RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1832: Pleiades

One second remembers New The speech of poor|Fei Luti, can only say that perfectly conforms to her character. At the initial Wang Xuan ceremony, she was announces in all civil official and knight front. 一秒记住【新】,!菲鲁特的发言,只能说是非常符合她的性格。在当初的王选仪式上,她便是如此在所有文官、骑士面前宣布的。 But the representative of talented person meeting, approved the idea of poor|Fei Luti before everyone. 而贤人会的代表,也在所有人面前认可了菲鲁特的想法。 Symbolized the talented person in power peak saying that that others will not naturally continue on to take this matter to make the handle outwardly. Also said at most in private, taunted. 就连象征着权力顶端的贤人会都这么说了,那其他人自然也不会继续在明面上拿这件事做把柄。顶多也就私下说说,冷嘲热讽一下。 If makes them know that Divine Dragon approved the idea of poor|Fei Luti, the complexions of these fellows should become very interesting. 如果让他们知道就连神龙都认可了菲鲁特的想法的话,那些家伙的脸色应该会变得非常有趣吧。 Right, said that after the poor|Fei Luti several seconds, the last red light also submerged in Grand Falls. 没错,就在菲鲁特说完后的几秒,最后一道红光也没入到了大瀑布之中。 The seal of Divine Dragon, had untied. 神龙的封印,已被解开。 Then naturally, the phenomenon appeared in the people at present. 然后理所当然的,异象出现在了众人的眼前。 The waterfalls of division divine protections and power two world like combed in the minute/share, water current slowly disperses toward the two sides. Last seal, appeared in the people at present. 分割加护与权能两个世界的瀑布就像被人梳了个中分一样,水流缓缓的向着两边散开。最后一道封印,显现在了众人的眼前。 That is .... 那是.... Starry sky?” “星空?” Liked Millie muttering. 爱蜜莉亚喃喃自语了一句。 Everyone was noticing that this seal later the metropolis/can first responded, right, this was the night starry sky. Above profound black, disorder covered entirely the innumerable sparkling gold points. 所有人在看到这个封印之后都会第一时间反应过来,没错,这就是夜晚的星空。深邃的黑之上,无规律的布满了无数闪闪发光的金点。 Besides starry sky, the second answer? 除了星空之外,还有第二个答案吗? However, turns over to understand clearly, significance? How to untie this seal? 但是,明白归明白,意义呢?如何解开这道封印? The people looked at Aggie Donner. 众人将目光投向了艾姬多娜。 Do not look at me.” “不要看我啊。” Aggie Donner spread starting: Final level seal, is under Great Sage arrange/cloth. But can untie the seal, person who only then can understand this celestial chart.” 艾姬多娜摊了下手:“最后一层封印,是大贤者布下的。而能解开封印的,只有能看懂这幅星图的人。” This point, summer Wula was also clear.” “这一点,夏乌拉也清楚。” Un?” “嗯?” Has found the way to hear Aggie Donner to mention itself toward summer Wula who side vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades collects suddenly, turning the head of surprise: What are you saying Aggie Donner, the teacher not here?” 一直想办法往菜月昴身边凑的夏乌拉听到艾姬多娜突然提起自己,诧异的转过头:“你在说什么啊艾姬多娜,老师不就在这里吗?” Therefore I said that this youngster is not your teacher.” “所以我都说了,这位少年并不是你的老师。” But in those present indeed only then he, can untie this final level seal. 但在场的人中的确只有他,才能解开这最后一层封印。 In fact, sees first of this final level seal, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades feels specially familiar. His attention has overwhelming majority, gave in summer Wula who the one side eyes covetously, therefore had not pondered. 事实上,看到这最后一层封印的第一眼,菜月昴就觉得特别的熟悉。只是他的注意力有绝大部分,都交给了在一旁虎视眈眈的夏乌拉,所以没有怎么细想。 Although by the big chest muscles of beautiful young girl suffocating is one of the men most ideal causes of death. But since he does not have now exactly enough. That nature, is to pay attention to some frequently. 虽说被美少女的大胸肌给闷死算是男人们最为理想的死法之一。但既然他现在还没有活够。那自然,是要时刻注意一些。 Now summer Wula was attracted the attention by Aggie Donner, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades had the opportunity to gasp for breath finally, recognizes this him to feel starry sky chart seal that while convenient looks familiar extremely. 现在夏乌拉被艾姬多娜吸引了注意力,菜月昴终于有机会喘口气,顺便认认这个他感觉极为眼熟的星空图封印了。 This .... This isn't 28 constellations?” “这个....这个不是二十八星宿吗?” Pleiades?” “昴?” The sound of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, attracted the past the attention of people, is to make the summer Wula's eyes one bright. 菜月昴的声音,将众人的注意力吸引了过去,更是让夏乌拉的眼睛一亮。 Really you are a master!” “果然你就是师傅啊!” Stops stops from time to time, do not throw not to throw!” “停停停,别扑过来别扑过来!” This time, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades hid in Rhine Luti behind: Now is to untie the final level seal with a sense of urgency, you may not throw!” 这一次,菜月昴躲在了莱因哈鲁特的身后:“现在是要抓紧解开最后一层封印,你可千万别在扑过来了!” Vegetable/Dish moon/month mister.” “菜月先生。” The storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates serious asking: „Do you know this celestial chart the meaning?” 库珥修严肃的问道:“您知道这个星图的含义吗?” „, Un .... Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades flexure face: This is actually the celestial charts of our world. Knows the person who slightly a star chart knowledge should be able to look.” “啊,嗯....”菜月昴挠了挠脸:“这个其实是我们那个世界的星图。稍微知道一点星象知识的人应该能都看出来。” Why then... does not know, in these 28 constellations, only has six star specially bright eyes of Hairy Head. However Hairy Head has seven stars, in which star needs to see with the special item.” “然后...不知道为什么,这二十八星宿里面,唯有昴宿的六颗星特别的亮眼。不过本来昴宿是有着七颗星,其中的一颗星需要用专门的道具才能看到。” Seven stars...... seven......” “七颗星......七......” He now is not vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades that does not know, after experiencing so many, how he possibly could not detect oneself and between sage that complicated relations. 他现在可不是什么都不知道的菜月昴,在经历了那么多之后,他怎么可能察觉不到自己和贤者之间那千丝万缕的关系。 The six Hairy Head stars of specially bright eye, the seventh star of hidden, when sees summer Wula, summer Wula's self introduction. 特别亮眼的六颗昴宿星,隐藏的第七颗星,在见到夏乌拉的时候,夏乌拉的自我介绍。 I am teacher colored glaze Geyl's the disciple, the surveillance tower: The protector of pleiades, summer Wula.】 【我是老师弗琉盖尔的弟子,监视塔:昴星团的守护者,夏乌拉。】 Only then this Strega (Witch) factor came, was the master you loaf?】 【怎么才只有这点魔女因子就过来了,师傅你是偷懒了吗?】 ....?” “....难道?” The shortcoming of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades are many, but, his merit are also similarly many. Flexibly utilizes own cleverness in trivial matters, as well as after having what idea, he dares to do. 菜月昴的缺点很多,但同样的,他的优点也不少。灵活运用自己的小聪明,以及有什么想法后他敢去做。 When something, you have that courage dares to do, actually you already on successful road half. 当一些事情,你有那个胆魄敢去做的时候,其实你已经在成功的路上走了一半。 The idea, who will have. But the success, had the idea forever on the person who is immediately. 想法,谁都会有。但成功的,永远是有了想法就立马去做的人。 This is the flash/crucial point of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades. 这便是菜月昴的闪光点。 Aggie Donner... young lady?” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades walked, quite serious saying: Your body, there are other six big Strega (Witch) Strega (Witch) factors?” “艾姬多娜...小姐?”菜月昴走了出来,颇为严肃的说道:“你的身上,有其他六大魔女魔女因子吗?” Hehe hehe .... “呵呵呵呵....” Hears vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades this issue, Aggie Donner smiled: It seems like, you had the idea.” 听到菜月昴这问题,艾姬多娜笑了起来:“看来,你是有想法了啊。” Yes.” “是的。” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades flexure face: If my guess right ..... 菜月昴挠了挠脸:“如果我的猜测没错的话.....” Doesn't matter, takes away.” “没关系,拿去吧。” Took off 6 long sending silk on silver-haired, Aggie Donner gave vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades it: Order may record, strong desire, anger and guzzling, arrogant and lazy, **.” 在满头银发上摘下了六根长长的发丝,艾姬多娜将其递给菜月昴:“顺序可记好了哦,强欲、愤怒、暴食、傲慢、怠惰、**。” ....... “.......” Sent the silk to press the order to entangle six respectively on own finger, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades arrived at the seal before attention of people. 将六根发丝分别按顺序缠在了自己的手指上,菜月昴在众人的瞩目下走到了封印之前。 To be honest, he at this time at heart very empty. Because all things are only his guess, but not no definite evidence. He is somewhat afraid, if oneself were defeated, oneself can degenerate into the clown who wins favor by ostentation. 说实话,他此时心里非常虚。因为所有东西都只是他的猜测,而不没有确定的证据。他有些害怕,如果自己失败了,自己会不会又沦为哗众取宠的小丑。 Like the elementary school and junior middle school of little while. 就和小学、初中的那会儿的自己一样。 Oh no, a little wants to spit .... “糟糕,有点想吐了....” After feeling this point, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades deeply for own feels the sigh unpromising. Has seen so many magnificent scenes obviously, has boasted extravagantly obviously. 在感觉到这一点后,菜月昴深深为自己的没出息而感到叹息。明明已经见过了那么多大场面,明明已经夸下了海口。 But in the final moment, unexpectedly is such vexed. 但在最后的关头,居然还是这么窝囊。 Wasn't has said before that person? Asked him to believe again own one time. 不是都已经在那个人面前说了吗?请他再相信自己一次。 Wasn't has pledged to oneself? No longer makes that situation happen certainly again. 不是对自己发过誓了吗?绝不再让那种情况再发生。 Tries harder, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades! 加把劲啊,菜月昴! „!!” “啪!!” Racket that two hands make an effort on own face, the cheeks are inflamed at the visible speed. But trades, is actually the eyes of that pair of evil person starts sparklingly. 两只手用力的拍在了自己的脸上,脸颊以肉眼可见的速度红肿起来。但换来的,却是那双恶人的眼睛开始闪闪发光。 Pleiades .... “昴....” This fellow .... “这家伙....” Seine Ha Luti and poor|Fei Luti of familiar vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, been able to bear showed the smile. 熟悉菜月昴的莱茵哈鲁特和菲鲁特,忍不住的露出了笑容。 Yes, when this fellow reveals this vision the matter that ..... he wants to achieve, will certainly achieve. 是啊,当这家伙露出这种目光的时候.....那么他想要做到的事情,就一定会做到。 Hairy Head one, 17 tau, corresponds the strong desire.” “昴宿一,17tau,对应强欲。” Taygeta, 19 tau, corresponding anger.” “昴宿二,19tau,对应愤怒。” Hairy Head four, 20 tau, corresponding guzzling.” “昴宿四,20tau,对应暴食。” Hairy Head three, 21 tau, the correspondence is arrogant.” “昴宿三,21tau,对应傲慢。” As vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades are entangling the finger that sends the silk selects to the star light that he read one by one, the star light color will also change. Hairy Head five, 23 tau, correspondence lazy. ” 随着菜月昴缠着发丝的手指逐个点到他所念出的星光,星光的颜色都会随之发生变化。昴宿五,23tau,对应怠惰。” Why can correspond according to the name of astronomy? The prompt, Aggie Donner has actually given. 为什么要按照天文学的名称来对应?提示,艾姬多娜其实已经给出了。 Order may record 【顺序可记好了哦】 Atlas. 27 tau, correspondence **.” “昴宿七。27tau,对应**。” Aggie Donner gives six of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades to send the silk to dissipate, six star light interconnection. Now, but also is left over last. 艾姬多娜交给菜月昴的六根发丝已经全部消散,六道星光已经互相连接了起来。现在,还剩下最后一个。 On the celestial chart had not shown that extremely special Hairy Head. 星图上没有显示的,极为特殊的昴宿。 Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades start to meditate in the heart: I, had the death to return .... 菜月昴开始在心中默念:我,拥有着死亡回归.... Buzz ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 嗡~~~~~ Incomparably strong Strega (Witch) fragrances emit from his body, the heart by the feeling that the invisible hand gets hold, making him somewhat not gasp for breath. But he disregarded these, incomparably firm will point in the celestial chart darkness. 无比浓烈的魔女余香从他的身上冒出,心脏被无形之手握紧的感觉,让他有些喘不过气来。但他无视了这些,无比坚定的将手指点在了星图的黑暗之中。 Hairy Head six, htau, correspondence... envy.” “昴宿六,htau,对应...嫉妒。” Chapter 1832: Pleiades 第1832章:昴
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