RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1834: Ding ~

One second remembers New Just like Aggie Donner said, the result of Xie Ming plan to all essential factors that needs, at this moment complete collection entire. The remaining things, only have one. 一秒记住【新】,!正如艾姬多娜所说,通往谢铭计划的结局所需要的所有要素,此刻都已经全部集全。剩下的事情,就只剩下一件。 Cuts to kill Pandora. 斩杀潘朵拉。 But this thing is like the duel, even if the sign on your hand enough you have launched, even can cut to kill the opposite party directly. But who knows that what hand pit grave pit the opposite party does have? Only if the sign on your hand by dismembering... by the five extremities of seal. 但这玩意就和决斗一样,哪怕你手上的牌已经足够你展开,甚至是能直接斩杀对方。但谁知道对方有没有什么手坑墓坑?除非你手上的牌是被分尸的...被封印的五肢。 Perhaps Pandora is not Xie Ming meets strongest Villain/enemy, but is so far is absolutely hardest to deal with, Villain/enemy that kills awkwardly. 潘朵拉或许不是谢铭所遇到最强的敌人,但绝对是目前为止最为难缠,最为难杀的敌人 Held spent the huge mental effort and time on planning the apostle, once for a while will also come to her plan that deliberately the guide completes. 赫尔德是花费了庞大的心力和时间在算计使徒上,时不时还会现身来刻意引导人去完成的她的计划。 Therefore detected that she is the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, is actually not so difficult. 所以察觉到她是幕后黑手,其实并不是那么困难。 But Pandora? 可潘朵拉呢? She is always implementing: Is careless is completing the plan, can not come does not come. Even if comes unavoidablily, must give to cancel in opposite party memory. 她始终的贯彻着一点:苟着完成计划,能不现身就不现身。就算不得已现身,也要把对方记忆中的自己给抹去。 In addition her ability is also the extremely easy careless type, causes Xie Ming to spend so many times. 再加上她本身的能力也属于极容易苟的类型,才导致谢铭要花那么多的功夫。 Otherwise a blade cuts, anything did not have. 不然一刀斩下去,什么事都没有了。 But now, gives to compel the dead end her finally. 但现在,终于把她给逼到绝路。 Comes out, Pandora.” “出来吧,潘朵拉。” The long blade refers to slantingly, looks that at present turns wells up ** black mud, Xie Ming tranquil saying: Now already general.” 长刀斜指,看着眼前翻涌的**黑泥,谢铭平静的说道:“现在已经将军了。” „......” “啊啊啊啊......” However replied his, dual chanting in a low voice sounds that as before only then Satella and envied Strega (Witch) that pain. 然而回答他的,依旧只有莎缇拉和嫉妒魔女那痛苦的双重低吟声。 Hasn't been willing to come out?.” “还不愿意出来?也罢。” Xie Ming light saying: „It is not willing to come out, that asked you to come out is.” 谢铭淡淡的说道:“不愿意出来,那就请你出来便是。” Loves Millie, do you like to believe me?” “爱蜜莉亚,你愿意相信我吗?” Yeah...” “哎...” This sudden issue makes half elf young girl stare slightly, but along with nod of even makes an effort, on the face showed the beautiful smile. 这突如其来的问题让半精灵少女微微一愣,但随即便用力的点了点头,脸上露出了绝美的笑容。 Un! Naturally!” “嗯!当然!” Does not believe you, whom can I also believe? 不相信你,我还能相信谁呢? That .... Rests a meeting slightly.” “那么....就稍微睡一会吧。” The tip of tree root, no indication pierced the chest that loves Millie, Xie Ming said in a soft voice: „After awaking, I can explain all with you.” 树根的尖端,毫无征兆的刺穿了爱蜜莉亚的胸膛,谢铭轻声说道:“睡醒之后,我会和你说明一切的。” Xie Ming......” 谢铭......” Looks finds out the tree root point that from own chest front, liked Millie staring in a big way the eyes. She can feel, oneself soul is separating with the body, by anything suction. 看着从自己胸前探出的树根尖,爱蜜莉亚瞪大了双眼。她能够感觉到,自己的灵魂正在和身体分离,被什么东西给吸走。 Was this perhaps, the feeling of death? But had not actually felt that any sore spot, instead is happen to opposite. By place instead warm current that the root passes through sharp, like ripple by fits and starts spreads toward various body places. 这或许,就是死亡的感觉?可自己却没有感觉到任何的痛处,反而正好相反。被根尖贯穿的地方反而有一股暖流,如同波纹般一阵又一阵的向着身体各处扩散。 Like the tired body, the complete immersion will be the same in the hot spring, is comfortable and happy. 就如同将劳累的躯体,完全浸泡在了温泉中一样,舒适又幸福。 However in her heart, has doubts. But in seeing with another-and-a-half elf young girls of same appearance, is kneeling struggles in the mire desperately, she clearly becomes aware. 不过她的心中,还是有着一点疑惑。但在看到和自己相同面貌的另一位半精灵少女,正跪在泥潭中苦苦挣扎时,她又明悟了。 Xie Ming, she .... Gave you.” 谢铭,她....就交给你了。” Un, gives me.” “嗯,交给我吧。” Looks that pair of beautiful eyes gradually lose the color, the Xie Ming slight nod. 看着那双美丽的双眼逐渐失去色彩,谢铭微微点头。 Hey... to feed, Xie Ming were you insane?” Stared in a big way the eye in nearby vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades: What did you do?” “喂...喂喂喂,谢铭你疯了?”在一旁的菜月昴瞪大了眼睛:“你干了什么啊?” To prevent misunderstanding, I explained beforehand. Emilia has not died, she loaned her body temporarily. Her soul, now deep sleep in absolute safety place.” “为了防止误会,我事先说明一下。爱蜜莉雅并没有死,她只是暂时借出了她的身体而已。她的灵魂,现在沉睡在绝对安全的地方。” Looks excessively to vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, Xie Ming tranquil saying: Then, was one's turn you, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades.” 偏过头看向菜月昴,谢铭平静的说道:“接下来,轮到你了,菜月昴。” I need you to strive for the flash the opportunity, lets Satella and envies between the Strega (Witch) souls to present the slit.” “我需要你争取到一瞬间的机会,让莎缇拉和嫉妒魔女的灵魂之间出现缝隙。” Good .....?” “好.....啊?” Just prepared vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades that nodded to comply with act stiffly one: You said that what makes me strive for?” 刚准备点头答应的菜月昴动作一僵:“你说让我争取什么?” Lets Satella and envies the Strega (Witch) soul to present a slit.” “让莎缇拉和嫉妒魔女的灵魂出现一点缝隙。” No, I can understand the words. What I cannot understand, how I do.” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades flexure head: This matter, how saw that is I shouted matter that those words can handle?” “不,我能听懂话。我听不懂的是,我怎么去做啊。”菜月昴挠着脑袋:“这件事,怎么看都是我大喊那句话就能搞定的事情吧?” Of course not.” “当然不是。” Xie Ming is narrowing the eye, restrains rainbow light that the pupil is sending out: But this matter, indeed only then you can achieve.” 谢铭眯着眼睛,收敛着瞳孔散发出的虹光:“但这件事,的确只有你能做到。” You need to depend on the you and Satella contract, catches up from you, lets her soul and body separation flash. But at that time, I then can find the opportunity to save her.” “你需要靠着你和莎缇拉之间的契约,从你这边发力,让她的灵魂和身体分离一瞬间。而那时,我便能找到机会救下她。” Among the contract with Strega (Witch), is the relation between souls. It looks like has an invisible line, contacted with you and she. Therefore, you can use the power that some envies.” “和魔女之间的契约,是灵魂之间的联系。就像是有一根无形的线,将你和她联系了起来。因此,你才能使用部分嫉妒的权能。” Matter that therefore you must handle now, then found that line, then made an effort pulled toward you.” “所以你现在要做的事情,便是找到那根线,然后用力的往你这边拉扯一下。” ........ “........” Having words is called ‚saying that is easy to do difficultly, although Xie Ming described is vivid, but to vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades indeed and you first this, then this not too many differences. 有句话叫做‘说起来容易做起来难’,虽然谢铭形容的已经非常形象,但对菜月昴来说的确和‘你先这样,再这样’没有太多的区别。 Without the means that to vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, he knows itself and Strega (Witch) has the relations merely is only one month of matter. Among, he has not had the corresponding learn/study, has not practiced the power. 没办法,对菜月昴来说,他知晓自己和魔女有关系仅仅只是一个月的事情。中间,他既没有过相应的学习,也没有对权能进行练习。 Also .... The death returned to this power to have no way to practice, was all right looks stubbornly? 再说了....死亡回归这个权能也没法练习啊,难道没事就死死看? The Xie Ming behavior looked like hundred levels of bucket numbers to lead just the twirp who came out from the tomb to hit female martial God, hit can hit, but 1 level of number bumped breaks to pieces. 谢铭的行为就像是一个百级水桶号带着刚从墓地出来的无用之人去打女武神,打是可以打过,但一级号一碰就碎啊。 If Villain/enemy is the big tree guard, dies 100 indeed to be able not to injure times. But female martial God, that difficulty is not the same rank. 要是敌人是大树守卫的话,死个一百来次的确可以无伤过。可女武神,那难度可不是同一级别的。 However before had also said that Xie Ming has prepared all things. And, naturally also gave the consideration the predicament of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades in inside. Moreover regarding soul mysterious knowledge, he also really can discuss well. 不过之前也说过,谢铭已经把所有的事情都准备好了。其中,自然也将菜月昴的窘境给考虑在了里面。而且谈起灵魂这种神秘的知识,他还真可以能好好唠唠。 After all starting from the third-order that little while, he has been hard to solve with this thing. 毕竟从三阶那会儿开始,他就一直和这玩意纠缠不清。 I understand how you are not clear achieve this thing, perhaps you can feel in the future, but somewhat is difficult regarding present you. Therefore, you need a boost.” “我明白你不清楚如何做到这件事,或许你未来可以感觉到,但对于现在的你来说还有些困难。所以,你需要一点助力。” The invisible energy gathered in the hand of Xie Ming, forms an interior as if to burn the small hammer of emerald-green flame. 无形能量在谢铭的手中汇聚,形成了一把内部仿佛正燃烧着翠绿色火焰的小榔头。 This is the little hammer that my soul strength condenses, it can rap your soul directly, knocks some impurities in your soul. However, is painful.” “这是我的灵魂力量所凝聚的小锤,它可以直接敲击你的灵魂,敲出你灵魂内的一些杂质。但是,非常痛。” Xie Ming tranquil saying: Did not say exaggeratingly, this pain far exceeds in the ache of body, even if I will control with every effort, but regarding has not experienced similar condition you is also an enduring ratio shears the meat to blow suffering of bone. Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades, you are willing to save Satella, but an experience this pain?” 谢铭平静的说道:“毫不夸张的说,这种痛感远超于身体的疼痛,哪怕我会尽力控制,但对于没有经历过类似状况的你来说也是一种堪比割肉刮骨的折磨。菜月昴,你愿意为了拯救莎缇拉,而经历一次这种痛苦吗?” If vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades do not want, then Xie Ming will adopt another type, although is not safe, but the success ratio also calculates that the considerable method separates Satella, to envy Strega (Witch) and body three. 如果菜月昴不愿意,那么谢铭就会采取另外一种虽然不算安全,但成功率还算可观的方法来分离莎缇拉、嫉妒魔女、身体三者。 But with the method of being repeatedly tempered, knocks from the soul of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades the line of contract, is safest, success ratio highest way. 但用千锤百炼的方法,将契约之线从菜月昴的灵魂中敲出来,是最为保险,成功率最高的方式。 Now, looked how vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades made a decision. The option, grasps in his hands. 如今,就看菜月昴如何决断了。选择权,掌握在他的手里。 ........ Comes.” “........来吧。” Silent several seconds, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades revealed a ratio to cry also the ugly smile: Arrived this situation, which my also had the leeway of flinching?” 沉默了数秒,菜月昴露出一个比哭还难看的笑容:“都到这一地步了,我哪还有退缩的余地?” „, Is ready. The friendship prompt, does not want the deep breath. Otherwise, by own air/Qi choking, uncomfortably. This is wise remark.” “那么,做好准备吧。友情提示,千万不要深呼吸。不然,会被自己的气给呛到,更加的难受。这是经验之谈。” Saying, Xie Ming is knocking the hammer toward the head of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades on. 说着,谢铭朝着菜月昴的脑袋上敲下了榔头。 Ding ~ ~ “叮~~” Chapter 1834: Ding ~ 第1834章:叮~
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