RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1836: Complete picture of plan

One second remembers New That three characters, are the same like the sound that the calling back from the dead bell swung, let lose the body of Satella soul to present the intelligence rapidly. That pair of empty eyes, presented and Satella gentle, envies the Strega (Witch) crazy entirely different mood. 一秒记住【新】,!那三个字,就如同招魂铃摇出的声音一样,让失去莎缇拉灵魂的躯体迅速出现了灵性。那双空洞的双眼,也出现了和莎缇拉的温柔、嫉妒魔女的疯狂截然不同的情绪。 Indifferently. 漠然。 That almost can become the indifferent smile of being concocted Strega (Witch) representative, appeared on the face of Satella. 那几乎可以成为虚饰魔女代表的漠然笑容,出现在了莎缇拉的脸上。 …… 啪、啪、啪、啪..... With the clapping rhythm, Pandora silt changed into a jet black filthy throne, will control their Master to pick up slowly. 随着拍手的节奏,潘朵拉脚下的淤泥化为了一把漆黑污浊的王座,将操控它们的主人缓缓托起。 Similar to Xie Ming to become the divine protection world's control now, completely Pandora who at this time controls the Satella body, becomes the queen in this side power world similarly. 就如同谢铭现在已经成为了加护世界的主宰,此时完全掌控住莎缇拉身躯的潘朵拉,也同样成为了这一方权能世界的女王。 Mr. Xie Ming, can I ask?” Pandora voice gentle saying: When do you detect?” 谢铭先生,我能问一下吗?”潘朵拉声音轻柔的说道:“您是什么时候察觉的?” Cannot.” “不能。” After determining Pandora's appearance, Xie Ming where can continue what idle talk with her again? 在确定了潘朵拉的出现之后,谢铭哪里会和她再继续什么废话? The sharp blade light breaks open keeps off in the front dozens silt barriers towering, such as the flash only takes Pandora's nape of the neck. But the final result, carried over several drops of blood beads merely. 锐利的刀光破开突兀挡在前面的数十层淤泥屏障,如闪光般只取潘朵拉的脖颈。但最终的结果,仅仅只是带出了几滴血珠。 Battles in the Villain/enemy domain, is so. Although Xie Ming can guarantee oneself any were not affected, the ability that but these display for the medium through the environment, do not want to display. 敌人的领域中交战,便是如此。虽然谢铭可以保证自己不受任何影响,可那些通过环境为介质来发挥的能力,就别想发挥出来了。 After all, has grasped Pandora of half world, has had the property rights to be able strength. In the world of this power, she almost can with equate invincibly. 毕竟,已经掌握了半个世界的潘朵拉,已经掌握所有权能的力量。在这权能的世界中,她几乎能和无敌画上等号。 To fighting the domain best way, is takes own domain to collide. Enters fights to the domain of opposite party, is puts the disadvantaged oneself on own initiative the position. 对战领域最好办法,便是拿自己的领域来碰撞。进入到对方的领域来战斗,属于是主动把自己放到劣势的地位。 Can not have the means that the fight possibly to achieve wishes completely? Rather this situation, is the optimal solution that Xie Ming can find out. 可没有办法,战斗怎么可能完全如愿?不如说这种情况,已经是谢铭能够想出的最优解。 Extracts the Satella soul, puts in it to loving in the Millie body preserves temporarily. Loves the Millie soul, then enters to own world tree warm support. But taking this opportunity, Xie Ming cuts to kill has changed into the power world core the body of Satella. 抽出莎缇拉的灵魂,将其放入到爱蜜莉亚的身体中暂时保存。爱蜜莉亚的灵魂,则是进入到自己的世界树当中温养。而借此机会,谢铭来斩杀已经化为权能世界核心的莎缇拉的身体。 Together with Pandora's soul same place. 连同潘朵拉的灵魂一起。 The power issue that is concocted related, Xie Ming actually pondered is very long. But the information are too few, he is not willing to take the lives of others as the price, time and time again attempts. 有关虚饰的权能问题,谢铭其实思考了很久。可情报太少,他又不愿意以其他人的性命为代价,一次一次的进行尝试。 Therefore Xie Ming gave up starting to solve the problem from terminal simply, directly solved the source. 所以谢铭非常干脆的放弃了从‘线端’开始解决问题,直接去解决源头。 Before the first recollection, he had done a frame with Pandora, and successful cut together with the world core of power and divine protection her together. 要知道,在第一次回溯前,他已经和潘朵拉干了一次架,并成功将她连同权能、加护的世界核心给一起斩了。 What may feel strange, in cutting to kill has swallowed the Satella soul, thoroughly after Pandora who controls the whole world, Xie Ming in Pandora's soul had not discovered named envies Strega (Witch) personality soul. 可奇怪的是,在斩杀已经吞掉莎缇拉灵魂,彻底掌控整个世界的潘朵拉之后,谢铭在潘朵拉的灵魂中并没有发现名为‘嫉妒魔女’的人格灵魂。 The fission of personality is divided into two situations, one type is the energetic fission, one type is the fission of soul. 人格的分裂分为两种情况,一种是精神的分裂,一种是灵魂的分裂。 The schizophrenia, belongs is the separate and mold of memory. Is created one after the Master standard virtual personality, the control and energetic sea share of body creating the second personality. 精神分裂,属于是记忆的割裂和塑造。由主人格创造出一个‘虚拟人格’后,将身体的控制权和精神海分享给创造出的第二人格。 The Master standard and second personality of this situation, are the creator and by inventor's relations, in some sense is a person, is only the stress of character is different. 这种情况的主人格和第二人格,属于创造者和被创造者的关系,从某种意义上来说还是一个人,只是性格的侧重不同。 But the fission of soul, is two people in the true sense. 但灵魂的分裂,则是真正意义上的两个人。 Was equivalent to the Master standard to divide oneself part completely, thus created the second person in the true sense. 相当于主人格完全分割开了自己一部分,从而真正意义上的创造了第二个人。 In light of twice and meet of Satella, Xie Ming is certain Satella is the second situation. 结合两次和莎缇拉的相遇,谢铭可以肯定莎缇拉是第二种情况。 Then the issue came, oneself cut the soul that killed Pandora obviously, why Satella minute/share of soul: Envies Strega (Witch) also to disappear similarly? 那么问题来了,明明自己只是斩杀了潘朵拉的灵魂,为什么莎缇拉的分魂:嫉妒魔女同样也不见了呢? Thinks in again the second samsara, Satella can understand to the words that he spoke. 再想想第二轮回中,莎缇拉对他说的话就能明白了。 I really am unfair to her very much, making her undertake so many for me, sentiment that I am unable to undertake.】 【我真的很对不起她,让她替我承担了那么多,我无法承担的感情。】 Envies Strega (Witch), is Satella is unable to withstand along with the sentiment that the power wells up together, minute/share of soul that thus is born. And, contained part of characters and sentiments under Satella cutting. 嫉妒魔女,是莎缇拉无法承受随权能一起涌来的感情,从而诞生出的分魂。其中,包含了莎缇拉切割下的一部分性格和感情。 But ** with the emotion, is a part of soul. Then this can fill up half world **, how many things did inside mix with? 而**和情感,属于灵魂的一部分。那么这可以填满半个世界的**,里面到底夹杂了多少东西呢? Continues to unify in the first samsara, Pandora through shutting off vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades and Satella soul contract, thus lets envy the Strega (Witch) reckless eradication seal to appear. 继续结合第一轮回中,潘朵拉通过切断菜月昴和莎缇拉的灵魂契约,从而让嫉妒魔女不顾一切的破除封印出现。 And after the sneak attack kills Rhine Luti, Pandora and envies Strega (Witch) that to have no fusion of hindrance. 以及在偷袭杀死莱因哈鲁特之后,潘朵拉和嫉妒魔女那没有任何阻碍的融合。 The answer, has come out. 答案,已经出来了。 Envies in the birth of Strega (Witch) this minute/share of soul, mixed with Pandora's hands and feet absolutely. Envies the Strega (Witch) personality, is Pandora controls Satella this body the breach. 嫉妒魔女这分魂的诞生中,绝对夹杂了潘朵拉的手脚。嫉妒魔女人格,便是潘朵拉掌控莎缇拉这副身躯的突破口。 The power core and power world, envy Strega (Witch), so long as in the three remains, then named is not possibly concocted existence of Strega (Witch) to be killed. 权能核心、权能世界、嫉妒魔女,只要这三者中还有一个存在,那么名为虚饰魔女的存在就不可能被杀死。 But the power core is the body of Satella, the power world and divine protection world as one both sides, will lose the either one world to destroy. Final envy Strega (Witch), is Satella is the common origin soul. 可权能核心是莎缇拉的躯体,权能世界和加护世界为一体两面,失去了任何一方世界都会毁灭。最后的嫉妒魔女,更是和莎缇拉属于同源的灵魂。 These three pairs combine to build in the same place, Pandora want dead difficultly. It is estimated that this is why the initial three sages must consume that big time, unites under Aggie Donner these several hundred years of bureaus. 这三对组合搭在一起,潘朵拉是想死都难。估计这就是为什么当初的三贤者要耗费那么大的功夫,联合艾姬多娜布下这几百年的局。 Can withstand the body of Satella soul: Loves Millie. 可以承受莎缇拉灵魂的躯体:爱蜜莉亚。 Has existence of soul contract with Satella, can withstand the body of Strega (Witch) factor: Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades. 莎缇拉有着灵魂契约的存在,能够承受魔女因子的躯体:菜月昴。 Power core key, shifts from Satella to within the body of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades. So long as power core also, then the power world will not have the matter. 将权能核心这个关键,从莎缇拉转移到菜月昴的体内。只要权能核心还在,那么权能世界就不会有事。 But vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades and Satella soul contract, as well as likes Millie this to withstand the body of Satella soul. The issue, was solved. 而菜月昴和莎缇拉的灵魂契约,以及爱蜜莉亚这个可以承受莎缇拉灵魂的身体。问题,便都得到了解决。 Remaining, is cuts to kill to be concocted the body of Satella Strega (Witch) Pandora controls on the line. 剩下的,便是斩杀虚饰魔女潘朵拉所掌控的莎缇拉的身体就行。 Xie Ming does now, is three sages the violent replace version of layout. 谢铭现在做的,则是三贤者的布局的暴力替换版。 Will disappearance of power core affect the divine protection world? Then I maintain the divine protection world with the world tree fixedly. Satella security? Let her stay in loving the Millie body sleeps well is. 权能核心的消失会影响到加护世界?那么我就用世界树固定维持住加护世界。莎缇拉的安全?让她呆在爱蜜莉亚的身体里好好睡上一觉便是。 When the time comes with the ability of manufacture demon, eliminates some materials to manufacture one with the world tree under again is. 到时候再用制作魔物的能力,用世界树淘汰下的一些材料制作一个便是。 When the time comes Satella of province and likes the Millie two souls struggling a body, makes anything two to choose a trash choice. If two people souls because really lives together a body and starts to fuse, that really troubles. 省的到时候莎缇拉和爱蜜莉亚两个灵魂来争一个身体,做什么二选一的垃圾选择。要是两人的灵魂真因为同住一个身体和开始融合,那才是真的麻烦。 But forcing that of thorough control power core and power world big bait, in addition Xie Ming brings, does not need to be worried that completely Pandora does not swallow the bait. 而彻底掌控权能核心和权能世界的这个‘大鱼饵’,再加上谢铭所带来的逼迫,完全不用担心潘朵拉不上钩。 In entire plan, most troublesome, should be Xie Ming must cut to kill Pandora this matter in Pandora's world. 整个计划中,最为麻烦的,应该就是谢铭要在潘朵拉的世界中斩杀潘朵拉这件事了。 Because the Xie Ming domain world and world tree and Karbala life record is connected, is used to maintain the divine protection world stably, therefore he must depend upon oneself technique and mortal body, resists half world. 因为谢铭的领域世界和世界树、卡巴拉生命图录相连,用来稳固维持加护世界,所以他必须要依靠自己的技法和肉身,去对抗半个世界。 However is good because, some winding does not know the lazy dragon that many years, in regained consciousness a short time ago finally. 不过好在,某个下线了不知道多少年的懒龙,在前不久终于苏醒了。 „Did Ddraig, prepare to scatter getting out of bed fire?” 德莱格,准备好撒一撒起床火了吗?” Is impatient, Xie Ming.” “早就迫不及待了啊,谢铭。” That .... On.” “那么....就上吧。” From the Xie Ming back of the hand place, two deep green precious pearl floats. After surrounding his body was transferring several, float in his behind not far away. 谢铭的手背处,两个深绿色的宝珠漂浮而出。在环绕着他的身体转了几圈后,悬浮在了他身后的不远处。 Afterward, the fire of ominous fierce swarth gushes out from the precious pearl. With a thundering the whole world dragon recited. 随后,凶烈的赤黑之火从宝珠中涌出。伴随着的,还有一声轰鸣整个世界的龙吟。
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