RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1842: The child of Heaven's Chosen

Popular recommendation: Is called the desire granule of Strega (Witch) factor, if not must divide one it attribute, that should be spirit. But has this kind of energetic factor, is the soul of life. 热门推荐:被人们称为魔女因子的欲望粒子,若非要将其划分一个属性的话,那应该属于‘精神’。而产生这类精神因子的,则是生命的灵魂。 Intends the cognoscente, has desire, all has the soul. The desire that the soul has, should actuate the physical body action. When the physical body completed the desire, will bring satisfaction in soul. 有意识者,有欲望者,皆有灵魂。灵魂产生的欲望,本该驱动着肉体行动。当肉体完成了欲望时,会带来灵魂上的满足。 The life nothing but is this, lives for the satisfied desire. Eating meal is a desire, the game is a desire, the love is a desire, going on living... similarly is also a desire. 生命无非就是这样,为了满足欲望而活。吃饭是一种欲望,游戏是一种欲望,爱是一种欲望,活下去...同样也是一种欲望。 People satisfy oneself desire, people control oneself desire, people indulge oneself desire, people become the desire slave. This all sorts of conditions combine, is the life and society of human. 人们满足自己的欲望,人们控制自己的欲望,人们放纵自己的欲望,人们成为欲望的奴隶。这种种状态组合起来,便是人类的生活和社会。 But in this special world, people were controlled by the desire, becomes a normal state. And the most typical example is big crime Strega (Witch). 但在这个特殊的世界,人们被欲望所操控,成为了一种常态。其中最典型的例子便是大罪魔女 Pandora calculates that all big crime Strega (Witch), can actually be divided into two types: One want, his human desire. 将潘朵拉算在内的所有大罪魔女,其实可以分为两种类型:自身欲,他人欲。 Aggie Donner, Pandora this kind, is Strega (Witch) that the desire that because have becomes. 艾姬多娜、潘朵拉这类,都是因为自身所产生的欲望而成为的魔女 But lust Strega (Witch) Camilla this type, then absorbed many others 's desire thus birth Strega (Witch). Described with the exclusive term of moon/month world, is innocent monster. 而色欲魔女卡蜜拉这种,则是吸收了过多他人的欲望从而诞生的魔女。用型月世界的专属名词来形容,便是‘无辜的怪物’。 Then the issue came, why after arrogant crime Strega (Witch), hasn't world presented other Strega (Witch) again? 那么问题来了,为什么自大罪魔女之后,世间就再也没有出现过其他的魔女了呢? It answered the tuart, is present Aggie Donner and bluish green green jade silk is putting together went all-out to stop up the mouth of power world. 其答桉,便是现在艾姬多娜和碧翠丝在拼尽全力堵着的权能世界之口。 Stops up completely, with slowing down speed of flow, that is the completely different concepts. This looks like you to use the finger to stop up the mineral spring thermo in reverse, with slows down in the mineral spring thermo in reverse the passing speed of water to be the same with the finger. 完全堵住,和减缓流速,那是完全不同的概念。这就像是你用手指堵住倒过来的矿泉水瓶,和用手指减缓倒过来的矿泉水瓶中水的流逝速度一样。 Or stops up the water outlet with the plastic sheeting, with stops up the difference of water outlet with the gauze? 或者说,用塑料布来堵出水口,和用纱布来堵出水口的区别? In brief, the meaning probably is such a meaning. But Xie Ming lets that mouth that the tree wall leaks off intentionally, can regard the superhigh pewer the vacuum cleaner. 总之,意思大概是这么一个意思。而谢铭故意让树壁漏出的那个口,可以当成超高功率的吸尘器吧。 Did not consider that the material quality the breakage issue, original Aggie Donner and bluish green green jade silk blocks the mouth of this vacuum cleaner with the plastic sheeting. As a result of the leak-proof quality of plastic sheeting, causes the vacuum cleaner outside the going all out sorption dust, but also can only have bulge on the plastic sheeting. 不考虑材质的破损问题,原先的艾姬多娜和碧翠丝是用塑料布来堵住这个吸尘器的口。由于塑料布的密封性,导致吸尘器在拼命吸着外面的‘尘埃’,但也只能在塑料布上出现一个又一个凸起。 But now on the plastic sheeting some part, is changed into the gauze by two people. 但现在塑料布上某一部分,被两人换成了纱布。 This must use more mental effort and Mana on behalf of Aggie Donner and bluish green green jade silk maintains this gauze is not attracted broken, must adjust the density of gauze, limits to break through the blockade of gauze by this. 这代表着艾姬多娜和碧翠丝要使用更多的心力和玛娜来维持这层纱布不被吸破,更是要调节纱布的密度,以此来限制突破纱布的封锁。 It is not the desire factor enters to the power world on own initiative, but is the power world initiative in absorption desire factor. By this, wrote off again the birth Strega (Witch) possibility. 并不是欲望因子主动进入到权能世界里面,而是权能世界主动的在吸取欲望因子。以此,抹杀掉了再诞生魔女的可能。 This is not a misdemeanor, after all Strega (Witch) brought the big harm to this world, everyone is obvious to all. 这并不是一件坏事,毕竟魔女对这个世界带来了多大伤害,所有人都有目共睹。 The angry power will cause the disaster, the power of guzzling creates three big demon beasts, arrogant thinks oneself infallible tries others, the lust will let see that her person forgets to breathe, is the killing machine of movement. 愤怒的权能会引起天灾,暴食的权能创造出三大魔兽,傲慢自以为是的对他人进行审判,色欲会让看到她的人忘记呼吸,属于移动的杀人机器。 Strong desire, leaves behind resentment that Lods Var this injuring someone caused self infliction, let alone envied and is concocted. 就连强欲,也留下了罗兹瓦尔这种害人害己的怨种,更别说嫉妒和虚饰了。 Such look, lazy is in Strega (Witch) is instead most harmless, teaches to be in reverse proportion with the division completely. Naturally, this pot is also Pandora carries is good, after all cultivates to raise his Oursse is also one of the victims. 这么看,怠惰反而是魔女之中最无害的,和司教完全成反比。当然,这锅也是得潘朵拉背才行,毕竟培提其乌斯也是受害者之一。 In order to let world no longer birth Strega (Witch), existence of power world is necessary. But, cannot only see the power the negative significance, must consider the power the positive/direct effect. 为了让世界不再诞生魔女,权能世界的存在是必要的。可是,不能只看到权能的负面意义,也得考虑到权能的正面效果。 Although it still conducts when the present now is making troublesome. 虽然它如今还在现在进行时的制造着麻烦。 .... “呜....” .......... “..........” If in this time space and time static domain has one accent saying that rotten words fellow, certainly will complain Aggie Donner and bluish green green jade silk really worthily is mother and child, the clenching jaws expression so similar. 要是此时的时空静止领域中存在着一个不着调说烂话的家伙,一定会吐槽艾姬多娜和碧翠丝真不愧是母子,咬牙切齿的表情是如此的相似。 Only pitifully, can is moving now only in inside the person, it may be said that is the proper person in proper person. Even if in his character has the ingredient of complaining, present he cannot set aside that to empty. 只可惜,现在唯一还能在里面活动着的人,可谓是正经人中的正经人。就算他的性格中有吐槽的成分,现在的他也腾不出那个空来。 Wields a sword to cut to extinguish the desire factor that the entire direction fills unceasingly, merely is this matter, then occupies his all mind. 挥剑斩灭全方向不断填补的欲望因子,仅仅是这一件事,便已经占据了他所有的心神。 Without the means that when the channel of that relative flow appears, all needle-shaped thing displaced the direction instantaneously, rushing to be first was inhaled in the channel. 没有办法,当那相对流动的通道出现时,所有的针状物瞬间偏移了方向,争先恐后的被吸入到通道中。 As Aggie Donner of leader, wants to open a channel, then controls the desire factor in speed of flow. But in fact, she a little too overestimated herself. 作为主导者的艾姬多娜,本来是想开一个通道,然后控制欲望因子在其中的流速的。但事实上,她有点太高估自己了。 The dike of Senri, fails at the ant nest. When the domain when forbids absolutely presents such a channel, is symbolizing the start of collapse at your convenience. 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。当绝对禁止的领域中出现这么一个通道时,就便象征着崩溃的开始。 The present bluish green green jade silk maintains this domain is the limit, but Aggie Donner all energy centralism are controlling the desire factor that the channel was not swarmed to enter supporting in a big way. 如今的碧翠丝维持住这个领域已经是极限,而艾姬多娜所有精力都集中在控制住通道不被蜂拥而进的欲望因子给撑大。 Therefore can control the factor velocity of approach, only then comes cushion Ha Luti one person. 所以能够控制住因子进入速度的,就只有来茵哈鲁特一人。 But comes the cushion Ha Luti is also intelligent, or was separated from the limitation of named inertia ponder. 而来茵哈鲁特也非常聪明,或者说脱离了名为惯性思考的局限性。 When knows that has a big opening when the attracting thing of going all out, but you want to reduce the inhaled thing, most people earliest possible time thinks should make some times in suction port. 当知道有一个大口子在拼命的吸东西的时候,而你想要减少被吸入的东西时,大部分人第一时间想到的应该是在吸口处做些工夫。 After all there goal is centralized, must stop up must put the filtration mouth quite convenience again. 毕竟那里目标集中,要堵还是要再放个过滤口都比较方便。 But the situation that comes the cushion Ha Luti to face is, Aggie Donner to control the pipeline size of this relative flow is the limit, interference of third party strength is very likely to make her unable to insist. 但来茵哈鲁特面对的情况是,艾姬多娜为了控制这个相对流动的管道大小已经是极限,第三方力量的干涉极有可能让她坚持不住。 In comparison, because he moves in the space and time freeze domain from the beginning, therefore bluish green green jade silk has been used to the domain to have foreign matter that’ his such can move to exist. Exterminates the desire factor in the domain, puts a straw on conducting the back of camel at most again. But compares in Aggie Donner, bluish green green jade silk relatively is obviously more relaxed. 相比之下,因为他一开始就在时空冻结领域中活动,所以碧翠丝已经习惯了领域中有他这么一个可以活动的‘异物’存在。在领域中对欲望因子进行剿灭,顶多是在骆驼的背上再放一根稻草。而相比于艾姬多娜,碧翠丝这边显然相对轻松一些。 This multi- putting straw, but also is insufficient to destroy the entire domain directly. 这多放的一根稻草,还不至于直接摧毁整个领域。 When comes the cushion Ha Luti to start wields a sword to cut to extinguish the desire factor, he instead becomes in three people pressure biggest that. Does not have him, this pressure is he himself exerts to give own. 而当来茵哈鲁特开始挥剑斩灭欲望因子时,他反而成为了三人中压力最大的那个。无他,这份压力是他自己施加给自己的。 Although Aggie Donner complied with the assistance, but her assists to belong has no alternative. After all the plan that oneself and the others arranged was disrupted thoroughly, wants to finish all only being able to do according to the plan of Xie Ming. 艾姬多娜虽然答应了协助,但她的协助属于是无可奈何。毕竟自己等人安排的计划被彻底打乱,想要结束一切就只能按照谢铭的计划来做。 She can with heart and soul do full power, but she can do also is only restricted in this. 她会全心全力去做,但她会做的也就仅限于此。 bluish green green jade silk because of the limit of strength, as the Yin attribute big elf, her upper limit had been fixed from the beginning. Even if she wants to display superiorly, she cannot display. 碧翠丝则是因为自身实力的限制,作为阴属性的大精灵,她的上限从一开始就已经被固定。哪怕是她想超常发挥,她都发挥不出来。 Although made her have the opportunity of breakthrough upper limit with the Xie Ming contract, but from the contract to the present, gave her time is too few. 虽然和谢铭的契约让她拥有了突破上限的机会,但从契约到现在,给她的时间太少了。 Only has the cushion Ha Luti, his sense of justice makes him not have the means to sit by and do nothing. In order to solve all these, to let Nika, making the world from now on steady, even if made him sacrifice the life, he did not refuse under any circumstances. 唯有来茵哈鲁特,他的正义感让他没有办法坐视不理。为了解决这一切,为了让露格尼卡,让世界今后平稳下来,哪怕让他牺牲性命,他也在所不辞。 Therefore, his combustion life, will spell completely own all reduces the desire factor in domain. 因此,他会燃烧生命,拼尽自己的一切来减少领域内的欲望因子。 dragon sword and matching of sword Saint divine protection, the radiant sword glow is gradually full of the trim domain. But somewhat chaotic sword axle, gradually was also becoming the mysterious rule with the advancement of time. 龙剑与剑圣加护的搭配,璀璨的剑芒逐渐将整片领域充满。而原本有些杂乱无章的剑轨,也在随着时间的推进逐渐变得玄奥规律。 It looks like Xie Ming the technique breakthrough under pressure on be the same for the first time, coming the cushion Ha Luti also to grow under great pressure time and time again. 就像是谢铭第一次在压力之下的技法突破一样,来茵哈鲁特也在一次又一次的强大压力下成长。 This is, the child of the world 's true Heaven's Chosen. 这便是,世界真正的天骄之子。
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