RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1829: Myriad things, all under This One

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! The people, how many matters must experience, how many hindrance spans, scars and losing, finally can find itself most to do, is worth paying the matter that the life handles for oneself? 人,到底要经历多少事,跨越多少的阻碍、伤痕、失去,才终于能找到自己最想要做,值得为自己付出一生去做的事情? This forever is an unknown. 这永远是一个未知数。 After all unsuccessfully the world's most people , muddle along life. After growing up was elected the child who summons, finally in the initial dream, with digital beast distinction. 毕竟世界上绝大部分的人,都是碌碌无为、得过且过的过完了一生。就和长大后的被选召的孩子,终将于自己最初的梦,和数码兽分别。 Five people that may present are not the average person, they are Wang Xuan, leads the person in country. Must create the person who the people vainly hope. 可在场的五人都不是什么普通人,她们是王选者,是带领国家的人。是要去创造民众梦想的人。 Always Wang Family/prince power struggle, filled bloody, was full of the darkness, filled mistrusting each other. Forms an alliance, betrays, intoxicates, defines and holds to kill ..... 历来的王家权力斗争,都充满了血腥,充满了黑暗,充满了尔虞我诈。结盟、背叛、下毒、下定义、捧杀..... But the above emperor, knows similarly the following young brat is seeking own power, own position. 而上面的皇帝,同样也知道下面的小兔崽子在谋求着自己的权力,自己的位置。 The imperial family does not have the kinship, although does not know some these words many credibility, but from the perspective of history, that's true. 皇家不存在亲情,虽然不知道这句话到底有多少可信度,但从历史的角度上来看,确实如此。 Compared with this, likes the struggles between Millie five people, simply with shaking hand each family has had no difference. 与此相比,爱蜜莉雅五人之间的斗争,简直就和拉着手过家家没什么区别。 Naturally, is very big a reason, is on them no one. After all the struggle between crown princes, having a large part is the emperor selects. 当然,或许很大一个原因,是她们上面没有人吧。毕竟王储之间的斗争,有很大一部分都是皇帝挑起来的。 To train most vicious that inherits powerful, making the country continue to get down prosperously. 就是为了培养出最强大最狠毒的那个来继承,让国家继续昌盛下去。 But loves Millie they are not so, their here situations described with the battle, somewhat was exaggerating. Their, were called the competition at most. 但爱蜜莉雅她们并不是如此,她们这边的情况用争斗来形容,都有些夸张了。她们的这个,顶多叫竞争。 Similar to the test of student. 和学生的考试差不多。 But competes even if, that must go diligently. The struggle, does not need you to have how great ideal and goal, you only need to beat your opponent completely on the line. 可哪怕是竞争,那也是要去努力的。斗争,并不需要你有多么伟大的理想和目标,你只需要把自己的对手全部干掉就行。 But the competition needs, is the ideal and aspiration. 但竞争所需要的,是理想和抱负。 It is not for the so-called power, not for the position of that Nika most peak. All, are they to achieve oneself goal tool that but needs. 并不是为了所谓的权力,也不是为了那个露格尼卡最顶端的位置。一切,都是她们为了实现自己的目标而需要的工具罢了。 Power and throne, the poor|Fei Luti that even the slum grows up does not have the desire to take, let alone others. 权力和王座,甚至连贫民窟长大的菲鲁特都没有欲望去拿到手,更别说其他人。 The storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates similarly is also so. Perhaps was born in her of duke family/home says these, is some full men does not know the hungry man hunger. But from her perspective, she indeed did not think that the power is any good thing. 库珥修同样也是如此。或许出生在公爵家的她说这些,着实是有些饱汉子不知饿汉子饥。但从她的角度来看,她的确不觉得权力是什么好东西。 No, cannot say. 不,也不能这么说吧。 No matter the power, is money, is the status as duke, to realize the good tool of desire. 不管是权力,是金钱,还是自己身为公爵的身份,都是为了实现自己愿望的好工具。 Including the share of that person .... That admires itself, 连着那个人的份....那个爱慕自己, That in expressed the intention person finally finally: The Nika imperial family last years' fourth imperial prince: Furry Nika together. 那个在最后最后才表达出自己心意的人:露格尼卡皇室末代第四皇子:弗利艾・露格尼卡一起。 Even if at this time, she from Aggie Donner, old person in mouth heard from summer Wula these made herself be shocked, made the angry fact, her desire will not therefore change. 哪怕此时,她从艾姬多娜,从夏乌拉这些‘老人’口中听到了令自己震惊,令自己愤怒的事实,她的愿望也不不会因此改变。 The Nika's common people, should in the cradle that must create from the dragon stand, should grow up. 露格尼卡的百姓,应该要从龙所创造的摇篮中站起来了,该长大了。 Nika, does not need Divine Dragon. 露格尼卡,不需要神龙。 ----- ----- Next should, who? 下一个,该谁? When likes Millie just wanting to forward, like the blood gorgeous form takes the lead to arrive front. 就当爱蜜莉雅刚想向前的时候,一道如鲜血般艳丽的身影率先走到了前面。 Priscilla?” “普莉希拉?” „.” “呵。” Priscilla sneered, arrives in position that the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivated/repaired to give away. 普莉希拉冷笑了一声,走到了库珥修让出的位置上。 „The world, is rotating regarding This One.” “世界,是围绕着妾身转动着。” These words, she had also said at Wang Xuan ceremony initially. Till today, change that her idea also has no. 这一句话,当初她在王选仪式上也这么说过。直到今天为止,她的想法也没有任何的改变。 This One, is the center of the world.” 妾身,便是世界的中心。” Different getting hold of that cultivates from the storehouse arc of contact of halo, Priscilla takes the technique of dragon seal badge, is more like appraising what gem, was judging this gem, with cannot be joined to itself. 不同于库珥修的握紧,普莉希拉拿着龙印徽章的手法,更像是在鉴定着什么宝石,判断着这个宝石,到底配不配得上自己。 This world has too many inequality, too many ugly desires. People for these desires, but resorts to all means.” “这个世界有太多的不平等,太多丑陋的欲望。人们为了这些欲望,而不择手段。” This time young girl, in the past arrogant some different. Her vision, as if saw a farther place. Words that she spoke, seems she personally has experienced the matter. 此时的少女,和往常的傲慢有一些不同。她的目光,似乎看到了更远的地方。她所说的话,仿佛是她亲身所经历过的事。 Therefore, the person needs the equality.” “所以,人需要平等。” Priscilla?” “普莉希拉?” Liked Millie staring in a big way the eye, this... wasn't this and her goal is the same? 爱蜜莉雅瞪大了眼睛,这...这不是和她的目标相同吗? Half elf loves Millie, you know why This One does dislike you?” “半精灵爱蜜莉雅,你知道妾身为什么讨厌你吗?” Priscilla turns around slowly, vision incomparably tranquil looks at the young girl of silver-haired sharp ear. 普莉希拉慢慢转过身来,目光无比平静的看着银发尖耳的少女。 .... No, I do not know.” “....不,我不知道。” After silent several seconds, likes Millie shaking the head gently: Original I think, you merely because of my status, but holds the dislike to me.” 沉默了几秒后,爱蜜莉雅轻轻摇了摇头:“原本的我以为,你仅仅只是因为我的身份而对我抱有着厌恶。” But after your true contact, I no longer thought so.” “但在和你真正的接触后,我不再这么觉得了。” „, But also calculates that has the progress. It seems like in Xie Ming there, you indeed obtained the growth. But, but also is far from enough.” “呵,还算有长进。看来在谢铭那里,你的确获得了成长。但,还远远不够。” Priscilla turns on the folding fan, took a fast look around people arrogant and exhaltedly. Air/Qi field that at this time she sends out, just like genuine Sun, the empress of true country. 普莉希拉打开折扇,傲慢、居高临下的扫视了一眼众人。此时她所散发的气场,宛如真正的太阳,真正的一国之女皇。 „To rule the person, then must understand the person. To pursue the equality, then must not understand equally, must understand that in this world, will never have the true equality.” “想要统治人,那么必须了解人。想要追求平等,那么必须了解不平等,必须明白这个世界上,永远不会存在真正的平等。” Family background, position, money, physical quality, ability, mind, race and height .... These will become the manufacture is not equal. But these, actually immaterial.” “出身、地位、金钱、身体素质、能力、头脑、种族、身高....这些都会成为制造不平等。但这些,其实都无关紧要。” „It is not equal the real reason, lies in the heart of civilians.” “不平等存在的真正的原因,在于平民的心。” Feeling that they are from the heart, oneself do not have the means and outstanding person places on a par. Believing of their instinct, oneself are lower than others. Because of this feeling, made was not equal.” “他们发自内心的觉得,自己没有办法和优秀的人相提并论。他们本能的认为,自己比其他人低等。正是因为这种感觉,才制造了不平等。” „, You of pursue equality, love Millie similarly, you told This One, how can you change this condition?” “那么,同样追求平等的你,爱蜜莉雅,你告诉妾身,你要如何改变这种状况?” ........ “........” Likes Millie deeply inspiring, earnest saying: Taught them, formulates rule, made the law. Under the rule and law, including the king, everyone is all equal.” 爱蜜莉雅深吸了口气,认真的说道:“去教导他们,去制定规则,制定法律。在规则和法律之下,包括国王在内,人人皆平等。” Good reply!” “不错的回答!” Knocks the folding fan fiercely on the palm, Priscilla showed the smile. This smile, is to liking Millie the acknowledgment. 将折扇猛地敲在手掌上,普莉希拉露出了笑容。这份笑容,是对爱蜜莉雅的承认。 But, loves Millie, you must understand a matter, the rule and law, similarly is also the person formulates. So long as is, then definitely will be mixing with the selfishness that the person formulates, is mixing with the desire, is mixing with the prejudice, is mixing with the loophole.” “但是,爱蜜莉雅,你要明白一件事,规则和法律,同样也是人所制定的。而只要是人所制定的,那么就必然会夹杂着私心,夹杂着欲望,夹杂着偏见,夹杂着漏洞。” However has these, then regular and law does not have the means to reach the parity.” “而存在着这些,那么规则和法律同样也没有办法实现平等。” That, what is Priscilla's your approach?” “那么,普莉希拉你的做法是什么?” „Very simple.” “很简单。” Priscilla said proudly: This One, comes to become the only rule, only law.” 普莉希拉傲然说道:“妾身,来成为唯一的规则,唯一的法律。” „!!!!!!” “!!!!!!” Was too arrogant!” “太傲慢了!” No, you spoke incorrectly, storehouse arc of contact of halo Karlsteen. Priscilla looked that cultivates to the storehouse arc of contact of halo: „ This One, but is stating the fact.” “不,你说错了,库珥修・卡尔斯滕。普莉希拉看向库珥修:“妾身,只是在陈述着事实。” This One is the center of the world, all myriad things of the world belongs to This One.” 妾身为世界的中心,世界的一切万物都归妾身所有。” Therefore, This One anything does not need.” “因此,妾身什么都不需要。” Therefore, everyone under This One, is the equality.” “因此,妾身之下的所有人,皆为平等。” Therefore This One will not permit, some people domination of arbitrarily above This One, keeping aloof wants to control This One.” “所以妾身绝不会允许,有人擅自的凌驾于妾身之上,高高在上的想要操控妾身。” Divine Dragon Bohlken Nika? What thing. Can This One, why prove itself to it?” “神龙波尔肯尼卡?什么玩意。妾身,凭什么要向它证明自己?” Saying, Priscilla loses acts the dragon seal badge. Yang sword comes out of the sheath, the flame flashes. 说着,普莉希拉丢出了手中的龙印徽章。阳剑出鞘,火光一闪。 „!!!!!!” “!!!!!!” You!?” “你!?” Looks that was cut as two halves the badge to fall in the place, presented everyone to stare in a big way the eyes. 看着被斩为两半的徽章掉落在地,在场所有人都不禁瞪大了双眼。 This One, does not need anybody's acknowledgment.” 妾身,不需要任何人的承认。” Yang sword leans on, saying that Priscilla coldly: Because of myriad things, all under This One.” 阳剑拄地,普莉希拉冷冷的说道:“因为万物,皆在妾身之下。”
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