RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1837: The principle of victory had determined

One second remembers New The precious pearl is the eye, the flame is the body, a encirclement cried loud and long in five claw scarlet dragon Yangtian of Xie Ming whole body, in the fierce advantage gap between teeth overflowed flame, ice-cold looks at present Villain/enemy. 一秒记住【新】,!宝珠为眼,火焰为躯,一条环绕于谢铭周身的五爪赤龙仰天长啸了一声,狰狞的利齿缝中溢出了一丝火焰,冰冷的看着眼前的敌人 Presence of scarlet dragon, changed the surrounding environment instantaneously. Filthy air, ** the mire, changed into the absolute sincerity flame completely. 赤龙的出场,瞬间改变了周围的环境。污浊的空气,**的泥潭,全部化为了赤诚的火焰。 What kind of, feeling that Ddraig, comes out to ventilate.” “怎么样,德莱格,久违出来透气的感觉。” Passed bad.” “糟糕透了啊。” In the sound brings the strength and hot silk, Ddraig is looking all around all around: Such dirty place one breath will burn down, should quite crisp?” 声音中带着力量和火丝,德莱格环顾着四周:“不过将这么脏的地方一口气烧光,应该会相当的爽吧?” „, That gave you.” “呵,那就交给你了。” „!” “哦!” The body of flame departs following the arm of Xie Ming, turns toward all around to disseminate the flame, heartily dances in the air sky over the land of this silt. Regarding Ddraig, this is its several hundred even over a thousand years of soaring. 火焰的躯体顺着谢铭的手臂离去,边向着四周散播着火焰,边尽情的在这片淤泥的大地上空飞舞。对于德莱格来说,这是它久违的数百甚至上千年的飞翔。 But even if this piece burns through still the indifferent world, constrains for a long time scarlet dragon best vent place without a doubt. 而这片就算燃尽也无所谓的世界,毫无疑问是压抑许久的赤龙最佳的发泄场所。 By Purification Murders god Life The body that the flame that three species compose gathers, let the Ddraig complete immunity the attack in any physical. 由【净化】【弑神】【生命】三种属性组成的火焰汇聚成的身躯,让德莱格完全免疫了任何物理方面的攻击。 Even even/including Zuzhou, pollution and other attacks, in close to before Ddraig, by scarlet fire of this purification burning clean. 甚至连诅咒、污染等攻击,在接近到德莱格之前,就会被这净化的赤火给烧的一干二净。 Can cause the damage to present Ddraig only, only then specifically aims at the attack of soul. 唯一能对现在的德莱格造成伤害的,就只有专门针对灵魂的攻击。 After all can drive these strengths only has the Ddraig soul, can control these strengths Red Dragon Emperor that only then separates temporarily from Xie Ming cage. 毕竟能够带动这些力量的只有德莱格的灵魂,能够操控这些力量的只有从谢铭身上暂时分离出的赤龙帝的之笼手。 The controller of carrier and strength of soul, is Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet, is of five claw scarlet dragons to the deep green eyes. Once destroyed precious pearl that composes this eye, Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet main body, then soul then unguarded exposition of Ddraig. 灵魂的载体和力量的控制器,都是赤龙帝之笼手,也就是五爪赤龙的那对碧绿的双眼。一旦破坏了组成这双眼睛的宝珠,赤龙帝之笼手的本体,那么德莱格的灵魂便会毫无防护的暴露出来。 If Xie Ming in side, that cannot really be bad at that time. 如果那时谢铭不在旁边的话,那可就真的糟糕了。 Naturally, achieves fourth-order as the quality, and with the force system of Xie Ming after multiple strengthened Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet, is not the casual anyone comes to be able its destruction. 当然,作为品质达到四阶且和谢铭的力量体系经过多次强化的赤龙帝之笼手,并不是随便什么人过来就能将其破坏。 Can Villain/enemy that it destroys, Xie Ming is also unless it is absolutely essential unlikely to give Ddraig to cope. 能够将它破坏的敌人,不到万不得已谢铭也不太可能交给德莱格来对付。 But is very obvious, present Pandora is not in the middle of this ranks. 但很显然,眼前的潘朵拉并不在这个行列当中。 However Ddraig in conducts the life sublimation after oneself, unexpectedly the shape turned into this five claw scarlet dragon shapes, some Xie Ming accidents/surprises. 不过德莱格在和自己一起进行生命升华后,居然形态变成了这种五爪赤龙形态,谢铭还是有些意外的。 Perhaps and possible, probably... is own reason? 或许、可能、大概...是自己的原因? This first drops out does not manage. Reason that Ddraig emits, no doubt has to let the reason that it comes out to ventilate. But are more, is lies in it can indeed be able to help now. 咳,这点先抛下不管。把德莱格放出的原因,其中固然有着让它出来透透气的理由在。但更多的,是在于它现在的确能帮上忙。 Pandora's existing form unusual trouble, so long as this mud seas... are the world that she controls are solved, existence that she does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish. 潘朵拉的存在形式非常的麻烦,只要这片泥海...也就是她所掌控的这片世界不被解决的话,她就是不死不灭的存在。 In the first samsara, Xie Ming is because the anger got down making an all-out effort directly, cuts the power world together with Pandora's soul directly together broken, thus she of solution. 在第一轮回,谢铭是因为愤怒直接下了狠劲,直接连同潘朵拉的灵魂一起将权能世界一起斩碎,从而解决的她。 But in this prepared in so many final samsara, naturally cannot solve like before. 但在这个准备了那么多的最终轮回里,自然不能像之前那样解决。 The mud sea remains, Strega (Witch) does not extinguish. But in other words , so long as the mud sea were burnt cleanly, then Pandora will also naturally be destroyed. 泥海尚存,魔女不灭。可换言之,只要泥海被烧干净,那么潘多拉自然也会被毁灭。 The issue is, this mud sea by people ** condenses. So long as human remains **, then this ** the mud sea will never vanish. 问题是,这泥海是由人们的**所凝聚成的。只要人类还存在着**,那么这**泥海就永远不会消失。 As for cutting off human **? That is more impossible, matter that Xie Ming will not do. 至于断绝人类的**?那才是更加不可能,谢铭也不会去做的事。 human ** is impossible to vanish ** the mud sea has Pandora not to refuse stubbornly to extinguish forever. Strokes the order, except for destruction ** the vessel of mud sea: Outside the power world, absolutely does not have other methods. 人类的**不可能消失**泥海永远存在潘朵拉不死不灭。这么把顺序捋下来,除了破坏**泥海的容器:权能世界之外,根本就没有其他手段啊。 If not continue to go into seriously, indeed is so. 如果不继续深究的话,的确是如此。 But in effect it is not so. 但其实不然。 In the above order, has not actually a little articulated. So long as articulated, can discover that Xie Ming thought of every means to create, Pandora that only weakness. 上述的顺序之中,其实有一点并没有表达清楚。只要表达清楚的话,就能发现谢铭费尽心思创造出的,潘朵拉那唯一的弱点。 human ** these five characters, expand into human of divine protection world ** after’, the situation was entirely different. 将‘人类的**’这五个字,扩展为‘加护世界的人类的**’之后,情况就大不相同了。 The present divine protection world is controls by Xie Ming, divine protection world and power world also by the tree root of the world tree separating. Any from the divine protection world toward the power world class/flow thing, needs to come after the agreement of Xie Ming. 现在的加护世界是由谢铭来控制,加护世界和权能世界也被世界树的树根给隔开。任何从加护世界往权能世界流的东西,都需要经过谢铭的同意才能过来。 Vivid point, ** sea and collection human ** rivers and streams, by Xie Ming with the world tree dam separating. 形象点来说,**的‘海’和汇集的人类**的‘江河’之间,被谢铭用世界树‘大坝’给隔开了。 Only then Xie Ming said turns on the water, the rivers and streams can send to the sea. 只有谢铭说放水,江河才能汇到海里面。 Therefore waits for Ddraig ** after the mud sea evaporates completely, power world vessel does not have the means immediately to obtain the supplement. At that time, Xie Ming can get rid of Pandora. 所以等德莱格将**泥海给全部蒸发之后,权能世界这个容器是没有办法立即获得补充的。那时,谢铭就能干掉潘朵拉了。 Is killing words. 仅仅是‘干掉’的话。 So long as dam, then after Pandora was cut kills, does not have the means to resurrect. If turns on the water, lets human ** rivers and streams inflow to vessel, Pandora will resurrect again. 只要不开大坝,那么潘朵拉被斩杀后是没办法复活的。但一旦放水,让人类**的江河流入到容器中,潘朵拉还是会再度的复活。 But did not operate the dam, not only will affect the world tree, will affect the balance of power world and divine protection world. Eventually causes, is the destruction of the world. 而一直不开大坝,不仅会影响到世界树,更是会影响到权能世界和加护世界的平衡。最终导致的,还是世界的毁灭。 Therefore sole killing, but not goings to the roots of the problem, Xie Ming most repugnant solution. 所以单单的杀,只是治标不治本,谢铭最为讨厌的解决方法。 Since must kill, even if works hard, must kill prevents the future trouble cleanly. Stamping out the source of trouble, this is Xie Ming always attitude. 既然要杀,哪怕多费点工夫,也要杀干净来预防后患。斩草除根,这是谢铭向来的作风。 Then must return to the beforehand issue: How should kill? 那么又要回到之前的问题上:该如何杀? Must solve this problem, must first understand a matter: Pandora is not equal to the power world. 要解决这个问题,首先就要明白一件事情:潘朵拉绝不等于权能世界本身。 Even if depends upon is envying the Strega (Witch) personality, letting Pandora can completely control the body of Satella to display the complete strength, even the strength of these half power world. 哪怕依靠着嫉妒魔女人格,让潘朵拉可以完全控制莎缇拉的身体发挥出全部的力量,甚至这半个权能世界的力量。 But, this control is also indirect. Close degree between both, is absolutely impossible to surpass the Satella main body. 但,这个控制也是间接的。两者之间的密切程度,绝对不可能超过莎缇拉本尊。 But Pandora's resurrecting and strength, must consume is the power world ** mud sea. 而潘朵拉的复活和力量,要消耗的又是权能世界的**泥海。 Strokes the relations again, is Pandora Control Body Control ** The mud sea performs. 再捋捋关系,便是潘朵拉【控制】身躯【控制】**泥海来发挥力量。 Among this indirect relations layer by layer, is the Xie Ming opportunity is. 这中间一层又一层的间接关系,便是谢铭的机会所在。 What controls to converge the mouth what is he places in the power world is he, what must cut to kill Pandora is he, when Pandora depends on the strength of resurrecting power first witness similarly is also he. 控制住汇入口的是他身处于权能世界的是他,要斩杀潘朵拉的是他,潘朵拉靠着权能之力复活时的第一见证人同样也是他。 He, depends on the sabreplay to conduct the big grandmaster who the soul enters the step. The weapon in his hand, can directly hurt the soul. 他,还是一名靠着刀术进行灵魂进阶的大宗师。他手中的武器,更是能直接伤害到灵魂。 But he also has many cards in a hand not to hit, the preparation deals with the card in a hand that Pandora has not possibly played momentarily. From beginning to end, he has not treated it lightly. 而他还有着许多底牌没有打出来,随时准备来应对潘朵拉可能还没有打出的底牌。从始至终,他都没有掉以轻心。 Even Pandora and power world together from exploding the possibility, Xie Ming has planned during the plan, and has to deal with the method. 甚至连潘朵拉带着权能世界一同自爆的可能,谢铭都已经算计在了计划之中,并且有着应对手段。 Therefore before had said that the plan carried out this step, the principle of victory had been decided. 所以之前说过了,计划执行到了这一步,胜利的法则早就已经确定。 A blade cut Pandora who raided to Ddraig, looks that she resurrected from the mud sea again, on the face of Xie Ming did not have anxiously. 一刀斩开了袭向德莱格的潘朵拉,看着她从泥海之中再次复活,谢铭的脸上没有一点焦急。 Anxious and angry, struggles. Uses the card in a hand that has not played, is concocted Strega (Witch).” “焦急、愤怒、挣扎吧。把还没有打出来的底牌都用出来吧,虚饰魔女。” Coming to see, was actually you to arrange several hundred years of plan even better. Experienced three samsara the anger of my, burns to extinguish you.” “来看看,究竟是你筹备了数百年的计划更胜一筹。还是经历了三次轮回的我的愤怒,将你焚灭。” Must, probably struggle finally.” “务必,要挣扎到最后啊。”
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