RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1839: Pandora's final card in a hand

One second remembers New Strega (Witch) is complex, few can guess their true goals. 一秒记住【新】,!魔女是复杂的,几乎没有人能够猜中她们真正的目的。 Strega (Witch) is evil, because they to satisfy own ** however does not hesitate all prices. 魔女是邪恶的,因为她们为了满足自己的**而不惜一切的代价。 Strega (Witch) is crazy, even if the end of path is the destruction, is the bottomless abyss, they will also jump without hesitation. 魔女是疯狂的,哪怕道路的尽头是毁灭,是无底的深渊,她们也会毫不犹豫的跳下去。 But, above all natures, develop from one: Strega (Witch) pure. 但,以上所有的性质,都是从一点拓展出来的:魔女过于的纯粹。 People regarding oneself true ** will somewhat conceal somewhat, because these ** is not worth advocating in the human social view and values, will be is ridiculed by others, will despise. 人们对于自己真正的**多多少少都会有些掩饰,因为这些**在人类的社会观和价值观中是不值得提倡,是会被他人嘲笑,甚至是鄙夷的。 At this kind of time, people will conceal with the lie, polishes own **. 在这种时候,人们就会用谎言去掩饰,去润色自己的**。 For example most classical being all right dry/does secretary, then can polish for needs the secretary to record matter in business. 比如最经典的‘没事干秘书’,便可以润色为‘需要秘书记录一下业务上的事情’。 But Strega (Witch) are different, they do not lie to themselves, will not lie to others. 魔女们不同,她们不对自己撒谎,也不会对其他人撒谎。 Their pure facing own **, they clearly know oneself most want anything. Therefore, they can does not have any confused is itself to do, was not restrained by any morals and social rule. 她们纯粹的面对自己的**,她们清楚的知道自己最想要什么。因此,她们能够没有任何迷茫的去做自己想要做的,不受任何的道德、社会规则所约束。 They in some sense already from human in the limit jumped, becomes in the human eye unable to understand, impervious monster. 她们在某种意义上已经从‘人类’的局限中跳了出去,成为了人类眼中无法理解,不可理喻的怪物。 Such a looked, existence of Strega (Witch) plants ‚people all drunk, only I awake alone feeling. 这么一看,魔女的存在有种‘众人皆醉,唯我独醒’的感觉。 This only I also merely am the subjective judgment. When the whole world thinks that this matter is correct, you think is the wrong time. 只是,这个‘唯我’也仅仅是主观上的判断罢了。当整个世界都认为这件事是正确的,就你认为是错误的时候。 That... is the mistake of the world, is your mistake? 那...到底是世界的错,还是你的错? Has the intense social human estimate to have 99 to choose the latter, few part these choose the former, on the surface will also display to choose the latter. 具有强烈社会性的人类估计有99都会选择后者,少部分那些选择前者的,在表面上也会表现出选择后者。 But Strega (Witch), is actually that type dares in front of everyone said wrong is not I, was the world the fellow of this lines. 魔女,却是那种敢于在所有人面前说出‘错的不是我,是世界’这种台词的家伙。 It is not right, these two characters is not quite correct with daring, should replace naturally is. 不对,用‘敢于’这两个字不太正确,应该替换成‘理所当然’才是。 Understood Strega (Witch) the nature, will then not have too many making much ado about nothing regarding their behaviors. But can understand, explained in certain natures you with these Strega (Witch), has the things in common. 理解了魔女的这种性质,那么对于她们的行为就不会有太多的大惊小怪。但能够理解,说明在某些性质上你和这些魔女,也有着共通之处。 But, if a Strega (Witch) essence is the lie, her actions are also constituted by the lie completely. Even pursues including oneself **, she is lying to deceive itself. 但,如果一名魔女的本质是谎言,她的所作所为也全部由谎言构成。甚至连自己追求的**,她都在撒谎欺骗着自己。 Then, this can Strega (Witch) also be Strega (Witch)? 那么,这名魔女还能算是‘魔女’吗? You said that she lies to oneself, but her essence is the pursue is concocted with the lie. You said that she is pursuing to think honestly, but she pursues ** is also true with her ** runs counter. 你说她自己对自己说谎,可她的本质就是追求虚饰和谎言。你说她是在坦诚的追求着自己所想,但她追求的**的却又和她真正的**背道而驰。 Therefore Pandora will become the different kind in Strega (Witch) eye, the monster in human eye, the two sides repel exceptionally. 因此潘朵拉才会成为魔女眼中的异类,人类眼中的怪物,两边都排斥的‘异常’。 Before Xie Ming said, Pandora's goal is to create one person has the Strega (Witch) factor, everyone has the fair world of power, is longing for mutual massacring between all lifeform. 之前谢铭说,潘朵拉的目的是创造一个人人都有着魔女因子,人人都拥有着权能的公平世界,渴望着所有生物之间的互相残杀。 This is not wrong, no matter Strega (Witch) or human rejected Pandora, then Pandora will not naturally care about their life and death. 这并不是错误的,不管是魔女还是人类都拒绝了潘朵拉,那么潘朵拉自然也不会在意他们的生死。 Because of own ** however the destruction, by this manifests being concocted the importance, proves lie importance. 因为自己的**而毁灭,以此来体现‘虚饰’的重要性,来证明‘谎言’的重要性。 However, this also merely is Pandora's supplementary goal. 不过,这也仅仅是潘朵拉的附带目的而已。 She wants truly, is similar. 她真正想要的,是同类。 Screens the world by the Strega (Witch) factor, thus selects in the true sense with your similar exceptionally, changes the world exceptionally the world.” “借由魔女因子对世界进行筛选,从而选出在真正意义上和你同类的‘异常’,将世界变化成‘异常’的世界。” Saying of Xie Ming undulating: This is your true goal.” 谢铭澹澹的说道:“这才是你的真正目的。” No matter Strega (Witch) is you, stems from the human monster. Therefore, the life nature in fact is even if different, but you have human some nature as in inside.” “不管是魔女还是你,都是出于人类的怪物。因此,哪怕实际上的生命性质已经不同,但你们依旧拥有着人类的某种性质在里面。” Aggie Donner is longs for and kinship, Satella loves with gently. You, is the lie and .... Lives in groups.” “艾姬多娜是渴望和亲情,莎缇拉是爱和温柔。你,则是谎言和....群居。” You wanted to find similar, wanted to get rid of this lonely. Actually you have long understood, you are in this world the true different kind, but you are always deceiving yourself with the lie, is really molding forcefully with the lie.” “你想要找到同类,想要摆脱这份孤独。其实你早就明白,自己才是这个世界上真正的异类,但你始终用谎言欺骗着自己,用谎言强行塑造着真实。” Pitiful, pitiful, hateful lonely foreign matter, I said right?” “可怜,可悲,可恨的孤独异物,我说的对吗?” ........ “........” Pandora had not answered, is maintaining on the face as before the smile of that peaceful desert. Bottoming that even if under two human foot silt had been burnt by the flame, she also remains unmoved. 潘朵拉并没有回话,依旧保持着脸上那份澹漠的笑容。哪怕两人脚底下的淤泥已经被火焰烧的见底,她也不为所动。 Because, bottomed, the spirit strength of Xie Ming within the body. 因为,同样见底了的,还有谢铭体内的灵力。 Also some are .... 还有的便是.... Really you can understand my, Xie Ming.” Saying that Pandora smiles: Really no longer considers? Becoming my partner, everyone establishes a truly fair world together.” “果然你是能理解我的啊,谢铭。”潘朵拉笑眯眯的说道:“真的不再考虑一下吗?成为我的伙伴,大家一起来建立一个真正公平的世界。” Redundant words, I do not want to say again second.” “重复的话,我不想再多说第二遍。” Xie Ming tranquil saying: Indeed, the spirit strength of my within the body has bottomed, was unable to let loose the world impediment to make the spirit strength of the world tree flow to my within the body.” 谢铭平静的说道:“的确,我体内的灵力已经见底,还不能放开世界阻隔让世界树的灵力流入到我的体内。” But you felt, I did not have the spirit strength, can you defeat me?” “但你觉得,我没有灵力了,你就可以战胜我了吗?” Now the magnitude of silt, and being insufficient made you such waste to before.” “现在淤泥的量级,也并不足以让你向之前那样浪费了吧。” Un, that's true.” “嗯,确实如此。” It seems like thinks that can see the thing that does not need being concocted, Pandora rare so honest: Perhaps your technique and physical strength, truly can drag me ** was burnt through by the flame completely.” 似乎是认为能一眼看出来的东西并不需要‘虚饰’,潘朵拉少见的如此坦诚:“你的技艺和体力,或许确实可以把我拖到**被火焰全部燃尽的时候吧。” But, you made a mistake a point, dear Xie Ming.” “但是,你弄错了一点哦,亲爱的谢铭。” Completes the condition of my goal, not only and only has a path.” “完成我的目的的条件,并不仅仅只有一种道路而已。” Buzz ..... 嗡..... With falling of Pandora these words, entire is started to exude the grating echo by the power world that the tree root ties up all round. Under the foot the surplus silt, start to shiver crazily. 随着潘朵拉这句话的落下,整个被树根团团捆绑住的权能世界开始发出刺耳的回声。脚底下所剩余的淤泥,开始疯狂颤抖。 The power world, entered an extreme non- steady state in this flash. 权能世界,在这一瞬间进入到了一个极度不稳定的状态。 This time ** world, several hundred years ago I plotted against the envy specially, uses product that her physique creates. human and ** was swallowed by the envy unceasingly, the myriad things gradually quilt of the world ** swallows, union.” “此番**世界,是在几百年前我特意暗算了嫉妒,利用她体质而创造出来的产物。人类和**不断被嫉妒吞噬,世界的万物逐步被**吞噬,结合。” Finally the birth, is this collection ** world.” “最后诞生的,便是这个汇集**的世界。” This world can be said as the body of envy, is a part of the world. Stemming from nature and derivative, human ** will condense here unceasingly.” “这个世界可以说是嫉妒的躯体,是世界的一部分。只是出于性质和偏导,人类的**才会不断凝聚到这里。” That, if this place did vanish?” “那么,如果这块地方消失了呢?” Pandora said with a face all smiles made Xie Ming narrow the decision of eye slightly: You will not make the world destroy, therefore you must spend completely the strength of whole body to help, controls ** world.” 潘朵拉笑容满面的说出了让谢铭微微眯眼的决定:“你不会让世界毁灭,所以你必须费尽全身的力量来帮助,控制住**世界。” Even you are very cruel-hearted, I can still detonate this body and world similarly directly. Then world ** will return him should the place of meeting.” “就算你很狠心,我同样也可以直接引爆这个躯体和世界。那么世界的的**将会重新回到他该会的地方。” „The war of power and divine protection, has taste, not? Naturally, the final victor can also be I.” “权能和加护的大战,同样别有一番滋味,不是吗?当然,最终的胜利者还会是我。” Wants ** also, then I am not then extinguished by the eternal life, can anytime and anywhere from human ** appears.” “只要**还在,那么我便由永生不灭,随时随地都能从人类的**中出现。” Do not have the energy you, Xie Ming. Perhaps you can defeat me, even can cut to kill me. But at least you at this moment, do not have this ability.” “已经没有能量了的你,谢铭。或许你可以打败我,甚至能够斩杀我。但至少此时此刻的你,并没有这个能力。” Can spare nothing to struggle? Admits mistakes here slightly?” “要不惜一切代价的来挣扎吗?还是在这里稍微认个错呢?” „, Pandora.” “呵,潘朵拉。” I remember that I and you have spoken such a few words.” “我记得我和你说过这样的一句话。” All preparations have been completed.】 “【所有准备都已经完成。】” Holds up Monster Blade, Xie Ming tranquil saying: Will keep the card in a hand, but incessantly only then your.” 妖刀举起,谢铭平静的说道:“会留底牌的,可不止只有你一人。” Ddraig!” 德莱格!”
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