RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1827: Bye

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “哦~~~~~” Looks that so unties Seine Ha Luti of seal simply, summer Wula is exclaiming in surprise clapping of: Redd's later generation is really fierce, felt that you have exceeded Redd.” 看着如此简单就解开封印的莱茵哈鲁特,夏乌拉惊叹着拍起手来:“雷德的后人真厉害啊,感觉你都已经超越雷德了。” Overpraised.” “过奖了。” Is smiling to summer Wula temperately, Seine Ha Luti looked down to the dragon sword in hand. 对着夏乌拉温和一笑,莱茵哈鲁特低头看向了手中的龙剑。 Just that cut, perhaps is not his might biggest cutting strikes until now, but conformed to sword Saint cutting of name to strike absolutely. 刚刚那一斩,或许不是他至今为止威力最大的斩击,但绝对是最符合‘剑圣’之名的斩击。 Naturally, but also does not have compared with the means and Xie Ming. About this, Seine Ha Luti have several at heart. 当然,还没有办法和谢铭相比。关于这点,莱茵哈鲁特心里还是有数的。 But, he indeed touched a gate hole. 但,他的确摸到了一点门窍。 concealed sentiment in sword, takes the sentiment as to cut. The so-called sword cuts, does not need any vast momentum battle qi eruption, or is strong destructive power. 藏情于剑,以情为斩。所谓的剑斩,并不需要什么声势浩大的斗气爆发,亦或者是多强的破坏力。 It merely is cutting. 它仅仅是‘斩’而已。 Other all for auxiliary cutting this character, pays great attention other form, instead somewhat competes, omits the most essential thing. 其他的一切都是为了辅助‘斩’这一个字,过于注重其他的‘形式’,反而有些喧宾夺主,遗漏掉最本质的东西。 With Xie Ming this senior in sword technique sabreplay in the experience that battles, indeed makes Seine Ha Luti harvest a great deal. Even if Xie Ming has not taught him in fact anything, all are he himself observed and pondered , the result of obtaining. 谢铭这个在剑术刀术上的前辈交战的经历,的确让莱茵哈鲁特收获良多。哪怕谢铭实质上并没有教他什么,一切都是他自己观察、思考后得出的结果。 the divine protection overlay of bug level, in addition the talent of this terrifying, calling Seine Ha Luti one hangs to compel is really not excessive. bug级的加护叠加,再加上这恐怖的天赋,称呼莱茵哈鲁特一声‘挂逼’真的是一点都不过分。 In Seine Ha Luti when tasting just that sword, the people have started to think how to break open the third seal. 就在莱茵哈鲁特在回味刚刚那一剑时,众人已经开始想着如何破开第三层的封印。 Divine Dragon Bohlken Nika, it did not need to say anything to the particularity of Nika kingdom again. 神龙波尔肯尼卡,它对露格尼卡王国的特殊性根本不需要再多说什么。 But because just special, therefore in the people eye of kingdom, Divine Dragon that mysterious. After the second seal unties, the people regarding the third seal radically are confused. 可正因为特殊,所以在王国的人们眼里,神龙才是那么的神秘。以至于在第二层封印解开后,众人对于第三层封印根本是一头雾水。 But so-called must ask, perhaps Great Sage colored glaze Geyl by oneself disciple in this place guarding, in which reason is then wanted to make her dispel doubt for the successor. 但所谓不懂就要问,大贤者弗琉盖尔之所以让自己的弟子在此地看守,恐怕其中的一个原因便是想让她为后来者解惑。 That, Miss summer Wula.” “那个,夏乌拉小姐。” Un? What's wrong?” “嗯?怎么了?” Takes back looks to the line of sight of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, summer Wula said with a smile: If wants to ask the method of discharge of third seal, am I not quite actually clear?” 收回看向菜月昴的视线,夏乌拉笑着说道:“如果想问第三层封印的解除方法的化,我其实也不太清楚哦?” After all that is the thing that Bohlken Nika supposes, how should relieve definitely is it clearest.” “毕竟那是波尔肯尼卡设下的东西,该怎么解除肯定是它最清楚嘛。” Principle, 理, Indeed is this principle, but ..... 的确是这个理,但是..... Hey! Don't you know other matters?” The poor|Fei Luti rubbed the canine tooth: About that Divine Dragon Sir's seal after supposing, has spoken what words and so on.” “喂!你就不知道一些其他事吗?”菲鲁特磨了磨虎牙:“关于那个神龙大人在设下封印后,说过什么话之类的。” Un?” “嗯?” summer Wula looks at the poor|Fei Luti with a strange vision: This matter, shouldn't you compare me to be clearer?” 夏乌拉用一种奇怪的目光看着菲鲁特:“这件事,你不应该比我更清楚吗?” Ha? What do you mean?” “哈啊?什么意思?” What do you mean?” summer Wula used a more bewildered sound to ask back: „Aren't you later generation of Nika family/home?” “什么什么意思?”夏乌拉用着一种更莫名其妙的声音反问了回去:“你不是露格尼卡家的后人吗?” What matter hasn't your ancestor told your?” “你的先祖没告诉过你什么事?” Who knows!” “谁知道啊!” poor|Fei Luti ill-humored saying of: Called the Nika's royalty dead certainly, I was only a good luck lived, person who anything did not know.” 菲鲁特没好气的说道:“叫露格尼卡的皇族都已经死绝了,我只是一个好运的活了下来,什么都不知道的人。” Un? Un un? Did the people of Nika family/home die? No wonder .... “嗯?嗯嗯嗯?露格尼卡家的人都死光了?怪不得....” What no wonder!? Your words talk clearly!” “什么怪不得!?你话说清楚啊!” That, summer Wula .... “那个,夏乌拉....” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades flexure face: poor|Fei Luti what issue, if has, can ask you to tell us?” 菜月昴挠了挠脸:“菲鲁特的身上如果有什么问题,能请你告诉我们吗?” Good! Since is asking of master, that did not have the issue!” “好的!既然是师傅的拜托,那就没问题了!” Turns hostile gets better quick! 变脸变得好快! Initially Nika and Bohlken Nika it signed the contract, founded the kingdom, and spreads this contract, the dispersion gave the posterity.” “当初露格尼卡和波尔肯尼卡它签订了契约,建立了王国,并将这份契约流传,分散给了子孙后代。” summer Wula said with a smile: This contract can make the promisor share Bohlken Nika's small some divine protections, therefore initial Nika can be said as very strong?” 夏乌拉笑着说道:“这份契约会让契约者分享波尔肯尼卡的一小部分加护,所以最初的露格尼卡可以说是很强的哦?” Is only the contract remains, divine protection of share actually because of consulting but growth unceasing was shared, finally completely vanishes.” “只是契约依旧存在,分享的加护却会因为咨询的增长而不断的被分享,最后完全消失。” „To regain that small some divine protections the words of complete strength, the person who only will then share the divine protection kills completely, gathers the contract to a person on again.” “想要重新获得那一小部分加护的全部力量的话,就只有将分享加护的人全部杀死,重新将契约聚集到一个人身上。” I just felt strange is this. Why on you have the complete Bohlken Nika's divine protection, actually must ask my question.” “我刚刚觉得奇怪的便是这点。为什么你身上有着完整的波尔肯尼卡的加护,却还要问我这个问题。” At this point, summer Wula patted starting: Originally in the situation in completely not knowing the circumstances of the matter obtains, no wonder does not know, looked the appearance will not use.” 说到这里,夏乌拉拍了下手:“原来是在完全不知情的情况下获得的啊,怪不得不知道,看模样也不会去使用。” What are you saying?” The poor|Fei Luti knits the brows saying: My divine protection is the divine protection of wind, with that what Bohlken Nika .... “你在说什么呢?”菲鲁特皱眉说道:“我的加护是风之加护,和那个什么波尔肯尼卡....” No, poor|Fei Luti Sir.” “不,菲鲁特大人。” From tasting awakes Seine Ha Luti that the god has come to say in a soft voice: poor|Fei Luti Sir, your divine protection is not the divine protection of wind. Initially when saw you, I then detected.” 从回味中醒过神来的莱茵哈鲁特轻声说道:“菲鲁特大人,您的加护并不是什么风之加护。当初在见到您的时候,我便察觉到了。” You, are the Nika kingdom true king.” “您,才是露格尼卡王国真正的王。” What at sixes and sevens .... “什么乱七八糟的....” poor|Fei Luti flexure head: Ok, when you said is real, what my divine protection is this ..... obtains with the contract of Divine Dragon this fellow, then?” 菲鲁特挠了挠脑袋:“行吧,就当你们说的是真的,我的加护是这个什么.....和神龙这家伙的契约所获得的,然后呢?” What relations with untying the third seal has?” “和解开第三层封印有什么关系吗?” I do not know.” “我不知道。” Ha?” “哈?” „Do Bohlken Nika and Nika's contract, how I possibly know?” summer Wula shrugs: You must ask, should ask these people in your country.” “波尔肯尼卡和露格尼卡的契约,我怎么可能知道?”夏乌拉耸了耸肩:“你要问,也应该问你们国家的那些人啊。” Probably .... Indeed is this. 好像....的确是这样。 Bored.” “无聊。” Priscilla turns on the folding fan, the brow slightly wrinkle: Therefore before This One, didn't ask? Why must convene the This One five people especially in the same place.” 普莉希拉打开折扇,眉头微皱:“所以妾身之前不就问了吗?为什么要把妾身五人特地召集在一起。” Then this issue, was given to neglect by you.” “然后这个问题,就被你们给忽略过去了。” ..... Truly.” “.....确实。” The storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates to resist the chin, ponder said: Xie Ming Sir/minister Jiran lets like our four people beside Sir Millie coming, explained that perhaps... we can play the role.” 库珥修抵住下巴,边思考边说道:“谢铭卿既然让爱蜜莉亚大人之外的我们四人过来,就说明或许...我们能够起到作用。” However now only and we have the seal of relation, is the seal of this Divine Dragon.” “而现在唯一和我们有联系的封印,便是这道神龙的封印。” Seal .... Miko of dragon .... Divine Dragon and Nika's contract ..... “封印....龙之巫女....神龙和露格尼卡的契约.....” Not is only the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates was pondering, some seemingly careless Priscilla, carefully are also analyzing to this matter contradiction Anna Tassie. 不仅仅是库珥修在思考,看似漫不经心的普莉希拉、对这件事有些抵触的安娜塔西亚也都在仔细分析着。 Loving Millie who let alone situated in key position's poor|Fei Luti, as well as is worried about the Xie Ming situation. 更别说处于重要位置的菲鲁特,以及担心谢铭情况的爱蜜莉亚了。 The time, does not allow them to handle this matter slowly. 时间,可不允许他们能够慢悠悠的处理这件事。 „? Just wants saying that why Grand Falls will have such intense space to fluctuate, therefore has caught up with coming to see of especially. Ran into so many key men unexpectedly.” “啊啦?刚想说大瀑布这边为什么会有这么强烈的空间波动,所以特地赶过来看了看。没想到,居然遇到了这么多关键人物啊。” Really worthily is he, is really enough vigorous and resolute.” “真不愧是他,真是够雷厉风行的。” This sound is ..... “这个声音是.....” Likes the Millie body trembling slightly, somewhat inconceivable casts the vision toward the sound place: Aggie Donner?” 爱蜜莉亚的身体微微一颤,有些不可思议的向着声音处投去目光:“艾姬多娜?” ~ without thinking can meet with you quickly again, loves Millie.” “呀~没想到这么快就能和你再遇啊,爱蜜莉亚。” Colored glaze this .... No, clones the body?” “琉兹....不,是克隆体吗?” This you may guess wrong.” “这你可就猜错了。” Puts on the white hair colored glaze of black robe to shrug: This body is not the replica, but is the main body.” 穿着黑袍的白发琉兹耸了耸肩:“这个身体可不是复制体,而是本体。” Preserved 400 years in the demon crystal, colored glaze Méhers.” “是在魔水晶中保存了四百年之久的,琉兹・梅艾尔。” Also really saw the person of longing, right, summer Wula.” “不过还真是见到了怀念的人了啊,对吧,夏乌拉。” „.” “啧。” summer Wula curls the lip: Was seeing that most outer layer seal was relieved, but also thinks that you died finally. You can also live like this.” 夏乌拉撇了撇嘴:“在看到最外层封印被解除,还以为你终于死了。没想到,这样你都还能活下来。” You also really have enough tenaciously, Aggie Donner.” “你还真是有够顽强的啊,艾姬多娜。”
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