RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1831: Merchants and bludgers

Popular recommendation: Relieving of seal, has completed 3/5. The demonstration and exchange that because comes to understand mutually, love Millie, Priscilla and storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivate/repair relations between three Wang Xuan, indeed became wants compared with before harmoniously. 热门推荐:封印的解除,已经完成了五分之三。因为互相觉悟的展示和交流,爱蜜莉雅、普莉希拉和库珥修三名王选者之间的关系,的确变得比之前要融洽了一些。 Especially loves Millie and Priscilla, this relations can only say that is span. Possibly disliked me to turn into the ally from her directly. 尤其是爱蜜莉雅和普莉希拉,这关系只能说是跨越性的。从“她可能讨厌我”直接变成了战友。 Right, with the ally described that two people are most appropriate. In, for equality this, regardless of human develops many years, the goal of diligently pursuing tries hard. 没错,用战友来形容两人是最为合适的。都是在为了‘平等’这一个无论人类发展多少年,都在努力追求的目标而努力。 The path is the same, the one who jointly advances together is the comrade. The path is different, each one diligently, is an ally. 道路相同,携手共进的为同志。道路不同,各自努力的,则为战友。 Begins three people of ambitions such broadly, two people who will then remain without a doubt finally create some pressure. 只是开头三人的志向都这么的远大,那么毫无疑问会给最后剩下来的两人带来些许心理压力。 „, We work as fourth.” “那么,咱就当第四位吧。” Stroked a that furry scarf gently, Anna Tassie looked at the eye looking pensive in nearby Aggie Donner. This wants Strega (Witch), unexpectedly and Aggie Donner's name is unexpectedly same. 轻轻抚摸了一下自己那毛茸茸的围脖,安娜塔西亚若有所思的看了眼在一旁的艾姬多娜。这个强欲魔女,居然和艾姬多娜的名字居然一样。 Is so, the character, the speech way is almost not only same. This very difficult not to make her have the doubts. 不仅仅是如此,就连性格,说话方式都几乎相同。这很难不让她心里产生疑惑。 Moreover after Aggie Donner appears, Donner fox has not spoken a few words again. 而且就在艾姬多娜出现之后,多娜狐就再也没有说过一句话。 This all sorts of signs, almost indicated clearly Aggie Donner and relations between Dohna fox quickly. But looks at the Aggie Donner's performance, she as if did not plan that said anything at this matter. 这种种迹象,几乎就快明示艾姬多娜和多娜狐之间的关系。可是看艾姬多娜的表现,她似乎并不打算在这件事上多说些什么。 Then, Anna Tassie also can only first put aside the anxiety, focuses on at present matter. 那么,安娜塔西亚也只能先放下疑虑,将注意力集中在眼前的事情上。 Our you three that lofty ideals and aspirations, we have not been only a merchant.” Saying that Anna Tassie smiles: Loves Sir Millie, before time jointly, we have also said with you, right.” “咱并没有你们三位那么崇高的理想和抱负,咱只是一个商人。”安娜塔西亚笑眯眯的说道:“爱蜜莉雅大人,之前联手的时候,咱也和你说过了,对吧。” Un.” “嗯。” Likes Millie nodding gently: You said that you to prove oneself.” 爱蜜莉雅轻轻点头:“你说,你是为了证明自己。” Un, at that time I said. But actually showed, is only a small part in reason.” “嗯,当时我是这么说的。但其实证明,只是理由中的一小部分。” The vision goes to Grand Falls, listens the sound of water current that is thundering, instead makes her innermost feelings even more tranquil: We, but wants to obtain.” 目光投向大瀑布,听着那轰鸣的水流之声,反而让她的内心越发的平静下来:“咱,只不过是想获得更多而已。” Obtains, but must be more, will never be satisfied.” “获得更多,还要更多,永不满足。” We crawled like the earth cave extreme proverty street from that the purchase established the chamber of commerce. This chamber of commerce, is we, follows can stay in our behind people, housing, relieved place.” “咱从那个如地窟般的极贫街中爬了出来,收购建立了商会。这个商会,便是咱,跟随在咱身后的人们所能停留,居住,安心的地方。” But, the chamber of commerce was too small, expansion that must continue, became greatly. At that time, we and was met by Rioust, becomes Nika's Wang Xuan. We are thinking at that time .... “但,商会还是太小了,必须要继续的扩大,变得更大。就在那时,咱和由里乌斯相遇,成为了露格尼卡的王选者。在那时咱就在想了....” Said, with mew mew has really pursued recently, traded the source switch over, reading aloud the timbre were many, the Android apple may.】 【讲真,最近一直用咪咪追更,换源切换,朗读音色多,安卓苹果均可。】 „Was Nika this country, where the brain has problems? Even if we are an orphan, is the poor, does not have any sense of belonging, but we are still the person in Kara Larkey city-state.” “露格尼卡这个国家,是不是脑子哪里出问题了啊?就算咱是孤儿,是贫民,没有任何的归属感,但咱也是卡拉拉基城邦的人啊。” Unexpectedly can allow a foreigner to participate to become the selection of king? Was really insane.” “居然要让一个外国人参与到成为国王的选拔当中?真的是疯了。” This crazy, is suiting us.” “不过这种疯狂,正适合咱。” „This world's most precious, what is the most precious thing? Without a doubt, is the person, is the talent. But gathered the country of person and talent, is this world's largest wealth.” “这个世界上最为珍贵,最为宝贵的东西是什么?毫无疑问,是人,是人才。而汇聚了人与人才的国家,便是这个世界上最大的财富。” Since there is an opportunity to obtain this wealth, why we don't go into action?” “既然有机会获得这份财富,那咱为什么不行动起来呢?” The Anna Tassie chuckle, was taking up the dragon seal badge: No doubt, your choice makes our part not be approved diligently. But doesn't matter, we did not care about these to be conceited actually do not know oneself have many idiots of weight.” 安娜塔西亚轻笑着,拿起了龙印徽章:“固然,你的挑选让咱的一部分努力不被认可。但没关系,咱本来也不在意那些自视甚高却不知自己有多少斤两的蠢货。” Moreover, you brought the unprecedented opportunity to us. Even if, Wang Xuan is defeated, has also become Nika and main channel between Kara Larkey city-states about hard chamber of commerce.” “而且,你给咱带来了前所未有的机会。哪怕,王选失败,合辛商会也已经成为露格尼卡和卡拉拉基城邦之间的主要渠道。” This channel, enough has made us eat to the full, even ate the brace. For what it's worth, to us is gains steadily does not compensate.” “这个渠道,也已经足够让我们吃饱,甚至吃撑了。不管结果如何,对咱来说都是稳赚不赔。” Naturally, all premises were the world be taught that group of lunatics doing not to have by Strega (Witch). 当然,一切的前提是世界别被魔女教那群疯子给搞没了。 If the world did not have, that makes again the multi- money even, 世界要是没有了,那就算赚再多钱, Even if really becomes the Nika's king, how that can? The people are living, can spend. Artificial first, money is. The truly intelligent merchant, will not do does not understand both's priority order. 就算真的成为露格尼卡的国王,那又能如何?人活着,才能花钱。人为先,钱为后。真正聪明的商人,不会搞不明白两者的先后顺序。 Therefore we like everyone, do not have anythingpursue equality, human independence anything's lofty ambition and goal. Our idea only has one. ” “所以咱并不像各位一样,有着什么“追求平等”啊,“人类独立”啊什么的高远的志向和目标。咱的想法就只有一个。” Anna Tassie cracks into a smile: We want, we do not want to give up. We, must Nika this treasure, grasp in our hands. Must Nika, become our paradise, our treasury.” 安娜塔西娅咧嘴一笑:“咱想要更多,咱不想放弃。咱,要将露格尼卡这个宝物,握在咱的手里。要将露格尼卡,变为咱的乐园,咱的金库。” Merely so.” “仅仅如此罢了。” The red light, injects from the dragon seal badge to Grand Falls, symbolized Divine Dragon to acknowledge her greedy, her desire. 红光,从龙印徽章中射入到大瀑布内,象征着神龙承认了她的贪婪,她的欲望。 Finally was only left over the poor|Fei Luti. 最后只剩下菲鲁特了。 This is surnamed Nika, is actually not Nika, inherited divine protection that Divine Dragon and Gorney Katshi obtained, young girl who actually completely did not know. 这个姓露格尼卡,却不是露格尼卡,继承了神龙与露格尼卡契约所获得的加护,却全然不知的少女。 ........ “........” In other four people when stating own goal, the poor|Fei Luti is actually also pondering. 就在其他四人在陈述着自己的目标时,菲鲁特其实也在思考着。 Although after these days cramming ferociously, the poor|Fei Luti has not no longer experienced like before merely also does not have the extremely arrogant girl of knowledge. But you must say because of the words of others, thus made her have any extreme ambition, that rather also thought highly of her poor|Fei Luti. 虽然经过这一段时间的恶补,菲鲁特已经不再像之前那样仅仅是个没见识又没知识的狂妄丫头。但你要说因为其他人的话语,从而让她产生了什么远大的抱负,那未免也太看得起她菲鲁特了。 The poor|Fei Luti is pondering, is actually the experience that this walks. 菲鲁特在思考着的,其实是她这一路走来的经历罢了。 Accurate, she is recalling is being for anything, looks for Rhine Luti on own initiative, becomes this anything Wang Xuan. 准确来说,她是在回忆着自己是为了什么,才主动找上莱因哈鲁特,成为了这什么王选者。 Initially, was Xie Ming reminded this matter, told her not to have the means to escape from this vortex. Welcomed on own initiative, was passive receive, her attitude will affect her future. Although finally she chose greeted on own initiative, but then she does not understand that this had what difference. She is thinking at that time at heart only has a matter: The master do not put to trouble to Rome. 当初,是谢铭提醒了她这件事,告诉她已经没有办法逃脱这个漩涡。是主动迎向,还是被动接受,她的态度将影响她的未来。虽然最终她是选择了主动去迎接,但当时的她根本不明白这到底有什么不同。她当时心里想着的就只有一件事:不要给罗姆爷添麻烦。 Since is own matter, then wants to solve. 既然是自己的事情,那么就要自己去解决。 Very simple direct idea, is present she already the idea of putting behind. 非常简单直接的想法,也是现在的她已经忘却的想法。 Is the learn/study, she knows are more. Known are more, the poor|Fei Luti more loathes Nika this country, more thought that the above these fellows simply do not have a good thing. 越是学习,她知道的越多。知道的越多,菲鲁特就越厌恶露格尼卡这个国家,越觉得上面这些家伙根本没一个好东西。 But continues to study, she discovered surprisedly, far more than is Nika. Kara Larkey city-state, the Fracchia empire, is not the good thing. 但继续学习,她又惊奇的发现,何止是露格尼卡啊。卡拉拉基城邦,弗拉基亚帝国,都不是什么好东西。 Compares in these countries, Nika unexpectedly is the quite good country. 在这些国家中相比,露格尼卡居然已经算是比较好的国家了。 After may know these, does Firouz unique what feel? 可知道这些后,菲鲁特有什么感觉吗? She has not cared. Feeling that because she is from the heart, what justice is evil, what riches and honor are poor, what status rank, simply bored. 并没有,她根本不在乎。因为她发自内心的觉得,什么正义邪恶,什么富贵贫穷,什么身份等级,简直无聊透顶。 You can continue to intertwine these things, but do not keep off in my front. 你们可以继续去纠结那些东西,但不要挡在我的面前。 I only want happy going on living, in this world, with the person who I attach great importance to together, happy going on living.” “我只想要开心的活下去,在这个世界上,和我所重视的人一起,开心的活下去。” The poor|Fei Luti puts out the dragon seal badge, reveals the canine tooth, smiles with raw hate. 菲鲁特拿出龙印徽章,露出虎牙,凶狠一笑。 What contract? What Wang Xuan? What Divine Dragon? These to me, radically anything is not! Since you said I am Nika end lineage, inheriting that what broken the contract.” “什么契约?什么王选者?什么神龙?这些对我来说,根本什么都不是!既然你们说我是露格尼卡的末裔,继承那什么破契约。” Good, I inherit. Then, told this bastard Divine Dragon again here. Your contract, moves away to the body of old lady!” “那好啊,我就继承下来吧。然后,再在这里告诉这个混蛋神龙。把你的契约,给老娘的身上拿开!” I, Nika, does not need your asylum! Which should roll, where rolls to me goes!” “我,露格尼卡,不需要你的庇护!该滚哪,就给我滚哪去!”
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