RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1819: Been able to repress evil intention

Popular recommendation: Donner fox cannot feel exceptionally, is natural. 热门推荐:多娜狐感受不到异常,是理所当然的。 After all in another side, Priscilla and vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades all lust Si Ji by the civilians who infected is attracted entire king city in completely. 毕竟在另一边,普莉希拉和菜月昴已经将整个王城中所有被色欲司祭感染的平民全部都吸引了过去。 If Donner fox can that simple felt exceptionally, then its lucky rather was also too high. 要是多娜狐能够那么简单的就感觉到了异常,那它的幸运未免点的也太高了。 Xie Ming must make Priscilla enter the stage, but also successful offering food to a guest moon/month Pleiades follow on the heels, its goal is to play one gathers strangely the function. 谢铭之所以要让普莉希拉出场,还水到渠成的让菜月昴跟在后面,其目的就是为了起到一个‘聚怪’的作用。 The kings are very big, to Seine Ha Luti cannot care about all places. Therefore wants to make Seine Ha Luti notice, then makes the corresponding noise to. 王都很大,大到连莱茵哈鲁特都不能顾及到所有的地方。所以想让莱茵哈鲁特注意到,那么闹出相应的动静是必须的。 Does Seine Ha Luti so, Strega (Witch) teach possibly to exceed him in this aspect? 就连莱茵哈鲁特都如此,魔女教又怎么可能在这方面胜过他? Therefore another function of these infected civilians, is the informer who Strega (Witch) teaches, was used to observe this greatest king. 所以那些被感染的平民的另一个作用,便是魔女教的眼线,被用来对这莫大的王都进行观察。 The informer of base number such big proliferates in the entire kings , anything that you do is impossible the surveillance that escapes Strega (Witch) to teach. 基数如此之大的眼线遍布于整个王都之中,你做的任何事都不可能逃过魔女教的监视。 But in other words, if you want to work in the kings, then first wants is a row of eye. 但换句话说,如果你想要在王都里面做点事情,那么首先要的便是排眼。 But now we can wipe out the Villain/enemy informer idler, but also really only then Priscilla. The function of Donner fox is partial in seeking. 而现在我方能够拔除敌人眼线的‘闲人’,还真就只有普莉希拉一人。多娜狐的作用则是更偏向于寻找。 Why as for Xie Ming to the present, not planning talked clearly to everyone completely, the reason was also very simple. 至于为什么谢铭到现在了,还不把计划向所有人全部说清楚,原因也很简单。 Pure does not trust. 单纯的不信任而已。 If solely from trust this angle, actually in five Wang Xuan Priscilla is higher than Anna Tassie. 如果单单从‘信任’这一角度来看,其实五名王选者中普莉希拉是高于安娜塔西亚的。 The Priscilla self-respect is extremely strong, and is quite self-confident. Matter that once decides, she will definitely achieve. Because of her pride, does not allow her to speak to renege on a promise. 普莉希拉自尊极强,且极为自信。一旦决定的事,她肯定会做到。因为她的骄傲,不允许她出言反悔。 With two weeks of eye, she clearly knows that complies with Xie Ming to be correct, actually still chose the rejection. 就和二周目,她明知道答应谢铭才是正确的,却依然选择了拒绝。 This in the eye of Xie Ming, instead is awarded marks. 这在谢铭的眼里,反而是个加分项。 But Anna Tassie was different, as a merchant, she had marked the price to the myriad things in world. 可安娜塔西亚就不同了,身为一名商人,她早已经对世间的万物标上了价格。 The outstanding merchant will also make to lose money to buy and sell, because this so-called losing money is in your opinion. But in the eyes of merchant, this so-called losing money nothing but spent money, changed into others thing that was worth this value. 优秀的商人也会做出亏本买卖,因为这个所谓的‘亏本’是在你看来。但在商人的眼里,这所谓的‘亏本’无非是用钱,换成了另一些值得这份价值的东西。 Money, in the merchant eyes is the most precious thing, but similarly is also not the most precious thing. 钱,在商人眼里是最宝贵的东西,但同样也是最不宝贵的东西。 What the merchants pay great attention is worth that spends to spend, is the paid price worth. 商人注重的是花钱花的值不值,付出的代价值不值。 If makes Anna Tassie know, the result that the union that oneself walk on own initiative brings, was risked neck to find the leader who Strega (Witch) teaches by oneself .... 而如果让安娜塔西亚知道,自己主动找上门的同盟所带来的结局,是让自己冒着生命危险去找到魔女教的首领.... Perhaps this merchant in the most intelligent way, will slip away. 恐怕这名商人会以一种最聪明的方式,溜之大吉。 Money did not have to make again, loses a prestige diligently point also to recall. But only has the life, lost did not come back again. 钱没了可以再挣,失去了信誉努力一点也可以挽回。但唯有命,失去了就再也回不来。 Anna Tassie who is thinner than the place that crawls the paper from slum that life, even Beef Luti must understand this truth. 从贫民窟那种命比纸薄的地方一路爬上来的安娜塔西亚,甚至比菲鲁特都要明白这个道理。 The poor|Fei Luti good and evil also has the attendance of Rome master, but Anna Tassie may really only be able to depend on itself. 菲鲁特好歹还有着罗姆爷的照顾,但安娜塔西亚可真的就是只能靠自己。 Naturally, this did not mean that Anna Tassie is a timid person, she can certainly sacrifice the life. In fact she arrives at this position, has done with own life stopped up much. 当然,这并不是说安娜塔西亚是个胆怯的人,她当然可以豁出性命。事实上她走到这个位置,已经拿自己的性命做了不少堵住了。 But you want her to go all out, you must to her a reason, making her see the corresponding reward. 但你要她拼命,你总得给她一个理由,让她看到相应的报酬。 In five Wang Xuan, loving Millie is Satella has the complicated relations, is unable to leave from this net. The storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates with Wilhelm, must save the previous generation sword Saint. 五名王选者之中,爱蜜莉雅是和莎缇拉有千丝万缕的关系,无法从这网中离开。库珥修和威尔海姆,要拯救上一代剑圣。 Priscilla was felt by the divine protection, poor|Fei Luti for report gut retaliation. 普莉希拉是受到加护的感觉,菲鲁特是为了报一箭之仇。 But only has Anna Tassie similarly not, being worth her going all out the reason that. But in loving Millie four Wang Xuan beside, only has her to walk on own initiative. 但唯有安娜塔西亚没有类似的,值得她拼命的理由。但在爱蜜莉亚之外的四名王选者中,唯有她是主动找上门来的。 Since visits on own initiative, that Xie Ming naturally cannot be polite. Planned to advance to this situation, Xie Ming does not allow to be defeated again. 既然主动上门来,那谢铭自然不会客气。况且,计划推进到这个地步,谢铭也不允许再次的失败了。 But guaranteed person who Anna Tassie and Dohna fox can successfully find the clue, is continuously in Elsa who the kings ambush the investigation. 而确保安娜塔西亚和多娜狐能够成功找到线索的人,便是一直在王都中潜伏调查的艾尔莎。 Before can detect this , the aura of hit man, 能够察觉到这位前职业杀手的气息, Fully explained keen of Donner fox sensation. The good and evil was also Aggie Donner laid aside that long clone in this world, although said somewhat difficultly, but found to hide in being concocted Strega (Witch) of hidden place, Xie Ming wants to come should not be a problem. 就足以说明多娜狐感知的敏锐。好歹也是艾姬多娜在这个世界上放置了那么久的分身,虽然说有些困难,但找到藏在暗处的虚饰魔女,谢铭想来应该也是不成问题的。 In fact, is so. 事实上,也是如此。 In the foot of king city, two look ordinary middle-aged people are hiding in the place of shadow. On a face was full of manic killing intent, on another face is hangs the smile , then drifting from place to place. 在王城的一脚,两名相貌普通的中年人正躲在阴影之地。一人脸上充满了狂躁的杀意,另一个人脸上则是挂则飘忽不定的笑容。 But two people positions, are not far from the Priscilla three people. Similarly, is the direction that Anna Tassie and the others went forward. 而两人所处的位置,距离普莉希拉三人不远。同样,也是安娜塔西亚等人前进的方向。 .... “啊啦啦....” Brings smile middle-aged person A to hold the face single-handed, saying of smiling: Is, unexpectedly designs such ingenious shackles, keeping us from leaving.” 带着笑容的中年人A单手扶脸,笑眯眯的说道:“到底是哪位呢,居然设计出这么巧妙的牢笼,让我们无法离开。” „, Also not because of you.” “啧,还不是因为你。” Middle-aged person B uncomfortable sucked the lower jaw: How long we must wait for!? The informers were pulled out quickly up!” 中年人B不爽的咂了下嘴:“我们还要等多久!?眼线都快被拔光了!” Please do not worry, Cappez last teaches.” Middle-aged person A comforts to say in a soft voice: Did not have when the time comes, we also need the opportunity.” “请不要着急,卡佩拉司教。”中年人A轻声安慰道:“还没有到时候,我们还需要机会。” Opportunity that a tentacle may get.” “一个触手可得的机会。” Opportunity!?” “机会!?” Yes.” “是的。” Pandora is quite infatuated looks with vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades of controlled crowd fight: So long as obtained him, our long-cherished wishes can be satisfied.” 潘多拉颇为陶醉的看着在和被控制的人群战斗的菜月昴:“只要得到了他,我们所有人的夙愿都能得到满足。” At the appointed time, Seine Ha Luti does not have the means to continue to prevent again.” “届时,就连莱茵哈鲁特都没有办法再继续阻挡。” „Doesn't the family of sword Saint have the means to prevent?” “剑圣的家系都没办法阻挡?” Yes.” “是。” Hehe, right? Hehe hehe .... That may really be, was good.” “呵呵呵,是吗?呵呵呵呵呵....那可真是,太棒了啊。” Middle-aged person B exuded the appalling laughter: Sword Saint does not have the means to prevent in other words, this country also has no hitting back leeway again.” 中年人B发出了令人毛骨悚然的笑声:“剑圣都没有办法阻挡也就是说,这个国家再也没有任何还手余地。” Then... can also destroy it?” “那么...也能将它毁灭咯?” Naturally.” “当然。” Middle-aged person A shows a faint smile „, no matter you want to handle anything to here person, I will forgive you.” 中年人A微微一笑“不管你想对这里的人做什么事情,我都会宽恕你。” Therefore, before our true goals are achieved, but also asked Cappez last to teach to persist in enduring patiently.” “所以,在我们真正的目的达到之前,还请卡佩拉司教一定要坚持忍耐下去。” Knows knew, I will endure again. However .... “知道了知道了,我会再忍忍的。但是....” It seems like feels anything, middle-aged person B cracks into a smile about middle-aged person A: I can continue to endure patiently, but as if there is person, could not have repressed.” 似乎是感觉到什么,中年人B对中年人A咧嘴一笑:“我可以继续忍耐,但似乎有人,已经按耐不住了啊。” Oh .... “唉....” Middle-aged person A sighed, but showed that symbolic smile immediately. 中年人A叹了口气,但马上又露出了那标志性的笑容。 Doesn't matter, I understand her, I forgive her. Own lover was killed cruelly, can endure patiently now, is very great.” “没关系,我理解她,我宽恕她。自己的恋人被人残忍杀害,能够忍耐到现在,已经很了不起了。” Therefore, felt relieved going, Szili Oursse.” “所以,放心的去吧,西莉乌斯。” The king city east side is far, a whole body entangles the full bandage, throws over dark purple Strega (Witch) to teach the silver-haired woman of robe to crack into a smile, looked to not far away bustling big rabbit place execution grounds. 王城东侧远野,一名浑身缠满绷带,披着黑紫色魔女教袍的银发女人咧嘴一笑,看向了不远处正热火朝天的大兔处刑场。 Cultivates to raise his Oursse, my lover. I now, come to revenge for you.” “培提其乌斯,我的爱人。我现在,就来为你报仇了。” „, Isn't this good?” “啊啦,这可不行哦?” Un?” “嗯?” The young girl of purple silver long hair fell the Szili Oursse's front from the sky slowly, raised sings the both sides skirt pendulums of clothing/taking magnificently, is saluting to her slightly. 紫银色长发的少女从天空缓缓落到了西莉乌斯的面前,提起华丽演唱服的两侧裙摆,对着她微微行礼。 Others with great difficulty, won over the teacher ‚the first time, but must display well is good.” “人家可是好不容易,才争取到了老师的‘第一次’,可要好好表现才行。” „Are you?” “你是?” Elf, the student of teacher, you can call me at will. However .... “精灵,老师的学生,你可以随意称呼我。不过....” The young girls were winking under the eye to Szili Oursse: If you can call me for Miku, others will be very happy?” 少女对着西莉乌斯眨了下眼:“如果你能称呼我为美九的话,人家会很开心哦?”
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