RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1841: Please do not step on crowded

One second remembers New The Yin attribute Magic pinnacle, is to the operation of time and space. But as the Yin attribute Magic big elf, Strega (Witch) Aggie Donner who as well as creates this big elf, if both unite efforts to use Yin attribute Magic together, that result absolutely is not simple 1 + 1. 一秒记住【新】,!阴属性魔法的极致,便是对时间和空间的操作。而作为阴属性魔法的大精灵,以及创造出这位大精灵的魔女艾姬多娜,两者若是协力共同使用阴属性魔法,那结果绝对不是简单的“1+1”。 But Xie Ming the matter that requests them to achieve, similarly is not simple. 谢铭要求她们做到的事情,同样也不简单。 If only pure stops the time and spaces of some regions, controls the elf and Mana in environment can achieve. But now, what they must do is resists soon to change into the mighty current in this manner **. 如果只是单纯的停止部分区域的时间和空间,操控环境中的精灵和玛娜是可以做到的。但现在,她们要做的是以这种方式来抵御住即将化为洪流的**。 This on behalf, them must more thorough control each Mana, control exists in each type in space and time visible, the invisible material. 这代表着,她们要更加深入的操控每一份玛娜,控制住存在于空间、时间中的每一种有形的、无形的物质。 Because of any material, may becomes ** carrier. 因为任何的物质,都有可能成为**的载体。 Moreover, they must face **, is not only person this lifeform. 而且,她们要面对的**,不仅仅是‘人’这一种生物。 This is myriad things has mystical powers, the myriad things have the world of thought. So long as there is a thought that that will have **. So long as yes **, will converge to the power world becomes ** mud. 这是一个万物有灵,万物有思想的世界。只要有思想,那就会拥有**。只要是**,就会汇入到权能世界成为**之泥。 The synthesis, Xie Ming the matter that requests Aggie Donner and bluish green green jade silk achieves, to control the space and time with Yin attribute Magic the way, draws up one to filter 99.99 ** strainer. 综合来说,谢铭要求艾姬多娜和碧翠丝做到的事情,是用阴属性魔法以操控时空的方式,绘制出一张能够过滤掉99.99**的过滤网。 They must by two people strength, resist the whole world. 她们要以两人之力,来抵御整个世界。 Even if bluish green green jade silk has in addition of the world tree to hold, similarly has the world-class energy is being the backing, but this is not a simple matter. 哪怕碧翠丝有着世界树的加持,同样拥有着世界级的能量为后盾,但这也绝不是件简单的事情。 Therefore, needs comes the cushion Ha Luti to take second strainer. 因此,才需要来茵哈鲁特作为第二层的‘过滤网’。 The divine protection of sword Saint matches dragon sword, what had is can cut to extinguish the world myriad things the ability. Body these at sixes and sevens divine protections, are make him be able in the world that the time and space stagnate no movement of hindrance. 剑圣的加护搭配龙剑,拥有的是可以斩灭世间万物的能力。身上那些乱七八糟的加护,更是让他能够在时间和空间都停滞的世界中没有任何阻碍的移动。 No one is more suitable than to become this second strainer him. 没有人比他更适合成为这第二层过滤网。 Not coming cushion Ha Luti has a question. 不过来茵哈鲁特有一个疑问。 bluish green green jade silk young lady, according to the meaning that you transmit, what we will soon face is in the world all lifeform **. Then, is first eliminated majority by me **, then by your two words that intercepts, isn't the success ratio higher?” “碧翠丝小姐,按照你所传达的意思,我们即将面对的是世界上所有生物的**。那么,由我先消灭大部分的**,再由你们二位进行拦截的话,成功率不是更高吗?” „Does this matter need Betty to tell you?” “这种事情都需要贝蒂来告诉你吗?” bluish green green jade silk ill-humored saying: **, only then entered the power world, was thorough and origin separates the relation, was so-called release **.” 碧翠丝没好气的说道:“**只有进入到了权能世界当中,才算是彻底和来源者断开联系,也就是所谓的‘释放**’。” „But if the midway its elimination, with you annihilate origin directly ** does not have any difference. The life loses **, what will have, needs me in detail again explained with you?” “但若是中途将其消灭,和你直接消灭掉来源者的**没有任何区别。生命失去**,会发生什么,需要我再详细的和你说明一下吗?” No, I understood.” “不,我明白了。” Came the cushion Ha Luti to smile bitterly, drew out to set upright the dragon sword before own, sincere say/way: „This sword, to save the world momentarily offers.” 来茵哈鲁特苦笑了一声,将龙剑拔出竖于自己身前,正色道:“此身此剑,随时会为了拯救世界而奉献。” Right.” “是吗。” Spoke thoughtlessly to reply one strongly, bluish green green jade silk the line of sight on the Aggie Donner. 随口回答了一句,碧翠丝将视线集中在了艾姬多娜身上。 „Is mother Sir, you willing to assist Xie Ming?” “母亲大人,您愿意协助谢铭吗?” Un ~ ~ what to do should ~ saying that Aggie Donner smiles: Ignores Pandora continues to rebel in this world, actually is also one makes my curious matter.” “嗯~~该怎么办呢~”艾姬多娜笑眯眯的说道:“放任潘朵拉继续在这个世界作乱,其实也是一件非常令我好奇的事情啊。” Power world that Pandora wants to create, perhaps is more suitable my Strega (Witch) life.” “潘朵拉想要创造的权能世界,或许更适合我这种魔女生活呢。” Please do not crack a joke, mother Sir.” “请不要开玩笑了,母亲大人。” bluish green green jade silk earnest saying: If you are really hoping such world, that does not absolutely need to assist us. Initially, does not need to assist Great Sage.” 碧翠丝认真的说道:“如果您真的期盼着那样的世界,那根本没有必要协助我们。当初,更是没有必要协助大贤者。” In this final moment, but also please do not want to act difficult.” “在这最后关头,还请不要在闹别扭了。” ..... This saying, was Xie Ming is called you to say?” “.....这话,是谢铭叫你这么说的吧?” Oh? Why .... “唉?为什么....” Because of me, until, bluish green green jade silk you are not possible to say such words to me.” “因为我直到,碧翠丝你是不可能对我说出这样的话的啊。” Aggie Donner's helpless sighing: Really is, which situation that man completely understood .... No, should say that he also too knew about our kind of monsters.” 艾姬多娜无奈的叹了口气:“真是的,那个男人到底看透到了哪个地步啊....不,应该说他对我们这类怪物也太了解了吧。” Considers as finished, this.” “算了算了,就这样吧。” Saying, Aggie Donner pulled the small hand of bluish green green jade silk, another hand touched similarly above the tree wall. 说着,艾姬多娜牵起了碧翠丝的小手,另一只手同样触碰在树壁之上。 Perhaps bluish green green jade silk, you have understood from the wording matter that we then must handle, but I must emphasize again. Even you are the Xie Ming contract elf, has Mana of that tree to supply, but still cannot treat it lightly.” “碧翠丝,或许你已经从字面上明白了我们接下来要做的事情,但我还是要再强调一遍。就算你已经是谢铭的契约精灵,有着那棵树的玛娜供给,但依然不能掉以轻心。” Prevents in the world all lives **, is not a simple matter. We have enough Mana to support, Mana but who we can display is limited. Mighty current that but will soon come in swarms, is infinite.” “阻挡世界上所有生命的**,绝不是一件简单的事情。我们拥有着足够的玛娜支持,但我们能够发挥出的玛娜是有限的。但即将蜂拥而来的洪流,是无限的。” We are going to do, resists by limited infinitely. It looks like sea that a rapid small stream and howls, competes for together the drainage opening together.” “我们将要做的,是以有限来对抗无限。就像是一条湍急的小溪和呼啸的大海,共同争夺一道水口。” In this does not have any shortcut, some are only the positive/direct collisions. Were you, ready?” “这里面没有任何的捷径,有的只是正面的碰撞。你,做好准备了吗?” Betty understands, mother Sir.” bluish green green jade silk got hold of the fist, in the sound contains the consciousness: But Betty is his contract elf. If unable to add on his busy here, then Betty to him solely is only a burden.” “贝蒂明白,母亲大人。”碧翠丝握紧了拳头,声音中包含着觉悟:“但贝蒂是他的契约精灵。若是在这里都无法帮上他的忙,那么贝蒂对他来说就单单只是一个累赘。” That matter, Betty does not want absolutely!” “那种事情,贝蒂绝对不要!” Yes, since has completed to come to understand, I no longer said anything.” “是嘛,既然已经做好觉悟了,我就不再多说什么了。” The Aggie Donner's expression also as if looks through all smile from that transforms for the thorough earnestness: „, Starts.” 艾姬多娜的表情也从那彷佛看破一切的笑容,转变为了彻彻底底的认真:“那么,开始吧。” Yes!” “是!” „„ Space and time freeze, Rall gauze curtain!” ““时空冻结,拉尔・纱幕!”” With this incantation with one voice, the jet black hemispheroid packages that region that two people are at completely. Hemispheroid, falling leaf, green grass of fluctuation, grain of grain of dust, completely static in the last second of position. 伴随着这异口同声的咒语,漆黑的半球体将两人所在的那块地域完全包裹。半球体内部,掉落的树叶,浮动的青草,一粒一粒的尘埃,全部静止在了上一秒的位置。 Thing that inside can move, besides releasing this Magic mother and daughter, only then grasps dragon sword comes the cushion Ha Luti. 里面能够活动的事物,除了释放出这个魔法的母女二人外,就只有手持龙剑的来茵哈鲁特。 Also only then he can have the ample force, observes the feeling present condition. 也只有他能有余力,来观察感受现在的状况。 „Is this Yin attribute Magic pinnacle? Every time walks one step, each movement, must spend the considerably large strength.” “这就是阴属性魔法的极致吗?每走一步,每一个动作,都要花费相当大的力量。” Attempted to brandish dragon sword, came the facial expression of cushion Ha Luti earnestly. Because he feels, this stable hemispheroid, had started crazy shivering at this moment. 尝试着挥舞了一下龙剑,来茵哈鲁特的神情也认真了起来。因为他感觉到,这个原本稳固的半球体,此刻已经开始疯狂的颤抖。 This shivering , because some type of thing extrusion and infiltration caused. 这种颤抖,是因为某种东西正在挤压、渗透进来所导致的。 May be called in the completely static region situated in the space and time, the thing of activity will become exceptionally conspicuous. Also therefore, coming the cushion Ha Luti to see that grains of crushed into the spheroid in all directions, depends on jet black granule that each other pushed goes forward incessantly. 位于空间和时间都堪称完全静止的区域内,活动的事物就会变得异常显眼。也因此,来茵哈鲁特看到了那一粒粒从四面八方挤进球体内部,靠着彼此推挤不断前进的漆黑粒子。 If there is a person of intensive phobophobia to see this, perhaps will lose the consciousness at the scene. 要是有密集恐惧症的人看到这一幕,恐怕会当场失去意识吧。 The innumerable black grains have not left out any dead angle from penetrates the composition incomparably crowded jet black thin needle in all directions, at a visible speed unceasing wells up toward some tree wall stationary position. 无数的黑粒没有漏下任何死角的从四面八方穿透进组成无比密集的漆黑细针,以一种肉眼可见的速度不断的朝着树壁某个固定位置涌去。 Sees this, comes some cushion Ha Luti scalp tingles, somewhat cannot bear want the sword cutting to extinguish these needle-shaped thing. 见到这一幕,就连来茵哈鲁特都有些头皮发麻,有些忍不住想要出剑将这些针状物给斩灭。 But he also understands, this is also not the time. 但他心里也明白,这还不是时候。 Own localization is auxiliary, is Aggie Donner and insurance of bluish green green jade silk. After all, the most essential place, has not arrived. 自己的定位是辅助,是艾姬多娜和碧翠丝的保险。毕竟,最关键的地方,还没有到来。 bluish green green jade silk, but also Ok?” “碧翠丝,还可以吗?” „... Is, mother Sir... Betty, but can also insist.” “...是,母亲大人...贝蒂,还可以坚持。” Good.” “好。” Aggie Donner looks at this innumerable black needle-shaped thing, pale saying: That, your several.” 艾姬多娜看着这无数的黑色针状物,脸色苍白的说道:“那么,就你们几个了。” Do not step on crowded, slowly goes.” “可不要拥挤踩踏,慢慢进去啊。” Saying, in the hemispheroid internal space and time freeze domain, was presenting a channel of relative flow. 说着,半球体内部的时空冻结领域里,出现了一道相对流动的通道。 The next quarter, the needle-shaped transformation for the turbulent current, fills up the channel. 下一刻,针状物化为了激流,将通道填满。
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