RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1823: ‚Fair’ world

Death easily?” “不要轻易的死了?” Xie Ming these words, brought a marvelous incredible feeling to Pandora. 谢铭的这句话,给潘多拉带来了一种奇妙的荒诞感。 At present this man is from the heart, believes can the weapon in own hand give to kill her? Said, surrounded her with the bewildered method, thinks that had victory in the hand? 眼前这个男人是发自内心的,相信自己手中的武器可以把她给杀死?还是说,用莫名其妙的方法把她困住了,就以为胜券在握了? Really, pitiful man. 真是,可怜的男人。 This thinks oneself infallible soon to ruin own life obviously, but actually knows nothing. human, how stupid lifeform. 明明这份自以为是即将葬送掉自己的生命,但却毫不知情。人类,多么愚蠢的生物啊。 But when because of this, pursues desire human frankly, that beautiful. 但正因为如此,坦率追求欲望时的人类,才会那么的美丽。 Killed him also too to waste. 啊啊,杀死他也实在太浪费了。 Thinks of here, Pandora was showing that smile as always to Xie Ming. Is that is smiling obviously. But in eye actually does not have any mood expression. 想到这里,潘多拉对着谢铭露出了那一如既往的笑容。就是那明明是在笑。但眼里却没有任何情绪的表情。 Hehe, you call Xie Ming, right? I can see, your skill is not completely inferior in Seine Ha Luti. In order to exercise this putting out a hand, actually needs to eat many pain, consumes many time.” “呵呵呵,你是叫谢铭,对吧?我能看出,你的身手完全不逊色于莱茵哈鲁特。为了锻炼出这副伸手,究竟需要吃多少的苦,耗费多少的时间。” My deep by your was insisted was moved. Many years ago , also has such a man to achieve such thing.” “我深深的被你的这份坚持所感动了。在许多年前,同样也有着这么一个男人做到了这样的事。” But, Xie Ming, you are clear. The effort of this world, could not compare the divine protection of others casual bestowed by heaven forever.” “但是,谢铭,你要明白。这个世界的努力,永远比不上别人随便一份天赐的加护。” Therefore?” “所以呢?” Xie Ming cuts to kill Pandora unceasingly, while said: Therefore must give up, didn't attempt to control own destiny?” 谢铭一边不断‘斩杀’着潘多拉,一边说道:“所以就要放弃了,就不尝试着把控自己的命运了?” No, is not this.” “不,不是这样的。” Pandora shakes the head, said with a smile: I am telling you, is complaining to this world, the strength of named divine protection has is unreasonable.” 潘多拉摇摇头,笑着说道:“我只是在告诉你,在向这个世界控诉着,名为加护的力量是有多么的不合理。” Xie Ming, since you and Aggie Donner have met, then you should understand in this world, but also has named power strength.” 谢铭,既然你和艾姬多娜见过面,那么你应该明白这个世界上,还存在着名为‘权能’的力量吧。” „The birth of power, came from earnestly seeking and desire in human innermost feelings. But Strega (Witch) factor, but as this most powerful strength directing godson. This, is the strength that everyone has.” “权能的诞生,源自于人类内心中的渴求和欲望。而魔女因子,只是作为了将这份最强大的力量给引出来的‘契子’。这,才是每个人都拥有的力量。” You want to know that I do found the goal that Strega (Witch) teaches?” “你想知道我创建魔女教的目的吗?” My goal, is elimination divine protection existence, helping everyone obtain the true equality. Everyone, has by own desire and earnestly seeking, obtains the power of thing of wish.” “我的目的,就是消灭‘加护’的存在,让所有人获得真正的平等。每个人,都有着靠自己的欲望和渴求,获得自己想要之物的权力。” I must let everyone within the body in this world, has the Strega (Witch) factor.” “我要让这个世界的每个人体内,都拥有魔女因子。” What kind of, can join us?” “怎么样,要不要加入我们?” Pandora, is putting out a hand to Xie Ming unexpectedly: „If you, should be able to understand the meaning that I said is.” 潘多拉,竟然对着谢铭伸出了手:“如果是你,应该能明白我所说的含义才是。” ........ “........” The reply of Xie Ming, is swifter and fiercer cutting strikes. 谢铭的回答,是更加凌厉的斩击。 Why?” Pandora somewhat puzzled looks at Xie Ming: Why you are willing to support this ideal, this great aspirations?” “为什么?”潘多拉有些不解的看着谢铭:“为什么你愿意支持这份理想,这份宏愿?” Makes the world fairer, this is not just your supporter, matter that half elf wants to handle?” “让世界变得更加公平,这不正是你的支持者,那个半精灵想要做的事情吗?” Since you are not willing to support, why that can help her?” “既然你不愿意支持,那为什么又要帮助她?” „...... .” “......呼。” Cut to strike to stop, Xie Ming sighed. In the eye, has deeply does not bear. 斩击停了下来,谢铭叹了口气。眼里,有着深深的不耐。 To be honest, I really do not want to puncture your to see through, named happy the paper is wrapping evil intention.” “说实话,我是真的不想戳破你那一眼就能看穿,被名为‘美好’的纸所包裹着的‘恶意’。” But you, since must loving the Millie ideal and your evil intention jumbles together, I also can only break your memorial arch.” “但你既然要把爱蜜莉雅的理想和你这恶意混为一谈,那我也只能来砸碎你的牌坊了。” What makes everyone equal, making everyone has the thing that the power obtains itself to want. Pandora, you long for seeing, but is human slaughters for own desire mutually.” “什么让所有人都平等,让所有人都有权力获得自己想要的事物啊。潘多拉,你所渴望看见的,不过是人类为了自己的欲望而互相厮杀罢了。” Perhaps Pandora these words, flicker others also to succeed. What is Xie Ming? 潘多拉这番话,忽悠一下其他人或许还能成功。但谢铭是什么? But he around has experienced ‚the wickedness of this world and ‚the desire of this world person. 他可是前后体验过‘此世之恶’和‘此世之欲’的人。 He makes personally is not equal, he slaughtered many actually to have no aristocrat of sin personally, even children in even/including the family have not let off. 他亲手制造过不平等,他亲手屠杀了许多其实没有任何罪孽的贵族,甚至连家族中的孩子都没有放过。 The sin is made by him, hopes that is created by him. 罪孽由他制造,希望由他创造。 The world is unreasonable, is unfair. But this unreasonable and is unfair, fettered the desire of person shackles. 世界不合理,也不公平。但这不合理和不公平,正是束缚了人之欲望的枷锁。 If lost this shackles, the world becomes how dangerous. 如果失去了这枷锁,世界会变得何其危险。 Exists, must have its significance. Unreasonable and is unfair, has his significance in inside. 存在的,必有其意义。不合理和不公平,也有着他的意义在里面。 Regards the thing, cannot only see its wicked side. Like the evil conduct of Xie Ming slaughter, was actually eradicating the deep-rooted social class issue, created the hope for the world, blowing the new atmosphere was the same. 看待事物,绝不能只看到它恶的一面。正如同谢铭屠杀的恶行,却铲除了根深蒂固的阶级问题,为世界创造了希望,吹来了新风一样。 Even if Pandora's idea, brings also not necessarily is the misdemeanor. 哪怕是潘多拉的想法,所带来的也并不一定全是坏事。 If everyone had the Strega (Witch) factor, had the power, then the world in strength under this rule, obtains inevitably fairly. 如果人人都拥有了魔女因子,拥有了权能,那么世界必然在‘力量’这个规则下,得到公平。 But finally, human will be perished by own desire. 但最终,人类还是会被自己的欲望灭亡。 The desire of person is infinite, the person will never satisfy, monster that will only earnestly seek unceasingly. 人的欲是无穷的,人是永远不会满足,只会不断渴求的怪物。 In desire under the comparison lost, will only be born in a big way desire. Bigger desire swallowing desire, increases again. Finally, that desire becomes will be the same with demon Luo Pusa, even the universe can swallow. 在‘欲’的比较下输了,只会诞生更大的‘欲’。更大的‘欲’吞噬‘欲’,再次变大。最后,那份‘欲’就会变得和魔罗菩萨一样,连宇宙都能吞噬。 You said that Pandora doesn't know these things? She definitely knows. However, this situation is she wants to see. 你说潘多拉不知道这些事情吗?她肯定是知道的。但是,这种情况则就是她想要看到的。 human destroys because of the desire, this is you most wants to see, right.” 人类因欲望而毁灭,这就是你最想看到的,对吧。” ......., You were really good, Xie Ming.” “.......啊啊,你真是太棒了,谢铭。” Caressed the face single-handed for the first time, in Pandora that eyes pupil appeared excitedly. This excitement, after is she becomes Strega (Witch), again has not had mood. 单手抚住脸,潘多拉那双眼眸中第一次出现了‘激动’。这份激动,是她变为魔女之后,就再也没有出现过的情绪。 Kiss, this chapter has not ended, the next page 0 have not thought unexpectedly here, found my knower. You, are I have seen best human.” 亲,本章未完,还有下一页哦0“没有想到居然在这里,找到了我的理解者。你,是我见过的最棒的人类。” Right, I want to see such scene. After all, human slaughters for own desire mutually, ugly appearance of mutual hatred, how ignorant, how dirty, how beautiful.” “没错,我就是想看到那样的场景。毕竟,人类为了自己的欲望而互相厮杀,互相仇恨的丑陋模样,是多么的愚昧,多么的肮脏,多么的美丽啊。” I want to see the miracle, Xie Ming.” “我想看到奇迹,谢铭。” I want to see in that dirty environment, whether can be born to save the world, the vessel that can hold human all desires, presents the true Savior.” “我想看到在那肮脏的环境中,是否能够诞生可以拯救世界,可以容纳人类所有欲望的容器,出现真正的救世主。” Satella that child has the qualifications of Savior, but does not have the will of Savior, therefore she was insane, becomes monster that will only woo thirstily.” 莎缇拉那孩子有着救世主的资格,但却没有救世主的意志,所以她疯了,变为了一个只会渴求爱的怪物。” Aggie Donner wants the salvation, but she does not have the qualifications, does not have the ability. Because of her curiosity, the itself/Ben can destroy one of the world desires. Other Strega (Witch), not to mention.” “艾姬多娜想要救世,但是她既没有资格,也没有能力。因为她的好奇,本就是能够毁灭世界的欲望之一。其他的魔女,就更不用说了。” But you, Xie Ming, I think that you can become this Savior, becomes the vessel that contains all desires, and suppresses with own will, controls them, leads the world.” “但是你,谢铭,我认为你能成为这名救世主,成为包容所有欲望的容器,并用自己的意志压制,操控他们,带领世界。” „Becoming the Savior in this world, Xie Ming. I have accompanied side you, witnesses your miracle and cause, with your syngenesis, altogether dies with you.” “成为这个世界的救世主吧,谢铭。我会一直陪在你身边,见证你的奇迹和伟业,和你同生,和你共死。” You?” “你?” Xie Ming took a look at Pandora, reveals facial expression that shut out extremely: You like Millie half hair not comparing, who gives your self-confidence.” 谢铭瞅了眼潘多拉,露出了极为嫌弃的神情:“你连爱蜜莉雅的半根头发都比不上,谁给你的自信啊。” Makes me the Savior? You? Cracks a joke.” “让我成为救世主?就你?开什么玩笑。” Your only turning over to place, repays own sin here, then selects dead simply. The insane young married woman of thinking oneself infallible, do not look at oneself is too high.” “你唯一的归处,就是在这里偿还自己的罪孽,然后干脆点去死。自以为是的疯婆娘,可别把自己看太高了。” I do not know that you have experienced anything, why will turn into this, I did not care. Because of your achievement, had lost the qualifications of letting the person care and sympathy.” “我不知道你经历过什么事,为什么会变成这样,我也不关心。因为你的作为,已经失去了让人关心和同情的资格。” Makes you die under my blade, is I to your, biggest pitying.” “让你死在我的刀下,已经是我对你的,最大的怜悯了。” Kiss, this chapter has ended, wish you to read happily! 0 亲,本章已完,祝您阅读愉快!0
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