RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1838: Essence

One second remembers New The scarlet dragons of five claws sprinkle the hot rain to dance in the air in the jet black sky, the land of contamination has been purified under the ignition of flame. 一秒记住【新】,!五爪的赤龙洒下火雨在漆黑的天空中飞舞,污秽的大地在火焰的灼烧下得到净化。 Grasps the indifferent youth of long blade, brings black clothes young girl who recited the smile, float above sea of fire, mutual looking at each other. The flame, each other kills the collision of intent to drag because of two people. 手持长刀的冷漠青年,带着吟吟笑容的黑衣少女,悬浮在火海之上,互相对视。火焰,因两人彼此杀意的碰撞而摇曳。 Has saying that exaggerates this at the scene, the atmosphere of decisive battle has drawn fully. 不得不说,在场景渲染这块,决战的氛围已经拉满。 If this fight has the person of testimony, and spreads the later generation it, how will people polish and praise it? 如果这场战斗存在着见证之人,并且将其流传到后世的话,人们会如何将其润色、传颂呢? It is estimated that Xie Ming will describe that becomes just soldier who the world fights, described Pandora Strega (Witch) that stops at no evil, making her second to envy Strega (Witch)? 估计会将谢铭形容成为了世界而战的正义战士,将潘朵拉形容成无恶不作的魔女,让她成为第二个嫉妒魔女吧? Also because possibly Pandora occupies is the body of Satella, thus continues the elf to conduct the persecution and discrimination fifty-fifty. 还可能因为潘朵拉占据的是莎缇拉的身体,从而继续对半精灵进行迫害和歧视。 However this does not need to be worried actually, after all the so-called persecution and discrimination intend to indulge the rumor that to start from the person in power. In other words , so long as the person in power intends to control to guide, is not possible the situation that presents this all the people to discriminate against. 不过这点倒是不用担心,毕竟所谓的迫害和歧视都是从当权者有意放纵的谣言所开始的。换言之,只要当权者有意控制引导,那么就不可能出现这种全民歧视的情况。 In the final analysis, the so-called discrimination is only a method of contradictory shift, one type makes the people vent the life mood the way. If not Pandora has been doing the matter, the people's to envying Strega (Witch) the fear and hatred are impossible to continue is so long. 归根到底,所谓的歧视只是一种矛盾转移的方法,一种让群众宣泄生活情绪的路径。如果不是潘朵拉一直在搞事情,人们对嫉妒魔女的恐惧和仇恨根本不可能持续这么久。 The words from this, actually the person in power and Pandora actually do not cope. After all under Pandora's operation, they simply does not have the means from envying Strega (Witch) contradiction turns away. 从这点来看的话,其实当权者和潘朵拉其实也不对付。毕竟在潘朵拉的操作下,他们根本没有办法把‘矛盾’从嫉妒魔女身上转走。 However now says these already not too many significances. 不过现在说这些已经没有太多的意义。 Pandora obtains her to plan several hundred years of result, but Xie Ming also success induced can be said as the best condition the situation. 潘朵拉已经得到了她算计数百年的结果,而谢铭也成功的将局势诱导到了已经可以说是最佳的状态。 Arrived present this, plot anything could not have had any use. Now can decide that the factor of victory or defeat, only has the strength. 到了现在这个局面,阴谋什么的已经派不上任何用场。现在能够决定胜败的因素,只剩下力量。 Is Pandora first Xie Ming dragging, after Xie Ming can support to Ddraig the sludge burnings out, separates link between Pandora and power world. 是潘朵拉先将谢铭给拖死,还是谢铭能够支撑到德莱格将污泥烧尽后,断开潘朵拉与权能世界之间的链接。 Telling the facts, this is not one ten takes ten steady things. 实话实说,这并不是一件十拿十稳的事情。 Although the Ddraig flame fire can take ** for fuel burn, but a process of need relatively long acceleration and purification. But the flame must face, from ancient to present is all intelligent lives delivers **. 德莱格的焱火虽然能以**为燃料燃烧,但这其中需要一个相对漫长的加速、净化的过程。而火焰要面对的,是从古至今所有智慧生命所产出的**。 Although does not have the means to continue to supplement, but this ** mud nature and quantity is quite astonishing. In the face of this huge base number, the Ddraig flame at most is matches. 虽然没有办法继续补充,但这**之泥的‘质’和‘量’是相当惊人的。在这庞大的基数面前,德莱格的火焰顶多算是一根火柴。 The spark may set the prairie afire, but need time and development. Time that strives for this to set the prairie afire, is Xie Ming this matter of doing. 星火可燎原,但需要时间和发展。争取到这燎原的时间,便是谢铭该做的事情。 Xie Ming is very strong, he who shows the strength completely can a blade hack to death Pandora. But, ** the mud will be born another Pandora. 谢铭很强,完全展现实力的他可以一刀砍死潘朵拉。可紧接着,**之泥就会诞生出另一个潘朵拉。 He can hack to death 1000 and 10,000 and 100,000. But, if the quantity does continue to increase again upward? 他可以砍死一千个、一万个、十万个。可,如果数量再继续往上增加呢? 1 million and ten million/countless, hundred million...... can Xie Ming insist by that time? 百万个、千万个,亿个......谢铭能坚持到那个时候吗? After entering the step fourth-order, the record and fusion of the world tree makes him spend freely the spirit strength sufficiently willfully, but this energy is not a person is using now, is the three parties is using. 进阶四阶后,图录和世界树的融合足以让他任意挥霍灵力,但现在这份能量并不是一个人在用,是三方都在用。 Ddraig is using, Othinus, ten thousand and cold more are being used by. Especially latter's amount used, occupied overwhelming majority. 德莱格在用,欧提努斯、万由里和凛弥在用。尤其是后者的用量,占据了绝大部分。 Protected the entire divine protection world is not corroded by the power world, used up part. Prepares to control and supports the whole world not split at any time, must prepare a major part. 保护整个加护世界不被权能世界侵蚀,用掉了一部分。随时准备控制、支撑整个世界不分裂,又要准备出一大部分。 Is equivalent to 90,000 trillion in giga net to be occupied, the remaining 100 trillion small water pipes must leave Ddraig part, leaves Xie Ming to use is very few. 相当于千兆网中的900百兆已经被占据,剩下的100兆小水管还得留给德莱格一部分,留给谢铭自己使用的可谓是少之又少。 Simply speaking, Xie Ming can only use energy in the body to come and Pandora now fights. 简单来说,谢铭现在只能用自己身体内的能量来和潘朵拉战斗。 One is the demon trough is fixed, every time will use quantity to reduce a time. Another is the quantity will not reduce, but the demon trough upper limit constantly is speeding up reducing. Both compare mutually, actually Xie Ming is in an inferior position middle. 一个是魔槽固定,每用一次量都会减少。另一个是量不会减少,但是魔槽上限在不断加快缩减。两者相互比较起来,其实还是谢铭处于劣势当中。 Because Pandora understood this, after was stopped by Xie Ming, but can also show the so calm smile. 正是因为潘朵拉理解了这点,所以在被谢铭阻拦之后,还能露出如此淡定的微笑。 In her opinion, the thing that at present this man cares about were too many. Can work loose these to tie up the chains of hands and feet obviously momentarily, is actually willing by its fetter. 在她看来,眼前这个男人顾及的东西实在太多了。明明随时都可以挣脱那些捆住手脚的锁链,却甘愿被其束缚。 Xie Ming you... also are really stupid.” 谢铭你...还真是愚蠢啊。” The quantity broke through thousand levels to arrive in ten thousand levels of invisible hands to find out from the mud sea, bound like the tentacle to Xie Ming. But as the price, Pandora's body also starts the disruption collapse. 数量突破了千级抵达万级的不可视之手从泥海之中探出,如同触手般裹向谢铭。但作为代价,潘朵拉的身体也开始碎裂崩溃。 But regarding has discarded her who the mortal body integrated the mud sea completely, now her the person body is just a terminal, facilitates the control strength and dialogue. 但对于已经完全舍弃了肉身融入泥海的她来说,现在她的人型身体只不过是一个终端,方便操控力量和对话而已。 The part of collapse, only needs to give in the fill with the mud promptly on the line. Any part of body, can use ** the mud substitutes. 崩溃的部分,只需要及时用泥给填补上就行。身体的任何部分,都能够用**之泥来替代。 What thing is worth so fighting bravely?” “什么东西值得你如此奋战?” Although prompt retreats backward, but the blade glow cuts as before from the midpoint Pandora. But the next flash, Pandora looks like Slime to be the same, the body interior gushed out the viscous black mud. 虽然及时向后撤退,但刀芒依旧将潘朵拉从正中央斩开。但下一瞬间,潘朵拉就像是史莱姆一样,身体内部涌出了粘稠的黑泥。 The black mud swallowed the blade air/Qi at an exceptional pace, the body that will also split agglutinates. 黑泥以惊人的速度吞噬了刀气,也将裂开的身体重新粘合。 You, although is not willing to support my plan, reason that but you have not opposed similarly. You to this world merely is a traveler, if you are not willing they to be involved by the beloved less than half elf and young maid, you can definitely lead her to leave.” “你虽然不愿赞成我的计划,但你同样也没有反对的理由啊。你对这个世界来说仅仅是个过客,如果你不愿意让自己心爱的小半精灵、小女仆她们受到牵连,你完全可以带她离开啊。” This to you, is a very simple matter. Why can also put together the life to prevent me here?” “这对你来说,是件非常简单的事情吧。又何必非要在这里拼上性命阻止我呢?” Which scallion do you calculate?” “你算哪根葱?” What?” “什么?” I said, which scallion you do calculate?” “我说,你算哪根葱?” The left hand taps the hilt, the Monster Blade knife starts to vibrate. The shake wave that also disperses, will surround own invisible hand to break completely. Also is blade cold light cuts in two at the waist Pandora. 左手轻敲刀柄,妖刀的刀身开始震动。随之发散出的震荡波,将包围自己的不可视之手全部震碎。紧接着,又是一刀寒光将潘朵拉腰斩。 Why I want, because only mouse of feeling sorry, but brings Emilia they to escape like don't hit a person when he's down?” “为什么我要因为区区一只可怜的老鼠,而像落水狗一样带着爱蜜莉雅她们逃跑?” The blade fast starts to speed up, Pandora's body starts to turn into four from two halves, turns into eight from four. The body part that but disperses changes into the black mud, unified Pandora respectively. 刀速开始加快,潘朵拉的身体开始从两半变成四块,又从四块变成八块。但分散出的身体部位化为黑泥,分别凝聚成了一个又一个小潘朵拉。 Dusk breaks draws a sword to cut spatially. 暝・断空拔刀斩。 Pandora of jet black blade link passing over gently and swiftly whole body, the blade air/Qi ground the smashing it thoroughly. Without the means that Pandora can only burn in the scarlet fire mire to mold the body from under. 漆黑的刀环掠过周身的小潘朵拉,刀气将其彻底碾成了粉碎。没有办法,潘朵拉只能从底下燃着赤红之火的泥潭中重新塑造身体。 Hey .... Like this. I have not looked completely, never expected that Xie Ming you think unexpectedly ..... “嘿....这样啊。我完全没有看出来呢,没想到谢铭你居然是这么想的啊.....” Pandora's false smile saying: Really is arrogant ~ 潘朵拉皮笑肉不笑的说道:“真是傲慢啊~” No, you were wrong. This is not arrogant.” “不,你错了。这并不是傲慢。” The blade shadow like the light, pierced Pandora's body. The hilt revolves, one group explodes the flame Pandora scrap. Disperses Villain/enemy that the pupil of rainbow light is locking this unable to kill again, saying that Xie Ming coldly. 刀影如光,刺穿了潘朵拉的身体。刀柄旋转,一团爆炎将潘朵拉炸碎。散着虹光的瞳孔再次锁定这打不死的敌人,谢铭冷冷的说道。 I am only pure feels sorry for you.” “我只是单纯的可怜你罢了。” Arrogant Strega (Witch) will locate for trial of myriad things.” “傲慢的魔女将自己定位为万物的审判者。” Strega (Witch) of strong desire is infatuated in the knowledge is reckless.” “强欲的魔女醉心于知识而不顾一切。” Strega (Witch) of envy earnestly seeks the unique love.” “嫉妒的魔女渴求独一无二的爱。” Angry Strega (Witch) reduces fever completely the world to burn not the tragedy with the full anger.” “愤怒的魔女用满腔的怒火去烧尽人间烧不尽的悲剧。” Guzzling Strega (Witch) is unable to fill all day long oneself.” “暴食的魔女终日无法填饱自己。” „The lazy Strega (Witch) hope obtains the death.” “怠惰的魔女希望得到永眠。” ** Strega (Witch) implored people to cast aside the abandoned fantasy to see true. Being concocted Strega (Witch), wants with the reality that the lie creates itself to pursue.” “**的魔女祈求人们撇弃幻想看到真正的自己。虚饰的魔女,想要用谎言来创造自己追求的真实。” Xie Ming is narrowing the eye: Will be concocted to change into, what even if oneself said is only the empty talk, so long as realized that it is real. But with it relative, others real because your reality changes into is concocted.” 谢铭眯着眼睛:“将虚饰化为真实,哪怕自己所说的只是空话,但只要将其实现了那便是真实。但与之相对,他人的真实将因为你的真实化为虚饰。” Pandora, you should very be angry. Thought that and others are obviously same as are Strega (Witch), why oneself will be given the exile by them, cannot obtain their acknowledgments.” “潘朵拉,你心里应该一直很愤怒吧。觉得明明自己和其他人一样同为魔女,为什么自己会被她们给放逐,得不到她们的承认。” Now I tell you answer. Because other Strega (Witch) pursue, is true, reality that everyone acknowledged.” “现在我告诉你答案吧。因为其他魔女所追求的,都是真正的,所有人都承认的真实。” Only has, is reality that only then yourself who you pursue acknowledged.” “唯有你所追求的,是只有你自己承认的真实。” However in his person eyes, your real is like your name, is concocted, is the bareness.” “而在他人眼中,你的这份真实就和你的称呼一样,是虚饰的,是空无的。” Therefore you are doomed to obtain their acknowledgments, you are doomed unable to obtain anybody's acknowledgment.” “所以你注定得到她们的承认,你注定得不到任何人的承认。” Because you pursue at all is not the reality, but can let your own satisfied lie.” “因为你追求的根本不是什么真实,而是能够让你自己得到满足的谎言罢了。” Immerses in the lie, pitiful mouse.” “沉浸在谎言中的,可怜的老鼠。”
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