RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1843: Cuts off

The fast growth of Seine Ha Luti, reduced Aggie Donner and bluish green green jade silk pressure significantly. Similarly, under this very intensive pressure, as the bluish green green jade silk of Yin attribute big elf constantly is also growing. 莱茵哈鲁特的快速成长,大幅度的减轻了艾姬多娜和碧翠丝的压力。同样,在这种高强度的压力之下,身为阴属性大精灵的碧翠丝也在不断成长着。 Aggie Donner always created to make three elves, Donner fox of guidance acting ; Military force acting finally... 艾姬多娜总共创造出了三名精灵,引导担当的多娜狐;武力担当的终焉... The red moon/month dies, Li Hao Villain/enemy, can say, almost died certainly. 红月一死,李皓的敌人,可以说,几乎死绝了。 As for at the present nine steps, mixes the day, Spring and Autumn Period 至于而今的九阶,混天,春秋 These people, are actually not Villain/enemy. 这些人,其实不算敌人 Has not had what enmity. 没有结下什么仇怨。 Only can be a struggle. 只能算是道争。 The enemy of struggle, looks like in Li Hao, who lives who dies, was very normal, is far from the gratitude and grudges saying that only looked at the fist size. 道争之敌,在李皓看来,谁生谁死,都很正常,谈不上恩怨之说,只看拳头大小。 He turns head to look to the confusion. 他扭头看向混乱。 Confusion at this moment, cut to kill many nine steps clone, killed many eight step powerhouses, oneself war was fiercer, evidently, instead also had the advantage, obviously this nine step main body arrived, in addition the strength of time powerful. 此刻的混乱,斩杀了多位九阶分身,也杀死了多位八阶强者,自身越战越猛,看样子,反而还占据了优势,可见这位九阶本尊降临,加上时光之力到底有多强悍。 But Li Hao, is in the heart sighs one. 可李皓,却是心中叹息一声。 Time! 时光啊! Time! 时光啊! Sometimes, really injured someone. 有时候,真的太害人了。 Contacts the time to be the same on such as from the beginning, that feeling, making one wallow, is unable to extricate oneself, he depends on the time, defeated many Villain/enemy, the price that may pay was the life and death samsara four times! 就如自己一开始接触时光一般,那种感觉,让人沉迷其中,无法自拔,他靠着时光,战胜了许多敌人,可付出的代价是生死轮回了四次! Without the life and death samsara, Li Hao had died, died during the time. 若是没有生死轮回,李皓早就死了,死在了时光之中。 Chaotic, you are not young! 混乱,你不年轻了! 1 million years ago, these people were nine steps. 百万年前,这些人就是九阶了。 Where is young! 哪里还年轻! Was the time has been stimulating to movement, sweeps away all obstacles, powerful incomparable, cut to kill nine steps clone, was your life, seriously infinite? 时光一直在催动,是所向披靡,强大无比,斩杀了一位位九阶分身,可是你的寿元,当真无限吗? He the time, almost stimulated to movement the levels of eight steps. 他将时光,几乎催动到了八阶的层次。 Each time, the consumption greatly was too too big. 每一次,消耗太大太大了。 But in fact, does not have too to feel that chaotic, understands with the talent of obsolete light, wanders about in the time river, as if oneself eternal life is ordinary. 可实际上,混乱是没太多感觉的,用过时光的人才明白,徜徉在时光长河之中,仿佛自己永生一般。 Early period of Li Hao, uses simply several times, life one time 李皓前期,简单动用几次,寿元一次 The time exhausts. Came to the end of life. 次耗尽。走到了生命的尽头。 Chaotic, can you reverse the life and death? 混乱,你能逆转生死吗? Must look at the newest chapter content, please download to like reading novel app, does not have the advertisement to read the newest chapter content free. The website does not update the newest chapter content, the newest chapter content has been liking reading the novel app renewal. 要看最新章节内容,请下载爱阅小说app,无广告免费阅读最新章节内容。网站已经不更新最新章节内容,最新章节内容已经在爱阅小说app更新。 gt ; gt; If cannot you so engage in fierce battle, how long can continue? 若是不能你如此鏖战下去,能持续多久? Can the strength of your nine step, how long live? 你九阶之力,能活多久? 2 million years? 两百万年? 3 million years? 三百万年? Is longer? 还是更久? The time blockade world, the hit these nine steps clone to be defeated and dispersed, seems like indeed fierce boundless, but you had not discovered, your hair was white? 时光封锁天地,打的那些九阶分身一个个溃散,看起来的确凶猛无边,可是你没发现,你头发都白了吗? How many people have, can resist the seduction of time? 有几人,能抵挡时光的诱惑? Li Hao, actually cannot resist. 李皓,其实也没能抵挡。 Initial time, use time, times with the strength in the future, times roam through 初期的时候,一次次动用时光,一次次借力未来,一次次遨游过去 When starts, did he awaken? 是什么时候开始,他醒悟了? Died after one after several other times ! 是接连死了几次之后! Is the life cuts in two at the waist, remembers is obliterated, is the mood is desalinated, is when he, almost not wants no asking when 是寿元被腰斩,是记忆被磨灭,是情绪被淡化,是当他,几乎无欲无求的时 The period of five days, he is clear, the time, has seduced the abyss him. 1 候,他才明白,时光,已经将他诱惑到了深渊。一 Is better than the person king, does not dare to continue the time, because the person king knows, his big probability is unable to withstand the seduction of time. 强如人王,也不敢去承接时光,因为人王知道,他大概率无法承受时光的诱惑。 He at 1 : 00, he does not want simply! 他强在一点,他干脆不要! I know, I cannot resist, therefore I do not want. 我知道,我抵挡不住,所以我不要。 Li Hao does not have this capital from the beginning, afterward, he sobered, therefore, he does not want, then has today to wield the time chaotic, confusion at this moment, perhaps was in his life the most magnificent time! 李皓一开始没这个资本,后来,他清醒了,所以,他也不要,便有了今日混乱执掌时光,此刻的混乱,也许是他一生中最辉煌的时刻! More than 20 nine steps clone, dozens eight step emperors revere, at this moment, killed several except for the dragon war, remaining, he has cut to kill 78! 20多位九阶分身,数十位八阶帝尊,此刻,除了龙战杀死了几位,剩下的,他已经斩杀了七八位之多! Such peak, even exceeded him to stride in nine steps past the times. 这样的巅峰,甚至超越了昔日他跨入九阶的时刻。 Ha!” “哈哈哈!” Laughs, a loud sound, the chaotic emperor revered to pat nine step emperors to revere clone again, panting for breath, laughing, he at this moment, really to a peak. 一声大笑,一声巨响,混乱帝尊再次拍死了一位九阶帝尊分身,喘息着,大笑着,此刻的他,真的到了一个巅峰。 Invincible! 无敌! So many people besiege him, in those days before him, wild incomparable powerhouses, although clone, may represent them. 这么多人围攻他,往日在他面前,猖狂无比的强者们,尽管只是分身,可都代表了他们自己。 But now, is cut to kill by him! 可现在,被他一个个斩杀! So many people besiege, even can kill the true nine steps, but now is actually fewer and fewer, was slaughtered by him completely! 这么多人围攻,甚至能杀死真正的九阶了,可现在却是越来越少,被他屠杀殆尽! The time, was too strong! 时光,太强了! He will not utilize too many, only meets two methods, was enough. 他不会运用太多,只会两种手段,就足够了。 First, solidifies the space and time 第一,凝固时空 Second, shuttle river. 第二,穿梭长河。 The former keeps Villain/enemy from moving, the latter made his speed promote the pinnacle, the murder, killed the powerhouse, was so that's how it is simple. 前者让敌人无法挪动,后者让他速度提升到了极致,杀人,杀强者,原来如此简单。 Confusion at this moment, as if yes, why Li Haobai fought the undefeated! 2 此刻的混乱,仿佛明白,为何李皓百战不败了!二 Has this ability, who can contend? 有这能力在,谁能抗衡? The same step, almost must be killed by his second! 同阶,几乎都要被他秒杀! ! 呼! The expiration sound, passes on all around. 呼气声,在四周传荡。 Powerhouses, are the whole body are bathed in blood, at this moment, is the complexion is dignified. 一位位强者,都是浑身浴血,此刻,都是脸色凝重。 . Even if the lord of Arabia, is panting for breath fiercely. 。哪怕天方之主,也是剧烈喘息着。 Although is only 尽管只是 Kiss, this chapter has not ended, the next page 0 clone, had the flesh and blood. 亲,本章未完,还有下一页哦0分身,也具备了血肉之躯。 Chaotic, depends on the strength of time, is cutting to kill them unceasingly, arrives, more than 20 nine steps clone, but at this moment, was only left over half. 混乱,靠着时光之力,正在不断斩杀他们,降临的时候,二十多位九阶分身,可此刻,只剩下了一半。 These eight steps of helping were also cut to kill many people chaotic. 来援的那些八阶也被混乱斩杀了多人。 At this moment, if not mixes day of powerful, having nine heavy health/guard to encircle kills the confusion, perhaps, had been broken through chaotic! 此刻,若非混天强悍,带着九重卫正在围杀混乱,也许,已经被混乱突围了! However...... 不过…… Nine step powerhouses, as if saw anything, the look had the change. 一位位九阶强者,仿佛都看到了什么,眼神都出现了变化。 The chaotic that black hair, at this moment, is almost graying! 混乱那一头黑发,此刻,几乎斑白! Light decayed aura, is reappearing on the confusion. 一股淡淡的腐朽气息,正在混乱身上浮现。 The people complexion moves slightly! Some people turn head, look to Li Hao, in the heart appear suddenly some thoughts. 众人脸色微动!有人回头,看向李皓,心中陡然浮现一些念头。 This...... 这…… The confusion uses the strength of time, is extremely powerful, is why, is the feeling moving toward decayed? 混乱动用时光之力,相当强悍,可是为何,感觉正在走向腐朽? Some people look at lord to Arabia. 有人看向天方之主。 At this moment, some lord of as if early expectations Arabia, but looked at Li Hao, has not opened the mouth. 此刻,天方之主仿佛早有预料,只是看了一眼李皓,并未开口。 Time, meeting deceased person 时光,会死人的 The time member, the shuttle in the future, solidified the space and time in the past, the non- own time, each time, will draw on actually some troublesome, consumption massive lives, later period of Li Hao rarely has actually used the light, conducted the fight. 时光修士,穿梭过去未来,凝固时空,非自己的时光,每一次,其实都会招来一些麻烦,消耗大量寿元,李皓后期其实已经很少用时光,进行战斗了。 Mostly is used in the assistance. 大多都是用于辅助。 But early period of .... Li Hao walked the multiple life and death samsara. 而前期.…李皓走了多次生死轮回。 But the confusion, the life and death will not say. 可混乱,不会生死道。 Even can, not unite the heart of life and death, such confusion, did not say that can reverse the life and death, even if can he have the sufficient energy, goes to the life and death samsara? 就算会,也没凝聚生死之心,这样的混乱,不说能否逆转生死,就算能他有足够的能量,去走生死轮回吗? He is nine step emperors reveres! 他可是九阶帝尊! Arabia looks to Li Hao, the look somewhat fluctuates, this fellow, definitely knows the time the drawback, but Li Hao, had not mentioned these, at this moment, the confusion was surrounded, is breaking through. 天方看向李皓,眼神有些变幻,这家伙,一定知道时光的弊端,可李皓,一直也没提及这些,此刻,混乱被人包围,正在突围。 Provides the book title quickest renewal of big god author for you 为您提供大神作者的书名最快更新 The chapter name read free. 章节名免费阅读.名 Kiss, this chapter has ended, wish you to read happily! 0 亲,本章已完,祝您阅读愉快!0
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