RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1822: Seeing you 1 is not really easy

Responded to Pandora, as before was two cold light air-splitting. But finally, was just like before, there is a feel of hit, but did not have to cause the damage to her in fact. 回应潘多拉的,依旧是两道破空的冷光。但结果,还是和之前一样,有击中的手感,但却没有实质上对她造成伤害。 The condition, is obviously turning toward very much to the Elsa disadvantageous direction derivative. 状况,很明显在向着对艾尔莎不利的方向偏导。 Change that even so, the smile on Elsa face has no as before. But does not know is the misconception, Elsa's pupil, as if added wielding not loose blood-color. 就算如此,艾尔莎脸上的微笑依旧没有任何的改变。但不知道是不是错觉,艾尔莎的瞳孔,似乎多添上了一份挥之不散的血色。 The blood is moving restlessly. Bloodlines from vampire, after running into this woman, starts to boil. 血在躁动着。来自吸血鬼的血脉,在遇到这个女人之后,就开始沸腾。 Innumerable Elsa has not experienced the picture, 11 appear. 无数艾尔莎没有经历过的画面,正一一浮现。 These pictures, what are these memories? At present this is concocted Strega (Witch), what relations has with the vampire? 这些画面,这些记忆是什么?眼前这个虚饰魔女,和吸血鬼有什么关系吗? Hehe, the vampire blood is bearing a grudge as always ~ “呵呵,吸血鬼的血还是一如既往的记仇啊~” Elsa's unusual condition, is naturally impossible to conceal the truth in her opposite Pandora. The young girl of silver hair covers mouth smiles, the explanation of good intention: That is the vampire unique inheritance way, the memory of blood.” 艾尔莎的异状,自然不可能瞒过就在她对面的潘多拉。银发的少女捂嘴一笑,好心的解释道:“那是吸血鬼特有的传承方式,血之记忆。” As the race that the dependence blood survives, their all abilities originate from the blood. Even the body, is the blood composes essentially.” “作为依靠血来生存的种族,他们的一切能力都来源于血。甚至身体,从本质上都是血组成的。” Naturally, the vampires memory will also preserve in the blood, turns toward the descendant to transmit the information by this.” “自然,吸血鬼们的记忆也会保存在血之中,以此向着后代传递情报。” „? Known is very detailed.” “哦?知道的很详细呢。” Elsa said with a smile in a soft voice: Unexpectedly knows is more detailed than me, is Strega (Witch) teaches back Strega (Witch) worthily.” 艾尔莎轻声笑道:“居然知道的比我还要详细,不愧是魔女教背后的魔女啊。” No, overpraised. I after all was just not with Aggie Donner who that Wang Xuan runs away, not possible anything to know. But only vampire matter, I know is very clear.” “不,过奖了。我毕竟不是刚刚和那位王选者一起逃走的艾姬多娜,不可能什么都知道。但唯独吸血鬼这件事,我知道的很清楚。” After all in initially, was I gave the extermination of the clan a vampire clan.” “毕竟在当初,就是我将吸血鬼一族给灭族的啊。” ........ “........” „Aren't you certainly surprised?” “你一定也不惊讶呢?” I am very surprised.” Elsa shows a faint smile: Words that but thinks carefully, this indeed conforms to Master very much to your appraisal.” “我很惊讶哦。”艾尔莎微微一笑:“但仔细想想的话,这的确很符合主人对你的评价。” Master? Appraisal?” 主人?评价?” Why does not know, when hears these two glossaries, Pandora's innermost feelings presented an anxiety. 不知道为什么,在听到这两个词汇的时候,潘多拉的内心出现了一丝不安。 Initially by other Strega (Witch) together pursuits time, anxiety that has not felt. 一丝就连自己当初被其他魔女共同驱逐的时候,都没有感觉到的不安。 Master had once said like this, being concocted Strega (Witch) is a rash actually extremely cautious person. She can make the extremely tragic matter without hesitation, but is actually afraid own existence exposition.” 主人曾这样说过,虚饰魔女是一个胆大妄为却又极为谨慎的人。她可以毫不犹豫的做出惨绝人寰的事情,但却害怕自己的存在暴露。” Therefore she has been planning, has been fiddling with the plot. She is not a powerhouse, is only a poisonous snake.” “所以她才会一直在算计,一直在捣鼓着阴谋。她不是强者,只是条毒蛇。” From your approach until now, you have been as if concealing own existence to the world. Therefore, you will revise love the memory of Sir Millie, you meet the dense/woods of destruction entire elf.” “从你至今为止的做法来看,你似乎一直在向世界隐瞒着自己的存在。所以,你才会修改爱蜜莉雅大人的记忆,你才会覆灭整个精灵之森。” Such being the case, the vampire exterminated the clan by you as if is also the natural matter.” “既然如此,吸血鬼被你灭族似乎也是理所当然的事情。” Memory of function in blood, your ability should not affect? But initially you can be pursued, explained that your power actually has the flaw.” “作用于血中的记忆,你的能力应该是影响不到的吧?而当初你能被驱逐,就说明你的权能其实是有缺陷的。” However has experienced the vampire of war of that pursuit, recorded this matter in the memory of blood. Therefore, they exterminated the clan by you.” “而经历过那场驱逐之战的吸血鬼,将这件事记录在了血之记忆里。因此,他们被你灭族了。” „The answer that I give, does not know that you do satisfy?” “我给出的答案,不知道你满意吗?” Un, is satisfied.” “嗯,非常满意。” Pandora smiles: Is only your words, making me produce curiously.” 潘多拉笑了笑:“只是你的话,让我产生了一点好奇啊。” That that you said .... Your is Master, which? That at Wang Xuan ceremony, is called the Xie Ming mister?” “你说的那名....你的主人,到底是哪位呢?是在王选仪式上的那位,叫做谢铭的先生吗?” „, Never expected that you have listened to my name. Thus, speaking was easier.” “哦,没想到你听过我的名字啊。这样,说起话来就容易多了。” „!!!!!” “!!!!!” Feels Pandora who periphery changes, the expression suddenly changes, immediately wants to use the power to leave. The body in disappearance of original place, appeared in the place probably five meters away. 感受到周围变化的潘多拉,表情骤然一变,当即就想要使用权能离开。身体在原来的地方的消失,出现在了大概五米之外的地方。 Both hands, as if hold not a visible air wall. 双手,似乎扶着一面看不见的空气墙。 Master.” 主人。” To the youth baggage of arrival, Elsa was saying slightly with a smile: Good fortune does not fail in one's mission.” 对着到来的青年微微行李,艾尔莎笑着说道:“幸不辱命。” Un, good work.” “嗯,辛苦了。” Touches Elsa's head gently, Xie Ming said in a soft voice: Goes to the west side to help Rem, awakened thoroughly you of blood of vampire, is guzzles the biggest difficult adversary.” 轻轻摸了摸艾尔莎的脑袋,谢铭轻声说道:“去西侧帮助雷姆吧,彻底觉醒了吸血鬼之血的你,是暴食最大的克星。” Yes.” “是。” Elsa said with a smile: I also want to feel, the big crime Si teach intestines are anything feel.” 艾尔莎笑道:“我也想感受一下,大罪司教的肠子是什么感觉呢。” Gazes after Elsa to leave, Xie Ming takes a fresh look at the vision to Pandora. 目送艾尔莎离开,谢铭重新将目光看向潘多拉。 „To see you to be possible is not really easy at the same time, is concocted Strega (Witch) Pandora.” “想见你一面可真不容易啊,虚饰魔女・潘多拉。” Does not have the means to maintain beforehand such indifferent smile Strega (Witch), facial expression indifferent looks at the present youth, the sound just like must give the freeze the air. 已经没有办法保持之前那样淡然笑容的魔女,神情冷漠的看着眼前的青年,声音宛如要将空气给冻结。 What did you make?” “你做了什么?” With your understandable view, is ties.” “用你可以理解的说法,就是结界。” Monster Blade anti- on shoulder, Xie Ming light saying: Can, whatever I expand, contraction ties based in along.” 妖刀抗在肩上,谢铭淡淡的说道:“可以任由我扩展,收缩的常驻型随身结界。” However in this knot, all things is operated by me. I do not want to make you go out, even if you use the power unable to go out. Only if, you use the brute force to break it....” “而在这结界里面,一切的事物都由我来操作。我不想让你出去,哪怕你动用权能也出不去。除非,你用蛮力将其打破。或者...” Has other what means.” “有什么其他的办法。” Ties, so that's how it is, Aggie Donner's promisor?” “结界,原来如此,艾姬多娜的契约者吗?” Hehe, your whether some will be wrong intent.” Xie Ming smiles: Aggie Donner indeed told me many things, but also only this in this.” “呵呵呵,你是否有些会错意了。”谢铭笑了笑:“艾姬多娜的确告诉了我不少事情,但也仅此于此。” Dragon god, Great Sage, sword Saint as well as Aggie Donner, for some future day people can cope with you, made many preparations. Their plans were given to mix by me.” “龙神、大贤者、剑圣以及艾姬多娜,为了今后的日子有人能对付你,做出了不少准备。只是他们的计划被我给搅和了。” I used some to my plan “我只是用了些能对我的计划 Kiss, this chapter has not ended, next page the things of 0 effect. ” 亲,本章未完,还有下一页哦0起效的东西而已。” „......, therefore, your goal is me sleepily here?” “......所以,你的目的就是把我困在这里?” How possibly.” “怎么可能。” The voice just fell, the Monster Blade blade front cutting of no hindrance had then gotten down Pandora's head. 话音才刚刚落下,妖刀的刃锋便已经毫无阻碍的斩下了潘多拉的头颅。 The head that cuts rolled several in the ground, later vanishes. Pandora's form, appeared in domain another side. 斩下的脑袋在地面上滚了几圈,随后消失。潘多拉的身影,出现在了领域的另一边。 Good quick blade. But, merely is such words, your ability is also not enough to threaten me.” “好快的刀。但,仅仅是这样的话,你的能力还不足以威胁到我啊。” Right?” “是吗?” Xie Ming sneered, the good intention referred to own neck: „Do you pat your here to have a look?” 谢铭冷笑了一声,好心的指了指自己的脖子:“你摸摸你这里看看?” „......!!!!” “......!!!!” Incomplete, appeared in Pandora's nape of the neck place. The non- overflow comes out is not the blood, but is faint trace dark purple mist. 一块残缺,出现在了潘多拉的脖颈处。不过流出来的不是血,而是一丝丝黑紫色的雾气。 How...” “怎么...” How possibly? How to be impossible?” “怎么可能?怎么不可能?” Saying that Xie Ming coldly: Thinks that I have not known obviously your power the weakness, actually can also cut to injure you? Said, you think in this world, does not exist person who can harm to your?” 谢铭冷冷的说道:“认为我明明还不知道你权能的弱点,却还能斩伤你?还是说,你认为这个世界上,已经不存在可以伤害到你的人了?” If you are holding such idea, I can only say, you were somewhat proud.” “如果你是抱着这样的想法,那我只能说,你有些骄傲了。” Next flash Monster Blade divides into two Pandora's figure again. These reappears Pandora time, what are few is the finger. 下一瞬间妖刀再次将潘多拉的身形一分为二。这一次重新出现的潘多拉,少的是手指。 „Is spot unexpectedly random?” “部位居然还是随机的?” Saw this, Xie Ming selected the eyebrow slightly. However after seeing Pandora wound strange point, he has the guess. Now, but guessing checking. 见到这一幕,谢铭微微挑了挑眉。不过在看到潘多拉伤口的奇怪点后,他就已经有了些猜测。现在,只不过是将猜测核实了而已。 That blade .... “那把刀....” Is concocted Strega (Witch) startled and anger looks at the weapon in Xie Ming hand: Your blade, can unexpectedly .... 虚饰魔女又惊又怒的看着谢铭手中的武器:“你的这把刀,居然能够....” Right? You think that is the issue of this blade. I have not explained the duty of explanation with you. I only want to vent itself now well.” “是吗?你以为是这把刀的问题啊。也罢,我并没有和你解释说明的义务。我现在只想好好的发泄一下自己。” Xie Ming cracks into a smile, ominous intent of eyeground deep place soon could not have contained. 谢铭咧嘴一笑,眼底深处的凶意已经快要遏制不住。 That easily died, Strega (Witch).” “可不要那么轻易的就死了啊,魔女。” ( ( Kiss, this chapter has ended, wish you to read happily! 0 亲,本章已完,祝您阅读愉快!0
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