RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1849: 1 traveller

In the accident/surprise the coming up in great numbers and from all sides accident, looks again this goes against cross from own head, is situated in sulfur special Sir/minister Republic machine armor front red machine armor, Xie Ming helpless sighing. 意外之中再横生变故,看着这从自己脑袋顶上越过,立于硫特卿共和国机甲面前的红色机甲,谢铭无奈的叹了口气。 He knows, today was to definitely walk inadequately. 他知道,今天肯定是走不成了。 First did not say that intrinsic thing, light/only looks at machine the outward appearance of armor, this red machine armor is completely different from the mixed fish body that opposite that seems like. 先不说内在的东西,光看机甲的外观,这台红色的机甲就和对面那看起来的杂鱼机体完全不同。 Shoulder armor and chest armor are sincere, but is charming. Organism head top orange red two horns to extending Shanghai, formed one with geass mark case somewhat similar shape. 肩甲和胸甲厚重圆滑,但魄力十足。机体脑袋顶部的橙红色双角向外延申,形成了一个和‘geass’的纹案有些类似的形状。 The calf, the thigh flank, finger, upper arm and shoulder armor are embellishing the material quality like the emerald common deep green crystal. 小腿肚、大腿外侧、手指、上臂、肩甲都点缀着材质如同绿宝石一般的碧绿晶体。 But most made one pay attention, before was of machine armor head large-scale occupied half , the green crystal of head, naturally can see by the eye of Xie Ming in, in the green crystal grinned the pilot who laughed. 而最令人关注的,就是机甲头部的那块大型占据了半个前脑袋的绿色晶体,以谢铭的眼里自然能够看到,绿色晶体里面咧嘴大笑的驾驶员。 With ancient Huaxia military commander's same appearance, dark-red long hair unconventional scatters toward the both sides, coarse-looking, has the modern people already the feeling of military might extremely lacking. 就和古华夏武将一样的打扮,暗红色的长发放荡不羁的向着两侧散落,粗眉大眼,拥有着现代人已经极为缺少的威武之感。 Only contains from the appearance, imposing manner as well as that eye the fighting spirit, Xie Ming can affirm, this person absolutely was the top military commanders in this what fierce magnificence empire. 光从打扮、气势以及那双眼睛中蕴藏着的斗志,谢铭就敢肯定,这人绝对是这个什么烈华凯帝国的顶级武将了。 It seems like like colored glaze special Sir/minister Republic with the mass production has no machine armor of difference, perhaps comes 10 20 again, this by diamond Machine armor of name can be solved with ease. 像琉特卿共和国这台看上去和量产没什么区别的机甲,恐怕再来十台20台,这台以【金刚】命名的机甲都能够轻松解决吧。 Perhaps when the time comes, this fellow named solution Loutan can also play the three countries of real version unparalleled, no, should be called reaches as high as unparalleled. 说不定到时候,这个叫做解楼坛的家伙还能玩把真实版的三国无双,不,应该叫做高达无双。 Newly-arrived, Xie Ming does not want to annoy anything to trouble. In has after solution Loutan the strength appraised initially, then to the colored glaze special Sir/minister Republic soldiers is shouting. 初来乍到,谢铭还是不想惹什么麻烦的。所以在对解楼坛的实力有了一个初步评估后,便对着琉特卿共和国的士兵们喊道。 Hey! You hurry to retreat! This fellow is very strong, you he are bringing death to! Treasures own life!” “喂!你们还是赶紧撤退吧!这家伙很强,你们对上他只是在送死!还是珍惜一下自己的性命吧!” What!?” “什么!?” Hahahaha, sneaks away at a critical juncture the action of non- military commander! Although I want to say that but this man said right! You, are not my opponent, I have not held the fondness that bullies the weak.” “哈哈哈哈哈哈,临阵脱逃非武将之举!虽然我很想这么说,但这个男人说得没错!你们,不是我的对手,我也没有持强凌弱的癖好。” solution Loutan controls machine armor diamond, Long-handled crescent-shaped sword numerous leaning on hand on the ground: Gives you an opportunity, now departs, I then do not go into one's past.” 解楼坛操控机甲【金刚】,将手中的偃月刀重重的拄在地上:“给你们一次机会,现在离去,我便既往不咎。” Cracks a joke!” “开什么玩笑!” With a lead team leader's order, one after another light beam follows Machine installs to appear The mechanical sound appears. Total 13 design same machine armor carried the machine gun in hand neatly. 伴随着领头队长的一声命令,接二连三的光柱伴随着【机装显现】的机械音出现。共计十三台款式相同的机甲整齐的端起了手中的机枪。 We are the soldiers in wisdom proud colored glaze special Sir/minister Republic, how can there be not to fight, but the principle of drawing back!” “我们是智慧骄傲的琉特卿共和国的士兵,岂有不战而退之理!” Let alone, only spirit X-ray machine armor! Even the fierce magnificence general is how, can he one's effort cope with our 13 spirit X-ray machine armor?” “更何况,区区一台灵光机甲罢了!就算是烈华凯的将军又是如何,难道他能一己之力对付我们十三台灵光机甲吗?” On together! So long as killed him here, can cause heavy losses to the fierce magnificence empire!” “一起上!只要在这里杀死了他,就能重创烈华凯帝国!” ..... Really is the good advice is difficult to urge this/should devil.” “.....真是良言难劝该死鬼啊。” The spear/gun fire of sounding together, the bullet of spout scattered in the Xie Ming vision to the red diamond. But solution Loutan the corresponding way, only has a movement merely. 齐鸣的枪火,喷涌的子弹在谢铭的目光中撒向了红色的【金刚】。而解楼坛的对应方式,仅仅只有一个动作。 Brandishing a sword. 挥刀。 Bang!!!!!” “轰!!!!!” The blade light accurate incision of scattering in all directions each round of bullet, making the explosion chemical material that inside contains explode the powder dust together with the outer covering together. 四散的刀光精准的切开了每一发子弹,让里面包含的爆炸化学物连同外壳一起炸成碎末。 Snort, wisdom proud colored glaze special Sir/minister Republic.” “哼,智慧骄傲的琉特卿共和国啊。” solution Loutan sends out a disdaining nasal sound: But you may know, even if we take bravely as fierce magnificence of honor, has by everyone will be called the stupid matter, you know that is what?” 解楼坛发出一声不屑的鼻音:“但你们可知道,哪怕是我们以勇武为荣的烈华凯,也有着被所有人都会称为愚蠢的事情,你们知道是什么吗?” Brave, what represented is the fearless courage, rather than rash bringing death. You think, you are the former. But in fact, you actually in to become the latter.” “勇武,代表的是无畏的勇气,而不是莽撞的送死。你们以为,自己是前者。但实际上,你们却是在成为后者。” „Although has not realized the power gap rash, but you have the consciousness of as before betting the life! Such being the case, then I was no longer forgiving!” “但虽然是没有意识到实力差距的莽撞,可你们依旧有着赌上自己性命的觉悟!既然如此,那么我就不再留情了!” At this moment, solution Loutan and diamond machine A imposing manner of sending out changed. If the beforehand diamond is the raging fire of combustion, then at this time is sufficiently the sky incarnadine raging fire. 这一刻,解楼坛和金刚机甲的散发的气势变了。如果说之前的金刚是燃烧的烈火,那么此时便是足以将天空染红的猛火。 Receives my spirit X-ray machine armor diamond Strikes, goes to that world to engage in introspection own rash!” “接下我灵光机甲【金刚】的一击,去那个世界反省自己的莽撞吧!” Above the long-handled crescent-shaped sword twined flame suddenly, left behind just 13 scarlet slashes along with the long-range raid of diamond machine armor in the air. Then is the limbs separation of colored glaze special Sir/minister Republic soldier machine armor. 偃月刀之上骤然缠绕了一层火焰,伴随着金刚机甲的奔袭在空气中留下了刚好13道赤红的刀痕。紧接着,便是琉特卿共和国士兵机甲的肢体分离。 Dissipation.” “消散吧。” Turns away from Villain/enemy, solution Loutan is leaning on the long-handled crescent-shaped sword again. But calling out in grief of soldiers, with machine armor that they summoned together, changed into the point light corpuscle of dissipation in air. 背对着敌人,解楼坛将偃月刀再次拄地。而士兵们的悲鸣,与他们召唤出来的机甲一起,化为了消散于空气中的点点光粒。 The skeleton not saves. 尸骨无存。 .......... “..........” In all person eyes, the people in colored glaze special Sir/minister Republic unravelled. May in the Xie Ming eye, these dissipations light corpuscles enter another level space, goes toward some place gathering. 在所有人眼里,琉特卿共和国的人都灰飞烟灭了吧。可在谢铭眼里,这些消散的光粒只是进入了另一个层度的空间,朝着某个地方汇聚而去。 That place, is the wall. Accurate, should be beside the wall. 那个地方,正是墙壁。准确来说,应该是墙壁之外。 Beside wall... has anything to absorb these unknown .... No, should say is named faith energy?” “墙壁之外...有什么东西在吸取着这些未知....不,应该说是名为‘信念’的能量?” Hence, strength system Xie Ming of this world has almost found out. 至此,这个世界的战力体系谢铭已经差不多摸清楚了。 Falls the knot in treasure to vow the bracelet, can be regarded as the human spirit and faith gives present a center machine. But faith has present, is spirit X-ray machine armor. 落宝中的结誓臂环,可以看作是将人类的精神、信念给具现化的一个中枢机器。而信念的具现化,便是灵光机甲。 The different faith, can summon the design to be different, spirit X-ray machine armor that the ability is also different. 不同的信念,可以召唤出款式不同,能力也不尽相同的灵光机甲。 Because the soldiers in colored glaze special Sir/minister Republic the faith does not have too many disparities, what therefore summoned was these designs basically agrees, in the performance also did not have much difference spirit X-ray machine armor. 琉特卿共和国的士兵们因为信念没有太多差距,所以召唤出的是那些款式基本一致,性能上也没有多大区别的灵光机甲。 But the fierce magnificence empire solution building altar/jar is different, his faith for unparalleled in the world, spirit X-ray machine armor that therefore he summoned diamond Then has is far exceeding in the strength and speed of ordinary miraculous machine armor intensity. 但烈华凯帝国这边的解楼坛不同,他的信念为‘天下无双’,因此他所召唤出的灵光机甲【金刚】则拥有着远超于普通灵光机甲强度的力量和速度。 In addition his excellent skill in Wushu, even if not top, solution Loutan the strength should also be able to include this world first ten. 再加上他本人高超的武艺,哪怕不是顶级,解楼坛的实力应该也能列入这个世界的前十。 After all invincible general do these four characters, how could notify casually? 毕竟‘无敌将军’这四个字,岂能随便这么通报的? Thinks toward the deep place again, needs falling the treasure, when the energy destination that is the knot vows the source and soldiers bracelet of were eliminated to disperse, conducts one time the guess of nothing basis. 再往深处想想,就需要将落宝,也就是结誓臂环的来源和士兵们被消灭时所发散出的能量去处,进行一次没有任何根据的猜测。 Perhaps... some exists Provides the war weapon to this world especially Knot vowed bracelet, Making among human struggle mutually, thus collects these Faith energy( establishes provisionally)】 Does Some matter. 或许...【某个存在】特地向这个世界发放战争兵器【结誓臂环】,让人类之间互相斗争,从而收集这些【信念能量(暂定)】去做【某件事情】。 But this Some exists With Some matter, Should be own main line duty related. 而这个【某个存在】和【某件事情】,应该就是和自己的主线任务相关的了。 Thinks of here, Xie Ming raised the head slightly, the bridge of the nose at the disparity of slightly, slightly crossed the knife point of diamond machine armor long-handled crescent-shaped sword. 想到这里,谢铭微微抬起头,鼻梁以微毫的差距,略过了金刚机甲偃月刀的刀尖。 Then was one's turn you, not well-known man.” “接下来就轮到你了,不知名的男人啊。” In solution Loutan the voice takes a dignity: Although your does not have any weapon, has not tied vows the bracelet. But from seeing your first start, you give me an absolutely terrified feeling.” 解楼坛的声音中带上一丝凝重:“虽然你身上没有任何武器,也没有结誓臂环。但从见到你的第一眼开始,你就给我一种毛骨悚然的感觉。” Even if I already in diamond In, this feeling does not have slight weakening.” “哪怕我已经在【金刚】之中,这种感觉也没有丝毫的减弱。” Appears again in addition obviously falls the valuable the place actually not to load the knot to vow the bracelets and any other machines, only then your ..... “再加上明明出现落宝的地方却没有装载着结誓臂环和其他任何机器,只有你一人.....” Said that who you are!” “说吧,你到底是什么人!” ........ “........” Heroic straightforward isn't simple-minded? Also yes, if ingenuous and straightforward person, how also possibly to practice the skill in Wushu to the boundary of grandmaster, climbs up in a position of general of country. 豪迈耿直却不愚吗?也是,要是憨直之人,又怎么可能把武艺练至宗师之境,爬上一国之将军的位置上。 My name is Xie Ming.” “我的名字是谢铭。” Xie Ming said with a smile: From wall, a traveller.” 谢铭笑道:“来自墙壁之外的,一介旅行者罢了。” https:// https:// Talent one second remembers the home station address: Cell phone version reading website: 天才一秒记住本站地址:手机版阅读网址:
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