RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1846: The 3 big classifications of fourth-order world

Popular recommendation: Returns to individual space each time, first prints the view forever is that scale wave lake slowly. Once for a while, will have several lively carps to jump the water surface, shows own existence feeling. 热门推荐:每次回到个人空间,首先印入眼帘的永远是那片鳞波徐徐的湖泊。时不时,会有几只活泼的鲤鱼蹦出水面,彰显一下自己的存在感。 Because the matching arrangement of space is gives Yui to manage, therefore Xie Ming does not know that what individual space was transformed. Accidentally has heard, seemed like Yui to buy «the Captive inside fish food of some Good food» with the spending money invests in the lake. 由于空间的搭配安排都是交给结衣来管理,所以谢铭也不知道个人空间到底被改造成了什么样。只是偶然听说过,貌似结衣用零花钱买了些《美食的俘虏》里面的鱼类食材投入到了湖泊中。 It seems like these fish to clean up various dirt in lake, maintains the limpidity of lake water. 似乎是那些鱼类可以清理湖泊中的各种污垢,保持湖水的清澈。 As for lawn, has a Nacu who actually parks Infinite Gundam, Xie Ming will sometimes also find time to have a look to stop Infinite Gundam that has not driven in for a long time, listening to Yui to introduce itself to him to various Infinite Gundam improvements. 至于草地的底下,倒是有着一个停放无限高达的格纳库,谢铭有时候也会抽空去看看停在里面许久未驾驶的无限高达,听着结衣给他介绍自己对无限高达进行的各种改良。 The latest transformation, transformed the skeleton of Infinite Gundam with Fonar Kesey Nurse's same spirit strength skeleton, so that Xie Ming could inject the spirit strength to conduct the energy supply or the body strengthening to inside. 最新的改造,也就是把无限高达的骨骼改造成了和佛纳克西纳斯一样的灵力骨架,以便谢铭向里面注入灵力进行能源供给或者机体强化。 In order to develop the spirit strength strengthening system, Yui also ran especially «Appointment Big Combat» potential surface, conducted a technological exchange with the Ratatoskr technical personnel, finally completes. 为了开发灵力强化系统,结衣还特地跑了《约会大作战》位面一趟,和拉塔托斯克的技术人员进行了一番技术交流,才终于完成。 As if, for the operation of Xie Ming, on Infinite Gundam also loaded an artificial intelligence, probably reprints directly from Fonar Kesey Nurse there. 似乎,为了方便谢铭的操作,无限高达上还加载了一个人工智能,好像是直接从佛纳克西纳斯那里转载过来的。 After all that world had entered the period of steady progression, cannot help their artificial intelligence lose under the place is covered with dust. 毕竟那个世界已经进入了稳定发展的时期,总不能把一直帮助他们的人工智能就这么丢在地底下吃灰吧。 Although after... arrives at Main God Space, seemingly is also same. 虽然...来到主神空间后貌似也是一样。 However after it is said arrives fourth-order, has the machine battle position surface of harsh limiting condition to become many. Such it seems like, later can the Infinite Gundam presence number of times increase slightly? 不过据说到了四阶之后,有着苛刻限制条件的机战位面将会成为多数。这么看来,之后无限高达的出场次数或许会稍微增多点? This, only then Main God Space mimicry personality Naya knows. However, the Xie Ming percentage hundred affirmations, this mimicry personality will not respond oneself this kind of issue absolutely. 这点,也只有主神空间的拟态人格娜亚才知道。不过,谢铭百分百肯定,这个拟态人格绝对不会搭理自己这类问题。 Therefore compared with having a joke backfire, what to do might as well think then. 所以比起自讨没趣,不如想想接下来怎么办。 After entering the step fourth-order seven days of relaxation times, are counted from one day of zero potential surface consumption, only have two days of time. But the agreement that just, Xie Ming has not fulfilled also has two. 进阶四阶之后的七天休息时间,算上在从零位面耗费的一天,只剩下两天时间。而刚好,谢铭还没有履行的约定还有两个。 One, is returns to the DXD world to keep an appointment Ophis. Another, repays a debt of gratitude the Spartan's Fury inheritance to his Kratos. 一个,是回到DXD世界赴约奥菲斯。另一个,是报恩将斯巴达之怒传承给他的奎托斯 Before because did not have the sufficient strength, therefore can only place these two agreements realized most afterward. Now, the strength should also be able to be considered as somewhat. 之前因为没有足够的实力,所以只能将这两个约定放在最后来实现。现在嘛,实力应该多多少少也能算得过去了。 However if the final two days of rest will be used to fulfill the agreement, then starts to carry out the first fourth-order acting task immediately, was some underestimates the fourth-order world? 不过如果将最后的两天休息用来履行约定,然后立马开始执行第一次四阶的代行者任务,是不是有些太小看四阶的世界了? Although... he has however gone to these world, the difficulty lowers not compared with the fourth-order duty is. However considering that fourth-order is very likely the duty of universe rank, therefore this saying first do not put early is quite so good. 虽然但是...他至今去过的那些世界,难度比四阶的任务低不到哪里去就是。不过考虑到四阶很有可能是宇宙级别的任务,所以这话还是先别放那么早比较好。 Over and over after the consideration, Xie Ming decides to put aside two agreements again, is ready for the first fourth-order duty full power. 再三考虑之后,谢铭还是决定将两个约定再搁置一下,全力为第一次的四阶任务做好准备。 The driving clothing/taking in universe, some left to install Yui to make ready urgently. However to prevent to have the situation that anything and Yui have not considered, did not like deciding to go out with acting exchange other Xie Ming. 在宇宙中的驾驶服,还有一些紧急脱出装置结衣已经备置好了。不过为了防止出现什么自己和结衣没有考虑到的情况,一直不太喜欢和其他代行者交流的谢铭还是决定出去一趟。 One side goes to and other fourth-order acting sees. 去和其他的四阶代行者见一面。 ----- ----- Fourth-order acting and fourth-order below acting, have the enormous disparity in the basis of life. If fourth-order acting and other acting place the same exchange area to exchange, will have many not good matter. 四阶代行者和四阶以下的代行者,在生命的根本上有着极大的差距。如果将四阶代行者和其他代行者放在同一个交流区交流,会发生许多不好的事情。 Acting exchange area that therefore fourth-order acting can enter, is specially independent. 因此四阶代行者能够进入的代行者交流区,是专门独立出来的。 First facilitates the fourth-order acting between the exchange, secondly is also one new protection to low rank acting. 一来方便四阶代行者们之间的交流,二来也是对低阶代行者们的一种新手保护。 As for the supplies of Equipment and consumables, naturally purchase in the Lord God store. But price, will then act according to the latest transaction price in market to adjust automatically. 至于装备和消耗品的补给,自然是在主神商店中购买。而价格,则会自动根据市场上的最新交易价来调整。 This is also to one compensation of fourth-order acting. 这也算是对四阶代行者的一种补偿。 As for having fourth-order acting of team, 至于拥有团队的四阶代行者, Can or personal communicates and other members in team through the team space exchanges. Comes to flow in fourth-order Equipment and Skill scroll and item in this manner to the low rank acting market. However the matter, is Naya explicitly bans: Four acting forbid to take all forms of hunting and killing action to low rank acting. Including and is not restricted in the Equipment item gives, counts the exchange of Enhancement Point(s), allocation of Skill. 可以通过团队空间或者私人通信来和团队中的其他成员交流。以这种方式来将四阶装备技能卷轴、道具流入到低阶代行者市场之中。不过有一件事,是娜亚明令禁止的:四届代行者禁止对低阶代行者展开任何形式的猎杀行动。包括,且不限于装备道具的给予,数据点的交换,技能的赋予等。 Violates, deducts all number Enhancement Point(s) and Exchange Point(s) for the first time, invests the high-risk potential surface to carry out the task him for the second time, is for the third time to stop the potential surface task execution, enters goes on an expedition to the Mōryō battlefield, until completing the battlefield task can return to Main God Space. 违反的,第一次扣除身上所有的数据点交换点,第二次将其投入高危险位面执行任务,第三次则是停止位面任务执行,进入到魍魉战场征战,直到完成战场任务才能返回主神空间 The matter of low rank acting, making low rank acting be solved, is such a meaning. 低阶代行者的事情,让低阶代行者自己来解决,就是这么一个意思。 Among fourth-order acting, if had the conflict ..... not to recommend, but will not prevent. 至于四阶代行者之间如果发生了矛盾冲突.....不推荐,但也不会阻止。 After all the itself/Ben is raises the gu nature the cultivating method, you admit in other gu insects to bully the weak somewhat excessive the gu king, but among the gu kings branches out a strongest gu king, the reason of naturally not having prevented. 毕竟本就是养蛊性质的培养方法,你把蛊王放进其他蛊虫之中以大欺小有些过分,但蛊王之间分出一个最强蛊王,自然是没有阻止的理由。 However can enter to fourth-order acting, although is impossible is defends the foreword to be good completely, but definitely has the city mansion person. In addition everyone in some sense is the ally on same front, does not arrive in that share, is unlikely to branch out a life and death. 不过能进入到四阶的代行者,虽说不可能全部是守序善良,但肯定都是颇有城府的人。再加上大家在某种意义上是同一条战线上的战友,不到那个份上,不太可能分出个生死。 In most cases, the fourth-order exchange area usually lets among fourth-order acting by thing changed/easy thing, or the exchange information uses. 在大多数情况下,四阶的交流区通常都是让四阶代行者们之间以物易物,或者交流情报用的。 Xie Ming this time, then to gain information. But unfortunately, this time exchange area person does not have. 谢铭这次来,便正是为了获取情报。但可惜的是,此时的交流区一个人也没有。 ..... But actually also normal.” “.....倒也正常。” Thinks to look, after Xie Ming enters fourth-order the acting serial number is 114, but recently entered fourth-order should also only then he. Calculates toward many, also even after he enters fourth-order, some people to enter similarly fourth-order, that brace perhaps still 200. 想想看,谢铭进入四阶之后的代行者编号是114,而最近进入四阶的应该也就只有他一人。往多里算,就算他进入四阶后还有人同样进入四阶,那撑死恐怕也就两百个。 But now soon will enter fourth-order Mission World, everyone should prepare, who as same will come out to inquire the information with Xie Ming as final two days. 而现在又是即将进入四阶任务世界,大家都应该在准备,谁会和谢铭一样到了最后两天才出来打探情报啊。 This inquiry this/should exchange, was completed couple days ago. 该打探该交换的,早在前几天都完成了。 Familiar environment goes back .... Un?” “熟悉一下环境就回去....嗯?” The look moves slightly, Xie Ming looks to own side, a careless blonde man's towering appearance in this. 眼神微微一动,谢铭看向自己身旁,一个吊儿郎当的金发男人突兀的出现在了这。 Aiya, I also think that likes strolling in this final several days of exchange areas on me, enjoys the environment of this nobody left. Has living together harmoniously unexpectedly...?” “哎呀,我还以为就我一个人喜欢在这最后几天的交流区闲逛,享受这空无一人的环境呢。没想到,居然有同好者...嗯?” The smile of blonde man restrains slightly, looks at front some the youth of looking familiar, blinks the eye. 金发男人的笑容微微收敛,看着面前这个有些面熟的青年,眨巴眨巴眼睛。 I seem like .... Where in has seen you?” “我好像....在哪见过你?” Silver-gray law robe, golden hair, accent character. You are the space ruler punishment night, right.” “银灰色的法袍,金色头发,不着调的性格。你就是空间的‘支配者’刑夜,对吧。” Rookie?” “新人?” Has not denied the inquiry of Xie Ming, punishment night flexure the head: „Did rookie come out to stroll at this time randomly? It seems like has much self-confidently to own strength.” 没有否定谢铭的提问,刑夜挠了挠脑袋:“新人在这个时候出来乱逛?看来对自己的实力很有自信啊。” Fourth-order Mission World, may before has experienced Mission World is different. Even if were my had mixed the long-term old bird, was not careful may turn over.” “不过四阶的任务世界,可和之前经历过的任务世界不同。哪怕是我这个已经混了很长时间的老鸟,一个不小心都有可能翻车。” Naturally, if your relaxation way is like me, when that I minded others' business. However ..... words saying, we haven't really met? More looked that you more thought the face is ripe ..... “当然,要是你的放松方式和我一样的话,那就当我多管闲事了。不过.....话说,我们真的没有见过面吗?越看你越觉得脸熟啊.....” The punishment night more looks more does not feel right: „It is not right, I have definitely seen you, moreover in some time very major event.” 刑夜越看越觉得不对劲:“不对,我肯定见过你,而且是在某次非常重大的事件里。” ..... Compared with this, the punishment night mister, I wants to inquire the fourth-order foundation information to you.” Xie Ming tranquil saying: You said is different about fourth-order Mission World and beforehand Mission World that was what different law?” “.....比起这个,刑夜先生,我想向你询问一下四阶的基础情报。”谢铭平静的说道:“关于你说的四阶任务世界和之前的任务世界都不同,是什么一种不同法?” „, You also really come out to inquire the information.” “得,你还真是出来打听情报的。” The punishment night shows the whites of the eyes: Calculates you to be in luck, just bumps into me. Fourth-order acting were few, to look after new, carries out couple of days ago that the duty comes back, is everyone discussed that exchanges the information the date. Other times, enter to individual potential surface development either, either enter to the tower in train.” 刑夜翻了个白眼:“算你走运,刚好碰上我。四阶代行者本来就人少,为了照顾新来的,执行任务回来的前两天,才是大家讨论交换情报的日期。其他时候,要么进入到个人位面发展,要么进入到塔内训练。” Words said that acting of following promotion isn't begins two days of centralized exchange information and shopping?” “话说下面晋升的代行者不都是开头两天集中交换情报和购物吗?” Is this? 是这样吗? This is really the Xie Ming knowledge blind spot, after all he belongs is fasting class/flow acting, first-order to fourth-order went to business district shopping not saying that calculates completely was also less than 20 times. 这还真是谢铭的知识盲区,毕竟他属于是绝食流代行者,一阶到四阶去商业区购物的次数不说全部算下来也不到二十次。 In addition he will always care about the traffic anything's person, first day goes out to go out to have anything with seventh day to change, he has not really detected. 再加上他从来都是会去在意人流量什么的人,第一天出去和第七天出去有什么变化,他是真的没有察觉到。 However, this matter does not need to say. 不过,这种事情没有必要说出来。 Couple days ago something delayed.” Xie Ming smiles: „After all enters the step fourth-order, the strength had some obvious promotion, therefore after I want first to adapt to the strength, comes out to have a look.” “前几天有些事耽搁了。”谢铭笑了笑:“毕竟进阶四阶之后,力量有了些明显的提升,所以我想先将力量适应之后再出来看看。” Hou? This is actually good to be familiar with.” “嚯?这倒是个好习惯。” The punishment night nods, originally ripe patted the shoulder of Xie Ming: Is a good seedling, the character also is also good, without some fourth-order proud bad problems.” 刑夜点了点头,自来熟的拍了拍谢铭的肩膀:“也是个好苗子,性格也还不错,没有一些四阶自傲的坏毛病。” Even if my these acquaintances, in or is I rolls these brothers, somewhat cannot bear my talking on and on about trivialities, never expected that you can hear here unexpectedly patiently. ~ the present lacks is your like this fourth-order fresh blood.” “哪怕是我的那些熟人,或者是我团里的那些弟兄,都有些受不了我的嘴碎唠叨,没想到你居然能够耐心听到这里。呀~现在缺少的就是你这样的四阶新血啊。” I said probably with you, difference of fourth-order Mission World. On the other hand, have you experienced some condition special Mission World?” “那我就大概和你说说吧,四阶任务世界的不同。话说回来,你有没有经历过一些条件特殊的任务世界?” Has.” “有的。” In the Xie Ming brain crossed probably, then made some deletions: Substitution class and limit class has entered.” 谢铭脑内大概过了一下,然后做出了一些删减:“代入类的和限制类的都有进入过。” Unexpectedly has the limit class? It seems like your strength is good.” “居然有限制类的?看来你实力还算不错啊。” The punishment night selected the eyebrow: Has experienced the limit class said that fourth-order Mission World overwhelming majorities, are the limit classes, moreover basically is the world rule strong to the somewhat odd type.” 刑夜挑了挑眉毛:“不过有经历过限制类的就好说了,四阶任务世界的绝大多数,都是限制类的,而且基本上都是世界规则强到有些离谱的类型。” Gives an example with me, I am the space master, an ability almost on space Magic. But Mission World, almost kept there me, you guess that was what?” “就拿我来举例吧,我是空间法师,一身能力几乎都在空间魔法上。但一次任务世界,差点就把我留在那里了,你猜猜是什么?” ....... Is the space movie screen very firm?” “.......空间障壁特别坚固?” No, is happen to opposite.” “不,正好相反。” Saying of punishment night face hidden bitterness: That world is " Transmission Gate » world, space movie screen frail one batch. Each use space Magic, probably in using the embroidery needle carves the Great Wall on the grain of rice.” 刑夜一脸幽怨的说道:“那个世界是《传送门》的世界,空间障壁脆弱的一批。我每一次使用空间魔法,都像是在用绣花针在米粒上刻万里长城。” Makes an effort slightly, the space of that world will be confused by me thoroughly, causing the duty to be defeated.” “稍微用力一点,那个世界的空间就会被我彻底搅乱,导致任务失败。” ........ “........” Then you should understand, the fourth-order limit class world is not the rigid limit, even after all our fourth-order acting put in the middle of myriad potential surfaces is also a powerhouse, not again limits in some so many strengths.” “这下你应该明白了,四阶的限制类世界不是硬性限制,毕竟我们四阶代行者哪怕放到万千位面当中也算是强者了,不会再有那么多实力上的限制。” But the world, is actually not so. The «Transmission Gate» that I experience is this kind of the world rule strong to the odd world, can by the space ability of the world approval, only then that spear/gun, other by the world rule repel.” “但世界,却不是如此。我经历的这个《传送门》就是这类世界规则强到离谱的世界,能够被世界认可的空间能力只有那一把枪,其他的都会被世界规则排斥。” If I want strong destruction this rule, that... either is the chaotic order in the world, either is everyone together neat family/home.” “如果我要强硬的破坏这个规则,那...要么是世界的秩序混乱,要么就是大家一起整整齐齐的把家还。” ......... “.........” Actually this type slightly is good, what most is afraid is that type has not given you any limit the fourth-order world.” “其实这种还稍微好一点,最害怕的是那种没有给你任何限制的四阶世界。” The punishment night sighed: „The upper limit of that world arrives simply high oddly, inside even has fellow who can dispute with the Mōryō god king. For example the Tianyuan in «Tianyuan Breakthrough» world break through- red lotus spiral rock and reciprocal screw clan, is model.” 刑夜叹息道:“那种世界的上限简直高到离谱,里面甚至有着能和魍魉神王较量的家伙。比如《天元突破》世界里的天元突破-红莲螺岩和反螺旋族,就是其中的典型。” „Were you good Mōryō clan that several turtle grandsons in the past, can die with the false spiral galaxies to knocking forcefully by Simon?” “你行不行魍魉族那几个鳖孙过去,能被西蒙拿伪螺旋星系给硬生生的敲死?” Truly .... “确实....” Last type, believes that you have also heard. The radish of universe class is a world.” “最后一种,相信你也听说过吧。宇宙类的萝卜系世界。” Is breaking off the finger one after another, punishment night bored saying: Space Battleship Yamato, the galaxy war, the interstellar strives for hegemony, fights the hammer, the group star, ultra space and time fort, super robot war, Sidney knight .... 一根一根掰着手指,刑夜无聊的说道:“宇宙战舰大和号,星河战争,星际争霸,战锤,群星,超时空要塞,超级机器人大战,希德尼亚的骑士....” These are the universe class duties, is not difficult, but is not also simple. The limit is not high, but does not represent you to depend the strength to act unreasonably casually.” “这些都是宇宙类的任务,不算难,但同样不简单。限制不算高,但不代表你能仗着力量随便乱来。” So long as after going, can mix the lead to roll or counter- sends a delegation, is driving one is not strong, but also the sufficient body, can complete the task to obtain good grading reluctantly. Prepares for the lead or the villain who and open again upward hang that as for... that comes a machine to fight.” “只要进去之后能混上主角团或者反派团,然后在驾驶一架不算强但也勉强够用的机体,就能完成任务获得不错的评分了。至于再往上...那就做好和开挂的主角或者反派来一场机战的准备吧。” I am have no feeling to the world of radish department, quite likes the profound imaginary world of Magic system. After all contact that kind of the world, studies all kinds of space Magic, is also helpful to me.” “我个人是对萝卜系的世界没什么感觉,还是比较喜欢魔法体系的玄幻世界。毕竟多接触那类世界,多学习各种各样的空间魔法,对我自己也有帮助。” „The first two world, need to look at your ability and careful degree. Final one, ability that so long as you survive in the universe by the single body, actually is not difficult. To make a preparation again the words, goes to the Lord God store to wash 0.2 cell phone armor and driving clothing/taking on the line.” “前两种世界,需要看你的能力和细心程度。最后的一种,只要你由单体在宇宙生存的能力,其实并不算难。想再多做点准备的话,去主神商店淘点二手机甲和驾驶服就行。” So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Xie Ming slight nod: „Thanks punishment night mister. Me just .... 谢铭微微点头:“谢了,刑夜先生。我这边刚好....” Yeah, the reward do not give.” “哎,报酬就别给了。” The punishment night interrupted the Xie Ming words: These, if you come out early for several days, is informed by the fourth-order old birds free. Really wants to thank, going to the Mōryō battlefield kills some Mōryō clans is.” 刑夜打断了谢铭的话:“这些要是你早出来几天,都是由四阶的老鸟们免费告知的。真想感谢,去魍魉战场多杀些魍魉族就是。” Heard a while ago, the Mōryō god will be short of one probably, does not know that was which fellow does. Although made many noises to give many troubles to us, but I want to say that did well.” “听说前段时间,魍魉神将好像少了一个,也不知道是哪个家伙干得。虽然闹出不少动静给我们添了不少麻烦,但我还是想说干得不错。” After all that group of gods are almost the actions of geminate doubling, the words sound that wants to gang up on also only will be been smelly the fox calculating by that can select two people also to be held in the frontline, wants to get rid of a they also really not easy matter.” “毕竟那帮神将几乎都是成双成双的行动,想群殴的话动静又会被那只臭狐狸给算到,能一挑二的人也都被托在前线,想干掉他们一个还真是不容易的事情。” Therefore we also each other refuel, I favor you very much ~ “所以我们也彼此加油吧,我很看好你哦~” Compared with the thumb, disappearance that punishment night three shook in the field of vision, was continues to press the street evidently. 比了个大拇指,刑夜一步三晃的消失在了视野之中,看样子是继续去压马路了。 But Xie Ming is thinking same place, similarly also chose to return to individual space. 谢铭在原地想了想,同样也选择回到了个人空间。 Has the introduction of punishment night, in his heart also had some bottoms to following Mission World. Then besides daily training and tower ascending, be only the standby period arrived. 有着刑夜的介绍,他心中对接下来的任务世界也有了些底。接下来除了日常的训练和登塔之外,也就只有等待时间到来了。 Was right, a matter. 哦对了,还有一件事。 Arranged world tree large unit following action. 安排世界树大部队接下来的行动。
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