RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1845: Good morning

Popular recommendation: I, had a very long dream. 热门推荐:我,做了一个很长的梦。 In the dream, I saw many things. From the beginning I am having doubts, these things are anything. Until, I saw his form. 在梦中,我看到了许多的东西。一开始我在疑惑,这些东西是什么。直到,我看到了他的身影。 Xie Ming ....?” 谢铭....?” Front youth has not responded to me, I also understand quickly, what my present is not true he. Or ..... is not he who I know. 面前的青年并没有回应我,我也很快明白,我眼前的并不是真正的他。或者说.....不是我所认识的他。 Because, I have not seen such expression on his face: Immature, curious and excited, anticipation. Adventurer who probably first goes out, in exploring this piece in desolate ruins, 因为,我从来没有在他脸上看到过这样的表情:稚嫩、好奇、兴奋、期待。像是一名初次外出的冒险者,在探索着这片了无人烟的废墟之中, Finally he went to under that tree, with the silver becoming dark skirt, surrounded the young girl of red satin ribbon to meet. 最后他去到了那颗树下,与银发黑裙,环绕着红色缎带的少女相遇了。 Then .... Then the ten thousand times is samsara. I witnessed he pain and fear that from most starts, the transformation clenches teeth to insist, is changing into numbly. Finally, changes into crazily. 接着....便是万次的轮回。我目睹了他从最开始的痛苦和恐惧,转变咬牙坚持,在化为麻木。最后,化为疯狂。 Witnessed him to save the star, discarded all memories without hesitation decidedly. 见证了他为拯救星球,毫不犹豫舍弃所有记忆的决然。 Witnessed one in the true sense holds up a day of big tree, charges into the sky from the place bottom all processes. 见证了一颗真正意义上的擎天大树,从地底冲向天空的所有过程。 Why .... I will see these ..... “为什么....我会看到这些.....” Because this is you wants to see.” “因为这是你想看到的啊。” Just affected the satin ribbon young girl not to know when stood in my side, the words were gentle, was similar to mother to be the same: You want to understand his matter, not?” 刚刚影响中的缎带少女不知何时站在了我的身旁,话语轻柔,就如同母亲一般:“你想了解他的事情,不是吗?” ....... “.......是的。” The half elf young girl of silver hair got hold of the chest front gem, the nod of effort said: Matter that he will always abbreviate the difficult pain, forever is the happiness of other world I told.” 银发的半精灵少女握紧了胸前的宝石,用力的点头道:“他总是会省略艰难痛苦的事情,给我讲述的永远是其他世界的美好。” This is the style of that man.” “这便是那个男人的风格啊。” The satin ribbon young girl smiled: Should say him .... Un .... Should be is called androcentrism? Probably described this situation with this word modern. Naturally, is not the androcentrism in derogatory meaning.” 缎带少女笑了起来:“该说他....嗯....应该是叫做‘大男子主义’吧?好像现代是用这个词来形容这种情况。当然,不是贬义上的大男子主义。” His sense of responsibility was really strong, strong to the situation of being able be said as the insanity. Any matter of complying, the cut and bruised that even if will suffer oneself, he will also achieve.” “他的责任感实在是太强了,强到了可以说是疯魔的地步。凡是答应的事情,哪怕会把自己折磨的遍体鳞伤,他也会去做到。” „Can you believe? Let him insist ten thousand times in that thousand samsara, is only sole a few words.” “你敢相信吗?让他在那千次万次的轮回中坚持下来的,就只是单单的一句话。” Another I stem from the contract, asked one to him: Can you help me?” “另外一个我只是出于契约,对他问了一句:你能帮助我吗?” Then, his reply is: Good, I help you complete it.” “然后,他的回答是:好,我来帮你完成它吧。” But is such two words, saves star that soon dried up.” “但就是这样的两句话,拯救了一颗快要枯竭的星球。” „......” “......” Looks at all processes Emilia, the nature clear young girl said another I am what meaning. Therefore she somewhat is dark however, somewhat feels inferior. 看完所有过程的爱蜜莉雅,自然清楚少女所说的‘另一个我’是什么意思。所以她不禁有些暗然,有些自卑。 From beginning to end oneself have not as if done anything for him, is he has been helping itself. 从头到尾自己似乎并没有为他做过什么,一直都是他在帮助着自己。 Retrieves Wang Xuan badge, repels the assassin, eliminates the demon beast, supports in Wang Xuan Hall, eliminates Strega (Witch) to teach, passes the Saint territory trial ..... 找回王选徽章,击退刺客,消灭魔兽,在王选大厅中力挺,消灭魔女教,通过圣域试炼..... What are oneself... promising he to make? 自己...有为他做过什么吗? Naturally has.” “当然有啊。” Saw in the heart of Emilia thinks, bamboo basket gentle saying: You are he , the first wisp of sunlight that this world sees.” 看出了爱蜜莉雅的心中所想,篝温柔的说道:“你是他在这个世界所看到的,第一缕阳光。” I?” “我?” My where has to handle such extraordinary matter... to see merely he somewhat puzzles, therefore approached to ask one. 我哪有做这么了不起的事情...仅仅只是看到他有些困扰,所以主动上前问了一句而已。 Hehe, this was enough.” “呵呵,这样就足够了啊。” Yeah? Why you can...” “哎?为什么你会...” Here, but the space of soul. But the soul, does not have the means to deceive people. Let alone pure soul like you, all ideas almost take in everything at a glance.” “这里可是灵魂的空间。而灵魂,是没有办法骗人的。更何况是像你这样纯净的灵魂,所有的想法几乎是一览无遗。” „!!!!!” “!!!!!” Instantaneously, Emilia had keen ears to catch intoxicant red. Takes in everything at a glance, in other words own sentiment also .... 瞬间,爱蜜莉雅的耳尖染上了一道醉人的红色。一览无遗,也就是说自己的感情也.... Acknowledged confidently own sentiment, is not one is worth the shy matter, half elf young lady.” “坦然承认自己的感情,并不是一件值得害羞的事情,半精灵小姐。” The bamboo basket lifts the hand to stretch out the bandage, patted the Emilia forehead gently: Friendship, love and responsibility, do not give up and uniting, nicely, these, but can save human, beautiful thing.” 篝抬手伸出绷带,轻轻拍了拍爱蜜莉雅的额头:“友情、爱情、责任、不放弃、团结、善良,这些,可都是能够拯救人类的,美好的事物啊。” To the again many points of confidence.” “对自己再多点信心。” But, I have not really handled any extraordinary matter .... “可是,我真的没有做什么了不起的事情啊....” Perhaps in your eyes, “或许在你眼里, This matter is not worth mentioning. But, in the difficult person eyes, is actually not so. ” The bamboo basket double back of the hand after behind, is speaking and petite body completely incompatible old mannish words. „A same stone, the value in two person eyes is different. Regarding the first person, this solely is only a stone. May look like in the second person, this stone can actually make him recall and tips of friends from childhood.” 这件事不值一提。但,在困难的人眼中,却不是如此。”篝双手背在身后,说着和自己娇小的身体完全不符的老气话语。“同样的一颗石头,在两个人眼中的价值是不同的。对于第一个人而言,这单单只是一块石头。可在第二个人看来,这块石头却能让他回忆起自己和青梅竹马的点点滴滴。” Remembers him and young girl plays in the riverside together, throws away carelessly, then two people wear the wet clothes to go home, was blamed by the parents together, then two people to the smile that the time of looking at cannot help but exposes.” “想起他和少女一起在河边嬉戏,打水漂,然后两个人穿着湿漉漉的衣服回家,一起受到父母的责备,然后两人对视时不由自主展露的笑颜。” Thing true value, is decided by our hearts. Half elf young lady, was because of your initial that good intentions, saved this world.” “事物真正的价值,是由我们的心来决定的。半精灵小姐,正是因为你当初的那份善意,才拯救了这个世界啊。” Perhaps naturally, said that was somewhat exaggerating. But if you have not talked to him on own initiative, this perhaps was another story.” “当然,或许这么说有些夸张了。但如果你没有向他主动搭话,这或许就是另一个故事了。” ....... “.......” Hehe, was old, is being able not help will say some no.” “呵呵,年纪大了,就是情不自禁的会说些有的没的啊。” The bamboo basket sighed with a smile, looked again to Emilia: This he feeds in the middle of you soul space of the world tree time on own initiative for what, do you know?” 篝笑着叹了口气,再次看向爱蜜莉雅:“这一次他主动把你送进世界树的灵魂空间当中是为了什么,你知道吗?” To save Miss Satella.” “为了拯救莎缇拉小姐。” That is only one of them.” “那只是其中之一。” For ..... protects me?” “为了.....保护我?” „It is not.” The bamboo basket shakes the head. “不是。”篝摇了摇头。 ....... I do not know.” “.......我不知道。” Emilia dangled the head, somewhat depressed saying: I can only think of these.” 爱蜜莉雅垂下了脑袋,有些沮丧的说道:“我只能想到这些。” He hopes that you can accompany in his side.” “他希望你能一直陪在他的身边啊。” „......” “......” Instantaneously, the young girl stared in a big way the eye. 瞬间,少女瞪大了眼睛。 This world tree, is his basis of present life. Once were destroyed, then he will also die.” The bamboo basket said in a soft voice: But he allowed you to enter here.” “这颗世界树,是他现在生命的根本。一旦被破坏,那么他也会死亡。”篝轻声说道:“但是他让你进入到了这里。” If you want, you can sign a deeper contract with the world tree, with Kotori and Shizuru their same contracts. At that time, your lives then can with him link.” “如果你愿意的话,你可以和世界树签订更深一层的契约,也就是和小鸟静流她们一样的契约。那时,你们的生命便会和他连接在一起。” You will become the soul companion in the true sense, co-exists and altogether dies with the tree together. But your future, will expand from this world to the innumerable potential surfaces.” “你们将会成为真正意义上的灵魂伴侣,与树一起共生、共死。而你的未来,也将由这个世界扩展到无数的位面。” You will obtain truly, stands the qualifications in same platform with him, can with the potential that he fights side-by-side.” “你将真正获得,和他站在同一平台上的资格,能够和他并肩作战的潜力。” Half elf young girl, how can you choose?” “半精灵少女,你要怎么选择?” ....... “.......” This basis, does not need to choose. 这根本,不需要选择。 ----- ----- New body .... “新的身体....” In black silver-haired half elf is pinching own arm gently, in the amethyst virgin hole filled was astonished with joyfully. She has not thought that oneself really can obtain such happiness unexpectedly again. 身着黑衣的银发半精灵轻轻捏着自己的手臂,紫水晶般的童孔中充满了讶异和欣喜。她从来没有想过,自己居然真的能再次获得这样的幸福。 In the happiness on the lawn barefoot walking, feels the solar warm happiness, accompanies in oneself the person of happiness of loving. 在草地上光脚走路的幸福,感受太阳温暖的幸福,陪伴在自己所爱之人身边的幸福。 Snort, really the silly person has stupidly transports/fortunes ..... “哼,果然傻人有傻运啊.....” Nearby Aggie Donner light snort/hum , indicating oneself do not envy. 一旁的艾姬多娜轻哼了一声,表示自己一点都不羡慕。 Good, somewhat is a little. However remembers the matter that this institute experiences, the matter that pays, this result also earns to her. 好吧,多多少少还是有点的。不过想起这位所经历的事情,所付出的事情,这份结果对她来说也是应得的。 In this world, the good person will have the good report. 在这个世界上,好人还是会有好报的。 Inscription Sir, Miss Emilia she .... “铭大人,爱蜜莉雅小姐她....” No rush.” “别急。” Tapped head, Xie Ming said with a smile: After all is the replace of soul, before the Emilia soul returns to the body, needs to conduct a comprehensive purification to provide against contingencies to the body.” 拍了拍蕾姆的脑袋,谢铭笑道:“毕竟是灵魂的替换,在爱蜜莉雅的灵魂回到身体之前,需要对身体进行一次全面的净化来以防万一。” When this does not need, only to take more than ten seconds .... You looked, this did not come back.” “这也不需要什么时间,只需要十几秒就....你看,这不就回来了嘛。” Lies down the purple clothes young girl eyelid on bed moves slightly, opens slowly. In that beautiful virgin hole, left at this time some banned to extinguish the demon eye same sight of green with Xie Ming. 躺在床上的紫衣少女眼皮微动,缓缓睁开。那美丽的童孔中,此时多出了些许和谢铭禁灭魔眼一样的绿意。 Xie Ming ....?” 谢铭....?” Good morning, Emilia.” “早上好,爱蜜莉雅。” A wisp of sunlight across window, just right photo on leaning Yan Zhi of young girl. Is called the treasure for that sufficiently the smile, added a more beckoning color. 一缕阳光穿过窗户,恰到好处的照在了少女的侧颜之上。为那份足以称为瑰宝的笑容,增添了一份更加令人心动的色彩。 Good morning, Xie Ming.” “早上好,谢铭。”
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