RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1848: Forest gal Surinder

Popular recommendation: Forest gal Surinder, this is the name of this stretch of land. Different with the stars of other potential surfaces, this is the world that a piece of tall wall revolves. 热门推荐:林伽林德,这是这片大地的名字。只是和其他位面的星球不同,这是片高墙所围绕的世界。 The tall wall covers, protects and breeds this mainland, nourishes. Regarding people who in the wall live, the wall of this encirclement is their gods. 高墙将这片大陆笼罩、呵护、孕育,滋养。对于墙壁内生活的人们来说,这环绕的墙壁便是他们的神。 But this stretch of land still has a marvelous phenomenon, people call it fall treasure. 而这片大地还存在着一个奇妙的现象,人们将其称之为‘落宝’。 Falls the treasure, as the name suggests, will pass through the machinery that the tall wall drops from the clouds to carry the thing once for a while. Inside is loading, is casts people technological base the technical product, or is named knot vowed bracelet the goods. 落宝,顾名思义,是时不时会穿越高墙从天而降的机械载物。里面装载着的,是铸就人们科技基础的科技产物,或者是名为‘结誓臂环’的物品。 Regarding people in this world, the knot vowed the bracelet is the strategic weapon that in the war can decide the victory and defeat. Therefore every time arrival that falls the treasure, will cause the two big national every large or small armed conflicts of division world. 对于这个世界的人们而言,结誓臂环是战争中可以决定胜负的战略兵器。因此每一次落宝的降临,都会引起分割世界的两大国家大大小小的武力冲突。 Fierce magnificence empire, as well as colored glaze special Sir/minister and country. 烈华凯帝国,以及琉特卿和国。 The war in two big countries is why unceasing, besides other reasons, biggest reason possibly because of the difference of national idea. 至于两大国家之间为何战事不断,除了其他各种原因外,最大的原因可能是因为国家理念的不同吧。 Former Chongwu, latter Chongwen. The former thinks that brave is the human honor, the latter thinks that the intellectuality is the pride of human. 前者崇武,后者崇文。前者认为勇武才是人类的荣光,后者认为知性才是人类的骄傲。 The idea of country, directly affected the personality of two countries nationals, as well as technical tree. 国家的理念,直接影响了两国国民的性情,以及科技树。 The building of fierce magnificence empire is ancient, technical almost added completely and war related science and technology. Therefore, the livelihood of the people in fierce magnificence empire not, but everyone very brave. 烈华凯帝国的建筑古老,科技点几乎全部加在了和战争有关的科技方面。因此,烈华凯帝国的民生并不算好,但人人都十分的勇武。 Another side, colored glaze special Sir/minister and country in individual strength, although is inferior in the fierce magnificence enemy, but has the addition of science and technology. Because in addition the technical tree adds comprehensive of in addition, in livelihood of the people are better than the fierce magnificence empire on many. 另一边,琉特卿和国在个体力量方面虽然逊色于烈华凯敌国,但却有着科技的加成。再加上因为科技树加点加的全面,在民生方面比烈华凯帝国要好上不少。 However front has also said that the livelihood of the people and science and technology are unimportant in this world, affects the national strength truly only has two types of things. 不过前面也说过了,民生、科技在这个世界并不重要,真正影响国力的只有两种事物。 The knot vowed the bracelet, and use knot vowed the bracelet, powerful person. 结誓臂环,以及使用结誓臂环的,强大的人。 Why vows the bracelet to attach great importance to as for the knot, in this world newly-arrived Xie Ming very lucky saw with own eyes. 至于结誓臂环为什么会如此受到重视,在这个世界初来乍到的谢铭非常幸运的亲眼见到了。 Machine installs to appear 【机装显现】 With the heavy/thick mechanical sound, wore the wearing a mask soldier on arm to change into the light beam of soaring to the heavens the silver link. In an instant, a rhubarb from wutaishan, ash and deep blue tricolor staggered round head machine armor appeared in his front. 伴随着厚重的机械音,将银环戴在手臂上的蒙面士兵化为了冲天的光束。转眼间,一台黄、灰、碧蓝三色交错的圆脑袋机甲出现在了他的面前。 Finally gives you an opportunity, fierce magnificence soldier. The goal of our colored glaze special Sir/minister and country's, but to fall treasure. So long as you will fall the treasure to hand over, we will then depart.” “最后给你一次机会,烈华凯的士兵。我们琉特卿和国的目的,只是为了落宝。只要你将落宝交出来,我们便会离去。” ....... Not, therefore I said that I have not seen have fallen the treasure, does not know that falls the treasure is what thing.” “.......不,所以我都说了,我没见过落宝,也不知道落宝到底是什么玩意。” Xie Ming helpless flexure scratched the head, whispered at heart: What if you asked was the light ball of dropping from the clouds is anything, that actually I right.” 谢铭无奈的挠了挠头,心里嘀咕道:“如果你问的是从天而降的光球是什么的话,那倒是我没错啦。” Right, this Mission World delivery way, as before with meeting potential surface, after is compulsory by Main God Space localization potential surface coordinates invests. 没错,这次任务世界的投放方式,依旧和约战位面一样,是由主神空间定位位面坐标后的强制性投入。 This then causes the Xie Ming arrival way is to cut the meteor of sky, was therefore regarded this so-called falling treasure by the native of this potential surface. 这便导致谢铭的到来方式是划破天空的流星,也因此被这个位面的当地人当成了这所谓的落宝。 Now is unfamiliar with the people and place, if the right and wrong if necessary, Xie Ming does not want that quick becomes enemies to contract enmity. 现在人生地不熟,若是非必要的话,谢铭还是不想那么快的结仇结怨。 First, is Main God Space to the introduction of this potential surface. 一来,是主神空间对这个位面的介绍。 Mission World: BackArrow( Barke Yarrow) „ 任务世界:BackArrow(巴克・亚罗)“ Task difficulty: Third-order low section ~???( 200 ~???) „ “任务难度:三阶低段~???(200~???)“ Carries out the population: 1 “执行人数:一” Main line number: 1 “主线数目:一” Main line duty: Turns over to the township: Helps the child of wrong path return to the hometown.” “主线任务:归乡:帮助迷途之子回归故乡。” Duty completes the reward after the duty ended settles accounts in the space to provide. “任务完成奖励将在任务结束后结算空间内发放”。 Back, is the meaning of return, but Arrow, is the arrow and Arrow, the arrow. Often in some fantasy movies hear MagicArrow that these Magic masters said( the Magic arrow) in Arrow, is this. Back,是回归的意思,而Arrow,是箭、箭矢,箭头。常在一些奇幻电影听到那些魔法师说的MagicArrow(魔法箭)里的Arrow,便是这个。 Translates literally, this potential surface named BackArrow, can the translator for going home Arrow, the referring to index that or returns to and so on meaning. 直译一下,这个名叫BackArrow的位面,可以翻译为回家的箭矢,或者返回的指示标之类的意思。 Moreover the explanation of main line duty , the riddle person like before, has not understood simply: Brings home the child of wrong path. 而且主线任务的解释,也没有像之前那样的谜语人,非常的简单明了:带迷途之子回家。 But because of this, in Xie Ming's heart starts to be anxious. 可正因为如此,谢铭心里才开始不安起来。 The matter leaves must have the monster unusual, what the main line duty of riddle class requests is the having both and balance of intelligence and military force. Spoke the logical expression, is because part of difficulties in solution riddle, therefore the request to military force will not surpass the acting strength. 事出反常必有妖,谜语类的主线任务所要求的是智力和武力的兼具和平衡。说人话,便是因为一部分难度在解谜上,所以对武力方面的要求并不会太超出代行者实力。 But .... If did not request you to solve the riddle completely, here explained that the requirements of main line duty to military force, will surpass high that you imagined. 但....要是完全不要求你解谜了,这边说明主线任务对武力方面的要求,会超出你想象的高。 Especially that several in task difficulty ‚?’, Becoming the Xie Ming anxious source. 尤其是任务难度上的那几个‘?’,更是成为了谢铭不安的源泉。 Xie Ming has so far experienced the difficulty is the potential surface world of question mark, only then meets the potential surface. But final Villain/enemy Takamiya ling, is without a doubt question mark level powerful enemy. 要知道,目前为止谢铭所经历过的难度是问号的位面世界,只有约战位面啊。而最后的敌人崇宫澪,也是毫无疑问的‘问号’级强敌。 Without Kurumi and Kotori tried hard to strive at risk of life the second week eye for him, Xie Ming must die without doubt. 如果没有狂三琴里的拼死努力为他争取到了第二周目,谢铭必死无疑。 Now, this Barke Yarrow potential surface difficulty similarly is also the question mark, then thinks that this world exists with question mark that’ Takamiya ling is equal level powerhouse, completely does not have any issue. 现在,这个巴克・亚罗位面难度同样也是问号,那么认为这个世界存在着和崇宫澪等同的‘问号’级强者在,完全没有任何问题。 Moreover do not forget from punishment night there acquired information, fourth-order Mission World has the special rule. Violates this rule to handle affairs forcefully, either the world collapses, either is killed violently at the scene. 而且不要忘了从刑夜那里收集到的情报,四阶的任务世界都会存在着特殊规则。强行违反这个规则行事,要么世界崩溃,要么当场毙命。 At least when seeing at present this machine armor, Xie Ming first then had a feeling. 至少在看到眼前这台机甲时,谢铭第一时间便有了种感觉。 Only if the use contains the style of Italy to attack, otherwise depending on the strength, technique or the energy, will not cause any damage to this machine armor completely. 除非使用蕴含着‘意’的招式去攻击,否则光凭力量、技法或者能量,完全不会对这台机甲造成任何伤害。 Therefore is very bothersome, from first meeting now, Xie Ming has not expressed any hostility obviously. But at present this group of soldiers on bewildered oneself recognized for is anything ‚the fierce magnificence empire soldier, but also asks itself to want anything to fall the treasure. 所以现在就很烦了,明明从初次见面到现在,谢铭没有表示任何敌意。但眼前这群士兵就莫名其妙的把自己认定为是什么‘烈华凯帝国’的士兵,还找自己要什么落宝。 Oh, or this.” “唉,要不这样吧。” Xie Ming was saying to present machine armor: You looked that here anything does not have, only then I alone. But words that I spoke, you do not believe.” 谢铭对着眼前的机甲说道:“你看这里什么都没有,就只有我一个人。而我说的话,你又不相信。” Such being the case, I walk with you, proves my pureness, how?” “既然如此,我就和你走一趟,证明我的清白,如何?” This......” “啊这......” Then was one's turn machine the soldier in armor somewhat to hesitate, such sane reply, how see, did not seem like the monkey that fierce magnificence that crowd only understood the animal courage, was more like oneself here person. 这下轮到机甲里的士兵有些迟疑了,这样理智的回答,怎么看,都不像是烈华凯那群只懂蛮勇的猴子,更像是自己这边的人啊。 Must really be the fierce magnificence person, perhaps under oneself such intimidation, has taken up the weapon to go all out. 要真是烈华凯的人,在自己这样的威逼下,恐怕早就拿起武器上来拼命了。 Moreover indeed as he said that here anything does not have besides him. The patrol leader who in addition leads arrived at this region indeed to cost a lot of time. 而且的确如他所说的一样,这里除了他之外什么都没有。再加上自己率领的这支巡逻队来到这片地域的确耗费了不少时间。 Also might be fierce magnificence first falling the treasure brings walked, but this fellow was only pure watched the fun. 也有可能是烈华凯先把落宝带走了,而这家伙只是单纯的过来看个热闹的。 Thinks of here, the voice of this squad team leader also relaxed. 想到这里,这位小队队长的声音也放松了一些。 „, Asked you to be without a fight. Our colored glaze special Sir/minister and country and fierce magnificence are different, if you really can show that our pureness, we will not have any awkwardness, and will apologize for own impoliteness.” “那么,就请你束手就擒。我们琉特卿和国与烈华凯不同,如果你真的可以证明自己的清白,我们不会有任何的为难,并会为自己的无礼赔礼道歉。” But before then, we will regard the criminal who steals away to fall the treasure to regard you as before.” “但在此之前,我们依旧会把你当成偷走落宝的罪人看待。” , convinced him finally. 呼,总算说服他了。 Relaxes, Xie Ming shrugs saying: Without issue, so long as leaves with no reason at all treats me to be good badly. Come, I and you step onto ..... 松了口气,谢铭耸肩道:“没问题,只要别无缘无故的恶劣对待我就行。来吧,我和你们走上.....” Ha, this is not good!” “哈哈哈哈哈,这可不行啊!” Frank laughing, broke the Xie Ming sound. Also let the soldiers in this team of colored glaze special Sir/minister and country's held up the firearms in hand completely, aims direction that the sound conveyed. 一阵爽朗的大笑,打断了谢铭的声音。也让这队琉特卿和国的士兵们全部举起了手中的枪械,对准了声音传来的方向。 Who is!?” “是谁!?” Ha, this also was really disrespectful! Before going to battlefield, first from the report name is the etiquette of military commander!” “哈哈哈哈哈,这还真是失礼了!在上战阵前,先自报姓名才是武将的礼仪!” Is rotating the long-handled crescent-shaped sword in hand, one group of flame pounded to fall from the day, keep off in the Xie Ming front. 转动着手中的偃月刀,一团火焰从天砸落,挡在了谢铭的面前。 Fierce magnificence invincible general solution Loutan, with unparalleled in the world spirit X-ray machine armor that the faith changes into diamond, now on ginseng/partake!” “烈华凯的无敌将军解楼坛,和‘天下无双’的信念化为的灵光机甲‘金刚’,现在参上!”
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