RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1852: Lonely person

„?” “?” Hears the issue that the week finishes, Xie Ming instead gawked: What's wrong, doesn't the fierce magnificence empire have the livelihood of the people concept?” 听到周毕的问题,谢铭反而愣了一下:“怎么,烈华凯帝国没有民生的概念吗?” „, You did not misunderstand my meaning, Mr. Xie Ming.” “不不不,您误解我的意思了,谢铭先生。” Saying that the week finish smiles: I compared to care about your just that appraisal. You felt, the fierce magnificence livelihood of the people and military some were unbalanced?” 周毕笑眯眯的说道:“我只是比较在意您刚刚的那一句评价。您觉得,烈华凯的民生和军事有些过于失衡了?” Person who will present this idea, majority are that side the colored glaze special Sirs.” “会出现这种想法的人,大多数都是琉特卿那边的哦。” Yes .... However by the situation in this world, pouring is not strange.” “是嘛....不过以这个世界的情况来看,倒也不算奇怪。” „? What is this?” “哦?这是什么意思?” Xie Ming cast aside a week to finish, the pale sound said: Normal, a technological progress of a national and world, is unable to be separated from livelihood of the people concept.” 谢铭撇了眼周毕,淡声说道:“正常来说,一个国家、一个世界的科技发展,是无法脱离民生这个概念的。” Because only then made the common people be satiated with food and wine, the common people put in the wisdom and thoughts other aspects. Person who in 10 million people, would presenting such several having god-given wisdom rare talents. But often is the wisdom of these people, will drive the technological progress progress of national and world.” “因为只有让百姓吃饱喝足了,百姓才会将智慧和心思放到其他方面上。一千万人中,总会出现那么几个天纵奇才的人。而往往是这些人的智慧,会带动国家、世界的科技发展进步。” Science and technology had the progress, the national strength and military force of country on, the country becomes more powerful. Therefore, the livelihood of the people can be said as one of the national strength important manifestations.” “科技有了进步,国家的国力和军力才会更上一层,国家才会变得更加强大。因此,民生可以说是国家国力的重要体现之一。” But your world is different.” “但你们这个世界却不同。” Because there is a whereabouts treasure to provide the science and technology and weapon for you, making your military technological standard be at the impartial condition, does not absoltely need to develop and develop the science and technology. Falls the treasure, is you most important strategy point.” “因为有着落宝为你们提供科技和武器,让你们的军事科技水平一直处于持平的状态,根本没有必要自己去研制、发展科技。落宝,便是你们最为重要的战略点。” Does not need independently develops the science and technology, then natural will not care about the livelihood of the people. Especially your national ideas or the military forces are supreme, that will not care about the life or death of common people.” “不需要自主的去研制科技,那么自然就不会在意民生。尤其你们的国家理念还是武力至上,那就更不会去在意百姓的存亡了。” In this regard, should be better than you with your hostile colored glaze special Sir/minister Republic. After all the intellectuality is representing the wisdom, the wisdom is representing the development of science and technology. So long as the advance in technology, the livelihood of the people will also naturally be driven.” “在这一点上,和你们敌对的琉特卿共和国应该比你们好很多吧。毕竟知性代表着智慧,智慧代表着科技的发展。而只要科技进步,民生自然也会被带动起来。” ..... ~ should say, worthily is the different visitor? Really admires.” “.....呀~应该说,不愧是异界的来访者吗?真是佩服。” The week finishes claps to say gently: Without thinking of one can see the present situation in this fierce magnificence empire, place that although both of us talked a little not too to and that's the end.” 周毕轻轻拍手道:“没想到一眼就能看出这烈华凯帝国的现状,虽然我们俩谈话的地方有点不太对就是了。” You looked, my adjutant is using soon to swallow your look to stare here.” “你看,我的副官可是在用着快要吞掉你的眼神瞪着这里哦。” „.” “哦。” Response also is really light.” The week finish shrugs: Also yes, even if my lacking the strength to truss up a chicken weak one, can feel your difference.” “反应还真是平淡啊。”周毕耸了耸肩:“也是,哪怕是我这种手无缚鸡之力的弱者,都能感觉到你的不同嘛。” Powerhouse is divided into many types, this world does not have to light/only to look that purely the body ability and military force can change into the strong and weak two parts it.” “强者分为很多种,这个世界也没有单纯到光看身体能力和武力就可以将其化为强弱两个部分。” Xie Ming light saying: Therefore you do not need like to me to stress repeatedly your harmless, in my heart has the balance. And ..... 谢铭淡淡的说道:“所以你也不需要像这样反复向我强调你的无害,我心中自有天秤。而且.....” If you live in the colored glaze special Sir/minister, may cross comfortably.” “若你生在琉特卿的话,或许会过得舒服一点吧。” „!!!!” “!!!!” The week finish continues arm instantaneous of rocking feather fan, stared at Xie Ming to look by an extremely unusual vision some little time. However, following being intimate friends after two person naturally unable to detect this difference. 周毕持续晃动羽扇的手臂瞬间一顿,以一种极其异样的目光盯着谢铭看了好一会儿。不过,跟在两人身后的连心自然是察觉不到这个异样了。 Your this fellow!” “你这家伙!” Is intimate friends does not know where from pulls out a hand link, with the injection of start and faith energy of mechanism/organization, two silk threads sprang formed the sharp sharp thorn, by the eye pupil of bangs blocking in full has not been angry: Really, you are the spies in colored glaze special Sir/minister Republic!?” 连心不知从哪掏出来一个手环,随着机关的启动和信念能量的注入,两根丝线弹出形成了锐利的尖刺,没有被刘海遮挡的眼眸中满是愤怒:“果然,你是琉特卿共和国的间谍吗!?” Week Sir complete(ly) who unexpectedly wants to instigate the destiny palace big senior official revolts!” “居然想要煽动天命宫大长官的周毕大人叛变!” ..... “.....” Xie Ming blinks, using a very strange facial expression to look at this bangs and a little similar female military officer, later looked finishes to the week: This ..... 谢铭眨了眨眼睛,用着一种非常奇怪的神情看着这名刘海和蕾姆有点类似的女武官,随后看向周毕:“啊这.....” Is intimate friends, receives the weapon.” “连心,把武器收起来吧。” After receiving promptly the week of god finishes deeply looked at Xie Ming one, again revealed with the ordinary same smile: If Mr. Xie Ming really wants to instigate me to revolt, why also to be in front of your to raise.” 及时收神的周毕深深的看了谢铭一眼后,再次露出了和平常一样的笑容:“要是谢铭先生真的想煽动我叛变,又何必当着你的面提起呢。” „, Is only the nonsense of speaking thoughtlessly.” “想必,只是随口的胡言而已。” ..... Is, week Sir complete(ly).” “.....是,周毕大人。” ......... “.........” This fellow also is really very lonely, 这家伙还真是很孤独啊, Even this obviously holds the love female military officers not to have the means to trust to him. The inborn physical strength is weak, but the wisdom outstanding and ambitions, is not willing to drown in this mortal world like this, has sought the friend who has a common goal. Then, this wish had not actually come true. 甚至连这个明显对他抱有爱慕之情的女武官都没有办法信任。天生体力薄弱,但智慧出众又心怀大志,不愿就这样溺于尘世之中,一直谋求着志同道合的朋友。然后,这个心愿却一直没有实现。 Just that solution Loutan had the country, is an out-and-out military person, the intention feels grateful with loyally, deeply is loving this fierce magnificence. 刚刚那个解楼坛心怀家国,是一个不折不扣的武人,心怀感恩和忠诚,深爱着这个烈华凯。 At present this is intimate friends is also, although finish holds the love to the week, but above individual admire similarly is also loyal. 眼前这个连心也是,虽对周毕抱有爱慕之情,但在个人爱慕之上的同样也是忠诚。 To put it bluntly, like this martial idiot who the fierce magnificence empire majority fill with the loyalty. 说白了,烈华凯帝国大多数都是这样满怀忠义的武痴。 But, in week complete(ly) heart first, is different from them. 但,周毕心中的第一位,却和他们不同。 He is loathing this by military force supreme fierce magnificence, when oneself raised the colored glaze special Sir/minister although he was that was surprised and surprised, has not had what special idea to the colored glaze special Sir/minister. 他厌恶着这个以武力至上的烈华凯,可在自己提起琉特卿时他虽然感到意外和惊讶,也并没有对琉特卿有什么特别的想法。 This on behalf, him actually also has no favorable impression to the colored glaze special Sir/minister. 这代表着,他对琉特卿其实也没什么好感。 Then, what first is in his heart? According to the view of this world, what is his faith? 那么,他心中的第一位是什么?按照这个世界的说法,他的信念是什么? Is curious, is the intellectual curiosity. 是好奇,是求知欲。 Even if how this desire he conceals again, is unable to hide. Therefore, he took the mask of this supercilious smiling for himself, confuses in the truth and joke together, keeping others from ascertaining that is clear about his true thoughts. Lives this, is the society and life to his beating mercilessly. Relates closely compared with that and him, has sat solution Loutan of duty of general, the week finishes to become this destiny palace big senior official, paid perhaps is solution Loutan ten times and hundred times. 这份欲望哪怕他再怎么掩饰,也是无法隐藏的。因此,他为自己带上了这种玩世不恭的笑眯眯的面具,将真话和玩笑话混淆在一起,让他人根本无法捉摸清楚他真正的心思。活成这样,是社会和生活对他的毒打。比起那位和他关系密切,已经坐上将军之职的解楼坛,周毕成为这个天命宫大长官,付出的或许是解楼坛的十倍、百倍。 Also is anyone, inborn a smiling fox? 又有谁,天生是个笑眯眯的狐狸呢? Xie Ming is not pitiful to these views that the week finishes, did not regret. First, the week finishes compared with he more outstanding person. If changes into him is the week finishes this situation, he does surely does not have week complete(ly) good. 谢铭对周毕的这些看法并不是可怜,也不是惋惜。一来,周毕是比他更出色的人。如果换成他是周毕这个情况,他做的肯定没有周毕好。 Moreover, obtains the successful person by own effort and ability and wisdom, does not need anybody to feel sorry. 而且,凭借自身的努力和才智获得成功的人,不需要任何人可怜。 Secondly, the ability and wisdom that without these hindrance, the week finishes whether can blossom and bear fruit like the present is an unknown. Outstanding person, needs to overcome countless tribulations to take shape only then. 二来,如果没有这些阻碍,周毕的才智是否能像现在这样开花结果还是一个未知数。再优秀的人,也是需要克服无数磨难才方可成型。 Therefore, Xie Ming merely is only the sigh. 所以,谢铭仅仅只是感叹而已。 Compared with these, what making Xie Ming be interested was just intimate friends to expose that weapon that. 比起这些,让谢铭更感兴趣的是刚刚连心暴露出来的那个武器。 The faith energy pours into under the control of being intimate friends to the ordinary silk thread, making that be only the material quality good silk thread becomes can cut the steel merely instantaneously the sharp sword. 信念能量在连心的操控下注入到普通的丝线之中,让那仅仅只是材质较好的丝线瞬间变为了可以斩开钢铁的利剑。 Spirit X-ray machine armor that after a recombination battlefield the soldiers take the knot to vow bracelet, present, as well as after spirit X-ray machine armor was defeated, faith energy that the mortal body of soldiers dispersed .... Three different faith energy control ways, making the concept of Xie Ming to this energy have a deeper understanding, as well as many suspicions. 再结合一下战场上士兵们带上结誓臂环后所出现的灵光机甲,以及灵光机甲被击败后士兵们的肉身散成的信念能量....三种不同的信念能量操控方式,让谢铭对这能量的概念有了更深一层的了解,以及更多的猜想。 Now, only needs to see a higher level again the words of application, perhaps .... 现在,只需要再看到一种更高级的运用方式的话,或许.... Said, which our is must go?” “说起来,我们这是要去哪啊?” Yeah? Hasn't said with you?” The week finish blinks, showed the fox smile: We now is to go to the surface Saint.” “哎?没有和你说吗?”周毕眨了眨眼睛,露出了狐狸般的笑容:“我们现在,是要去面圣啊。” „The fierce magnificence unsurpassed emperor, makes fierce magnificence establish to be able by one's effort triumphant emperor who the colored glaze special Sir/minister with the great nation compares favorably with.” “烈华凯的无上皇帝,以一己之力让烈华凯建立成能和琉特卿媲美的大国的凯帝。” Dai is certainly peaceful.” “绝岱澹。”
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