RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1828: Contract 【Nika】

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! That also is really indebted the praise.” “那还真是承蒙夸奖。” Aggie Donner returned to a few words at will, looked at the line of sight to since she has appeared, has stared at her not to put aside the person of line of sight. The corners of the mouth were slightly curving, showed a slightly complex smile. 艾姬多娜随意的回了一句话,将视线看向了从她出现以来,就一直盯着她没有移开过视线的人身上。嘴角微微弯曲,露出了一份略显复杂的笑容。 In the Saint territory hears bluish green green jade silk the matter, unfeeling that Aggie Donner says, performs to reveal the Strega (Witch) true colors. But is very obvious, in fact she is not that the unfeeling person. 虽然在圣域听到碧翠丝的事情时,艾姬多娜说的那么绝情,尽显魔女本色。但很显然,实际上她并不是那么绝情的人。 Otherwise after she resurrects, why to sneak off secretly, does not meet with anybody. 否则又她复活之后又何必偷偷溜走,不和任何人见面。 Moreover, it is estimated that the most essential point is, she somewhat is also awkward at this time. In the past she to establish the Saint territory sacrificed colored glaze Méhers, making it change into the demon crystal. 而且,估计最关键的一点是,她此时也有些尴尬吧。当年她为了建立圣域而牺牲了琉兹・梅艾尔,让其化为了魔水晶。 Now after the Saint territory was liberated, she hides the truth from everyone to use this body to stroll in the all over the world randomly. If not felt that end of the world here had the problem, perhaps she will not come from the start. 现在圣域被解放后,她又瞒着所有人使用着这副身躯在世界各地乱逛。如果不是感觉到了世界尽头这里出现问题,恐怕她压根就不会现身。 But Xie Ming is doing the matter of big matter now, the people of the whole world a little ability felt. Then, she naturally cannot stay out. 可如今谢铭在搞大事情的这件事,整个世界有点能力的人都感觉到了。那么,她自然不能置身事外。 Long time no see, bluish green green jade silk. Sees your growth, I was very happy.” “好久不见了啊,碧翠丝。看到你的成长,我很高兴。” Mother Sir .... “母亲大人....” bluish green green jade silk turns the sentiment of welling up at heart at this time, is not can talk clearly absolutely in a few words. She wants to interrogate why Aggie Donner must establish such contract with, she wants to ask why Aggie Donner resurrected to finish does not meet with. 碧翠丝心里此时翻涌的感情,绝对不是三言两语就能够说清的。她想质问艾姬多娜为什么要和自己立下那样的契约,她想问艾姬多娜为什么复活了却不和自己见面。 But these, now secondary. Now is most important, is the help brings from that room, own promisor. 但这些,现在都是次要的。现在最重要的,是帮助将自己从那个房间中带出来的,自己的契约者。 Mother Sir.” “母亲大人。” bluish green green jade silk closes the eye, when opens again in the eye has not fluctuated: Although Betty has many things to ask mother Sir, but the present was not at that time.” 碧翠丝合上眼睛,再次睁开时眼里已经没有波动:“虽然贝蒂有非常多的事情想问母亲大人,但现在并不是那个时候。” Under recommendation, mew mew reading pursues the book really easily-to-use, here downloads everyone to go to try quickly.】 【推荐下,咪咪阅读追书真的好用,这里下载大家去快可以试试吧。】 Mother Sir knows how to solve Divine Dragon Bohlken Nika's seal?” “母亲大人知道如何解决神龙波尔肯尼卡的封印吗?” bluish green green jade silk .... “碧翠丝....” Really grew up, looks at own child grow, was such feeling? Somewhat is really complex. 真的长大了啊,看着自己的孩子成长,就是这样的感觉吗?真是有些复杂啊。 Aggie Donner smiles: Un, naturally knows.” 艾姬多娜笑了笑:“嗯,当然知道。” Initially, Bohlken Nika used most strengths to form this seal. Also with the surplus strengths, our soul seals in the Saint territory, suppresses the Strega (Witch) factor by this.” “当初,波尔肯尼卡用了大部分力量结成了这层封印。又用剩余的力量,将我们的灵魂封印在圣域中,以此来压制魔女因子。” Therefore wants to turn on its seal, altogether needs two keys. “所以想要开启它的封印,总共需要两把钥匙。 First, is the liberation of Saint territory.” “第一把,是圣域的解放。” Second, is the arrival of promisor.” “第二把,是契约者的到来。” „The liberation of Saint territory, with the arrival of promisor.” Liked Millie repeating: Saint territory already liberates by me and Xie Ming, therefore Aggie Donner will appear here.” “圣域的解放,和契约者的到来。”爱蜜莉雅重复了一遍:“圣域已经被我和谢铭解放,因此艾姬多娜才会出现在这里。” However promisor .... “而契约者....” The people looked at the vision to the poor|Fei Luti, the poor|Fei Luti was a face looked confusedly. 众人将目光看向了菲鲁特,菲鲁特则是一脸迷茫的看了回去。 Hehe. The Nika kingdom condition, I had understood. Perhaps about contract, you also had certain guess. But, you lack the most essential information now.” “呵呵。露格尼卡王国状况,我已经了解。关于‘契约’,你们或许也有了一定的猜测。可是,现在你们缺少最关键的一点信息。” Method.” “方法。” Aggie Donner looks one by one to five Wang Xuan: With the Divine Dragon contract, is Nika. However this fool, regarded a person Nika.” 艾姬多娜逐个看向五名王选者:“和神龙契约的,是露格尼卡。但是这个笨蛋,把露格尼卡当成了一个人了。” Who is a fool! I am the disciple of Great Sage! However, is such?” “谁是笨蛋啊!我可是大贤者的弟子!不过,是这样的吗?” ....... “.......” Is gathering so many people in this puzzled reason, was summer Wula this fellow makes a mistake! 合着自己那么多人在这纠结的原因,是夏乌拉这家伙搞错了啊! Naturally, this matter is not strange summer Wula, after all we initially to evade the line of sight of that fellow, took into a lot the coffin.” “当然,这事也并不是怪夏乌拉,毕竟我们当初为了躲过那家伙的视线,将很多事情都带进了棺材里面。” Aggie Donner smiles: Nika's royal family, bait that but we throw.” 艾姬多娜笑了笑:“露格尼卡的王族,只是我们丢出去的诱饵。” ......... “.........” Hears these words, facial expression that the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates instantaneous gloomy. Naturally, is not only the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates, the facial expressions of others had some changes. 听到这句话,库珥修的神情瞬间阴沉了下来。当然,不仅仅是库珥修,其他人的神情有了些许变化。 Only then has had the contact with Aggie Donner, knows that loving Millie of what person she was showed the knowing whether to laugh or cry expression. 只有和艾姬多娜有过接触,知道她是什么样一个人的爱蜜莉雅露出了哭笑不得的表情。 Bohlken Nika signed the contract initially, is Nika these four characters.” “波尔肯尼卡当初所签订契约的,是‘露格尼卡’这四个字。” How Aggie Donner naturally cannot go to manage others to think, she is informing the people method in a completely oneself duty. As for others to her happiness wicked, important? 艾姬多娜自然不会去管其他人是怎么想,她只是在尽自己的一份义务在告知众人方法而已。至于其他人对她的喜恶,重要吗? If she cares about this, she will not be called Strega (Witch). 她要是在乎这个,她就不会被称为魔女了。 Nika, refers to Nika this kingdom from the beginning. But has the qualifications to become the king, will then inherit this contract automatically, shoulders the responsibility of contract.” “露格尼卡,从一开始就是指露格尼卡这个王国。而有资格成为国王的,便会自动的继承这份契约,承担契约的责任。” Because however the royal families in present Nika kingdom all extinguish, on automatically the blonde little girl who the contract should fall into the orphan. But her situation has the divine protection that the bloodline and contract bring spatially, actually without this consciousness.” “而因为如今露格尼卡王国的王族全灭,契约本该自动落入到遗孤的这个金发小女孩身上。但她的情况是空有血统和契约带来的加护,却没有这个意识。” In fact until some time ago, her had not realized that what correctly own divine protection is, even does not know own surname, not?” “事实上直到不久前,她都没有正确意识到自己的加护是什么,甚至不知道自己的姓氏,不是吗?” „......, although you said is correct, but feeling very uncomfortable.” “......虽然你说的是正确的,但给人感觉非常的不爽啊。” The poor|Fei Luti rubbed doing a lot of talking, decided the anti- under temper to continue to listen to this woman to say. 菲鲁特磨了磨牙,决定还是耐下性子继续听这个女人说下去。 Because of the Nika royal family extermination, Bohlken Nika and Nika's contract will naturally fall to the successor of new generation on. But the successor, is your five people.” “因为露格尼卡王族的‘灭绝’,波尔肯尼卡和露格尼卡的契约自然是会落到新一代的继承者身上。而继承者,便是你们五人。” Original plan must wait till Wang Xuan to end, one of them in your five people undertake all contracts, arrives at this place again. However now .... “本来计划是要等到王选结束,你们五人中的其中一人承担起所有的契约,再来到此地的。但是现在....” Aggie Donner sighed: Now also only then your five people come to relieve the contract together, relieved the seal.” 艾姬多娜叹了口气:“现在也只有你们五人来共同去解除契约,解除封印了。” Method?” Priscilla narrows the eye, light asking: What is method?” “方法呢?”普莉希拉眯起眼睛,淡淡的问道:“方法是什么?” „Very simple.” “很简单。” Placed the chest front the hand gently, Aggie Donner said with a smile: Chooses the stone in the dragon, front your so-called Wang Xuan symbol, transmits you most deep place, the most conviction to be then good.” 将手轻轻放在了胸前,艾姬多娜笑道:“在龙选石,你们所谓的王选者象征面前,传递你们内心最深处、最坚定的信念便好。” So-called Miko, not for resembles god transmission information, does become god and person the bridge? Bohlken Nika is not a god, you are not the bridges.” “所谓巫女,不就是为了像‘神’传递信息,成为‘神’与‘人’的桥梁吗?只是波尔肯尼卡并不是神,你们也不是桥梁。” You are person, is now representative. But Bohlken Nika, was in the past fetter.” “你们是‘人’,是‘现在’的代表。而波尔肯尼卡,是‘过去’的束缚。” However can shake off the fetter, only then your consciousness, your wills, your spirits. When the fetter unties, the seal also naturally can vanish.” “而能挣脱束缚的,只有你们的觉悟,你们的意志,你们的精神。当束缚解开之时,封印也自然会消失。” Came to understand .... “觉悟....” Will.” “意志。” Spirit ..... “精神.....” Likes Millie, the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivating, Priscilla, Anna Tassie, the poor|Fei Luti, five Wang Xuan fished out from the pocket did not leave the dragon of body to choose the stone badge. 爱蜜莉雅、库珥修、普莉希拉、安娜塔西亚、菲鲁特,五名王选者从衣兜中摸出了不离身的龙选石徽章。 Above is glittering red light, is the proof of their status, is the qualifications of their Wang Xuan, similarly is also... named Nika contract. 上面闪烁着的红光,是她们身份的证明,是她们王选者的资格,同样也是...名为‘露格尼卡’的契约。 Transmits own will like Divine Dragon ..... “像神龙传达自己的意志.....” My consciousness .... “我的觉悟....” Snort, bored acrobatics.” “哼,无聊的把戏。” Our idea .... “咱的想法啊....” ........ “........” First comes by me.” Storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivating stood, looks to other four people: Matter that from the beginning, I want to handle, my goal has no change.” “由我先来吧。”库珥修站了出来,看向其他四人:“从一开始,我想要做的事情,我的目标就没有任何改变。” I must change Nika, I must interrupt with the contract of Divine Dragon. I want people to understand, will save will not drop from the clouds, can only depend on own both hands to create the opportunity, holds opportunity.” “我要改变露格尼卡,我要中断与神龙的契约。我要人们明白,拯救不会从天而降,只能靠着自己的双手去创造机会,去抓住机会。” This is my desire, is that desire.” “这是我的愿望,也是那位的愿望。” Statement that as the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates, her hand mesosaurus chooses the red light that the stone badge sends out to start to be getting more and more dazzling. Afterward, changed into a long flowing light, submerged in the waterfall. 随着库珥修的陈述,她手中龙选石徽章所散发的红光开始越来越耀眼。随后,化为了一道长长的流光,没入到了瀑布之中。 Un, has completed 1/5.” “嗯,已经完成五分之一了。” Aggie Donner looks with a smile to four people: Then, was one's turn you.” 艾姬多娜笑着看向四人:“接下来,轮到你们了。” „Doesn't time wait for the person?” “时间不等人哦?”
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