefully. After all fierce magnificence is the country of Chongwu, then can sit the emperor position, naturally is the most powerhouse in entire country. 仔细想想,绝岱澹这么强倒也没什么意外。毕竟烈华凯是崇武的国家,那么能坐上皇帝位置的,自然是整个国家的最强者。 Looked enough?” “看够了吗?” Un, was similar.” Was reminded by the opposite party, Xie Ming has not felt but actually awkward: After all just came to this world, to the energy system and strength division of this world and has no concept.” “嗯,差不多了。”被对方提醒,谢铭倒也没觉得有多尴尬:“毕竟刚来这个世界,对这个世界的能量体系和战力划分并没有什么概念。” Was lucky the triumphant emperor, making my understanding of this world deepen.” “不过多亏了凯帝陛下,让我对这个世界的理解又加深了一些。” Hou humph, I think, you have not understood my words.” “嚯嚯,我想,你是没有听懂我的话啊。” Certainly Dai peaceful following tracing own beard, stands up from the sovereign place: Our meaning is, you looked merely, felt enough?” 绝岱澹顺着摸了摸自己的胡须,从皇座上站起:“朕的意思是,你仅仅是看,就觉得足够了?” ....... This also is really.” “.......这还真是。” Straightforward? To seek happily one? Tests itself? Has to plan? 豪爽?还是为寻得一乐?试探自己?还是另有谋划? Because lacks the information, Xie Ming does not have the means to speculate certainly Dai peaceful these two words back profound meanings. But, the superficial meaning he understands. 因为缺少情报,谢铭没有办法推测出绝岱澹这两句话背后的深意。但,表面意思他还是明白的。 Triumphant emperor, wants activity physique?” “凯帝陛下,是想要活动一下筋骨?” „. After all meets worth Our being hard to take some to appear rarely. What kind of, are you interested?” “正是。毕竟难得遇到一个值得让朕有些难耐的人出现啊。怎么样,你感不感兴趣?” That was exhausted your majesty to prepare the location.” “那就劳烦陛下准备场地了。” Xie Ming smiles: By the way, your majesty the warming-up exercise physique, the point, also or .... Branches out high under?” 谢铭笑了笑:“顺便问一句啊,陛下是准备活动筋骨,还是点到为止,亦或是....分出高下呢?” „? Hehe hehe, haha hahahaha!!” “哦?呵呵呵呵呵,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!” Dai first stares certainly peacefully, later turned into laughing from the chuckle slowly. 绝岱澹先是一愣,随后从轻笑缓缓变成了大笑。 This matter, only then hits to know? Otherwise, didn't have the pleasure?” “这种事情,只有打起来才知道吧?不然,不就没有乐趣了吗?”
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