RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1826: 4 seals

Popular recommendation: , I have not yes introduced oneself. I am teacher colored glaze Geyl's the apprentice, the surveillance tower: The protector of pleiades, summer Wula.” 热门推荐:“啊,对了,我还没有自我介绍呢。我是老师弗琉盖尔的徒弟,监视塔:昴星团的守护者,夏乌拉。” Although Bohlken Nika said before the world had any big change, perhaps many people came to here quickly, may till just I doubtful. Bohlken Nika really said unexpectedly right.” “虽然之前波尔肯尼卡说世界发生了什么大的变化,或许很多人就快来这里了,可直到刚刚为止我都还是半信半疑呢。没想到,波尔肯尼卡居然真说对了。” Really all these your are expected in the master, right?” “果然这一切都在师傅你的预料之中,对吧?” ! ! Wanted... dead .... “唔!唔唔唔唔!要...要死了....” Yeah ~ the master you were saying that what nonsense ~ the master is how possible, because this degree does die?” “哎~师傅你在说什么胡话嘛~师傅怎么可能因为这点程度就死呢?” I... I .... “我...我....” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades go all out is working loose, wants to open the mouth. But opens mouth, a lump of soft meat will block his mouth directly, such only will become worse. 菜月昴拼命的挣脱着,想要开口。但一张嘴,一坨软肉就会直接塞住他的嘴巴,那样只会变得更加糟糕。 Therefore now he can only a hand make an effort is pushing the scorpion tail pigtail young girl, at the same time waves to call for help toward others. 所以他现在只能一只手使劲的推着蝎尾辫少女,一边挥手朝着其他人呼救。 But unfortunately, others on the scene already by the status that the young girl exposes to the shock, no one cares about vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades this radically appreciating one's own good fortune person. 但可惜的是,在场的其他人已经被少女曝出的身份给震惊,根本没有人去在意菜月昴这个‘身在福中不知福’的人。 Colored glaze Geyl .... This is not in the legend the name of sage ..... also has Bohlken Nika, said is Divine Dragon Bohlken Nika?” “弗琉盖尔....这不是传说中贤者的名字嘛.....还有波尔肯尼卡,说的难道是神龙波尔肯尼卡?” Great Sage . Disciples?” “大贤者的..弟子?” Hey, were you admitting mistakes person?” poor|Fei Luti uncomfortable saying of: Pleiades are not your master. Also, if you are continue hug such tightly, he may really probably suffocate dead.” “喂,你是不是认错人了?”菲鲁特不爽的说道:“昴可不是你的师傅。还有,你如果在继续抱这么紧的话,他可真的要窒息死掉了。” Yeah?” “哎?” Is now! 就是现在! „!?” “呀!?” While summer Wula's god, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades made an effort to be separated from this to kill suddenly earnestly, move sideways arrived at the poor|Fei Luti behind, fearful looks at the scorpion tail pigtail young girl. 趁着夏乌拉的愣神,菜月昴猛然用力脱离了这埋头杀,闪身来到了菲鲁特的身后,心有余悸的看着蝎尾辫少女。 Master ..... a summer Wula face suffering looks at vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades: 400 years do not see, did your interest change?” “师傅.....”夏乌拉一脸委屈的看着菜月昴:“四百年不见,难道你的兴趣爱好变了吗?” My appearance, is caters to the master you to like to put on obviously.” Saying, summer Wula also made several tease posture that specially shows the body graceful charm. “明明我的这身打扮,都是迎合师傅你的喜好来穿的。”说着,夏乌拉还专门做了几个展现身体曼妙魅力的挑逗姿势。 Looks at the master, these postures are the master you teach.” “看师傅,这些姿势都是师傅你教的啊。” ....... “.......” Hey, everyone? Why can visit me with that subtle look? I am not her master, the interest am also this type of!” “喂喂,大家?为什么要用那种微妙的眼神看着我?我既不是她的师傅,兴趣爱好也是这种类型的啊!” How... how this ..... “怎...怎么这样.....” Summer Wula exuded one to call out in grief, but buoyed up immediately: Master! You told the type that I you like now! I change toward that aspect immediately!” 夏乌拉发出了一声悲鸣,但马上又振作了起来:“师傅!你告诉我你现在喜欢的类型!我立马就往那个方面改!” „, The words did not say that your major premise made a mistake!” Saying that vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades absolutely cannot be helped: I am not your master!” “不不不不,话说你这个大前提就搞错了啊!”菜月昴万般无奈的说道:“我不是你的师傅!” Is impossible!” “不可能!” Why!?” “为什么啊!?” Body has such thick Strega (Witch) odd/surplus fragrant person, is impossible to have the second person besides the master?” “身上有这么浓厚的魔女余香的人,除了师傅之外不可能有第二个人啊?” Summer Wula's natural saying: Moreover the body also planned neat .... Un? How only then this Strega (Witch) factor came, was the master you loaf?” 夏乌拉理所当然的说道:“而且身上还筹齐了....嗯?怎么才只有这点魔女因子就过来了,师傅你是偷懒了吗?” Therefore I am not your master .... Ok.” “所以说我不是你师傅....算了。” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades sighed, sincere say/way: Summer Wula, we come, to untie the Satella seal.” 菜月昴叹了口气,正色道:“夏乌拉,我们过来,是为了解开莎缇拉的封印的。” Ok, you untie.” “可以啊,你们解开吧。” Really not good .....?” “果然不行.....嗯?” The words stop suddenly, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades blink: Ok?” 话语戛然而止,菜月昴眨了眨眼睛:“可以吗?” Ok.” “可以啊。” summer Wula nods, referred to behind Grand Falls: That Grand Falls, is development of seal. Originally four, but untied one a while ago, therefore was only left over three.” 夏乌拉点了点头,指了指身后的大瀑布:“那个大瀑布,就是封印的展现。原本有四层,但前段时间被解开了一层,所以只剩下三层了。” Three?” “三层?” Un.” Summer Wula is breaking off the finger: Most outer layer, is envies beside Strega (Witch) other six big Strega (Witch) souls, is conducting the suppression in the place of named Saint territory.” “嗯。”夏乌拉掰着手指:“最外层的,是嫉妒魔女之外其他六大魔女的灵魂,在名为圣域的地方进行着镇压。” Second is Redd's seal, can only untie by Redd.” “第二层是雷德的封印,只能由雷德来解开。” Third is Bohlken Nika's seal , can only be able to untie by Bohlken Nika.” “第三层是波尔肯尼卡的封印,也只能由波尔肯尼卡才能解开。” Fourth, is the seal that the master you set personally, only then the master you operate can untie. “第四层,就是师傅你亲自设置的封印,只有师傅你去操作才能够解开。 Said, with mew mew has really pursued recently, traded the source switch over, reading aloud the timbre were many, the Android apple may.】 ”【讲真,最近一直用咪咪追更,换源切换,朗读音色多,安卓苹果均可。】 Saint territory .... “圣域....” Liked the Millie look fluctuating, later asked in a soft voice: „The untying method of seal, only then this type?” 爱蜜莉雅眼神波动了一下,随后轻声问道:“封印的解开手段,就只有这一种吗?” Un, naturally. Oh? On the other hand...” “嗯,当然啊。唉?话说回来...” summer Wula pulled closer itself all of a sudden and loves the Millie distance, is sizing up carefully: „The attention all on the master, had not just cared too.” 夏乌拉一下子拉近了自己和爱蜜莉雅的距离,细细打量着:“刚刚注意力全在师傅身上,没有在意太多。” You... really and Satella seems like.” “你...真的和莎缇拉好像啊。” ......., Many people said.” “.......是啊,好多人都这么说。” Until now, liked Millie to face such words with a smile. But summer Wula's below a few words, make her sink. 时至今日,爱蜜莉雅已经可以笑着面对这样的话语了。但夏乌拉的下一句话,却让她心里一沉。 No, I am not this meaning.” “不,我不是这个意思。” Summer Wula sizes up to love Millie up and down, in the mouth thinks aloud: This cannot with describe likely .... The sound, look and character, almost carve from a mold. Moreover, on you also has Bohlken Nika's aura?” 夏乌拉上下打量着爱蜜莉雅,口中自言自语道:“这已经不能用像来形容....声音、相貌、性格,几乎是从一个模子里刻出来的。而且,你身上还有着波尔肯尼卡的气息?” Strange... master their three, what wicked scheme is also hitting?” “奇怪...师傅他们三个,又在打什么鬼主意吗?” ......... “.........” Now does not mean these times.” “现在并不是说这些的时候。” Saying that bluish green green jade silk coldly: No matter 400 years ago Great Sage, Divine Dragon and sword Saint are planning anything, are not related with present us.” 碧翠丝冷冷的说道:“不管四百年前的大贤者、神龙和剑圣到底在计划着什么,都和现在的我们没有关系。” Now we carry out, is the plan of Xie Ming.” “我们现在所执行的,是谢铭的计划。” Since the second seal is beginning generation of sword Saint Redd suppose, then Seine Ha Luti, you should be able to untie are.” “既然第二层封印是初代剑圣雷德所设下的,那么莱茵哈鲁特,你应该可以解开才是。” Yes.” “是啊。” The Seine Ha Luti slight nod, the right hand stood firm dragon sword the scabbard, forwards slowly. 莱茵哈鲁特微微点头,右手稳住了龙剑的剑鞘,缓缓向前。 Actually when seeing this landscape, in my heart actually has the feeling that one type is unable to neglect. This feeling, is a bit like each time me, when king city goes on patrol, the sentiment at heart reappearing.” “其实在看到这景观时,我的心中其实就出现了一种无法忽视的感觉。这种感觉,有点像每次我在王城巡逻的时候,心里浮现的感情。” Is the responsibility? Is the duty? No, both types are not. Is a purer one feeling. One type incomparably fondly remembers, making me have the feeling that wish bursts into tears.” “是责任?是义务?不,两种都不是。是更为纯粹的一种感觉。一种无比怀念,让我都有种想要流泪的感觉。” I could not find any adjective to describe that this pure feeling, I only know, I must draw a sword at this time.” “我找不到任何形容词来形容这种纯粹的感觉,我只知道,我此时必须要拔剑。” „, Yes.” “啊,是了。” Dragon sword Redd is wrapping the pale golden ray, was extracted by Seine Ha Luti slowly, aimed at the present waterfall. 龙剑雷德包裹着淡金色的光芒,被莱茵哈鲁特缓缓抽出,指向了眼前的瀑布。 I thought that the name of this feeling was anything.” “我想起来了,这种感觉的名字叫什么。” This is when I noticed that the feeling of the first time some people needs me to draw a sword at heart to gush out.” “这是在我第一次看到有人需要我拔剑的时候心里所涌出的感觉。” I must, for she makes anything.” “我必须,为了她做点什么。” Buzz .... “嗡....” Yes, dragon sword Redd.” Seine Ha Luti smiled: You also approve of my words.” “是嘛,龙剑雷德。”莱茵哈鲁特笑了起来:“你也赞同我的话啊。” Then ..... “那么.....” Seine Ha Luti closed the eye, reappearing that the innumerable recollections cannot suppress at this moment unexpectedly to mind. 莱茵哈鲁特闭上了眼睛,无数的回忆此刻居然抑制不住的浮现到脑海中。 Although the talent is insufficient, but has been self-confident, diligently and pure swordsman, actually because of wife's deep sleep becomes disagreeable the father: Henkle Lancet Treia. 虽然天赋不够,但一直自信满满,努力而又纯正的剑士,却因为妻子的沉睡而变得乖戾起来的父亲:亨克尔・阿斯特雷亚。 By the present, recalled to be only left over to fondly remember and feeling of warming, had forgotten what kind of mother the smile is. 到了如今,回忆起来只剩下怀念和温暖之感,已经忘记了笑容是如何的母亲。 Replaced mother and irresponsible father, has taught own sword technique, taught how once for a while oneself train the grandmother of flowers: Theresia Lancet Treia. 代替了母亲和不负责任的父亲,一直教导自己剑术,时不时教导自己怎么培养花朵的祖母:特蕾西亚・范・阿斯特雷亚。 With the grandmother taught own sword technique, grandfather who at that time on the face somewhat the meeting showed some smile: Wilhelm Lancet Treia. 和祖母一起教导自己剑术,那时脸上还是多少会露出一些笑容的祖父:威尔海姆・范・阿斯特雷亚。 Why ..... at this time, will remember the grandmother and mother's guidance? 啊.....为什么这个时候,会想起祖母和母亲的教导呢? Seine Ha Luti, you are an intelligent child, you will certainly become Lancet Treia family/home strongest sword Saint.】 【莱茵哈鲁特,你是个聪慧的孩子,你一定会成为阿斯特雷亚家最强的剑圣吧。】 Therefore, you must protect the good common people, protects this country. .... 【所以,你要守护好百姓,守护好这个国家。更....】 Must protect everyone who you attach great importance.】 【更要守护好你重视的每一个人。】 At this time, remembered the latter half a word words that has forgotten unexpectedly.” “这个时候,居然想起了一直忘掉的后半句话了啊。” Seine Ha Luti smiled, wielded dragon sword gently. With the past that vast momentum wields a sword differently, this time, has not made any sound. 莱茵哈鲁特笑了起来,轻轻挥下了龙剑。和以往那声势浩大的挥剑不同,这一次,没有发出任何的声响。 But the waterfall of isolation world, as under wielding of this sword separates. 但隔绝世界的瀑布,随着这一剑的挥下而分开。 The second seal, relieves. 第二层封印,解除。
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