RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1818: Donner fox

Popular recommendation: Combed the information of three big heroes, came to see the clue that Aggie Donner left behind again. 热门推荐:梳理完了三大英杰的情报,再来看看艾姬多娜所留下的线索。 Arrangement that if three heroes keep, is having a mind can detect, then Aggie Donner lays down the line, but was really needs you to have enough many information, but also needed the patient careful ponder, can dig. 如果说三英杰留下来的安排,是有心者才能察觉的话,那么艾姬多娜埋下线,可真就是需要你掌握了足够多的情报,还需要耐心仔细的思考,才能挖出来。 The arrangement that or because Aggie Donner lays down, can make the plans of three heroes promote a success ratio extremely high position. 或者说,正是由于艾姬多娜埋下的安排,才能让三英杰的计划提升到了一个成功率极高的境地。 First is Lods Var this air wire, interfered with the innumerable concealed wirings. 首先的便是罗兹瓦尔这条明线,就干涉到了无数的暗线。 And is most important, is to vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades this doubtful sage soul reincarnation the fellow, disciplines. 其中最重要的,便是对菜月昴这个‘疑似贤者灵魂转世’的家伙,进行磨练。 Admits defeat in Lods Var, present that Elsa submits, on that day in king city in view of loving the Millie plot, can conduct the duplicate/restores plate finally completely. 在罗兹瓦尔认输,艾尔莎臣服的现在,那一天在王城针对爱蜜莉雅的阴谋,也终于可以完整的进行复盘。 Although duplicate/restores plate, but also confirmed something merely. Specifically, is Lods Var's employment content to the Elsa. 虽说是复盘,但也仅仅是确认了一些事情而已。具体上,便是罗兹瓦尔对艾尔莎的雇佣内容。 Obtains Wang Xuan to love the Millie badge, can hire the bandits and thieves in king city Slum.】 【取得王选者爱蜜莉雅的徽章,可以雇佣王城贫民窟的盗贼。】 The content of employment, probably is such a few words. Regarding professional Elsa, the employer used to be able these two characters, explained that the deviation and plan of employer were this. 雇佣的内容,大概就是这么一句话。对于敬业的艾尔莎而言,雇主用了‘可以’这两个字,就说明雇主的偏向和计划是这样。 Then, Elsa she naturally can obey the wish of employer. 那么,艾尔莎她自然会服从雇主的意愿。 Such a, Wang Xuan status of poor|Fei Luti will be discovered. So long as, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades succeed to solve this matter. 这么一来,菲鲁特的王选者身份就会被发现。只要,菜月昴成功解决这件事。 But newly-arrived vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, how also possibly to solve battle efficiency outstanding Elsa? Does not walk the dishonest ways the words, the only means are depend upon king city the strongest strength: Seine Ha Luti. 可初来乍到的菜月昴,又怎么可能解决战斗力超群的艾尔莎?不走歪门邪道的话,唯一的办法便是去依靠王城的最强战力:莱茵哈鲁特。 Although because of the arrival of Xie Ming, this initial start has then started to mess up is. 虽然因为谢铭的到来,这最初的开始便已经开始乱套就是。 Hidden line that Lods Var this air wire rakes out, basically is the Gospel that is left behind by Aggie Donner passes through. No doubt, this is the success ratio highest plan, but cannot guarantee that the probability of its failure is 0. 罗兹瓦尔这条明线所勾出的隐线,基本上都是由艾姬多娜留下的福音书来贯穿。固然,这是成功率最高的计划,可也不能保证其失败的机率为0. Therefore, the second subsequent hand who Aggie Donner leaves behind, is her clone. 因此,艾姬多娜留下的第二个后手,便是她的分身。 In the second week eye, after Xie Ming controlled the entire divine protection world thoroughly, thing that detects actually quite many. 在第二周目,谢铭彻底掌控了整个加护世界后,察觉到的东西其实相当的多。 First, is the Satella seal, is not the seal of simple three hero. Above has him to see, six big Strega (Witch) aura. 首先的,便是莎缇拉的封印,并不是简简单单的三英杰的封印。上面更是有着他所见过的,六大魔女的气息。 Because the seal of Saint territory was relieved, six big Strega (Witch) souls were liberated, thus made the seal be weakened one. 但因为圣域的封印被解除,六大魔女的灵魂被解放,从而使封印被削弱了一层。 Next, is Aggie Donner in the Saint territory seal relieved subsequent hand. 其次,便是艾姬多娜在圣域封印被解除后的后手。 Xie Ming in the Saint territory to the national metropolis Kara Larkey's journey, discovered is lending the Aggie Donner aura colored glaze this just and other two young girls go hand in hand. 谢铭在圣域到国家都市卡拉拉基的路途中,发现了散发着艾姬多娜气息的‘琉兹’正和另外的两名少女结伴而行。 This colored glaze this is the replica or the main body, Xie Ming not careful identifies. What we definitely know is that Aggie Donner as well as other five big Strega (Witch) souls, definitely in this body. 这个琉兹是复制体还是本体,谢铭并没有仔细的去辨认。但可以肯定的是,艾姬多娜以及其他五大魔女的灵魂,肯定都在这副身躯里。 Let Lods Var know that this matter, perhaps he will run nonstop, looks for Aggie Donner with all means. 让罗兹瓦尔知道这件事,他恐怕会马不停蹄的跑去,用一切办法去找艾姬多娜吧。 Therefore, Xie Ming has not said this matter with him, after the matter ended, then makes him harass. 因此,谢铭并没有和他说这一件事,等事情都结束后,再让他去骚扰。 But second is lending the Aggie Donner aura, is side Anna Tassie one will hide the figure and aura, big fox that similarly is called Aggie Donner. 而第二个散发着艾姬多娜气息的,则是安娜塔西亚身边的一只会隐蔽身形和气息,同样叫做艾姬多娜的大狐狸。 A more essential point, is this big fox is then same as Parker, bluish green green jade silk, similarly is the artificial elves. 更为关键的一点,便是这只大狐狸和帕克、碧翠丝一样,同样都是人工精灵。 Currently above this world, having can make the artificial elf technology, only has one person. 目前这个世界之上,拥有可以制造出人工精灵技术的,就只有一人。 Parker and bluish green green mother, Aggie Donner. 帕克和碧翠丝的母亲,艾姬多娜。 Then, this and Aggie Donner of the same name, and character also with Aggie Donner almost exactly the same fox, you said that it and Aggie Donner haven't related? 那么,这个和艾姬多娜同名,且性格也和艾姬多娜几乎一模一样的狐狸,你说它和艾姬多娜没有关系? Who letter/believes. 谁信啊。 Now the issue came, Anna Tassie by the main reason that Divine Dragon selects, can be because her side does have Donner fox? 现在问题来了,安娜塔西亚的被神龙选中的最主要的原因,会不会就是因为她的身边存在着多娜狐? If yes, then Aggie Donner makes the goal of Donner fox, for what? 如果是,那么艾姬多娜制造出多娜狐的目的,又是为了什么? Therefore Xie Ming made some bold conjecture, can this Donner fox to lock the Strega (Witch) mortal enemy, is concocted Strega (Witch) Pandora to be made by Aggie Donner? 所以谢铭进行了大胆的推测,会不会这只多娜狐是为了锁定魔女们的死敌,虚饰魔女潘多拉而被艾姬多娜制造出来的? Naturally, 当然, This guess is very likely is wrong. After all by having the wisdom, Xie Ming surely does not have the means and compared with Aggie Donner. But the Xie Ming advantage, lies in his experienced experience is rich. 这个猜测很有可能是错误的。毕竟论起智慧,谢铭肯定是没有办法和艾姬多娜相比。但谢铭的优势,在于他的见多识广经验丰富。 He is unable to determine where the true use of Donner fox is at? But he can actually through the clue, infer on Donner fox possibly to exist certain to his useful ability. 他无法确定多娜狐的真正用途是在哪?但他却能够通过线索,推断出多娜狐身上可能存在某些对他有用的能力。 Combs now, this revolves the big chess under entire Nika kingdom arrange/cloth basically to see clearly. Although inside remains some unknown, unstable factor in inside. 梳理到现在,这围绕着整个露格尼卡王国布下的大棋已经基本可以看清了。虽说里面还存在着一些未知的,不稳定的因素在里面。 But these factors will not affect the plan of Xie Ming, then Xie Ming naturally does not need to care. 但这些因素并不会影响到谢铭的计划,那么谢铭自然是不用在意。 As a result of the arrival of his acting, three hero and Aggie Donner's plan, destroyed mess. But now Xie Ming does, then uses the useful parts in their chess, makes up itself to plan the insufficiency. 由于他这名代行者的到来,三英杰和艾姬多娜的计划,已经被破坏的一团糟。而现在谢铭所做的,便是使用他们这盘棋中的有用部分,来弥补自己计划中的不足。 Has no him of foundation in this world, if not use these existing things to supplement, that really can only the violent crew cut. 在这个世界没什么根基的他,如果不利用这些已有的东西来补充,那真的就只能暴力推平了。 ----- ----- Really is, why Aggie Donner you want us to mix this danger in the matter.” “真是的,艾姬多娜你为什么非要咱来掺和进这危险的事情里啊。” Walks on the road in king city, Anna Tassie at heart unceasing whisper: We think does not need to give many strength, can mix a wave of merit.” 走在王城的路上,安娜塔西亚在心里不断的嘀咕道:“原本咱以为不需要出多少力,就能混一波功绩的。” Result that man who does not have the conscience, arranges us to do such dangerous work unexpectedly. Before owing us , when Wang Xuan, but also has helped him.” “结果那个没良心的男人,居然安排咱做这么危险的工作。亏咱之前王选时,还帮助过他。” Hehe, your did not call to help be called the transaction.” “呵呵呵,你那个不叫帮助叫做交易吧。” The mimicry said with a smile for Anna Tassie scarf the Donner fox of: Moreover, he arranges to give you this duty, perhaps... is because detected my existence?” 拟态为安娜塔西亚围巾的多娜狐笑道:“而且,他之所以安排给你这个任务,或许...是因为察觉到我的存在了吧?” „Did he detect Aggie Donner you?” “他察觉到艾姬多娜你了?” Un, moreover he has the possibility very much, knows my true status. Therefore, lets with my together you, seeks this so-called king Chengnei unusual person.” “嗯,而且他很有可能,知道我真正的身份。因此,才让和我一起的你,来寻找这个所谓的‘王城内的异样之人’。” Ahem, the person of difference, when really our anything does not know.” “哼哼,异样之人,真当咱什么都不知道啊。” Anna Tassie discontented snort/hum gas channel/angrily said: „Doesn't the person of difference, sneak to king Chengnei the Strega (Witch) believer secretly? He does not know, we are a lacking the strength to truss up a chicken weak female student?” 安娜塔西亚不满的哼气道:“异样之人,不就是偷偷潜入到王城内的魔女教徒吗?难道他不知道,咱是一名手无缚鸡之力的弱女生吗?” Does not have the showing tender affection idea.” “就没有一点怜香惜玉的想法。” No, this is uncertain.” “不,这可不一定。” Un? What is uncertain?” “嗯?什么不一定?” Makes the person send to affect, with letting the person brings death, is completely two matters sentiment. This truth, that man must understand. Therefore I and you play, merely is only an function of detector.” “让人派上作用,和让人去送死,完全是两码事情。这个道理,那个男人不可能不懂。所以我和你起到的,仅仅只是一个探测器的作用。” Since you enter king city to start, the assassin who an ability does not lose to your knight follows in your behind. Hey, do not look around, listening to me to say.” “从你进入王城开始,一名本领不输给你那名骑士的暗杀者就跟在你的身后。喂,不要东张西望,听我说完。” This assassin, should be the dark child who that man leaves behind. Be responsible for after we found the target, writes off the goal.” “这名暗杀者,应该就是那个男人留下的暗子。负责在我们找到目标后,对目标进行抹杀。” Therefore generally speaking, we will not encounter what danger ..... “所以总体来说,我们并不会遭遇到什么危险.....” This, that also really makes people relieved.” “这样啊,那还真是让人放心呢。” Anna Tassie flips the supercilious look: „Can we really apply? Strolling was so long, hadn't Aggie Donner you detected the aura of Strega (Witch) believer?” 安娜塔西亚翻了翻白眼:“不过我们真的能派上用场吗?逛了这么久,艾姬多娜你不是一直没有察觉到魔女教徒的气息吗?” Yes, this is also I now the matter that thinks.” “是啊,这也是我现在在想的事情。” The voice of Donner fox becomes somewhat profound: He, actually wants to let us, what found?” 多娜狐的声音变得有些深远:“他,究竟是想让我们,找到什么?”
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