RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1847: Without the feedback, that does not have bug!

Popular recommendation: When leaves from the zero potential surface, the bamboo basket transmitted a news to Xie Ming: The world tree has been able to start to expand massively. 热门推荐:在离开从零位面的时候,篝向谢铭传达了一个消息:世界树已经可以开始更大规模的扩张了。 At present the world tree has taken root: Rewrite and Allard, meet with from 4 potential surfaces, but these four units places facing returning nurturing to parents of the world tree, have made the world capacity upper limit that the world tree can connect be promoted again. 目前世界树已经扎根:Rewrite、阿拉德、约战和从零四个位面,而这四个位面对世界树的反哺,已经让世界树可以连接的世界容量上限再次得到了提升。 But the ability of the world tree, is the world quantity and taking root is related. The taken root world quantity are more, the ability of the world tree is stronger, is also higher to the Xie Ming ability increase. 而世界树的能力,又是和扎根的世界数量相关。扎根的世界数量越多,世界树的能力就越强,对谢铭的能力增幅也越高。 To further sharpen the Xie Ming ability, therefore the bamboo basket made such a suggestion to Xie Ming. 为了进一步提高谢铭的能力,所以篝才向谢铭提了这么一个建议。 Wants, making the tree the protectors go to other potential surfaces?” “要不要,让树的守护者们前往其他的位面?” This to Xie Ming, is not an unacceptable matter. However wants him to accept, must have many premises. 这对谢铭而言,并不是一件不能接受的事情。不过想要他接受,要有着很多的前提。 As the world's most understood that one of the Xie Ming people, the bamboo basket naturally also understands what condition can make Xie Ming accept this suggestion. What is, these conditions are the range that the world tree can achieve. 作为世界上最了解谢铭的人之一,篝自然也明白什么样的条件才能让谢铭接受这个建议。恰好的是,这些条件都属于世界树能够做到的范围。 The first point, is the security. 第一点,便是安全。 No matter the protector in which world, is the Xie Ming friend and family member. If must take losing their lives comes the powerful world tree as the price, Xie Ming is will not accept inevitably absolutely. 不管是哪一个世界的守护者,都是谢铭的友人和亲人。如果是要以失去她们的生命为代价来强大世界树,谢铭必然是绝对不会接受的。 However, in the Sword Art Online potential surface- the experience of Arad mainland potential surface, can actually safeguard this. 然而,在刀剑神域位面-阿拉德大陆位面的经验,却能保障这点。 As explained the Sword Art Online potential surface and Arad mainland potential surface rule thoroughly, understood that Held summoned Magic God of adventurer principle, Othinus can definitely relaxed created faced the protectors specially Sword Art Online through the world tree and record. 作为彻底解读了刀剑神域位面和阿拉德大陆位面的规则,了解赫尔德召唤冒险家原理的魔神,欧提努斯完全可以轻松的通过世界树和图录创造出一个专门面向守护者们的‘刀剑神域’。 Also is so-called potential surface shuttle experience system. 也就是所谓的‘位面穿梭体验系统’。 The world tree explores other potential surfaces through the branch, after finding the appropriate potential surface made the protector carry root system coordinates to enter the potential surface. Sees clearly this potential surface by the protector by own eyes, by the protector was judged whether this potential surface needs the world tree to help. 世界树通过枝条探索其他位面,在找到合适的位面后让守护者携带着‘根系坐标’进入到位面。由守护者以自己的双眼来看清这个位面,由守护者来判断这个位面是否需要世界树来帮忙。 If needed, then plants the coordinates, the world tree arrives. 如果需要,那么便种下坐标,世界树降临。 If not need, returns to own world through the root system coordinates, waits for the next potential surface exploration. 如果不需要,就通过根系坐标回到自己的世界,等待下一次的位面探索。 But here goes to potential surface, does not use the mortal body to go personally, but comes to create one by the fruit of the world tree for the protectors specially exploration body. 而这里的‘前往位面’,也不是使用自己肉身亲自前去,而是由世界树之果来专门为守护者们创造一个‘探索躯体’。 Energy system, height proportion and soul conjunction wait/etc issues, the world tree can solve completely. Suffers the crisis in the different world, can swing the person through the world. If a big mind and body dies, just wasted fruit of the world tree, the soul of protector will not receive any injury. 能量体系、身高比例、灵魂契合度等等问题,世界树全部都能解决。在异世界遭遇危机,可以通过世界来摇人。要是不小心身死,也只不过是浪费了一颗世界树之果,守护者的灵魂不会受到任何伤害。 If really appeared depending on the situation that the bamboo basket and world tree are unable to process, the bamboo basket can also guarantee that first Xie Ming swinging, is well that guarantees the protector. 要是真出现了光凭篝和世界树无法处理的情况,篝也可以保证第一时间把谢铭给摇过来,确保守护者的平安无事。 Has so many insurances, Xie Ming could not really have discovered the hidden danger in what security. 有着这么多的保险,谢铭还真找不出什么安全方面的隐患。 Second, that is the possible arrangement of self- wish and team. 第二点,那便是自我意愿和队伍的合理安排。 Is interested in exploring other world, felt can add on own busy , must therefore participate, the protectors will definitely have many people to have such idea. May the exploration to the unknown potential surface, be a very dangerous matter. 有兴趣探索其他的世界,觉得能帮上自己的忙所以要参加,守护者们肯定会有许多人抱有着这样的想法。可对未知位面的探索,是件非常危险的事情。 Gives an example, Tushan like Rewrite world, meets potential surface Tohka and Yoshino this kind of thoughts pure naive person, really must go to other world alone, perhaps was sold itself not to know. 举个例子,像Rewrite世界的涂山雅雅,约战位面的十香四糸乃这类心思单纯天真的人,真要单独去到其他世界,恐怕被卖了自己都不知道。 But can because of such reason, reject their requests? 但要因为这样的理由,就拒绝她们的请求吗? Therefore the formed mechanism is inevitable. If wants to go out to play, then must match red, accommodates other enough maturely the protector. 所以组队机制是不可避免的。雅雅要是想出去玩玩,那么必须要搭配上红红、容容或者其他一些‘足够成熟’的守护者。 Such Xie Ming felt relieved. 这样谢铭才放心。 But this point, completes the basis not to have the difficulty. 而这一点,完成起来根本没有难度。 The third point, is the clear rule. This, actually with some the first point superpositions, but divides to come out to refine. 第三点,便是明确的规则。这点,其实和第一点有一些重合,只是分出来细化而已。 The world tree takes root in the goal of the world is not to invade, but to save. But this saving, does not aim at somebody, some race or some country, but is the whole world. 世界树扎根世界的目的不是为了侵略,而是为了拯救。而这份拯救,并不是针对某个人、某个种族或者某个国家,而是整个世界。 Until now, 至今为止, Four world that the world tree takes root are because ‚, only then the world tree can achieve this thing, therefore Xie Ming makes the world tree take root. Rewrite and meets the world the energy to dry up, demon and from being split up of zero. Can the means of greatest restore this world main body issue, only then world tree. 世界树扎根的四个世界都是因为‘只有世界树才能做到这件事’,因此谢铭才让世界树扎根的。Rewrite和约战世的能源枯竭,魔界和从零的四分五裂。能够最大程度的修复这种世界本体问题的办法,只有世界树。 The rule that therefore Xie Ming sets only has one: Only if that potential surface really needs the strength of the world tree, otherwise cannot plant the root system coordinates. 所以谢铭定下的规则只有一条:除非那个位面是真的需要世界树的力量,否则绝不能种下根系坐标。 Be responsible for checking, is the bamboo basket and in Moon the bamboo basket of world tree. 负责把关的,则是世界树的篝和在月球的篝。 Two are willing for the world, to sacrifice all existences for human, Xie Ming holds the unconditional trust to them. 两位愿意为了世界,为了人类而牺牲一切的存在,谢铭对她们抱有着无条件的信任。 This did not mean that others do not trust, is only the character .... Is angry spitefully is not dry, or moves anything not to attend, such person in the protector is not a few. 这并不是说其他人就不信任了,只是性格嘛....一生气就赌气不干,或者一感动就什么都不顾了,这样的人在守护者中可不是少数。 The minor matter is but actually indifferent, in this every action and every movement possibly affect at the whole world the important matter of development progress, cannot by their temper. 小事倒无所谓,在这种一举一动可能影响整个世界的发展进度的大事上,可不能由着她们的性子。 Finally, naturally is the view of Main God Space. 最后一点,自然就是主神空间的看法。 After all Xie Ming is Main God Space acting now, if this strength does not have the help of Main God Space is not not possible to obtain. Own this aristocrat wants to develop territory with private soldier, how to see also needs to obtain ‚the emperor agreeing, right. 毕竟谢铭现在还是属于主神空间的代行者,这身力量要是没有主神空间的帮助也不可能获得。自己这个‘贵族’想用‘私兵’来开拓‘领土’,怎么看也需要得到‘皇上’的首肯,对吧。 But Lord God Naya the reply is two characters. 而主神‘娜亚陛下’的回复是两个字。 Casual.” “随便。” Since all issues were solved, that remaining manufactures outstanding and rich user-friendly for the world tree system, and extremely conscience matching system. 既然所有问题都解决了,那剩下的就是为世界树系统制作一个优秀、富有人性化且极为良心的‘匹配系统’了。 Must, individual space remaining in two day, Xie Ming, accompanies CC and the others besides tower ascending, the daily training, the remaining full times consumed in this matching system. 总得来说,个人空间剩下的两天中,谢铭除了登塔、日常训练、陪陪CC等人之外,剩下的全部时间都耗在了这个匹配系统上。 And, naturally also has the help of Yui and Othinus. But will soon be starting last day, Xie Ming sends off the protector squad that the first wavefront went to the potential surface investigation. 其中,自然也有着结衣欧提努斯的帮忙。而在即将启程的最后一天,谢铭送走了第一波前去位面调查的守护者小队。 The sword sovereign who protects in Mojie, Xie Ming once adventurous teammate Sharan, as expected first Tushan who ran to register, because Xie Ming previous time only called Miku not to call itself, Origami that thus was jealous. 守护于魔界的剑皇,谢铭曾经的冒险队友蕾莎琳,不出所料第一个跑来报名的涂山雅雅,以及因为谢铭上次只叫了美九没叫自己,从而吃醋的折纸 The assignment of the minute/share of duty of team to the strength and character, this squad hardly has any problem. Therefore Xie Ming feels relieved gazed after this vanguard to go to the unknown potential surface. 从队伍的分职到实力、性格的分配上来看,这支小队几乎不存在任何问题。所以谢铭非常放心的目送了这支先锋队前往了未知的位面。 Father.” “爸爸。” Un?” “嗯?” Aunt Sharan and Aunt Origami, younger sister, their characters .... Really can cooperate to complete the exploration task together?” 蕾莎琳阿姨和折纸阿姨,还有雅雅妹妹,她们的性格....真的能在一起合作完成探索任务吗?” .......... “..........” Father?” “爸爸?” Ok, I must prepare to start my first fourth-order Mission World.” “好了,我要准备开始我的第一次四阶任务世界了。” „...... The father, do not evade in present bug.” “......爸爸,可不要逃避在眼前的bug啊。” Yui, you must understand a matter.” Xie Ming was giving the thumbs-up to Yui: No one feeds back the issue, that does not have bug.” 结衣,你要明白一件事。”谢铭对着结衣伸出了大拇指:“没有人反馈问题,那就是没有bug。” ......... “.........” Yui blinks, suddenly does not know should say any good. Fortunately, on the scene not only only has Yui, CC and Othinus. 结衣眨了眨眼睛,一时间不知道该说些什么好。还好,在场的不仅仅只有结衣,还有CC和欧提努斯 You are teaching the Yui what at sixes and sevens thing.” “你在教结衣什么乱七八糟的东西啊。” Just responded about you, I will respond gives the bamboo basket and Sharan they.” “关于你刚刚的反应,我会反应给篝和蕾莎琳她们的。” ..... I cultivate/repair, I practice. When I cross this Mission World, I come back to cultivate/repair!” “.....我修,我修行了吧。等我过完这次任务世界,我就回来修!” Then the issue came. 那么问题来了。 Xie Ming this Mission World in the past, how many protectors will the world tree send to investigate the squad? 谢铭这一趟任务世界过去,世界树会派出去多少守护者调查小队呢?
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