RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1821: Elsa VS Pandora

king city, in Priscilla, the vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades and nearby Arx battlefields, came from the snow young girl in winter country's is fleeing is dashing. 王城,就在普莉希拉、菜月昴和阿尔三人的战场附近,来自于冬国的雪之少女在亡命飞奔着。 Because although the innate reason does not have the means to use Magic, but does obeisance its bestows Anna Tassie never to neglect team own exercise, although is less than the exercise degree of tooth of subordinate iron, but she runs is also quite quick. 虽然因为先天原因没有办法使用魔法,但拜其所赐安娜塔西亚从未疏忽过队自身的锻炼,虽然不及麾下铁之牙的锻炼程度,但她跑起来也是相当快的。 A person explores entire king city in one day, some are unlikely. Therefore two people adopted more intelligent means that where has the confusion to go to where. 一个人在一天之内探索完整个王城,有些不太可能。所以两人采取了一个更加聪明的办法,哪里有混乱就去哪里。 Then, they naturally found the Priscilla three people in chaotic war. 然后,她们自然是找到正在乱战中的普莉希拉三人。 Because the Villain/enemy quantity is big, moreover must keep the reason of hand, strength worst vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades tired panting, Priscilla and Al's movement also has become has some slowness. 因为敌人的数量过于庞大,而且还得留手的缘故,实力最差的菜月昴已经累的气喘吁吁,普莉希拉和阿尔的动作也变得有些许迟钝。 Also can support reluctantly, how long but could not support. 勉强还能支撑,但也支撑不了多久了。 This matter, the Anna Tassie Yadu that even if not understand the fight can look. 这件事,哪怕是不怎么懂战斗的安娜塔西亚都能够看出来。 Un... what to do?” “嗯...怎么办呢?” Here is putting them, no matter, on Wang Xuan's competitor few one person, this to her without doubt is a good deed. But, they now reluctantly are the unions of cooperation. 在这里放着他们不管,王选的竞争者就会少上一人,这对她来说无疑是件好事。但,她们现在勉强算是合作的同盟。 If throws down the ally not to manage. First does not raise the prestige, is only biding one's time for punishment of that man, perhaps oneself cannot undertake. 如果丢下同盟者不管的话。先不提信誉,光是那个男人的秋后算账,恐怕自己就承担不起。 Moves the reinforcement.” “去搬救兵吧。” In Anna Tassie just made this decision, in the mind then resounded the Donner fox somewhat anxious shout. 就在安娜塔西亚刚刚做出这个决定时,脑海内便响起了多娜狐有些焦急的喊声。 Anna, run!!” “安娜,快跑!!” Oh?” “唉?” Anna Tassie subconscious drew back backward several steps, later hit one to be long the quite vigorous and healthy man. Raised the head slightly, discovered the man is having one type drift from place to place... indifferent smile. 安娜塔西亚下意识的向后退了几步,随后撞到了一名长得颇为健壮的男人。微微抬起头,发现男人正带着一种飘忽不定的...冷漠笑容。 Hehe hehe, so that's how it is.” “呵呵呵呵,原来如此。” The men voiced and semblance completely different light and lively smile, said with a smile: Only from public sentencing big rabbit matter, I felt that some were not right.” 男人发出了和外表完全不同的轻灵笑容,笑着说道:“光从公开处刑大兔这件事上,我就感觉到了有些不对。” „It looks like some people to know that my existence, the arrange/cloth got down especially must seize my trap to be the same. Now, I knew the reason finally.” “就像是有人知道我的存在,特地布下了要来抓捕我的陷阱一样。现在,我终于知道原因了。” Really .... Several hundred years do not see, Aggie Donner.” “真是....几百年不见啊,艾姬多娜。” That... that...” “那...那个...” Anna Tassie smiles reluctantly, withdraws while said: Mister, you should be the admitting mistakes person.” 安娜塔西亚勉强一笑,一边退后一边说道:“先生,你应该是认错人了。” My name is not Aggie Donner, but is Anna Tassie about hard. Is one of the five Wang Xuan, about managing a household of hard chamber of commerce.” “我的名字不是艾姬多娜,而是安娜塔西亚・合辛。就是五名王选者之一,合辛商会的当家。” Hehe, I know you.” “呵呵呵,我知道你哦。” The line of sight changed to the Anna Tassie face from the Anna Tassie scarf, the body of man started to melt rapidly, becomes barefooting silver hair young girl who only put on the plain white cloth. 视线从安娜塔西亚的围脖转到了安娜塔西亚的脸,男人的身体开始迅速融化,变为了一名只穿着白布的赤脚银发少女。 According to my lovable children's information, about Miss hard of chamber of commerce managing a household Anna Tassie is the young girl who a talent selects. Now looks, sure enough.” “根据我可爱的孩子们的情报,合辛商会的当家安娜塔西亚小姐是一名才识拔萃的少女。现在一看,果不其然。” Has Miss's Anna Tassie courage and wisdom, coordinates the Aggie Donner's knowledge again, naturally can become about hard chamber of commerce powerful.” “有着安娜塔西亚小姐本身的胆识,再配合上艾姬多娜的知识,合辛商会自然会变得强大。” „... Therefore, whose Aggie Donner is I completely...” “所...所以说了,艾姬多娜是谁我完全...” Is withdrawing unceasingly Anna Tassie hit civilian men who wear the hemp cotton garment, looked all around around one, discovers unconscious, oneself also fell into with the Priscilla same circumstances. 不断退后着的安娜塔西亚又撞到了一名穿着麻布衣的平民男人,环顾了一下四周,发现不知不觉,自己也陷入到了和普莉希拉一样的境遇。 Ended .... “完了....” If said that pure self-preservation ability, Anna Tassie many grasped a point, but that also merely is.... 若说单纯的自保能力,安娜塔西亚多少还是掌握了一点,但那也仅仅是一点而已。… Copes there is no average person of training foundation not to have the issue, but here average person, the quantity were also too many. 对付没有任何训练基础的普通人倒没问题,可这里的普通人,数量也太多了。 What to do what to do what to do what to do ..... “怎么办怎么办怎么办怎么办.....” The head goes all out to revolve, in the surface full is desperate Anna Tassie is pondering the law of difficulty-relief rapidly. 脑袋拼命运转着,表面上满是绝望的安娜塔西亚在急速思考着脱困之法。 Does not have any she of combat capability, was impossible to stroll in leisurely king Chengli alone. In order to protect her security, the member of tooth of commission army corps iron has actually protected her in the surroundings. 原本没有什么战斗能力的她,不可能独自在悠哉游哉的王城里闲逛。为了保护她的安全,佣兵团铁之牙的成员其实一直都在周围保护她。 But this time, Xie Ming has not allowed the tooth of member iron to protect by her. 但这次,谢铭并没有允许铁之牙成员护在她旁边。 The itself/Ben looks for somebody, if leads so many people in the side, that does seek also mentions from where? 本就是寻找某人,要是带着那么多的人在身边的话,那寻找又从何说起? valley Suoyi final, Anna Tassie only led two members. But when present these two members have not come, their fates are needless to say much. 谷所以最终,安娜塔西亚只带了两名成员。但等到现在这两名成员都没有过来,他们的下场已经不用多说。 Right, Xie Ming he did not send one ..... “对了,谢铭他不是派了一名.....” Her words have walked.” “她的话已经走了。” ........ “........” Although does not know how at present this woman knows my name.” Donner fox serious saying: But my instinct told me, must as soon as possible far away from her.” “虽然不知道眼前这个女人是怎么知道我的名字的。”多娜狐严肃的说道:“但我的本能却告诉我,要尽快的远离她。” Therefore Anna, I will release Magic to control to surround your puppets time temporarily. You while that opportunity, go all-out the direction that turns toward Xie Ming to be at to escape.” “所以安娜,我会释放一次魔法暂时控制住包围你的这些傀儡。你趁着那个机会,尽全力向着谢铭所在的方向逃。” Also can only like this ..... “也只能这样了啊.....” The sole rubbed a ground, in the scarf lightens the dazzling bright the instance, Anna Tassie fast from the slit drilled, dashes toward the east side full power. 脚掌摩擦了一下地面,在围脖闪出刺眼亮光的瞬间,安娜塔西亚快速的从缝隙中钻了出去,全力向着东侧飞奔。 Capella, she asked you.” “卡佩拉,她就拜托你了。” Pandora said with a smile: Although that scarf on her neck, is not the Aggie Donner's main body. But we can also clone through that say/way, controls their plan, even found her following the clue.” 潘多拉笑着说道:“虽然她脖子上的那个围脖,并不是艾姬多娜的本体。但我们也可以通过那道分身,来掌控住她们的计划,甚至顺着线索找到她。” „, Do not force someone to do something against his will!” “啧,别强人所难啊!” Also maintained camouflage condition lust Si teach to say uncomfortable, led the remaining civilian puppets to pursue later. 还保持伪装状态的色欲司教不爽的说了一句,随后带着剩下的平民傀儡们追了过去。 Suddenly, this region only had Pandora. 一时间,这片区域就只剩下了潘多拉。 Opportunity must not be lost loses no longer comes, to wear black 机不可失失不再来,身着黑 Kiss, this chapter has not ended, the next page the charming women of 0 clothes project from the gloomy place like the illusory image, the sickle in hand from the sky leaves behind two black axles, respectively flashes through from Pandora's nape of the neck and belly. 亲,本章未完,还有下一页哦0衣的妩媚女人如幻影般从阴暗之地射出,手中的弯刀在空中留下两道黑轨,分别从潘多拉的脖颈和肚子上闪过。 The control body speed, gets on the brakes to turn round with the friction force help of ground, Elsa looked at the eye to moisten the bloodstain sickle, looked again to front, smiled to lick the lip. 控制身体速度,在地面的摩擦力帮助下刹车回身,艾尔莎看了眼沾着血迹的弯刀,再看向前面,微笑着舔了舔嘴唇。 Has the feel of hit obviously, but why haven't your intestines fallen?” “明明有命中的手感,但为什么你的肠子没有落下来呢?” A while ago, a famous assassination organization was given to destroy.” Saying that Pandora irrelevantly replied: All materials were destroyed, all relevant sources eliminated a potential informant.” “前段时间,一家著名的暗杀组织被人给摧毁。”潘多拉答非所问的说道:“所有资料都被摧毁,一切相关人士都被灭口。” Subordinates in all assassins who this/should assassination organizes, all the skeleton not saves. But why, as you of gold medal killer that assassination organizes, will appear here?” “隶属于该暗杀组织的所有暗杀者,也全都尸骨无存。但为什么,身为那家暗杀组织的金牌杀手的你,会出现在这里呢?” Elsa Gland Cyert.” “艾尔莎・葛兰西尔特。” Hehe hehe.” Elsa smiles charmingly: Does not want to reply that my issue, actually does want to make me answer your issue?” “呵呵呵呵。”艾尔莎妩媚一笑:“不想回答我的问题,却想让我回答你的问题吗?” „Is some is not quite fair?” “这是不是有些不太公平呢?” Is concocted Strega (Witch), Sir Pandora.” “虚饰魔女,潘多拉大人。” You also knew.” “就连你也知道了啊。” Pandora shakes the head to say with a smile: Really makes one have a headache, when did I become such famous?” 潘多拉笑着摇头道:“真是让人头疼,什么时候我变得这么有名了?” Said, this is also the Aggie Donner's plan.” “还是说,这也是艾姬多娜的计划。” Hehe, who knows?” “呵呵,谁知道呢?” Also is several black axles flashes through from Pandora's body, the shadow under sun shine was slivered dozens instantaneously. But the next instance, the shadow returned to the original condition. 又是几道黑轨从潘多拉的身体上闪过,在太阳照射下的影子瞬间被切成了数十块。可下一个瞬间,影子又恢复了原状。 ....... “.......” The feel real, the blood is also real. In other words, I indeed cut her body, but why .... 手感是真实的,血也是真实的。也就是说,我的确斩到了她的身上,但为什么.... In Elsa's look had/left a heaviness, she is understands why Xie Ming did not suggest she came facing on Pandora. 艾尔莎的眼神中多出了一丝沉重,她算是明白,为什么谢铭不建议她来正面对上潘多拉了。 At present this Strega (Witch) power, really makes people somewhat absolutely terrified strangely. 眼前这名魔女的权能,实在是诡异的让人有些毛骨悚然。 Hehe? What's wrong?” “呵呵呵?怎么了?” Pandora's voice appears near Elsa's ear suddenly: „... Didn't continue to attempt?” 潘多拉的声音骤然出现在艾尔莎的耳边:“不...继续尝试了吗?” Small vampire.” “小吸血鬼。” Please remember this book first round domain name: ..: m . 请记住本书首发域名:..。:m.. Kiss, this chapter has ended, wish you to read happily! 0 亲,本章已完,祝您阅读愉快!0
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