RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1850: Invitation

My name is Xie Ming. From wall, a traveller.” “我的名字是谢铭。来自墙壁之外的,一介旅行者罢了。” In this feels the technical feeling in the hall, the youth of white blanch robe fans the feather fan in hand, the corners of the mouth is showing the smile that the interest surged upward unrestrainedly: Interesting, is really interesting.” 在这充满科技感的大厅中,白发白袍的青年扇动着手中的羽扇,嘴角情不自禁的露出了兴趣高涨的笑容:“有趣,实在是有趣。” Week Sir complete(ly).” “周毕大人。” Wore the serious female military commander of black qipao to say the name of elegant youth: This person comes suspiciously, the spoken language crazy, the leaving alone words will definitely harm the fierce magnificence empire.” 身着黑色旗袍的严肃女武将说出了文雅青年的名字:“此人出身可疑,言语疯癫,放任不管的话必然会危害烈华凯帝国。” Subordinate suggestion, making General solution cut to kill him immediately.” “属下建议,让解将军立刻将他斩杀。” Do not worry, is intimate friends.” “不要这么着急嘛,连心。” Then looked at eye honestly to likely the subordinate of block sheet iron, the youth who the named week finishes shows a faint smile: If comes across any unknown matter, the first response is the destruction destroys, but will suffer a loss.” 回头看了眼这名正直到像块铁板的属下,名为周毕的青年微微一笑:“要是遇到什么未知的事情,第一反应是破坏摧毁,可是会吃大亏的。” But!” “但是!” You look, this named Xie Ming youth, no matter to the soldier of colored glaze special Sir/minister, is to our invincible General solution, had not revealed that any hostility, has been maintaining this accomplishing a task with ease attitude.” “你看,这名叫做谢铭的青年不管是对琉特卿的士兵,还是对我们无敌的解将军,都没有表露出任何敌意,一直保持着这种游刃有余的态度。” The line of sight returns to the virtual screen situated in business hall on, the week finished to cover second half stretch/open face with the feather fan: Moreover the position that he presents, with our observed unknown falls the valuable place to be completely consistent.” 视线转回到位于大厅中央的虚拟屏幕上,周毕用羽扇遮挡住了下半张脸:“而且他出现的位置,和我们观测到的未知落宝降落地点完全一致。” You did not feel, this back does have to hide very interesting matter?” “你不觉得,这背后有着藏着非常有趣的事情吗?” Could through him, allowing me to understand the essence of the world... also perhaps. No, I have the truth that a premonition... his body hides certainly me to want. 或许能通过他,让我了解到世界的本质...也说不定啊。不,我有种预感...他的身上一定藏着我想要的真相。 Thinks of here, week complete(ly) Xiao narrowed the eye. By sane ponder, will always believe this bewildered premonition unexpectedly. 想到这里,周毕笑的都眯起了眼睛。一向以理智思考的自己,居然会相信这莫名其妙的预感。 human, but also is really the inconceivable lifeform. 人类,还真是不可思议的生物啊。 However is very obvious, this female military officer does not think. 不过很显然,这位女武官并不怎么想。 Week Sir complete(ly), the subordinate has not interfered with the plan of your interest.” Is intimate friends the sinking sound saying: But in front of person and matter that in being possible to harm fierce magnificence, but also please must arrange own interest at behind.” “周毕大人,属下并没有干涉您兴趣的打算。”连心沉声说道:“但在有可能危害到烈华凯的人与事面前,还请您务必将自己的兴趣排在后面。” Really hard, little even/including.” “真硬啊,小连。” The week finishes helpless shaking the head of: Didn't say many times with you? The ponder wants soft, otherwise is very easy to run into a wall ~ 周毕无奈的摇了摇头:“不都和你说了很多次了吗?思考要柔软一点,不然很容易碰壁的哦~” This and that is two matters!” “这个和那个是两码事!” No, is the same thing.” The expression that the week finishes enforced suddenly, even if has been used to the man thinks one is, was intimate friends gawked as before. “不,是同一回事哦。”周毕的表情突然严肃了起来,哪怕早已习惯了眼前男人的想一出是一出,连心依旧愣了一下。 Thinks to look carefully, little even/including. At first, the knot vowed the bracelet fell, if our fierce magnificence empire has not gone to accept and study this at that time the seemingly bewildered suspicious substances, how fierce magnificence can?” “仔细想想看吧,小连。最初,当结誓臂环落下的时候,如果我们烈华凯帝国没有去接受、研究这个在当时看起来莫名其妙的可疑物品,烈华凯会怎么样?” This ..... “这.....” Will take the lead to study the knot to vow the bracelet, obtains the national aggression of spirit X-ray machine armor, even possibly the bitter experience extinguishes the crisis of country's.” “会被率先研究结誓臂环,得到灵光机甲的国家侵略,甚至可能遭遇灭国的危机。” The week finishes fans the feather fan gently: In fact, in the annals has recorded such event. Because is not willing to use the knot to vow defending of bracelet to close the military commander, was used the knot to vow bracelet the class/flow of bandits and thieves to give to kill, causes a soldier in entire city by less than the bandits and thieves slaughters of 200 numbers.” 周毕轻轻扇动羽扇:“事实上,史册中就有记载过这样的事件。因为不肯使用结誓臂环的守关武将,被使用结誓臂环的盗贼之流给杀害,导致一整座城市的士兵被不到两百之数的盗贼屠杀。” Also because had that event, at that time still started to vow the use and competition of bracelet in the chaotic various countries to the knot.” “也正是因为有了那次事件,当时还在纷乱的诸国才开始了对结誓臂环的使用和争夺。” But the knot vowed the bracelet is the thing!” “但结誓臂环是物!” Saying that being intimate friends discretion does not let: Thing does not have the independent consciousness, according to the will of person plays the role! But the person is actually not! Week Sir complete(ly) can guarantee, this man won't threaten fierce magnificence?” 连心分寸不让的说道:“物是没有自主意识,是根据人的意志来发挥作用的!但人却不是!难道周毕大人能够保证,这个男人不会威胁到烈华凯吗?” Hehe, being intimate friends, your some are not right.” “呵呵,连心,你有些不对劲啊。” What?” “什么?” If only person, moreover is links to vow a bracelet no male to threaten the entire fierce magnificence empire, you rather also underestimated in the military officers in our Saint and full towards. Said .... “如果区区一人,而且是连结誓臂环都没有的一名男性就能威胁到整个烈华凯帝国,那你未免也太小看我们的圣上和满朝的武官了吧。还是说....” The week finishes turns round slowly, looks earnestly own this adjutant. 周毕缓缓回身,认真的看着自己这位副官。 As you of military person, what felt from this man?” “身为武人的你,从这个男人身上感受到了什么吗?” „!!!!” “!!!!” Words that the week finishes, it may be said that was a language exposed unusual of being intimate friends. As the fierce magnificence rare female military officer, knowledge or military force she it can be said that outstanding, otherwise is impossible the adjutant who becomes the week to finish. 周毕的话,可谓是一语点破了连心的反常。作为烈华凯难得的女武官,不论是知识还是武力她都可以说是出类拔萃,不然也不可能成为周毕的副官。 But is such person, actually so dreaded that only has seen from the screen the man, this also was too rather unusual. 可就是这样的人,却如此忌惮一名只从屏幕上见到过的男人,这未免也太反常了。 Is intimate friends oneself to feel very odd, but the intuition is telling her, that man extremely in danger. Moreover does not know is the misconception, she saw on that man unexpectedly .... The shadow in Saint. 就连连心自己都感到非常奇怪,可直觉却在告诉着她,那个男人太过于危险。而且也不知道是不是错觉,她居然在那个男人身上看到了一些....圣上的影子。 This was really absurd! In even/including Xinxin is cursing angrily itself. But regardless of she uses what means to scatter this idea, seeing the screen that conciliatory General building Tan when the face of man talked, will jump as before. 这实在是太荒谬了!连心心中怒骂着自己。但不论她用什么办法驱散这个想法,在看到屏幕上那个和解楼坛将军谈话的男人的脸时,依旧还是会蹦出来。 But the words of such lese majeste cannot say absolutely. 但这样大不敬的话是绝对不能说出口的。 That man is very dangerous, week Sir complete(ly).” “那个男人很危险,周毕大人。” „, Right ..... “啊,是吗.....” Does not have to think own such liner inquired, unexpectedly could not have asked that what news, the week finishes also can only helpless shrugging, later contacted with solution Loutan in border through the installment. 没想到自己都这样直球询问了,居然还问不出什么消息,周毕也只能无奈的耸了耸肩,随后通过装置联系到了远在国境的解楼坛。 «Day flatter Arrival» 《天阿降临》 „Does General solution, your to this man named Xie Ming, what view have?” “解将军,你对这个叫谢铭的男人,有什么看法?” This is a dangerous man.” “这是个危险的男人。” solution Loutan saying without hesitation: If possible, I want to solve him now.” 解楼坛毫不犹豫的说道:“如果可能的话,我想要现在将他解决。” If possible?” “如果可能的话?” „, If possible.” solution Loutan the sinking sound said: But, the week finishes ..... this perhaps is my second facing, person who oneself have not defeated self-confidently.” “啊,如果可能的话。”解楼坛沉声说道:“但是啊,周毕.....这恐怕是我第二次面对,自己没有自信战胜的人。” ......... “.........是吗。” Unexpectedly even he said that this also was really .... Made the person be interested more and more! 居然连他都这么说了啊,这还真是....越来越让人感兴趣了! General solution, can open diamond Did being assigned away from the capital, let me and he says two?” “解将军,能打开【金刚】的外放,让我和他说两句吗?” It seems like, do you have the solution?” “看来,你已经有解决办法了?” No, but wants to chat with him well. After all his words, but gave me a new mentality.” “不,只是想和他好好聊聊罢了。毕竟他的话,可是给了我一个新的思路。” Snort, was casual you to be good.” “哼,随便你好了。” solution Loutan cracks into a smile, but who can also compared with him understand that this and touch struggles to crawl, childhood playmate to today's this position? 解楼坛咧嘴一笑,还能有谁比他更了解这位和自己一路摸滚打爬,才到今天这个位置的儿时玩伴? He said that explained in his heart to have solution. 他这么说了,就说明他心中已经有了解决的办法。 „, This mister named Xie Ming, hello. Is the fierce magnificence destiny palace big senior official week finishes below, because in imperial capital, therefore can only talk with you in this manner, but also please excuse me.” “咳咳,这位叫谢铭的先生,您好。在下是烈华凯天命宫大长官周毕,因为远在帝都,所以只能以这种方式和你对话,还请见谅。” Destiny palace big senior official ..... Xie Ming chewed two this positions. “天命宫大长官啊.....”谢铭嘴嚼了两下这个职位。 The name of these two no matter contacts from him, is solution Loutan the clothing, the position that the week finishes, can see the style of this fierce magnificence empire, is close to ancient Huaxia. 不管是从他接触到的这两人的名字,还是解楼坛的服饰,周毕的职位,可以看出这个烈华凯帝国的风格,和古华夏十分接近。 Such being the case, this destiny should be able to understand with the concept of ancient Huaxia. 既然如此,这个天命应该可以用古华夏的概念去理解。 The so-called view celestial phenomenon, knows the destiny. The destiny and celestial phenomenon, are always the inseparable glossaries. The observation stars fight the revolutions, to speculate the matter of future. 所谓观天象,知天命。天命和天象,从来都是密不可分的词汇。观察星辰斗转,以推测未来之事。 With living words popular, is the expert of astronomy. But this kind of person, often read the Confucian classics full, was extraordinarily smart, and expansive goal not understood existence. 用现代语通俗的来讲,就是天文学的专家。而这类人,往往都是饱读经书,才智过人,且目标远大不被人理解的存在。 Related just to fall to be surrounded again, as well as fell existence of treasure, does this destiny palace big senior official was do, is obvious. 再联系一下自己刚落下来就被包围,以及落宝的存在,这个天命宫大长官是干什么的,已经是显而易见的了。 Then such person, what does want to chat with? 那么这样的人,想和自己聊些什么? Hello, week Mr. complete(ly). Does not know that was so long, you discussed how to treat my conclusion?” “你好,周毕先生。不知道过去了这么久,你们讨论出了如何对待我的结论了吗?” Hahahaha, Mr. Xie Ming is really the ability and wisdom is excellent.” “哈哈哈哈,谢铭先生真是才智过人啊。” The week finished the fan a leaf of feather fan, said with a smile lightly: If possible, I want to invite the mister you to reconcile the general to travel together, come this fierce magnificence center- imperial capital is a guest.” 周毕扇了扇羽扇,轻笑道:“如果可以的话,我想邀请先生您和解将军同行,前来这烈华凯的中心-帝都做客。” How doesn't know first under the business?” “不知先生意下如何呢?”
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