RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1844: Post-war processing

Popular recommendation: Half a month time blinks, today's Nika kings as before extremely busy. People were saying with great interest the big event that half a month ago had, as well as in that big event are enlivening several throne candidates. 热门推荐:半个月的时间眨眼而过,今日的露格尼卡王都依旧热闹非凡。人们津津有味的说着半个月前所发生的大事件,以及在那场大事件中活跃着的几位王位候选人。 But mentioned the frequency to be highest, except, in the kings conducted beside Emilia of multi- rabbit sentencing ceremony, naturally was that lends a hand to solve the sword Saints of four big city gate crises: Comes the cushion Ha Luti. 但提及频率最高的,除了在王都进行多兔处刑仪式的爱蜜莉雅之外,自然就是那一出手就解决了四大城门危机的剑圣:来茵哈鲁特。 Naturally, this did not forget another big hero on behalf of people. 当然,这并不代表人们忘记了另外一位大功臣。 The youngster in various city places dashes with wears the strange clothes( gym suit) together, is rescuing by the red skirt young girl of civilians lust Si teach controls. 和一名穿着奇怪衣服(运动服)的少年一起在城市各处飞奔,解救着被色欲司教控制的平民的红裙少女。 Priscilla postscript Lieres. 普莉希拉・跋利耶尔。 Without her effort, then comes the cushion Ha Luti by these people to diversion stubbornly, simply does not have the means to lend a hand to solve the crises of other places. 如果没有她的努力,那么来茵哈鲁特则会被这些人给死死的牵制住,根本没有办法出手解决其他地方的危机。 Without the means that simultaneously saves the innocent civilians who these were controlled. 没有办法,同时救下这些只是被控制住的无辜百姓。 However because of half elf this status addition, some people are thinking as before teaches to attack a city the matter that to fling Strega (Witch) to Emilia. But copes with the best way of this person, fact flinging ruthlessly on his face. 不过因为‘半精灵’这个身份的‘加成’,依旧会有人想着把魔女教攻城的事情甩给爱蜜莉雅。而对付这种人的最好办法,就是将事实狠狠的甩在他脸上。 Four big city gates, altogether three are maintains the resistance by the people of Emilia faction. Remaining last gates, is repaired the faction to protect by the union storehouse ear of Emilia faction. 四大城门,总共有三道是由爱蜜莉雅派系的人来维持抵御。剩下的最后一道门,也是由爱蜜莉雅派系的同盟库耳修派系守护。 Changes another angle, from the result, this time multi- rabbit sentencing ceremony truly gave the kings to bring the huge tourist economy benefit. Even finally, is still solving permanently envied Strega (Witch) and Strega (Witch) teaches these two big threats. 换另一个角度,从结果出发,这次的多兔处刑仪式确实给王都带来了庞大的旅游经济效益。甚至还在最后,永久的解决了嫉妒魔女魔女教这两大威胁。 Although this is everyone's merit, but the merit is biggest , helping Xie Ming of Emilia faction without a doubt. 虽说这是所有人的功劳,但其中功劳最大的,毫无疑问是帮助爱蜜莉雅派系的谢铭 As the warning of knight, coming the cushion Ha Luti is not not possible to annex the merit distortion fact. 作为骑士之鉴,来茵哈鲁特不可能吞并功劳扭曲事实。 After tasting tourism the benefit of this industry, the talented person will still continue to attract the guests in the world to come the kings with what means in thinking of racking brains to play. 在尝到‘旅游业’这个行业的甜头后,贤人会本来还在绞尽脑汁的想该用什么办法来继续吸引世界各地的客人来王都游玩。 But now, they did not need to be worried completely. 但现在,他们完全不用担心了。 Has that direct access to the highest authorities great tree of king capital city suburb, doesn't need to be worried about the issue of tourist? 有着王都城郊外的那颗通天巨树在,根本不需要担心游客的问题好吗? Right, arrives to from the zero potential surface world tree, has become the whole world unique scenery. Various that in addition the world tree brings to lifeform beneficial effect, the kings will have constructed a plan of traveling village to promote near the world tree to the first rank. 没错,降临到从零位面的世界树,已经成为了整个世界独一无二的风景。再加上世界树所带来的各种对生物有益的效果,王都已经将在世界树附近建造一座旅游村庄的计划提升到第一等级当中。 In consulted after Xie Ming. 在和谢铭协商之后。 Master of the world tree may, want to take it to make money here, first does not ask Xie Ming, does that also make sense? 世界树的主人可就在这里呢,想要拿它赚钱,不先问问谢铭,那还像话吗? Regarding the construction traveling village incident, the reason that Xie Ming has not naturally opposed. The premise is, must satisfy the condition that he put forward. 对于建造旅游村庄一事,谢铭自然是没有反对的理由。前提是,要满足他提出的条件。 Article 1, the net income of traveling village, the Emilia faction must gather 50. 第一条,旅游村庄的净收益,爱蜜莉雅派系要收取50。 Article 2 everyone, enters the traveling village, does not divide in any case the position, must obey the first rule of village: Does not permit to conduct the destruction of any way to the world tree, does not permit to conduct all forms of injury to the resident in traveling village, including spoken language. 第二条,进入旅游村庄的所有人,不分贵贱地位,都必须遵守村庄的第一规则:不准对世界树进行任何方式的破坏,不准对旅游村庄的居民进行任何形式的伤害,包括言语。 Naturally, if the resident goes to other swindling and abducting tourists on own initiative, that regarded as another matter. 当然,要是居民主动去坑蒙拐骗其他的游客,那就另当别论了。 Article 3, the order maintenance of traveling village, comes the cushion Ha Luti to lead the soldiers of Emilia faction to maintain by the sword Saint. 第三条,旅游村庄的秩序维护,由剑圣来茵哈鲁特带领爱蜜莉雅派系的士兵维持。 Most main rule these three, other trivial provisions have not raised. Simply speaking, the idea of Xie Ming becomes the second Tushan this traveling village. 最主要的规则也就这三条,还有其他琐碎的条款不提也罢。简单来说,谢铭的想法就是将这个旅游村庄变为第二个‘涂山’。 Has Rewrite world learning from another's mistakes of twice Tushan emergency, always has no alternative but to draw a lesson. 有着Rewrite世界中的两次涂山事变的前车之鉴在,总不能不吸取一点教训吧。 However finished up the opening to be difficult, the present world tree has connected four big potential surfaces: Rewrite world and demon and appointment big combat potential surface of Arad mainland, as well as newest from zero potential surface. 不过完事开头难,现在的世界树已经连接了四大位面:Rewrite世界、阿拉德大陆的魔界、约会大作战位面,以及最新加入的从零位面。 The monster clan that one place is in difficulty help came from all sides, the Rewrite world is in sole possession , the demon person in demon, and Xie Ming travels together has fought shoulder to shoulder the good friend, the appointment big combat potential surface holds the elves of some particle strengths as before and appears the installment army. 一方有难八方支援,Rewrite世界独有的妖族,魔界中的魔界人、和谢铭一起旅行并肩共战过的好友,约会大作战位面依旧抱有着部分质点力量的精灵和显现装置部队。 The world tree protector in each world, is the top strength of that world, 每一个世界的世界树守护者,都是那个世界的顶级力量, Also is the person of not possible betrayal. Once there is a potential surface world tree to suffer the danger, then the protectors in other world then can arrive to assist through the world tree amphi-position surface. This is the influence of the world tree specially , the strength of in Xie Ming this long journeys and people have is to hobble to unite. 也是绝不可能背叛的人。一旦有位面的世界树遭受危险,那么其他世界的守护者便可以通过世界树跨位面降临来协助。这是专属于世界树的势力,也是谢铭这漫长旅途中与众人结下的牵绊所凝聚出的力量。 Now, the guardian of the world tree must increase two members newly. 如今,世界树的守卫者又要新添加两名成员。 Strega (Witch) of seven crimes. 七罪的魔女 ----- ----- The being concocted power cuts off, representative is being the imbalance of power world. If cannot be able thoroughly to eliminate Pandora this malignant tumor like this, Xie Ming will not choose this method. 虚饰权能断绝,代表着是权能世界的失衡。如果不是必须要这样才能彻底消灭潘朵拉这个毒瘤,谢铭不会选择这种方法。 Exists and meaningful, appears and meaningful. Being concocted Strega (Witch) Pandora is the world malignant tumor, does not represent to be concocted this power is to harm the thing of the world. 存在及有意义,出现及有意义。虚饰魔女潘朵拉是世界毒瘤,不代表虚饰这个权能就是危害世界的东西。 May not have the means that ate with the tooth was the same, Pandora will be concocted part of powers to occupy completely, therefore can only abrasion it, then with other things making up. 可没办法,就和牙蛀了一样,潘朵拉将虚饰这一部分权能给全部占据,所以只能将其磨掉,然后用其他的东西给补上。 But the world and tooth cannot equate, the tooth was short of part also to be able then to use, the world was short of part of direct imbalance. 但世界和牙齿并不能画上等号,牙齿少了一部分还能接着用,世界少了一部分会直接失衡。 Especially the power world was separated alone, does not calculate the complete world. But being concocted power is quite big in the proportion that the power world accounts, one was short of so many, the power world has started the collapse decomposition. 尤其权能世界还是被单独分离出来,不算完整的世界。而虚饰权能在权能世界所占的比例相当大,一下少了这么多,权能世界已经开始崩溃裂解。 Not the too few part just helps Xie Ming to advance the following plan: World fusion. 不过少这一部分刚好有助于谢铭进行推进接下来的计划:世界融合。 The root of the world tree has dug to power all over the world successfully, not only stood firm its decomposition, and starts to conduct to tow toward the interior of divine protection world it to entrain. 世界树的根已经成功扎入到权能世界各处,不仅稳住了它的裂解,并开始将它向着加护世界的内部进行拖拽。 Divine protection outside, power. The root system of the world tree maintains the world stability, again through the automatic patching ability of the world, slowly lets this world self- adaptation restore, is complete. 加护在外,权能在内。世界树的根系维持住世界稳定,再通过世界的自动修补能力,慢慢的让这个世界自我适应修复,重新完整。 The needed support, is given by the world tree. Moreover in fact, patching material Xie Ming has actually cut. 需要的支援,由世界树来给予。而且实际上,修补材料其实谢铭已经斩进去了。 Thinks carefully friend of multipurpose divine protection effect potential surface, changes an angle, like multipurpose patching installment of auto-adapted? 仔细想想位面之友这个万能的加护效果,换个角度来看,是不是就像个自适应的万能修补装置一样? Is Xie Ming cannot determine, the thing he has inlaid in any case, later how, that will look how to operate from the world consciousness of zero potential surface. 到底是不是谢铭不敢确定,反正东西他已经嵌进去了,之后会怎么样,那就看从零位面的世界意识是怎么操作了。 The issue conclusion of power world, then this/should solution, was Satella and Emilia matter. 权能世界的问题结束,接下来该解决的,便是莎缇拉爱蜜莉雅的事情。 For got down in the bodies of innumerable subsequent hand to liberate from that by Pandora the Satella soul, Xie Ming can only make Emilia give away oneself this adaptation rate/lead extremely high body at that time to install the Satella soul temporarily. 为了将莎缇拉的灵魂从那个被潘朵拉下了无数后手的身体中解放,谢铭当时只能让爱蜜莉雅暂时让出自己这副适应率极高的身体装下莎缇拉的灵魂。 Later, has the fruit by the Xie Ming control world tree again, letting Othinus be Satella builds one fully to adapt to the body of her soul. 之后,再由谢铭操控世界树结下果实,让欧提努斯莎缇拉打造一副完全适应她灵魂的躯体。 The world tree takes the innumerable potential surfaces to take root as the soil, fruit that then bears, inevitably is the multipurpose treasures of the world class. Body that builds by the world tree fruit, was draws the rank of the world the upper limit from the beginning. 世界树以无数位面为土壤扎根,那么所结下来的果实,也必然是世界级别的万能珍宝。以世界树果实打造的躯体,属于是一开始就将上限拉到了世界的等级。 Moreover is fenced by the Othinus this Magic God personal observation Satella soul, therefore does not need to be worried about any details completely. 而且由欧提努斯这位魔神亲自观察莎缇拉的灵魂来操刀,所以完全不用担心任何细节问题。 Now, is that moment that the new body of Satella finishes. 如今,便是莎缇拉的新躯体完工的那一刻。 Also is Satella finally free that moment. 也是莎缇拉终于自由的那一刻。 Why with finally? 为什么用“终于”? You think that Xie Ming will make Satella control the body of Emilia, going to and vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades is affectionate? 你以为谢铭会让莎缇拉操控着爱蜜莉雅的躯体,去和菜月昴卿卿我我吗? Cracks a joke, for half a month the time, gives me to stay honestly. 开什么玩笑,半个月时间而已,给我老老实实呆着吧。
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