RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1833: Unsealing

One second remembers New This is .... What ....... 一秒记住【新】,!“这是....什么.......” Like Xie Ming saw for the first time when silent several seconds were also the same, when the Hairy Head seal when the sage supposes( vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades obtain name) changes into the pure Magic Power/Charm dissipation, the condition in another side world, similarly makes the eyewitness silent for a long time. 就如同谢铭第一次见到时也沉默了数秒一样,当贤者设下的昴宿封印(菜月昴自己取得名字)化为纯粹的魔力消散时,另一边的世界的状况,同样让目击者们沉默了许久。 Like hearsay in such, by Xie Ming names as power the half world, is the endless black swamp, yes ** mire. 正如同传闻中的那样,被谢铭命名为“权能”的半边世界,是无尽的黑色沼泽,是**的泥潭。 But is in the muddy mud, that blooms wipes the silver even more to make people feel tender. 但越是浑浊的泥中,在其中绽放的那抹银色就越发的让人感到怜惜。 It seems like detected that relieving of seal, turned away from the people to kneel to sit young girl turning the head of slowly in ground. That pair is producing an inverted image like the amethyst pupil, stands vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades under sunlight. 似乎是察觉到了封印的解除、背对众人跪坐在地面的少女缓缓的转过头。那双如同紫水晶般的瞳孔中所倒映着的,是站在阳光之下的菜月昴。 Pleiades .... You, came finally ..... “昴....你,终于来了啊.....” You... you are .... Looks to wear the black gauze skirt, wears the silver-haired young girl of mourning band. In the heart of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, does not know why gushed out an incomparably complex sentiment. “你...你是....”看着身着黑色纱裙,头戴黑纱的银发少女。菜月昴的心中,不知为何涌出了一股无比复杂的感情。 Satella .... 莎缇拉....” She is...” “她就是...” Strega (Witch) of envy ..... “嫉妒的魔女.....” Others also were on the verge of the world, looks on that face by the young girl of shadow blocking. 其他人同样也都走到了世界的边缘,看着那脸上被阴影遮挡的少女。 Right, besides that few person, others has not seen the Satella appearance. Can see clearly the Satella facial features, is from the heart to accept her person. 没错,除了那寥寥几人之外,其他人并没有看到莎缇拉的面貌。能够看清楚莎缇拉面容的,只有发自内心接受她的人。 Therefore in those present, can see clearly Satella only has four people. 所以在场的人之中,能够看清莎缇拉的只有四人。 Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades and Aggie Donner, summer Wula, as well as .... Emilia. 菜月昴、艾姬多娜、夏乌拉,以及....爱蜜莉雅 If said what in the people the sentiment is most complex is, perhaps is vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades and Aggie Donner must let even if the previous step to Emilia. 而若说众人之中感情最复杂的是谁,那么哪怕是菜月昴和艾姬多娜恐怕都要给爱蜜莉雅让上一步。 If before seeing Satella, perhaps Emilia many a little will also complain at heart. 如果是在见莎缇拉之前,或许爱蜜莉雅心里多少还会有点埋怨。 After all , because of her reason, she will encounter so many sad, painful things. Without her, oneself does not have the person who the means meet that multiple-valued to treasure. 毕竟,正是因为她的缘故,她才会遭遇到那么多悲伤,痛苦的事情。但如果没有她,自己也没有办法遇见那么多值得自己珍惜的人。 This type does not know that is this/should complaint, is the sentiment of this/should thanks, actually continuously conceals in the Emilia heart. 这种不知道是该埋怨,还是该感谢的感情,其实一直都在藏在爱蜜莉雅的心底。 If one day, oneself really see to envy Strega (Witch) Satella, what oneself should say? This matter, loving Millie is not without thinking. 如果有一天,自己真的见到嫉妒魔女莎缇拉的话,自己该说些什么?这种事情,爱蜜莉亚并不是没有想过。 But at the present, when she really sees Satella, that complex mood has completely disappeared. Stays behind, only then grief. 但在现在,当她真的见到莎缇拉时,那复杂的情绪已经完全消失。留下的,只有悲悯。 Did such a person, what in this no world, stay the entire 400 years? 就这么一个人,在这个什么都没有的世界,呆了整整400年吗? Oneself at least have Parker to accompany in the side, but Satella she .... What brace depends on? 自己至少还有着帕克陪在身边,但莎缇拉她....是靠着什么撑下来的? After hearing the Satella those words, Emilia understood. 在听到莎缇拉的那句话后,爱蜜莉雅明白了。 Can make her support, perhaps only then this missing and affections to vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades. 能让她撑下去的,恐怕就只有这份对菜月昴的思念和爱意了吧。 Pleiades.” “昴。” Even if presented so many people, but in eye of Satella actually throughout only then a vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades person: Pleiades, you come, to fulfill our?” 哪怕出现了那么多人,但莎缇拉的眼中却始终只有着菜月昴一人:“昴,你来,是为了履行我们的吗?” Agreement?” “约定?” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades gawked: What agrees?” 菜月昴愣了一下:“什么约定?” „......” “......” This question, making the body of Satella slightly one stiff, following, is disappointed: Right, you have not thought.” 这个反问,让莎缇拉的身体微微一僵,随之而来的,便是失望:“是吗,你还没有想起来啊。” Thinks? What do I remember?” “想起来?我想起什么?” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades are frowning, looked at Satella, after looking again summer Wula as well as saw Satella, the smile on face took a Aggie Donner of dislike. 菜月昴皱着眉头,看了看莎缇拉,再看了看夏乌拉以及见到莎缇拉之后,脸上的笑容就带上了一丝厌恶的艾姬多娜。 „Does Aggie Donner, you know what's the matter?” “艾姬多娜,你知道是怎么回事吗?” No, I do not know.” “不,我不知道。” Aggie Donner pulled up under the hair: Even if I, is not the matter knows.” 艾姬多娜撩了下头发:“哪怕是我,也不是什么事都知道的。” Summer Wula?” “夏乌拉?” Master, sorry .... Before summer Wula holds appreciatively is drawn the scorpion pigtail to body by oneself: Matter that master you do not know, how I possibly know.” “师傅,抱歉....”夏乌拉把玩着被自己拉到身前的蝎子辫:“师傅你都不知道的事情,我怎么可能知道啊。” ......... “.........” Looked all around, the line of sight of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades framed finally on Satella. 环顾了一圈,菜月昴的视线最后还是定格在了莎缇拉身上。 Satella, what I and do you... have to agree?” 莎缇拉,我和你...有过什么约定吗?” „......” “......” Satella raised the head slightly, has not answered the issue of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, but asked in a soft voice: Pleiades, do you pass now happily?” 莎缇拉微微抬起头,并没有回答菜月昴的问题,而是轻声问道:“昴,你现在过得幸福吗?” What issue is this? 这又是什么问题? Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades gawked, subconscious reply: Crossing is passable. Is reluctantly happy?” 菜月昴愣了一下,下意识的回答道:“过得还算凑合吧。勉强还算幸福?” Did not have the words of recent a series of things. 只有没有最近发生的这一系列事情的话。 Reluctantly .... That has not satisfied .... “勉强....那就是还没有满足....” Satella muttered whispered, just wanted to say anything, the body actually shook suddenly. 莎缇拉喃喃低语了一句,刚想要说些什么,身体却突然一震。 !” “唔!” Satella!?” 莎缇拉!?” Pleiades you withdraw!” “昴你退后!” Seine Ha Luti kept off vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades in instantaneously behind, was saying to the people simultaneously: Fellow Sirs also please withdraw!” 莱茵哈鲁特瞬间将菜月昴挡在了身后,同时对着众人说道:“各位大人也请退后!” Satella she is not right!” 莎缇拉她不对劲!” Saying, the dragon sword drew out the scabbard by him slowly, battle qi possibly spews out from within the body momentarily. 说着,龙剑缓缓被他拔出剑鞘,斗气随时可能从体内中喷涌而出。 .... Just now chats several unable to suppress .... Aggie Donner sneered, backs up slowly backward: Envies the Strega (Witch) personality.” “呵....才刚聊几句就压制不住了啊....”艾姬多娜冷笑了一声,缓缓向后倒退:“嫉妒魔女的人格。” Envies the Strega (Witch) personality......” “嫉妒魔女的人格......” Emilia looking pensive looks that gradually starts to turn to well up ** silt: This matter, Xie Ming and we have said.” 爱蜜莉雅若有所思的看着逐渐开始翻涌起来的**淤泥:“这件事,谢铭和我们说过。” According to his guess, Satella she will absorb all Strega (Witch) factors, the birth envies the Strega (Witch) personality, its reason is because was concocted Strega (Witch) Pandora to get up to some tricks.” “根据他的猜测,莎缇拉她之所以会吸收所有的魔女因子,诞生嫉妒魔女的人格,其原因是因为虚饰魔女潘朵拉做了一些手脚。” Now, envies the Strega (Witch) personality to appear, in other words ..... “现在,嫉妒魔女的人格出现,也就是说.....” Buzz ....... “嗡.......” The intense place called and vibrates, interrupts the suspicion that Emilia is going to say. It seems like the power world that responded to boil, the divine protection world is starting fiercely rocked. 强烈的地鸣和震动,打断了爱蜜莉雅将要说出口的猜想。似乎是在回应着沸腾起来的权能世界,加护世界开始剧烈的晃动起来。 How and how!?” Strength worst Anna Tassie, all of a sudden shaking falls by this intense vibration to the ground: This was envies Strega (Witch) to start to swallow here world!?” “怎、怎么了!?”实力最差的安娜塔西亚,一下子被这强烈的震动给震倒在地:“这是嫉妒魔女开始吞噬这边的世界了吗!?” No, not like.” “不,不像。” Leans on the sword to stand firm the body, the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates to frown: This vibration feeling, under has anything probably in the fast movement.” 拄剑稳住身体,库珥修皱着眉头:“这种震动感,像是地底下有什么东西在快速的移动。” „, This also with asking?” “呵,这还用问吗?” Calmly is standing in the swaying ground steadily, Priscilla turns on the folding fan: He came.” 若无其事的在晃荡的地面上稳稳站着,普莉希拉打开折扇:“他来了。” Bang!!!!” “轰!!!!” Thick several emerge as the times require, the mutual entanglement, changed into the thick wall of isolation power world. But at the same time, power world ** the silt also launched the first wave of impact. 粗大的数根破土而出,互相纠缠,化为了隔绝权能世界的厚实墙壁。而与此同时,权能世界的**淤泥也发起了第一波冲击。 Thump!!” “咚!!” Installs like the ocean waves that the tsunami raises in the flood dam ruthlessly, seems like the heavy hammer rap above the steel. People very obvious seeing, the wall that is twined by the tree root very obvious rocked. 如同海啸掀起的海浪狠狠装在防洪坝上,又像是重锤敲击在钢铁之上。众人很明显的看到,由树根缠绕起的墙壁很明显的晃动了一下。 If, this bang raids to approach itself in the thing on wall of tree root ..... 如果,这轰在树根之墙上的东西袭向自己的话..... It seems like, our duties stopped.” “看来,我们的任务就到此为止了啊。” The storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivated/repaired to smile bitterly, took back the thin sword: Then, can only look at Mr. Xie Ming.” 库珥修苦笑了一声,将细剑收回:“接下来,就只能看谢铭先生的了。” Wait .... Pleiades?” “等等....昴呢?” Do not look, little girl.” “别找了,小女孩。” bluish green green jade silk light saying: That and Satella has complicated human, with sword Saint together in wall another side.” 碧翠丝淡淡的说道:“那个和莎缇拉有着千丝万缕的人类,和剑圣一起在墙壁的另一边呢。” Said... Sir Emilia also .... “这么说...难道爱蜜莉雅大人也....” Right, in another side.” bluish green green jade silk looks at the wall of tree root, even if she vigorously is maintaining tranquil, but in the eye pupil will appear as before some worried. “没错,都在另一边。”碧翠丝看着树根之墙,哪怕她极力保持着平静,但眼眸中依旧还是会出现些许担忧。 Mother Sir, can you guess correctly the plan of Xie Ming?” “母亲大人,您能猜出谢铭的计划吗?” No, I do not know.” “不,我不知道。” Aggie Donner smiles, looked at a sky. There, as if has some giant lifeform to be above the cloud layer float. 艾姬多娜笑了笑,看了眼天空。那里,似乎有某个巨型生物正在云层之上悬浮着。 But I know, to the essential factor of result he wants, is complete.” “但我知道,通往他想要的结局的要素,已经齐全了。” Remaining, can only... give the destiny.” “剩下的,就只能...交给命运了。” Chapter 1833: Unsealing 第1833章:解封
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