RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1825: Master

Popular recommendation: Seine Ha Luti Sir/minister, you whether should give us an explanation.” 热门推荐:“莱茵哈鲁特卿,您是否应该给我们一个解释。” Although the expression is calm, but Seine Ha Luti can definitely feel, in the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates the mind the anger of that savings. 虽然表情还算冷静,但莱茵哈鲁特完全可以感受到,库珥修心里那积蓄的怒火。 Storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates the Sir, about carries off your matter forcefully, I feel apology extremely.” “库珥修大人,关于强行带走您这件事,我感到万分的道歉。” You should understand that I was saying, is not this.” “你应该明白我在说的,并不是这个。” The storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates saying that coldly: „The plan of Xie Ming Sir/minister all of us understood probably, therefore you do not need to apologize because of this matter.” 库珥修冷冷的说道:“谢铭卿的计划我们所有人都大概了解,所以你无需因为这件事而道歉。” I the explanation that needs you to give, is you matter that makes a move to rob our opponents.” “我需要你给出的解释,是你出手抢夺我们对手的事。” „......” “......” Seine Ha Luti hangs the pupil slightly: At this matter, I thinks that I should give the storehouse arc of contact of halo to cultivate/repair the Sir your explanation.” 莱茵哈鲁特微微垂眸:“在这件事上,我想我应该给予库珥修大人您一个解释了。” This is I should the matter of doing, that is all.” “这是我该做的事,仅此而已。” You may know, you cut off may not only be the control of Villain/enemy, is you and Wilhelm's relations?” “那你可知道,你所斩断的可不仅仅是敌人的控制,更是你和威尔海姆的关系?” Yes.” Seine Ha Luti raised the head, tranquil saying: Grandfather may hate me, will appear kills me for the idea that the grandmother revenges.” “是的。”莱茵哈鲁特抬起头,平静的说道:“祖父或许会怨恨我,甚至会出现杀死我为祖母报仇的想法吧。” But just as I said that this is I should the crime of withstanding. Therefore grandfather's that sentiment, I will withstand together.” “但正如我所说,这是我本该承受的罪。所以祖父的那份感情,我会一同承受下来的。” Words said, at present reads aloud listens to storytelling easiest-to-use app, mew mew reading, installment most update.】 【话说,目前朗读听书最好用的app,咪咪阅读,安装最新版。】 „...... The Sir/minister you were too honest, honestly to the degree of letting the person choking with rage.” “......卿你实在太正直了,正直到让人窝火的程度。” Bites the lip, the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates deeply sighs, looks to others: Sorry, everyone, just my mood some out-of-control, lost the time.” 咬了咬嘴唇,库珥修深深叹了口气,看向其他人:“抱歉,各位,刚刚我的情绪有些失控,耽误了时间。” No, please do not say, the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates the Sir.” “不,请不要这么说,库珥修大人。” Likes Millie quickly beckoning with the hand: Although we do not know that exactly had anything, but wants to come to be very important matter.” 爱蜜莉雅急忙摆手:“虽然我们不知道到底发生了什么,但想来应该是很重要的事情。” Snort, is gesticulating to my knight, this tent/account after and other conclusions asks you to calculate.” “哼,对着我的骑士指手画脚,这笔帐就等结束之后再找你算吧。” Thank you, loves Sir Millie, poor|Fei Luti Sir.” “谢谢你们,爱蜜莉亚大人,菲鲁特大人。” That, what is?” “那么,接下来是什么?” Priscilla turns on the folding fan, impatient saying: Also makes Seine Ha Luti and other Wang Xuan gather together especially This One, Miko of this dragon status, besides becoming beside Wang Xuan, other functions?” 普莉希拉打开折扇,不耐烦的说道:“还特地让莱茵哈鲁特把妾身等五名王选者聚在一起,难道这个龙之巫女的身份,除了成为王选者之外,还有其他作用吗?” Hey, haven't these I said with you?” “喂喂,这些我不都和你说过了吗?” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades stared in a big way the eye: „Stage 1, is attracts and purifies king Chengnei by us by the civilians who the lust division teaches the infection control, lets hide by this in Villain/enemy of hidden place.” 菜月昴瞪大了眼睛:“第一阶段,是由我们来吸引、净化王城内被色欲司教感染控制的平民,以此让隐藏在暗处的敌人。” „Stage 2, then waits for the support of Seine Ha Luti.” “第二阶段,便是等待莱茵哈鲁特的支援。” „Stage 3, is everyone goes to the Satella seal place together.” “第三阶段,就是和大家一起前往莎缇拉的封印地点。” Snort, such lengthy speech This One how possible energy to remember.” Priscilla's natural saying: Moreover why can This One go to record these things especially? The stipulation plan forms, is the responsibility of servant.” “哼,那样的长篇大论妾身怎么可能能记住。”普莉希拉理所当然的说道:“况且为什么妾身要去特地记这些事情?规定计划形成,是下人的责任。” Good .... “好吧....” Has almost been familiar with Priscilla's vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades to sigh, later looks to Seine Ha Luti: However, Seine Ha Luti you know why Xie Ming can make us go to Satella by the place of seal?” 已经差不多习惯普莉希拉的菜月昴叹了口气,随后看向莱茵哈鲁特:“不过话说回来,莱茵哈鲁特你知道谢铭为什么要让我们去莎缇拉被封印的地方吗?” About this, was explained by Betty.” “关于这点,就由贝蒂来解释吧。” bluish green green jade silk stood, earnest saying: Now, Xie Ming he will be concocted Strega (Witch) to be stranded in oneself domain, making her not have the means to know outside matter temporarily.” 碧翠丝站了出来,认真的说道:“现在,谢铭他将虚饰魔女困在了自己的领域之中,让她暂时没有办法知晓外面的事情。” However while this opportunity, we must relieve seal of dragon God, Great Sage and sword Saints to envying Strega (Witch) Satella, making her maintain the sane appearance.” “而趁着这个机会,我们必须要解除龙神、大贤者和剑圣对嫉妒魔女莎缇拉的封印,让她保持着理智出现。” Relieves envies the Strega (Witch) seal!?” “解除嫉妒魔女的封印!?” Anna Tassie stared in a big way the eye: „Was this you insane I was insane? Earnest? That destroyed the monster of half world!” 安娜塔西亚瞪大了眼睛:“这是你们疯了还是我疯了?认真的吗?那可是毁灭了半个世界的怪物啊!” „Does Seine Ha Luti, you also approve of this plan?” “莱茵哈鲁特,你也赞同这个计划吗?” Is regrettable, Sir Anna Tassie.” Seine Ha Luti said with a smile: Although from the beginning, I also harbor the doubtful attitude to this plan.” “非常遗憾,安娜塔西亚大人。”莱茵哈鲁特笑道:“虽然一开始,我对这个计划也是怀有着半信半疑的态度。” „ The matter that but has, has made me believe firmly the feasibility of this plan. Envy Strega (Witch) that everyone thinks, imagination has not actually planted that fearfully, “但发生的事情,已经让我确信了这个计划的可行性。大家所想的嫉妒魔女,其实并没有各位想象种那么可怕, Also asked everyone to believe this. ” ....... 还请大家相信这点。”“.......” ........... “...........” Seine Ha Luti Sir/minister.” Silent the moment, the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivated/repaired the sinking sound saying: We are not the words that does not believe the Sir/minister, but risk of this plan, Sir/minister should be also clear at heart.” “莱茵哈鲁特卿。”沉默了片刻,库珥修沉声说道:“我们并非是不相信卿的话语,但这个计划的风险,卿的心里应该也清楚。” We cannot to process Strega (Witch) teaches, but takes the risk of the world destruction.” “我们不能为了处理魔女教,而冒世界毁灭的险。” You were also too naive, little miss.” “你也太天真了,小姑娘。” What has this word?” “何出此言?” Xie Ming has spoken such a few words.” bluish green green jade silk holds the chest saying: Potential hazard that all seals, can erupt sooner or later.” 谢铭说过这么一句话。”碧翠丝抱着胸说道:“所有的封印,都是迟早会爆发的潜在危险。” If not while this best time, but its solution, when then you do want to tow?” “如果不趁着这个最佳的时机而将其解决,那么你们想要拖到什么时候?” This......” “这......” Another point.” “还有另一点。” bluish green green jade silk tranquil saying: Solves the best way that Strega (Witch) teaches, then solves envy Strega (Witch) Satella of source. As for risk that you said that does not need to be worried.” 碧翠丝平静的说道:“解决魔女教的最好办法,便是解决源头的嫉妒魔女莎缇拉。至于你所说的风险,根本无需担心。” Even if Xie Ming is unable to set aside the hand now, we have enough card in a hand after resisting violence envy Strega (Witch).” “哪怕现在谢铭无法腾出手,我们也有足够的底牌可以对抗暴走后的嫉妒魔女。” ..... I did not have the question.” “.....我没有疑问了。” The storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivated/repaired for several seconds, the nod said silent: Xie Ming your excellency said is very right, is I do not have the consideration to be thoughtful.” 库珥修沉默了几秒,点头说道:“谢铭阁下说的很对,是我没有考虑周道。” Genuine and fake .... “真假....” Anna Tassie looked that cultivates to the storehouse arc of contact of halo, has a look at others again, discovered that does not have the expression of objection, she also can only sigh, the subconsciousness touched own scarf. 安娜塔西亚看向库珥修,再看看其他人,发现都是没有异议的表情,她也只能叹了口气,下意识摸了摸自己的围脖。 „Does Aggie Donner, how you see this matter?” “艾姬多娜,你怎么看这件事?” Now you do not have other choices.” Donner fox light saying: Yourself choose the ship that steps, naturally must be responsible for the choice.” “现在你也没有其他的选择。”多娜狐淡淡的说道:“你自己选择踏上的船,自然要为选择负责。” Is following this ship to the end point either. Either, with this ship submerges in the seabed together.” “要么跟随着这条船到终点。要么,就随着这条船一起沉没于海底。” Naturally you can also choose stand in line Strega (Witch) to teach now, at crucial moment comes a betrayal.” “当然你也可以选择现在站队魔女教,在关键时候来个背叛。” That was leaves.” “那还是别了。” First let alone can achieve, even if can achieve, gives up own chamber of commerce and position turns to Strega (Witch) to teach that group of lunatics, that is must have cannot look on the bright side of thing. 先别说自己能不能做到,就算可以做到,放弃自己的商会和地位去投靠魔女教那群疯子,那是得有多想不开啊。 Since no one opposed, then leaves immediately.” “既然没有人反对,那么就立马动身吧。” Snort, is really the waste time.” “哼,真是浪费时间。” bluish green green jade silk light snort/hum, puts out a hand to forward. At the same time with the support of Xie Ming that huge spirit strength, accommodates six people sufficiently through the black great gate launches before the people. 碧翠丝轻哼一声,伸手向前。在谢铭那庞大灵力的支持下,一面足以容纳六人通过的黑色巨门在众人面前展开。 Walks.” bluish green green jade silk took the lead: „The gate opposite is the end of the world, the boundary of the world.” “走吧。”碧翠丝率先走了进去:“门的对面就是世界的尽头,世界的分界线。” Envies the Strega (Witch) Satella seal is.” “嫉妒魔女莎缇拉封印的所在。” ----- ----- The space gate that forms from Yin attribute Magic Power/Charm goes out one after another, prints in the people view, is they only in the legend has heard the landscape. 陆续从阴属性魔力形成的空间门中走出,印入到众人眼帘之中的,是他们只在传说中才听到过的景观。 As if divides into two giant waterfall that the world. 似乎将世界一分为二的巨大瀑布。 Here is .... “这里就是....” „The end of the world ..... “世界的尽头.....” Everyone, was shocked by this scenery. In the face of this world-class grand scenery, everyone felt own tiny. 所有人,都被这景色所震撼。在这世界级的壮丽风景面前,每个人都感觉到了自己的渺小。 Everyone ~ welcome to the end of the world, the Satella seal is.” “各位~欢迎来到世界的尽头,莎缇拉的封印所在。” Before the people have not responded, black hair hot-pants young girl who is helping list ponytail slowly from in the air landing. 就在众人都还没有反应过来之前,一名帮着单马尾的黑发热裤少女缓缓从空中降落。 Afterward, threw in the bosom of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades all of a sudden. 随后,一下子扑到了菜月昴的怀中。 Master ~ I quite think you ~ ~ ~ ~ “师傅~我好想你啊~~~~” Yeah?” “哎?” Yeah!?????” “哎!?????”
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