RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1835: Colored glaze Geyl

One second remembers New Xie Ming initially when attained thousand souls hundred to refine this soul cultivation law, has felt this merit law, only then looks like the lunatic who his type did not fear death to use. 一秒记住【新】,!谢铭当初在拿到千魂百炼这个灵魂修炼法的时候,一直就觉得这个功法只有像他这种不怕死的疯子才会去用。 But in fact, crossing the threshold that although thousand souls hundred refine is hundred hammers . Moreover the words that oneself revolve will not hit full Baichui not to stop. But no one had said, others cannot help striking. 但实际上,虽然千魂百炼的入门是‘百锤’,而且自己运转的话不打满百锤不会停。但谁也没说,其他人不能帮忙‘敲打’啊。 This merit law true basic way is, by achieving thousand hammers the boundary senior condenses the little hammer with the soul strength, is helping the soul that strikes the later generation, by this limit that tries the later generation to withstand at this time, then proceeds in an orderly way. 这功法真正的入门方式是,由达到‘千锤’境界的前辈用灵魂力凝聚出小锤,帮着敲打后辈的灵魂,以此来试出后辈此时承受的极限,然后循序渐进。 If Xie Ming went to Main God Space to look at that time earnestly, can find the basic method that many thousand souls hundred refine. 如果谢铭当时认真去主神空间找的话,还是能够找到不少千魂百炼的入门方法的。 However effect that others hammer, surely does not have well is. Therefore he, was just achieving hardly to the boundary that ten thousand hammers set out. 不过别人锤的效果,肯定是没自己好就是。所以他就这么一路硬刚着,达到了向万锤进发的境界。 Then .... He then very pleasantly surprised discovery this matter. 然后....他便非常‘惊喜’的发现了这件事情。 If said at that time Xie Ming is anything felt at heart, that can only with being filled with emotion to describe. No matter what, oneself arrived this step, were many an attack method. 若说当时谢铭的心里是什么感觉,那只能用感慨万千来形容吧。但不管怎么样,自己走到了这一步,也多了一个攻击手段。 Attacks on the group, surely does not have the soul blade domain to be stronger. But if by single body striving for success in soul, the sledgehammer of his burning hot will really not have feared anyone. 论群攻,肯定是没有魂刀领域要强。但若论灵魂方面的单体拼搏,他这炙热的大锤还真不会惧怕什么人。 Naturally, if the opponent is the Mōryō god king, he felt after oneself first arrive in ten thousand hammers, then puts together. 当然,如果对手是魍魉神王的话,他觉得自己还是先抵达万锤之后,再去拼一拼吧。 Returning to the proper topic. 言归正传。 Principle that thousand souls hundred refine, through forging the way removes the junks that in the soul cannot be fused, the beneficial thing will integrate inside, unified whole. 千魂百炼的原理,就是通过‘锻造’的方式去除灵魂内中不可融合的杂物,将有益的东西融入里面,浑然一体。 But in pounding in the process, the soul lots will be discharged. Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades and Satella line between of contract, will not naturally be excluded. 而在‘砸’的过程之中,灵魂内部的很多东西都会被排出。菜月昴和莎缇拉之间的契约之线,自然也不会被排除在外。 After all when power recollection the whole world, wants to guarantee that vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades were not affected, needs to guarantee the soul the independence and stability. 毕竟在权能回溯整个世界的时候,想要保证菜月昴不被影响,需要保证灵魂的独立和稳定。 When vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades died, ** when with the soul separates, Satella through the line of contract stably will then live in the soul of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades not to dissipate, during as well as recalls in the world is affected. 当菜月昴死亡,**和灵魂分离之时,莎缇拉便会通过契约之线稳定住菜月昴的灵魂不会消散,以及在世界回溯之中不被影响。 Finally, when the world recalls puts on file point, invests to restore because of the recollection the soul of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades again, lacks the soul only **, to guarantee that the soul of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades will not restore with other things to puts on file point the condition. 最后,当世界回溯到‘存档点’,再将菜月昴的灵魂投入进因回溯而恢复,唯独缺少灵魂的**里,以保证菜月昴的灵魂不会和其他的东西一起恢复到‘存档点’的状态。 Since Satella can the soul of Latvia vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, that not have truth vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades not to have the farad Satella soul. Decided that who comes to drawing whose, is the strength. 既然莎缇拉这边可以‘拉’菜月昴的灵魂,那没有道理菜月昴这边无法拉莎缇拉的灵魂。决定谁来拉谁的,是力量。 Naturally, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades cannot feel the contract now, let alone oneself caught up to draw Satella on own initiative. Also therefore, Xie Ming will use thousand souls hundred to refine to forge his soul for vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades. 当然,菜月昴现在连契约都感觉不到,更别说自己主动发力来拉动莎缇拉了。也因此,谢铭才会对菜月昴使用千魂百炼来锻造他的灵魂。 Also can help him feel the line of contract, can strengthen the soul quality of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, molds pulling easily condition. 既可以帮助他感受到契约之线,也能够加强菜月昴的灵魂质量,塑造出容易‘拉扯’的状况。 However that line, grasps eventually in the hand of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades. Can clench teeth in the pain, must look that the willpower of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades and came to understand. 不过那根线,终究还是握在菜月昴的手中。能不能在痛苦中咬牙一拉,还是得看菜月昴的意志力和觉悟。 The line of sight puts on vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades. 视线重新放到菜月昴身上。 No doubt, this time Xie Ming had restrained the strength with every effort, reduced the effort. But, thousand souls hundred refine this thing, but including had experienced the abnormal training method that many he has almost not suffered initially. 固然,此时的谢铭已经尽力收敛了力气,削减了力度。但要知道,千魂百炼这玩意,可是连当初已经经历过不少的他都差点没有挨住的变态训练法。 Even if knocks with the soul little hammer gently, hurting regarding vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades was as good as ..... the crotch to be kicked a degree of foot ruthlessly. 哪怕只是用灵魂小锤轻轻一敲,对于菜月昴来说的疼度也不亚于.....胯下被人狠狠踢了一脚的程度。 Naturally, this thing is not the partial ache, but from the deep place outward diffusion of head, gradually proliferates the feeling of whole body. 当然,这玩意并不是局部的疼痛,而是从脑袋的深处向外扩散,逐渐遍布全身的感觉。 Did not say exaggeratingly, if you belly were suppressing the thing at that time, this hammers likely the direct incontinence. 毫不夸张的说,如果你当时肚子憋着东西,这一锤下去很可能就会直接失禁。 But is good because, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades have not been in that degree. Is only the tears uncontrolled the degree of spurting from the eye socket coming out. The crying words, indeed are slight. 但好在,菜月昴并没有到那种程度。仅仅只是眼泪不受控制的从眼眶中‘喷’出来的程度。只是哭的话,的确算是轻微。 Endures patiently, seeks for that line.” “忍耐住,寻找到那根线。” .... “等....” Arrived this situation, Xie Ming is naturally is impossible offering food to a guest moon/month Pleiades to renege on a promise again, or slowly. Present they, are the home game situated in Pandora. 都到了这个地步,谢铭是自然不可能再让菜月昴反悔,或者缓缓。现在的他们,可是位于潘朵拉的主场里面。 Although Pandora is hiding now, but if were detected by her oneself is making anything, may be used by her very much in turn. 虽然潘朵拉现在躲着不出来,但万一被她察觉到自己在做什么,很有可能会反过来被她利用。 Therefore, the time is urgent. 因此,时间刻不容缓。 Ding .... “叮叮叮叮叮叮....” The wrist/skill controlled wielding of soul little hammer to change into the illusory image that the naked eye could not see clearly, Xie Ming as if changed into the true blacksmith at this time, earnest careful forging is striking the iron embryo of named vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades. 手腕控制着灵魂小锤的挥动化为肉眼看不清的幻影,谢铭此时仿佛化为了真正的铁匠,认真仔细的锻造敲打着名为菜月昴的铁胚。 Through the feel that the soul little hammer feeds back, Xie Ming then feels in the vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades soul quickly not a right region. 通过灵魂小锤反馈回来的手感,谢铭很快便感觉到了菜月昴灵魂中一块不对劲的区域。 Here, should be vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades and Satella place between of connection. 这里,应该就是菜月昴和莎缇拉之间的连接之处。 Then, looked that vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades can pull. But he can do now, through soul little hammer where strikes to remind the line of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades contract to be. 接下来,就看菜月昴能不能来拉扯一下了。而他现在所能做的,就是通过灵魂小锤的敲打来提醒菜月昴契约之线在哪。 Then the issue is, this talent undergoes knight's training initially, without the youngster of experience too many misery, can in the pain that in thousand souls hundred refine achieves this? 那么问题在于,这位才初步接受完骑士的训练,没有经历太多苦难的少年,可以在千魂百炼的痛苦中做到这点吗? The answer is, Ok. 答案是,可以。 All sorts of clues had actually shown, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades and between sage colored glaze Geyl have too many involving. Such being the case, then colored glaze Geyl must be some subsequent hands on the body of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades. 种种线索其实都已经表明,菜月昴和贤者弗琉盖尔之间有着太多的牵扯。既然如此,那么弗琉盖尔就不可能不在菜月昴的身上做一些后手。 But thousand souls hundred refine, is the direct role in the method of soul. 而千魂百炼,又是直接作用于灵魂的手段。 In Xie Ming during strikes unceasingly, originally also turned takes something for free died vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades of appearance, at this moment has closed the eyes, entered a marvelous condition. 所以在谢铭的不断敲打之中,本来还一副翻白要死了模样的菜月昴,此刻已经闭上了双眼,进入了一种奇妙的状态。 As striking the blacksmith of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades soul, Xie Ming naturally can also detect this change. 作为敲打菜月昴灵魂的铁匠,谢铭自然也能够察觉到这种变化。 That is hidden in some thing of innermost soul, is reappearing because of the increase of soul quality. Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades makings, becomes one type from that youth..., to never revere thing. 那是隐藏在灵魂深处的某种东西,正在因为灵魂质量的提升而浮现出来。菜月昴身上的气质,也从那种愣头青变为一种...嗯,为老不尊的玩意。 Ha, has not thought that unexpectedly will come out in this manner, is really ....., do not stop do not stop, strikes is very comfortable.” “哈啊,没想到居然会以这种方式出来,真是.....唉,不要停不要停,这么敲打还是挺舒服的。” Makes the proper business a bit faster, after completing the proper business, goes.” “快点做正事,做完正事后就快滚。” Xie Ming unemotional saying: „The matter that oneself could not handle remained such behind, involved so many people, created so many tragedies, but also felt all right puts on airs here.” 谢铭面无表情的说道:“自己处理不了的事情留到这么后面,牵扯了那么多人,制造了那么多悲剧,还好意思在这里装模做样。” „Is is, your fellow mouth is really poisonous.” “是是是,你这家伙嘴巴还真毒啊。” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades opened the eye slightly, looks is soon envied Satella that the Strega (Witch) personality controls, sighed gently. ‘菜月昴’微微睁开了眼睛,看着已经快要被嫉妒魔女人格控制住的莎缇拉,轻轻叹了口气。 Is happy, Satella. With this smelly little rascal together.” “要幸福啊,莎缇拉。和这个臭小鬼一起。” Saying, the line of contract is tightening suddenly. 说着,契约之线猛然绷紧。 „!!!!!” “呀!!!!!” Came. The pair of eyes rainbow glow puts greatly, the strength of named divine protection passed through the body of Satella under his reassignment together with the tree root together. “来了。双眼虹芒大放,名为加护的力量在他的调动之下连同树根一起贯穿了莎缇拉的躯体。 ..... “啊.....” Tree root reclamation slowly, on Xie Ming that named ‚the friend of the world’ the divine protection vanishes slowly. But the soul also recycled tree root of Satella involves, entered in the body of Emilia. 树根缓缓的收回,谢铭身上那名为‘世界之友’的加护缓缓消失。而莎缇拉的灵魂也被回收的树根牵扯而出,进入到了爱蜜莉雅的身体里。 Meanwhile, colored glaze Geyl's final soul fragment, dissipates from the body of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades. 同时,弗琉盖尔最后的灵魂碎片,也从菜月昴的身体中消散。 Is controlling the tree root, and Emilia vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades in deep sleep protected respectively, Xie Ming falls to the ground slowly, steps on the silt. 操控着树根,将沉睡中的菜月昴和‘爱蜜莉雅’分别保护了起来,谢铭缓缓落地,踩在淤泥之中。 Lost the body of Satella soul, turns toward the Xie Ming direction slowly looks like. 失去了莎缇拉灵魂的躯体,也缓缓向着谢铭的方向看来。 Ok, all preparations have been completed, you also lose the card in a hand that can threaten finally.” “好了,所有准备都已经完成,你也失去了最后可以威胁的底牌。” Xie Ming coldly looks at the present silver-haired half elf: If you must continue to install, I did not mind that cuts to kill you.” 谢铭冷冷的看着眼前的银发半精灵:“如果你还要继续装下去的话,我不介意就这么把你斩杀。” Pandora.” “潘朵拉。” Chapter 1835: Colored glaze Geyl 第1835章:弗琉盖尔
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