RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1820: Angry power

Miku?” 美九?” Like cultivating to raise his Oursse same unnatural is being crooked puzzled the head, the eye that in the bandage seam reveals looks at the present young girl. 如同培提其乌斯一样不自然的歪着脑袋,绷带缝中露出的眼睛不解的看着眼前的少女。 „Do you, where come? Why I just, without feeling your mood?” “你,是从哪里来的?为什么我刚刚,没有感觉到你的情绪?” Mood, don't you know?” “情绪啊,难道你不知道吗?” Miku hit wink, saying of smiling: Carries on the reasonable control to the mood, is one of Skill the world-class idol must grasp.” 美九打了个wink,笑眯眯的说道:“对情绪进行合理的控制,是世界级偶像必须要掌握的技能之一哦。” Control mood? Idol?” “控制情绪?偶像?” Yes, looks like this.” “是啊,就像是这样。” ~ ~ ~ ~ 【啊~~~~】 Look, couldn't feel my mood?” “看吧,感觉不到我的情绪了吧?” Thank you, is willing to reply me.” “谢谢你,愿意回答我。” Is smiling to Miku, Szili Oursse's saying with a smile: Your gentleness, I felt.” 对着美九笑了笑,西莉乌斯笑着的说道:“你的温柔,我感受到了。” „?” “哦?” The situation that Miku somewhat surprised blinking , the opposite party displays, told her situation to be completely different from Xie Ming. 美九有些惊讶的眨了眨眼,对方表现出来的情况,和谢铭告诉她的情况完全不同啊。 Can exchange with them, but do not regard a matter their words. These people, twisted in certain places, moreover does not have lunatic who the medicine may save.】 【可以和她们交流,但不要把她们的话当成一回事。那些人,都是在某些地方扭曲了,而且无药可救的疯子。】 But looking back now, the present woman can definitely exchange. 但现在看来,眼前的这个女人完全可以交流嘛。 That is natural. 那是自然。 In all big crime Si teach, Szili Oursse, although with anger name, but she is actually the mental illness that in all Si teach most can communicate. Or is the attitude best mental illness. 在所有大罪司教中,西莉乌斯虽然是冠以‘愤怒’之名,但她却是所有司教中最能够沟通的神经病。或者说,是态度最好的神经病。 But reversing cultivation of consciousness raises his Oursse by Pandora, that then most is unable to communicate. 而被潘多拉给扭转意识的培提其乌斯,则是最无法沟通的那个。 Naturally, here communication merely is only the dialogue. If refers to the mutual understanding, which Si teach regardless of does not have the means to achieve. 当然,这里的沟通仅仅只是对话。要是指相互理解的话,那不论和哪个司教都没有办法做到。 Like the present this. 就像现在这样。 The front leg, Szili Oursse is still communicating with Miku obviously with a smile. The next second, Szili Oursse cut oneself arm with the nail. 明明前脚,西莉乌斯还在和美九笑着沟通。下一秒,西莉乌斯就用指甲划破了自己的手臂。 Blood, incarnadine bandage. 鲜血,染红了绷带。 „Are you doing?” “你在干什么?” .... Really, the mood has not connected.” “....果然,情绪没有连通啊。” Looks at perfect Miku, Szili Oursse smiles: Although can know with you happily, but I now am a little busy. Can Miku, ask you to make way?” 看着完好无损的美九,西莉乌斯笑了笑:“虽然很高兴能和你认识,但是我现在有点忙。美九,能请你让开吗?” Ok.” Miku nods: So long as you and I explained your just behavior, I can consider to make way.” “可以啊。”美九点了点头:“只要你和我解释一下你刚刚的行为,我就可以考虑让开。” Good, I was just trying my power to have on your body become effective.” “好的,我刚刚是在尝试自己的权能有没有在你的身上生效。” Szili Oursse said with a smile: If becomes effective, kills you.” 西莉乌斯笑道:“如果生效的话,就杀死你。” ........ “........” Good, really the words of teacher is right. 好吧,果然老师的话是对的。 Hears Szili Oursse that straightforwardly said own real motive, some Miku headaches pinched the forehead. 听到西莉乌斯那么直白的说出自己的真实目的,美九有些头疼的捏了捏眉心。 After that war, she has not fought. Feels this pure evil intention, unexpectedly makes her have one type for a long time did not see the feeling. 自那场大战后,她就没怎么战斗过了。感受到这种纯粹的恶意,居然让她出现了一种‘好久不见’的感觉。 However also therefore, she understands why Xie Ming will send itself to come to here. Oneself, indeed deals with her best candidate. 不过也因此,她明白谢铭为什么会派自己来这里了。自己,的确是应对她的最好人选。 Oh, sorry.” “唉,对不起啊。” Is ordinary like the beginning movement of concert, Miku raises the left hand. The giant pipe organ appears slowly from void, expressed the slight low cry. 如同演唱会的开场动作一般,美九举起左手。身后的巨大管风琴缓缓从虚空中浮现出来,发出了细微的低鸣。 Caresses front passes message silver manages lightly, Miku said in a low voice: Broken army Diva ( gabriel ), we fight side-by-side again.” 轻抚面前的传音银管,美九低声说道:“破军歌姬(gabriel),我们再一次并肩作战吧。” Afterward, raised the head slowly, look bone-chilling cold looks at Szili Oursse. 随后,缓缓抬起头,眼神凛冽的看着西莉乌斯。 Miss Szili Oursse, you are a dangerous person. Therefore, I do not have the means to make you pass.”... “西莉乌斯小姐,您是一个危险的人。所以,我没有办法让您过去。”… Right .... “是吗....” The Szili Oursse dangling head, the disorderly and dirty long hair covered most probably stretch/open face, fills in the eye of blood threads to appear crazily. 西莉乌斯垂下脑袋,杂乱又肮脏的长发遮住了大半张脸,充满血丝的眼睛里疯狂显现。 You are also, must prevent me for the person who my husband revenges.” “你也是,要阻止我为我的丈夫报仇的人啊。” Valley „, you die here!” 谷“那么,你就死在这里吧!” I reject.” “恕我拒绝。” ----- ----- Oh? You feel, probably who is singing?” “唉?你有没有感觉到,好像谁在唱歌?” Sang? Now? You were insane. If looked tired, went back to rest earlier.” “唱歌?现在?你是疯了吧。要是看累了,就早点回去休息。” Even if Miku and angry Si teach battlefield is away from is several kilometers away fully, but the broken army Diva sound passed to here as before faintly. 哪怕美九和愤怒司教的战场隔着足有好几千米远,但破军歌姬的声音依旧隐隐传到了这里。 In the above Seine Ha Luti, naturally is detected fight that there had. Smiled bitterly, looks at Xie Ming and tent that likes Millie being. 在上空的莱茵哈鲁特,自然是察觉到了那里发生的战斗。苦笑了一声,将视线投向谢铭和爱蜜莉雅所在的帐篷。 You, many things have not used.” “你,到底还有多少东西没有用出来啊。” Thing that comes out uselessly, that nature are very many. 没用出来的东西,那自然多得很。 Before entering Main God Space is Xie Ming of hamster hobby player, in such a long time, even if no deliberately to collect, in the space also piled up many things along slowly. 在进入主神空间之前就是仓鼠癖玩家的谢铭,在这么长时间里哪怕没有刻意去收集,随身空间里也慢慢的堆积了许多东西。 And, is, as well as Yui obtained various components that to transform Infinite Gundam places. 其中还有一些,是所获得的,以及结衣为了改造无限高达所置放的各种零件。 Even if not raise along the goods in space, the light is extending Shanghai of Xie Ming ability, he has not used. 哪怕不提随身空间里的物品,光是谢铭本身能力的延申,他都没怎么使用。 With matter that the blade can solve simply, why can also circle the long journey that such a great-circle does not need? 用刀就能简单解决的事情,为什么还要绕那么一大圈没必要的远路? When should use, he will not naturally use. 在该用的时候,他自然是不会不用的。 Like the present. 就像现在。 Turning out in full strength that Strega (Witch) teaches, making Xie Ming have the staff shortage situation. Is concocted Strega (Witch) Pandora, then has been diverting him imperceptibly with Seine Ha Luti two people. 魔女教的倾巢而出,让谢铭这边已经出现了人手短缺的情况。虚饰魔女潘多拉一人,便已经在无形中牵制住了他和莱茵哈鲁特两人。 So long as Seine Ha Luti is still standing outside this king city upper air, is concocted Strega (Witch) not to dare easily to begins in together vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades with Priscilla. 只要莱茵哈鲁特还在这王城外的高空站着,那么虚饰魔女就绝不敢轻易的对和普莉希拉在一起的菜月昴动手。 But if 可如果 Kiss, this chapter has not ended, the next page 0 Szili Oursse is close to the sentencing field, the letting place execution grounds enters to her power range. Then even if Seine Ha Luti, does not have the means quickly the angry Si teach power activation speed. 亲,本章未完,还有下一页哦0西莉乌斯接近处刑场,让处刑场进入到她的权能范围之内。那么哪怕是莱茵哈鲁特,也没有办法快过愤怒司教的权能生效速度。 But now does not have the manpower to prevent Szili Oursse, what to do should that? 但现在已经没有人手去阻挡西莉乌斯,那该怎么办? Only can swing the person. 只能摇人了。 Therefore according to the Szili Oursse's power effect, Xie Ming makes the consciousness of Miku long-distance control the ninth particle, goes to stop with the spirit strength composition body. 所以根据西莉乌斯的权能效果,谢铭美九的意识远程操控第九质点,用灵力组成身躯前去阻拦。 Has twice samsara, several big crime Si teach power Xie Ming has guessed was similar. 有着两次轮回,几名大罪司教的权能谢铭已经猜的差不多了。 The first week eye, in Szili Oursse before exploding, located everyone in execution grounds to reveal the extremely similar crazy feeling with Szili Oursse. 第一周目,在西莉乌斯自爆之前,处刑场中的所有人都和西莉乌斯露出了极为相似的疯狂之感。 Second week eye, after killing Szili Oursse, he made understand the Szili Oursse's power essence through the next day. 第二周目,在杀死西莉乌斯后,他通过第二天使了解到了西莉乌斯的权能本质。 Resonating. 共振。 Through periphery the person and some goal links, thus makes the surrounding person change into same each one body because of the power. You are injured are I are then injured, you frightened are I fear. 通过将周围之人和某个目标连接在一起,从而让周围人因权能而化为‘同一个个体’。你受伤便是我受伤,你恐惧便是我恐惧。 But Szili Oursse, can join to this community, and can oneself picking momentarily. 而西莉乌斯本人,也能加入到这个‘共同体’当中,且随时都能把自己给摘出去。 As long as the matter has to start, the start of Szili Oursse power, then adopts the mood. 但凡事都有着开始,西莉乌斯权能的开始,便是通过情绪。 Felt by the power others mood frequency, after then mood frequency conducts this compromises, this/should goal then becomes her power effective object. 以权能感觉到他人的‘情绪频率’,然后将这个‘情绪频率’进行调和后,该目标便成为了她的权能作用对象。 But the angel of ninth particle just restrains this point. 而第九质点的天使则是刚好克制这一点。 You use the power to conduct compromising of mood, then I then disturb the mood with the sound, making you not have the means to complete to compromise. 你用权能进行情绪的调和,那么我便用声音对情绪进行干扰,让你没有办法完成调和。 Miku, have become the mood management guru. This receiving time receives, this/should putting time puts. As moves toward Diva of the world stage step by step, she has Skill and talent that all should have. 美九自己,更是已经成为了情绪管理大师。该收的时候收,该放的时候放。作为一步一步走向世界舞台的歌姬,她已经具备了所有该具备的技能和天赋。 Why this is also, Szili Oursse must attempt to kill the Miku reason immediately. 这也是为什么,西莉乌斯要立马尝试能不能杀死美九的原因。 Naturally, a person is more appropriate than Miku. 当然,还有一人比美九更加合适。 Itsuka Kotori. 五河琴里 If makes Kotori go facing Szili Oursse, perhaps in several seconds, Szili Oursse by the Kotori reverse anger flame firing ash. 只是如果让琴里去面对西莉乌斯的话,恐怕没过几秒,西莉乌斯就会被琴里的反转怒炎给烧成灰了。 But the last person that now, Strega (Witch) teaches to hide has also appeared. Donner fox and Anna Tassie in city, as if touched Pandora and lust Si teach tail. 而现在,魔女教隐藏的最后一人也已经出现。在城市中的多娜狐和安娜塔西亚,也似乎摸到了潘多拉和色欲司教的尾巴。 Loves Millie, prepares.” “爱蜜莉雅,准备一下吧。” Xie Ming stands up, thumb Moso Monster Blade hilt: Last, must start.” 谢铭站起身,大拇指摩梭着妖刀的刀柄:“最后一幕,要开始了。” Please remember this book first round domain name: ..: m . 请记住本书首发域名:..。:m.. Kiss, this chapter has ended, wish you to read happily! 0 亲,本章已完,祝您阅读愉快!0
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