RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1840: Final stage

One second remembers New The so-called performing skill, is to give to develop oneself, oneself must enter the play, can be successful. 一秒记住【新】,!所谓的演技,就是要把自己都给演进去,自己要入戏了,才能算成功。 Especially usually seems like does not lie, a person of saliva nail, when uses this move often the extraordinary effectiveness. 尤其是平时看起来不怎么说谎,一口唾沫一个钉的人,在使用这招的时候往往出奇的有效。 Although Xie Ming does not use lie this weapon, will not represent him not to use. Moreover from, him has not lied to anybody in fact. 谢铭虽然不怎么用“谎言”这一把武器,并不代表他不会用。而且从事实上来说,他并没有对任何人说谎。 In this fight he displays is real. 这场战斗中他表现出的所有都是真实的。 Branches out virtue to come to square to burn ** the mud, branches out most energies to isolate the impact of power world to the divine protection world, oneself can only plan carefully to fight, the spirit strength breaks off two points to use. 分出德来格来燃烧**之泥,分出大部分能量来隔离权能世界对加护世界的冲击,自己只能精打细算来进行战斗,一点灵力掰成两点来用。 Such performance, is very naturally easy to bring an misconception to Villain/enemy: He did not have the energy, now dying brace. The present condition looks like a tight rope, which no matter one side many uses a strength again slightly, the string can by collapse broken. 如此的表现,自然很容易会给敌人带来一种错觉:他没有能量了,现在只是在死撑。现在的状况就像是一根绷紧的绳,不管是哪一边再多稍微用一点力,绳子就会被崩断。 Because Pandora confirmed this, therefore dares to threaten Xie Ming. 正是因为潘朵拉确认了这点,因此才敢威胁谢铭 Right, she is correct. 没错,她是正确的。 Xie Ming that the spirit strength in within the body has been close to drying up, without the means prevents Pandora from exploding ** world. Such it seems like, the balance of victory has sided with Pandora thoroughly. 体内的灵力已经接近枯竭的谢铭,没有办法阻止潘朵拉自爆**世界。这么看来,胜利的天平已经彻底倒向潘朵拉。 After all judged that the custom of victory, did not look who can survive, but looked who can serve the purpose. 毕竟判断胜利的规矩,不是看谁能够存活下来,而是看谁能够达到目的。 The Xie Ming goal is to preserve this world at the same time, cuts to kill Pandora. 谢铭的目的是保住这个世界的同时,斩杀潘朵拉。 Pandora's goal is to control the residence has the power, seed that and grants people power, letting the world becomes her to raise the gu the place, is born her true similar by this. 潘朵拉的目的是控制住所有权能,并施予人们权能的种子,让世界成为她养蛊的地方,以此诞生出她真正的同类。 Pandora from exploding, will only destroy the Xie Ming victory condition, has no influence on her own. 潘朵拉的自爆,只会破坏谢铭的胜利条件,对她自己没有任何影响。 Then, Pandora can not consider that what card in a hand Xie Ming can have? 那么,潘朵拉会没有考虑到谢铭会不会有什么底牌吗? She considered certainly, moreover thinks unusual is complete. 她当然考虑到了,而且想的非常周全。 At present the Xie Ming card in a hand also almost shows in her eye completely, but can now to the fight helpful, only then controls that tree of divine protection world, as well as that Red Dragon. 目前谢铭的底牌也几乎全部展现在了她的眼里,但现在能对战斗有帮助的,只有控制住加护世界的那棵树,以及那条红龙。 So long as Xie Ming took back one of two, then he then can have the energy of fight again. 只要谢铭收回了两者之一,那么他便能再次拥有战斗的能量。 Therefore, Pandora defers to the idea of Xie Ming especially, towed is so long with him. For to eliminate Xie Ming to take back the Red Dragon to resume energy choice. 所以,潘朵拉才特地按照谢铭的想法,和他拖了这么久。为的,就是要消除掉谢铭收回红龙恢复能量这个选择。 Or lets him, even if recycles the Red Dragon, the restored that energy is still not enough to prevent the power world to explode. 或者说,让他就算将红龙回收,恢复的那点能量也根本不足以阻止权能世界爆炸。 Then, when facing hopeless situation Xie Ming can do only then unties to the blockade of power time, the use world tree restores. Meanwhile, Pandora also without hesitation from exploding the power world, withdraws from the Xie Ming front. 如此一来,面对绝境时谢铭能够做的就只有解开对权能时机的封锁,使用世界树来恢复。但同时,潘朵拉也会毫不犹豫的自爆权能世界,从谢铭的面前脱身。 At that time wants to seize her again, perhaps really can only the person this world kill off completely can achieve. 那时候再想捉到她,恐怕真的就只能将这个世界的人全部杀光才能做到了。 The non- unblocking, he does not have the means to prevent the explosion of power world. 可不解除封锁,他同样没有办法阻止权能世界的爆炸。 In Xie Ming recycles virtue comes to square, Pandora smiles. 所以在谢铭回收德来格时,潘朵拉笑了。 „Is this your final card in a hand? Xie Ming. If I had not felt that wrong, how many energies this Red Dragon didn't have? Should you not feel, depends on these energies you to prevent me?” “这就是你最后的底牌吗?谢铭。如果我没有感觉错的话,这条红龙也没有多少能量了吧?该不会你觉得,靠着这些能量你就能阻止我?” In that case, rather also underestimated me.” “那样的话,未免也太小看我了吧。” Little rascal, what intent will you be wrong?” “小鬼,你是不是会错什么意了?” What?” “什么?” You think the Red Dragon Emperor strength, only then puts to set on fire?” Changes into cage the virtue to come saying of Georgian undulating: In that case, you rather also underestimated my Red Dragon Emperor virtue to come to square.” “你以为赤龙帝的力量,就只有放放火吗?”重新化为笼手的德来格澹澹的说道:“那样的话,你未免也太小看我赤龙帝德来格了吧。” Boost!” “boost!” What along with this for a long time is to hear the prompt sound, Xie Ming through recycling virtue the spirit strength that came to square to obtain turned one time instantaneously. 伴随着这许久的为听见的提示音,谢铭通过回收德来格而得到的灵力瞬间翻了一倍。 „!!!!!!” “!!!!!!” The virgin hole contracted instantaneously needle-shaped, Pandora had nothing hesitant, started to detonate the power world immediately. But before then, the spirit strength reserve of Xie Ming is enough. 童孔瞬间收缩到了针状,潘朵拉没有任何犹豫,立马开始引爆权能世界。但在此之前,谢铭的灵力储备就已经足够了。 The sabreplay big grandmaster, the itself/Ben can perform the pinnacle through the blade the boundary. Annihilates Pandora and power world remaining ** the mud, depending on turns time to be then enough one time. 刀术大宗师,本就是可以将力量通过刀发挥到极致的境界。消灭掉潘朵拉和权能世界剩下的**之泥,靠着一次翻倍便已经足够。 Earthly Blade Art ..... 尘世刀诀.....” Uses the blade as the pen, takes the spirit strength as the ink, the jet black six glow stars appear in the Xie Ming front. 以刀为笔,以灵力为墨水,漆黑的六芒星出现在谢铭的面前。 luminary.” “曜。” The invisible fluctuation is centered on six glow stars, proliferated each corner of power world in a flash. This side world, is looking like pressed down the suspension key to be the same at this moment. 无形的波动以六芒星为中心,一瞬间扩散到了权能世界的每一个角落。这方世界,在此刻就像是被人按下了暂停键一样。 The dark cloud of sky, the sludge of trundle, turns the raging fire that wells up, the astonishment that as well as on Pandora face that has not vanished with enough time, fixes, in that ratio millisecond also wanted in the middle of the small unit of time. 天空的乌云,滚动的污泥,翻涌的烈火,以及潘朵拉脸上那份还没来得及消失的惊愕,都固定在了那比毫秒还要小的时间单位当中。 The arm shakes slightly, front six glow stars dissipate slowly. But dissipates along with six glow stars together, thing that all stopping gets down. 手臂微微一震,面前的六芒星缓缓消散。而伴随着六芒星一起消散的,还有那一切“停”下来的事物。 ..... “呼.....” Exhales the one breath gently, Xie Ming said in a low voice: Finally, entered to the last stage of plan.” 轻轻呼出一口气,谢铭低声说道:“终于,进入到计划的最后一个阶段了。” ----- ----- Plan, entered to the last stage.” “计划,进入到最后一个阶段了。” The divine protection world, with has been hand-held the bluish green green jade silk of tree wall to turn round, looked that to continuously the people who wait for the news: All in power world ** the mud, had been given the elimination including Pandora by Xie Ming.” 加护世界,一直用手扶着树壁的碧翠丝回过身,看向一直在等待消息的众人:“权能世界中的所有**之泥,包括潘朵拉都已经被谢铭给消灭。” Good ..... “太好了.....” „, Should say that worthily is the man who This One settles on?” “呵,应该说不愧是妾身看中的男人吗?” Last stage of plan?” “计划的最后一个阶段?” The storehouse ear cultivates knits the brows slightly: bluish green green jade silk young lady, you mean, hadn't matter ended?” 库耳修微微皱眉:“碧翠丝小姐,你的意思是,事情还没有结束?” Right.” “没错。” Reorganizes the information that Xie Ming is giving, bluish green green jade silk looked at the same time to came the cushion Ha Luti and own mother Aggie Donner: „The last stage of plan, needs mother Sir you, help of cushion Ha Luti.” 边整理着谢铭传递过来的信息,碧翠丝一边看向了来茵哈鲁特和自己的母亲艾姬多娜:“计划的最后一个阶段,需要母亲大人你,还有来茵哈鲁特的帮忙。” Wants thoroughly to eradicate Pandora, needs to cut off her and power and Kazuto world ** between relation. Otherwise regardless of kills her many times, Pandora can draw support from the lifeform ** resurrecting.” “想要彻底根除潘朵拉,需要斩断她和权能、和人世**之间的联系。否则无论杀死她多少次,潘朵拉都能借助生物的**复活。” For this reason, Xie Ming he needs to concentrate all energies, saw that the line of contract Pandora and power world connect. But the power world was emptied, world myriad things ** was prevented this time outside power world by the world tree, is the best opportunity.” “为此,谢铭他需要集中所有的精神,去看到那根将潘朵拉和权能世界所连接起来的契约之线。而权能世界被清空,世间万物的**都被世界树阻挡在权能世界外的此时,就是最好的机会。” Then, Xie Ming will let loose the wall of this absolute isolation temporarily, ignores some ** flows to the power world, observes by this.” “接下来,谢铭会暂时的放开这绝对的隔绝之壁,放任些许**流入到权能世界当中,以此来观察。” But ** like mighty current, even if lets loose one, will have the enormous quantity ** flows in, therefore, Xie Ming needs me and mother Sir also to have the cushion Ha Luti you together, becomes this killer.” “但**如同洪流,哪怕只是放开一丝,也会有极大量的**流入到内部,因此,谢铭需要我、母亲大人还有来茵哈鲁特你一起,成为这个限制器。” Controls to flow to the power world in ** the quantity, enabling this quantity just to make Pandora resurrect.” “控制住流入到权能世界中的**之量,让这个量刚好可以让潘朵拉复活。” bluish green green jade silk looks to Aggie Donner: Mother Sir, we release top Yin attribute Magic that together can the freezing time, limit as far as possible the movie screen opens that flash ** mighty current.” 碧翠丝看向艾姬多娜:“母亲大人,我们一起共同释放可以冻结时间的顶级阴属性魔法,尽可能的限制住障壁打开那一瞬间的**洪流。” Comes the cushion Ha Luti, you and your dragon sword further reduce the inflow power world **.” “来茵哈鲁特,你和你的龙剑来进一步减少流入权能世界的**。” This is the final stage of plan, eliminates last step that Pandora needs.” “这便是计划的最后阶段,消灭潘朵拉所需要的最后一步。” Success, Pandora was killed, 500 years of gratitude and grudges cut off.” “成功,潘朵拉被杀死,五百年的恩怨就此断绝。” Failure, the power world will be detonated by Pandora, the world the thorough imbalance, the trend perishes.” “失败,权能世界将会被潘朵拉引爆,世界将彻底失衡,走向灭亡。” „The destiny of the world, grasps at this time in our hands.” “世界的命运,此时就掌握在我们三人的手中。” You, whether has been psychologically prepared.” “你们,是否已经做好了心理准备。”
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