RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1830: Different equalities

Popular recommendation: Is called blood-color bride young girl, at this time is leaning on the long sword of flame, stands proudly in the front of people. 热门推荐:被人们称为‘血色新娘’的少女,此时拄着火焰的长剑,傲然站立在众人的面前。 If not such a opportunity, perhaps will not have many people able to understand that Priscilla's idea, what person Priscilla is. 如果不是这么一个机会,恐怕根本就不会有多少人能够明白普莉希拉的想法,普莉希拉到底是什么样的一个人吧。 Even if the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates, has to acknowledge, oneself misunderstood her before. Arrogant and arrogant, is not always the words and expressions of equating. But everyone to her understanding often is the latter, few people can be partial in the former. 哪怕是库珥修,也不得不承认,自己在之前误会了她。高傲和傲慢,从来都不是划等号的词语。而所有人对她的认识往往是后者,很少有人会偏向于前者。 But in fact, she is both has both. This no wonder, others will also mix to the lane it. 但实际上,她却是两者兼备。这也怪不得,其他人会将其给弄混。 If Xie Ming on the scene, hears Priscilla these words, perhaps has the big new face to Priscilla. Even, will also apologize to her. 如果谢铭在场,听到普莉希拉这段话,恐怕会对普莉希拉有着大大的改观吧。甚至,还会对她道歉。 Initially that on Wang Xuan, was he says went too far. 当初在王选上的那句,是他说的太过分了。 The red light, from was cut to abolish for two halves dragon seal badge by Priscilla together, submerges the seal. 一道红光,从被普莉希拉斩为两半的龙印徽章中废除,没入到了封印当中。 Divine Dragon Bohlken Nika, acknowledged... not, should say that approved of Priscilla's will. 神龙波尔肯尼卡,承认...不,应该说是赞同了普莉希拉的意志。 Two.” “两道。” Aggie Donner chuckle several, looked to remaining three Wang Xuan. Afterward, she discovered anything probably, showed a quite obviously wicked interest smile. 艾姬多娜轻笑几声,看向了剩下的三名王选者。随后,她好像发现了什么,露出了一丝颇显恶趣味的笑容。 Snort.” “哼。” Is seeing the sign of badge, Priscilla disdains snort/hum, seemed to be saying that probably this Divine Dragon is tactful. Moreover now, compared with this bored matter, she wants to see to like the Millie response. 见着徽章的迹象,普莉希拉不屑的哼了一声,似乎像是在说这神龙还算知趣。而且现在,比起这种无聊的事情,她更想看到爱蜜莉雅的反应。 As the same pursue fair person, she studied anything in Xie Ming there, had to find own innermost feelings. 作为同样追求公平的人,她在谢铭那里到底学了什么,到底有没有找到自己的内心。 Priscilla.” “普莉希拉。” After loving the Millie IELTS rope several seconds, said in a soft voice: I thought that your idea is good. However, my some questions above several : 00.” 爱蜜莉雅思索了几秒后,轻声说道:“我觉得你的想法非常好。但是,在几点之上我有一些疑问。” I believe Priscilla you can the equality treats everyone, but your attitude, could affect very many people. However, Priscilla you as before is a person.” “我相信普莉希拉你能够平等的对待每一个人,而你的态度,或许能够影响非常多的人。但是,普莉希拉你依旧是人。” What do you want to say?” “你想说什么?” Wanting is the life, then has certainly the limit.” Loves Millie earnest saying: Priscilla you are also good, as I of half elf... even as the bluish green green jade silk of elf, has the spiritual the limit.” “只要是生命,那么一定会有着极限。”爱蜜莉雅认真的说道:“普莉希拉你也好,身为半精灵的我也罢...甚至身为精灵的碧翠丝,都存在着精神的极限。” Our lives are limited, our lives are limited, our spirits are limited, we, will reach this limit sooner or later.” “我们的生命是有限的,我们的寿命是有限的,我们的精神是有限的,我们,迟早会到达这个极限。” If Priscilla, you reached this limit. What to do then the following kingdom should? In this world, will not present the second Priscilla again.” “如果普莉希拉,你到达了这个极限。那么接下来的王国该怎么办?这个世界上,可不会再出现第二个普莉希拉了啊。” What's the big deal?” “那又如何?” Priscilla remains unmoved: „When This One arrives in that limit, explained that This One has achieved well. Then, then what happened, has what relations with This One?” 普莉希拉不为所动:“妾身抵达那个极限时,说明妾身已经做到了最好。那么,接下来会发生什么事情,又和妾身有何关系?” This...... that sorry. I really do not have the means to approve of you.” “这样啊......那么,对不起。我果然没有办法赞同你。” Silent several seconds, likes Millie getting hold of the fist in the chest front, firm saying: As the king, matter that must first handle for country, is the common people, will consider for the future. Only considers the present, that is a very irresponsible idea.” 沉默了几秒,爱蜜莉雅在胸前握紧拳头,坚定的说道:“身为王,最先要做的事情是为国家,为百姓,为未来做考虑。只考虑现在,那是一种非常不负责任的想法。” „The present change, can only continue for a while. In this world nothing, is can achieve all of a sudden. So long as insists, inheritance from generation to generation, will then change will become the culture, the change will become the etiquette, making the people in the world accept, acknowledged.” “现在的改变,只能持续一时。这个世界上没有任何事情,都是一下子就能做到的。但只要坚持下去,一代又一代的传承下去,那么改变将会变为文化,改变将会变为礼仪,让全世界的人都接受,都承认。” Likes Millie gripping the dragon seal badge, tranquil saying. 爱蜜莉雅握住龙印徽章,平静的说道。 Just like Priscilla you said that the rule is formulated. Since is formulated, then definitely will have the flaw. But the flaw, is not we denies the reason of rule. Rule, always does not set up for a person.” “正如普莉希拉你所说的一样,规则是由人制定的。而既然是由人制定的,那么肯定会有缺陷。可缺陷,并不是我们否定规则的理由。规则,也从来都不是为了一个人而设立。” It by one group of people who have the same ambition create and revise, improve. Thus, was patched unceasingly, as unceasingly the progress of the world improves.” “它将会由一群拥有相同志向的人创造、修改,完善。这样,不断被修补,不断随着世界的进步而完善。” Knew that ten years of old book friends give pursuing book app that I recommend, mew mew reading! really easy-to-use, before driving and rest, depends on this to read aloud listens to storytelling to kill the time, here can download 【认识十年的老书友给我推荐的追书app,咪咪阅读!真特么好用,开车、睡前都靠这个朗读听书打发时间,这里可以下载】 Loves Millie earnest saying: „ Important, 爱蜜莉雅认真的说道:“重要的, It is not the short equality, but is that pursue equal heart that in people heart presents. ” So long as people pursue the equal ideal is not extinguished, then the world, certainly will one day welcome the true equality sooner or later.” 不是短暂的平等,而是人们心中出现的那份追求平等的心。”“只要人们追求平等的理想不被熄灭,那么世界迟早有一天,一定会迎来真正的平等。” Hehe hehe, really can say such words thanks to you.” Priscilla smiled: You were counting on unexpectedly has the person of discrimination and prejudice to you, pursues the equality with you?” “呵呵呵呵,真亏你能说出这样的话啊。”普莉希拉笑了起来:“你居然指望着对你抱有着歧视和偏见的人,和你一起去追求平等?” „Not everyone, to me, elf status has the prejudice fifty-fifty.” “并不是每一个人,都对我,对半精灵这个身份抱有着偏见。” Likes Millie not yielding an inch: Even before I know Xie Ming, some people had granted the good intentions to me.” 爱蜜莉雅寸步不让:“甚至在我认识谢铭之前,也曾经有人对我施予过善意。” Person is weak, but I actually compared with them weak. But if, such weak I can overcome the hindrance, becomes the king. Then my action, can certainly be the ignition flame at heart some people.” “人是软弱的,但我却比他们更加的软弱。可如果,这么软弱的我都能克服阻碍,成为国王。那么我的这份行动,一定能够为一些人的心里点燃火焰。” Xie Ming has taught the idiom and proverb of my his hometown. And has a few words, expanded the explanation saying: Even if similar to the star small and weak fire seed merely, can light the prairie of trim.” 谢铭教导过我很多他家乡的成语和俗语。其中有一句话,扩展起来解释是这么说的:哪怕仅仅只是如同星星般弱小的火种,也可以点燃整片的草原。” To me, so long as can have Kazuto to approve of my idea, so long as the people produced to the hope of equality, this is enough.” “对我来说,只要能有一个和人赞同我的想法,只要有一个人心里产生了对平等的渴望,这就已经足够了。” Therefore, can collaborate? Priscilla.” Likes Millie putting out a hand: Our goals, for the equality, are only in the method have the difference merely.” “所以,要联手吗?普莉希拉。”爱蜜莉雅伸出手:“我们的目的,同样都是为了平等,仅仅只是方法上有着差异。” I did not approve that Priscilla your approach, Priscilla you do not think that my method is feasible. But, this does not affect among us the mutual help. I think.” “我不赞成普莉希拉你的做法,普莉希拉你也不认为我的方法是可行的。但,这并不影响我们之间的互相帮助。我是这么认为的。” ......... “.........” Even if Priscilla, at this time somewhat liked Millie doing ignorant, let alone others. Except that to loving Millie has Aggie Donner and bluish green of green jade silk certain understanding and the others, others have not even noticed untying of third seal. 哪怕是普莉希拉,此时都有些被爱蜜莉雅给搞懵了,更别说其他人。除了对爱蜜莉雅已经有了一定了解的艾姬多娜和碧翠丝等人,其他人甚至都没有注意到第三层封印的解开。 This One rejection.” 妾身拒绝。” After recovering, Priscilla receives to prevent the folding fan of profile: „The rule that you want to establish, is doomed unable to coexist with This One.” 回过神来后,普莉希拉收起阻挡侧脸的折扇:“你想建立的规则,和妾身注定是无法共存的。” This One will not obey the rule that you establish, This One according to the idea of This One will only act forever.” 妾身不会服从你建立的规则,妾身永远只会按照妾身的想法去行动。” No, this is uncertain.” “不,这可不一定。” Loves Millie earnest saying: If one of the regular litigants, is Priscilla you?” 爱蜜莉雅认真的说道:“如果这份规则的参与人之一,是普莉希拉你呢?” ........ “........” I had just said that the regular maker possibly is not one person. But by holding the same ambition, the pursue equal person jointly is also establishing.” “我刚刚说过,规则的制定者不可能是一人。而是由抱有着相同志向,同样追求平等的人共同建立。” Priscilla you can definitely become one of the rule makers. If you feel the incorrect rule, you can definitely give the comment, then argues down him.” “普莉希拉你完全可以成为规则的制定者之一。如果你觉得不对的规则,你完全可以提出意见,然后将他驳倒。” Regular establishment, if our these pursue equal people do not even have the means to approve, how then to bring the true equality?” “规则的建立,如果连我们这些追求平等的人都没有办法认可,那么又怎么带来真正的平等?” ....... “.......” I have not been thinking the present obtains Priscilla your reply.” “我没有想着现在就得到普莉希拉你的回复。” Likes Millie receiving to reach behind the back, said with a smile: „After the matter ended, we chatting well. Knows today Priscilla your idea, is harvests greatly.” 爱蜜莉雅收回手,笑着说道:“等到事情结束以后,我们再好好的聊聊吧。在今天知道了普莉希拉你的想法,已经是非常大的收获了。” Miss Anna Tassie, the poor|Fei Luti, then should be one's turn you.” “安娜塔西亚小姐,菲鲁特,接下来该轮到你们了。”
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