RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1851: Probe that the week finishes

Week Sir complete(ly)!?” “周毕大人!?” „Does week finish? Waits ..... hehe, so that's how it is.” “周毕?等等.....呵呵,原来如此。” The week finishes to the invitation that Xie Ming sends out knew perfectly well at first sight the mountain has the tiger, is partial to the Hushan line, but in effect it is not so. This move, in fact is the frank and upright open intrigue, considered all situations. 周毕对谢铭发出的邀请乍一看是明知山有虎,偏向虎山行,但其实不然。这招,实际上是光明正大的阳谋,前后考虑到了所有的事态。 First, is solution Loutan the safety that the guarantee now and Xie Ming places the same position. 其一,是保证现在和谢铭身处同一方位的解楼坛的安全。 Is understanding the week to finish like solution Loutan, the week finishes also quite knew about oneself this friends from childhood, is clear his merit and flaw. 正如同解楼坛了解周毕,周毕同样也对自己这位青梅竹马相当了解,非常清楚他的优点和缺陷。 Only if leaves in this less than quite a while in time, solution Loutan encountered the tremendous changes, otherwise his action and ponder will not surpass grasping that the week finishes absolutely. 除非在这离开的不到半天时间里,解楼坛遭遇了天翻地覆的变化,否则他的行动和思考绝对不会超出周毕的掌握。 But solution Loutan, is not one person who easily speaks to admit defeat, must know his faith, but. 而解楼坛,绝不是一名会轻言认输的人,要知道他的信念可是啊。 But is such person, spoke frankly oneself have not grasped resists one even not to have the man of having mystical powers X-ray machine armor, even is away from the screen to make the adjutant be intimate friends to feel his danger. 可就是这样的人,却直言自己没有把握对抗一名甚至没有灵光机甲的男人,甚至隔着屏幕都能让副官连心感觉到他的危险。 A matter that is intimate friends to neglect, two people have seen the person of fierce Emperor magnificence, do some shadows that she can see, the week finish cannot see? 还有一件连心忽略的事情,两人都是见过烈华凯皇帝的人,她能看到的一些影子,难道周毕就看不到吗? How possibly. 怎么可能。 In first, the week finished saw some type from the body of Xie Ming with fierce Emperor magnificence the same special characteristics. Moreover is different from the intense denial of being intimate friends, the week finishes is silently gave this at heart. 早在第一眼,周毕就从谢铭的身上看出了某种和烈华凯皇帝一样的特质。而且和连心的强烈否定不同,周毕是默默的将这点给记在了心里。 Dangerous does the so man, really have with him with it for the necessity of enemy? Even the price, is very likely pays a general. 如此危险的男人,真的有和他与之为敌的必要吗?甚至代价,很有可能是付出一名将军。 How to see that is not cost-effective. 怎么看都不划算。 At present, the attitude of opposite party is very friendly, therefore sends out the friendly invitation to the friendly person, in the vast majority of cases will not turn over. As the matter stands, solution Loutan the safety can obtain certain guarantee. 从目前看来,对方的态度还是十分友善的,所以对友善的人发出友善的邀请,在绝大多数情况下不会翻车。这样一来,解楼坛的安全就能得到了一定保证。 Second, are to the probe of Xie Ming idea. 其二,是对谢铭想法的试探。 From wall the dangerous man, how many mixed soldiers did accept the arrests of colored glaze special Sir/minister Republic unexpectedly directly? This looks like in the fierce magnificence person is radically not the unimaginable matter. 一名自称是来自‘墙壁之外’的危险男人,居然就直接接受了琉特卿共和国几名杂兵的逮捕?这在烈华凯的人看来是根本无法想象的事情。 Weak ones, this/should obedient powerhouse. The dignity as powerhouse, does not allow them to make to the performance that the weak one bows to show weakness. 弱者,就该服从强者。身为强者的尊严,绝不允许他们做出向弱者低头示弱的表现。 Speculated from the current condition, the week finish thinks this powerhouse came from beside the wall is the fact. But he is willing to accept the arrest of colored glaze special Sir/minister Republic, then to collect with this world related material. 从目前的状况推测,周毕认为这名强者来自墙壁之外是事实。而他之所以愿意接受琉特卿共和国的逮捕,则是为了收集和这个世界有关的资料。 Although this does not have any evidence, but possibility very high. 这点虽然没有任何的证据,但可能性非常的高。 May collect the world related material eventually is a process, more importantly does he want through collection material this method, what goal to achieve? 可搜集世界相关的资料终究是一种过程,重要的是他想通过‘搜集资料’这一手段,去达成什么样的目的? Sent out invitation, then to confirm this suspicion. 发出的邀请,便是为了证实这个猜想。 If you really want to collect the material, then does not have the truth colored glaze special Sir/minister to be able, fierce magnificence is not good. If declines to invite, then can be divided into two situations. 如果你是真的想要搜集资料,那么没有道理琉特卿可以,烈华凯不行。若拒绝邀请,那么又可以分成两种情况。 One type, the opposite party detected the trap in oneself open intrigue. 一种,对方察觉到了自己阳谋中的陷阱。 Another type, own suspicion mistake. 另一种,自己的猜想错误。 Third, then limit, had just mentioned trap. 其三,便是限制,也就是刚刚提起过的陷阱。 The entire huge fierce magnificence empire, the person of practicing martial art are countless, the expert are innumerable. May sit well the person on peak throne, in this about hundred years in has not actually changed. 整个庞大的烈华凯帝国,习武之人无数,高手无数。可端坐于巅峰宝座上的人,在这近百年的时间里却从来没有变化过。 Moreover, has many skill in Wushu in the imperial capital not under the invincible general solution Loutan military officer. 不仅如此,在帝都中还有着许多武艺不下于无敌将军解楼坛的武官在。 So long as Xie Ming dares to comply, when he enters to the imperial capital, is equivalent to itself to become the fish meat before knife and chopping block. 只要谢铭敢答应,那么他进入到帝都之时,就相当于自己成为了刀俎前的鱼肉。 Fourth, that is the week finishes individual interest. Rather this point is main, other instead is the camouflage and contrast of this reason. 其四,那便是周毕个人的兴趣。倒不如说这一点才是最主要的,其他的反而是这点理由的伪装和衬托。 Cracks a joke, interesting does such person, how possibly let off? 开玩笑,这么有趣的人,怎么可能就这么放过啊? This man, can help itself further be close to the truth of this world absolutely! 这个男人,绝对能帮助自己进一步的接近这个世界的真相! Good .... Whether you are willing to accept, Mr. Xie Ming ..... “好了....你是否愿意接受呢,谢铭先生.....” Unconscious covered itself with the feather fan second half stretch/open face who laughs at secretly, in week complete(ly) heart said in a low voice: Please have the move a bit faster, making me appraise you.” 不自觉的用羽扇捂住了自己正在窃笑的下半张脸,周毕心中低声说道:“请快点出招,让我评估一下你吧。” „, Interesting.” “呵,有意思。” Hears the invitation that the week finishes, in Xie Ming's heart laughed in spite of trying not. Is a slippery customer, who can unable to listen to the opposite party words back meaning? Invitation that however to him, the week finishes instead with intention. 听到周毕的邀请,谢铭心里失笑了一声。都是老油条,谁能听不出对方话语背后的意思呢?不过对于他而言,周毕的邀请反而正和心意。 Regarding enters this position surface initially, but also experiences to Xie Ming of spirit X-ray machine armor main force system, the matter of primary importance is collects the information and analyzes. 对于初入这方位面,还见识到灵光机甲这一主要力量体系的谢铭而言,最为重要的事情就是搜集情报并加以分析。 Therefore, the colored glaze special Sir's arrest fierce magnificence invitation, to him is a matter. 因此,无论是琉特卿的逮捕还是烈华凯的邀请,对他而言都是一回事。 Although chooses fierce magnificence, will have some unknown dangers, but with collection information words that the importance measures, many danger can accept. 虽说选择烈华凯,会存在一些未知的危险,但和‘搜集情报’的重要性相权衡的话,多少的危险还是可以接受。 Careful, does not represent is being afraid of getting into trouble timidly. No brain animal courage is no doubt unrecommendable, but being overcautious and indecisive constantly is not only able to make anything, perhaps to is unable to guarantee including own security finally. 小心谨慎,可不代表着胆小怕事。无脑蛮勇固然不可取,但一昧的瞻前顾后不仅无法做成任何事情,或许到了最后连自身的安全都无法保证。 If from security these two characters, just helped the soldiers in colored glaze special Sir/minister Republic repel solution Loutan purely perhaps is the most correct choice. But this so-called correct, is restricted in merely now. 若单纯从‘安全’这两个字出发,刚刚帮助琉特卿共和国的士兵击退解楼坛或许才是最正确的选择。可这所谓的‘正确’,也就仅仅限于‘现在’而已。 Who can guarantee after entering the colored glaze special Sir/minister Republic, can that group of soldiers certainly assure oneself security? Even guaranteed, can make itself collect the enough important information by the position of that group of soldiers? 谁能保证进入琉特卿共和国后,那群士兵就一定能保证自己的安全呢?就算保证了,凭借那群士兵的职位能让自己搜集到足够重要的情报吗? But fierce magnificence was different, what first contacts with is a general, is the destiny palace big senior official sends out the invitation to oneself. Direct contact such high position official, the appropriateness that if processes perhaps, oneself can obtain the extremely essential information all of a sudden. 但烈华凯就不一样了,和自己首先接触的是将军,紧接着又是天命宫大长官对自己发出邀请。直接接触这么高职位的官员,若是处理的得当,或许自己一下子就能获得极为关键的情报。 Only is this point, made Xie Ming walk one sufficiently. 光是这一点,就足以让谢铭走一趟了。 „, Troubled General solution Loutan to lead me to step onto one.” “那么,就麻烦解楼坛将军带我走上一趟了。” Unexpectedly including one hesitant does not have .... 居然连一丝的犹豫都没有吗.... solution Loutan and week finish almost stare simultaneously, the latter narrows the eye slightly, starts to ponder when Xie Ming arrives at the royal palace how should process. But the former laughed, relieved appearance of spirit X-ray machine armor. 解楼坛和周毕几乎同时一愣,后者微微眯起眼睛,开始思考谢铭到达王宫时该如何处理。而前者则是哈哈一笑,解除了灵光机甲的显现。 Then you come with me, Xie Ming. Again shortly afterward, my headquarters troops should be able to follow, when the time comes I make them set aside an iron to walk to ride to you.” “那么你就跟我来吧,谢铭。再过不久,我的直属部队应该就能跟上了,到时候我让他们腾出一辆铁走骑给你。” That troubled General solution Loutan.” “那就麻烦解楼坛将军了。” Xie Ming shows a faint smile, grasps the right hand that the understanding building altar/jar extends. 谢铭微微一笑,握上了解楼坛伸出的右手。 ----- ----- The so-called iron walks to ride, is one type does not have riding of round of motorcycle to have similarly. According to the soldiers said, this riding has the liquid metal mineral lode that can through with forest gal Surinder underground has the repulsion, thus moves high-speed. 所谓的铁走骑,是一种类似无轮摩托车的骑具。根据士兵们所说,这种骑具可以通过与林伽林德地下的液体金属矿脉产生斥力,从而高速移动。 As for concrete speed quick, quite a while is the time rushed to the imperial capital from the border of fierce magnificence empire. Single riding has the speed to catch the maglev train, increases speed and changes down also wants rapidly compared with the maglev train convenient. 至于具体的速度有多快,半天不到的时间就从烈华凯帝国的边境赶到了帝都。单人的骑具速度能赶上磁悬浮列车,提速和降速也都比磁悬浮列车要迅速方便。 The limitation is too strong, Xie Ming also really wants to carry out a re-equipping re-equipping collection. 要不是局限性太强,谢铭还真想搞一辆改装改装收藏。 But where does this iron walk to ride from comes? Asked that falls the treasure. 而这铁走骑是从哪来的?问就是落宝。 It can be said that fierce magnificence all technical achievements establish above falling the treasure. This, believes that side the colored glaze special Sir/minister should be also the same. 可以说,烈华凯的所有技术成果全部都是建立在落宝之上。这点,相信琉特卿那边应该也是一样吧。 However...... 但是...... Livelihood of the people and military are not balanced ..... “民生和军事也太不平衡了吧.....” „?” “哦?” Walks selects the eyebrow in Xie Ming silver hair man slightly: Mr. Xie Ming, you just... spoke very interesting words.” 走在谢铭身边的银发男人微微挑眉:“谢铭先生,你刚刚...说了很有趣的话啊。” Livelihood of the people and... military?” “民生和...军事?” Please remember this book first round domain name:. Apex novel net cell phone version website: 请记住本书首发域名:。顶点小说网手机版网址:
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