RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1817: Strokes the clear history

Popular recommendation: After bluish green green jade silk arrangement supports the Wilhelm three people, Xie Ming looked that to person who another somewhat worried middle middle: Rem. 热门推荐:将碧翠丝安排去支援威尔海姆三人后,谢铭看向了另一个有些忧心仲仲的人:雷姆。 Since knew that other three were attacked, she starts somewhat restlessly. 自从得知其他三门都遭到袭击,她就开始有些坐立不安。 The reason is anything, obviously. 原因是什么,显而易见。 Rem.” “雷姆。” Xie Ming tranquil asking: „Do you want to go to the west side?” 谢铭平静的问道:“你想要去西侧吗?” Sir Xie Ming .... 谢铭大人....” Rem just wanted to reply does not think, but sees the eye pupil of Xie Ming, this saying can not help swallowing. 雷姆刚想要回答不想,但看到谢铭的眼眸,这话情不自禁的给咽了下去。 The maid is Master all, all belong to Master. This is until now, Rem's cognition to own status. 女仆是主人的所有,一切都归于主人。这是一直以来,雷姆对自己身份的认知。 She thinks that the elder sister has the ownership, then oneself can also invest the wholeheartedly into Xie Ming on finally. But the fact told her, she could not achieve. 她认为姐姐已经有了归属,那么自己也终于可以将全身心都投入到谢铭身上。但事实却告诉她,她做不到。 Originally without the means is wholehearted person, for recognize, if lies to him again, that wasn't on wrong adds wrong? 本就没有办法一心一意为了自己认定的人,如果再对他说谎,那不就是错上加错了吗? Yes, Sir Xie Ming.” “是,谢铭大人。” Rem is bending the waist to Xie Ming slightly, in the sound brings some to shiver: Rem... is worried about elder sister Sir.” 雷姆对着谢铭微微弯腰,声音中带着些许颤抖:“雷姆...担心姐姐大人。” Worry, that goes.” “担心,那就去吧。” But .... But...” “可....可是...” Right, with it.” “对了,还有拿着它。” Puts out the day of fire net flame from the shadow space, Xie Ming hands over it to Rem: Your fight style, teaches the nature is not good with the guzzling division, is very easy dead in his hand.” 从影空间中拿出天火净焰,谢铭将其递向雷姆:“你的战斗风格,和暴食司教相性并不好,很容易死在他的手上。” „This day fire net flame, you should see. However before previous time I leave, has not regained consciousness in Justeaze of inside deep sleep.” “这把天火净焰,你应该见过。不过上次我离开之前,在里面沉睡的羽斯缇萨还没有苏醒。” Leads her, at crucial moment she should be able to protect you, perhaps can also find the opportunity, the guzzling division will teach to cut to kill.” “把她带着,在关键时候她应该能保护你,或许还能找到机会,将暴食司教给斩杀。” But... but .... “但...但是....” Not, but.” “没有但是。” Xie Ming looks at Rem, tranquil saying: Rem, you only have two choices.” 谢铭看着雷姆,平静的说道:“雷姆,你只有两个选择。” „, Leading her to support Ram they. Another, stays here.” “一个,带着她去支援拉姆他们。另一个,留在这里。” Sir Xie Ming .... 谢铭大人....” Goes.” Xie Ming smiles: I hope that is not you handles anything to worry me. But is hugging, no matter what happened, has me in idea, but handles the matter that oneself want to handle.” “去吧。”谢铭笑了笑:“我希望的,不是你做任何事情都要顾虑到我。而是抱着不管发生什么事,都有我在的想法,而去做自己想做的事情。” Helps Ram.” “去帮拉姆吧。” ........ “........” Both hands received the day of fire net flame, suddenly Rem makes an effort grasped Xie Ming. This action, side silent loving Millie having a scare. 双手接过天火净焰,雷姆突然用力的抱住了谢铭。这个举动,把旁边一直沉默不语的爱蜜莉雅给吓了一跳。 Thunder... Rem!?” “雷...雷姆!?” Sir Xie Ming.” 谢铭大人。” Rem incomparably earnest saying: Rem forever is Sir Xie Ming a possession of person, no matter has anything, this point will not change absolutely.” 雷姆无比认真的说道:“雷姆永远是谢铭大人一个人的所有物,不管发生什么,这一点都绝对不会改变。” „......” “......” Xie Ming patted Rem's arm, hinted itself to know. 谢铭拍了拍雷姆的胳膊,示意自己知道了。 Then... Rem first was disrespectful.” “那么...雷姆就先失礼了。” Some do not hate to loosen Xie Ming, Rem retrocede slowly several steps, after Xie Ming and likes Millie saluting slightly, holds the day fire net flame to run out of the tent. 有些不舍得松开谢铭,雷姆缓缓后退几步,向着谢铭和爱蜜莉雅微微行礼后,抱着天火净焰冲出了帐篷。 Really is ..... “真是.....” Saying that Xie Ming does not know whether to laugh or cry: Ok, your intention, I accepted.” 谢铭哭笑不得的说道:“算了,你这份心意,我就收下了。” That... that Xie Ming...” Loves Millie some saying of blushing: Just Rem said ..... not, no. What to do should we then?” “那...那个,谢铭...”爱蜜莉雅有些脸红的说道:“刚刚雷姆说的.....不,没什么。我们接下来该怎么办?” That character, waits.” “还是那个字,等。” Is depending toward the chairback, Xie Ming tranquil saying: „The thing that although teaches to hide Strega (Witch) cancelled part, but had not found the key.” 往着椅背一靠,谢铭平静的说道:“虽然将魔女教隐藏的东西勾出来了一部分,但还没有找到关键。” Did not find to be concocted Strega (Witch), no matter obtains the big victory now, is useless. Therefore refuses to compromise, instead is a good deed.” “不找到虚饰魔女,不管现在取得多大的战果,都是白搭。所以僵持住,反而是件好事。” When king Chengli the person found her, is we enters the stage.” “等到王城里的人找到她,才是我们出场的时候。” Priscilla, with that vegetable/dish moon/month mister?” “普莉希拉,和那位菜月先生吗?” Yes, is not.” “是,也不是。” Xie Ming light saying: That that walks on own initiative.” 谢铭淡淡的说道:“是主动找上门来的那个。” Anna Tassie about hard. 安娜塔西亚・合辛。 ----- ----- Although with dragon God, only then the exchanges of that short several words, but that is one is indeed far-seeing, and knows many antiques. This point, Xie Ming can look from various details. 虽然和龙神只有那短短几句话的交流,但那的确是一个有远见,且知道很多的老古董。这一点,谢铭还是能从各种细节上看出来的。 Let us come the clue to stroke from the beginning, then can discover dragon God to be concocted Strega (Witch), for Strega (Witch) teaches, but the general situation of arrange/cloth. 让我们从头来将线索捋下来,便能发现龙神为了虚饰魔女,为了魔女教而布的大局。 Or Aggie Donner, dragon God, Great Sage and the others, together in the net that in these several hundred years weaves. 或者说,艾姬多娜、龙神、大贤者等人,一起在这几百年里织下的网。 Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades are Satella from the different summon person, this without a doubt. Then, has been guarding the Satella dragon god, won't be able to detect the Satella behavior? 菜月昴是莎缇拉从异界召唤过来的人,这点毋庸置疑。那么,一直在看守着莎缇拉的龙神,会察觉不到莎缇拉的行为吗? Here, was divided into two situations. 这里,分成了两种情况。 One type is Satella can be away from the seal, interferes with the divine protection world, even is the different summon. 一种是莎缇拉能够隔着封印,对加护世界进行干涉,甚至是异界召唤。 Another type, is several hundred years ago, this summon has then set. 另一种,则是早在几百年前,这个召唤便已定下。 The words that grasps the information that comes to see in light of Xie Ming, the real situation should be the latter. 结合谢铭所掌握的情报来看的话,真实的情况应该是后者。 Envies the Strega (Witch) three heroes as the seal: Initially the generation of sword Saints leave behind Lancet Treia family, dragon God also survive, and aid Nika kingdom. 作为封印嫉妒魔女的三英杰:初代剑圣留下了阿斯特雷亚家族,龙神至今还存活且‘护佑’着露格尼卡王国。 But only had the death of Great Sage, was well-known. Moreover, in this world has not left the trace of any relational sage. 但唯有大贤者的死亡,是众所周知。而且,这个世界上没留下任何关系贤者的痕迹。 Then the issue came, raised talented person in Nika these two characters, what will people remember? 那么问题来了,在露格尼卡提起‘贤人’这两个字,人们会想起什么? Talented person meeting. 贤人会。 This was thought-provoking, 这就非常耐人寻味了、 Some people may feel, this was some wants is too many, a name, how can have the relations with Great Sage. 有人或许会觉得,这是不是有些想太多了,一个名字而已,怎么能和大贤者扯上关系。 One time is accidental, two times are also accidental, then three times, four times? 一次是偶然,二次也是偶然,那么三次,四次呢? Why the vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades summoned place is Nika's king city, rather than empire? 为什么菜月昴被召唤的地方是露格尼卡的王城,而不是帝国? Why can the Aggie Donner's Gospel, make Lods Var support to like Millie participating in Wang Xuan? 为什么艾姬多娜的福音书,要让罗兹瓦尔支持爱蜜莉雅参加王选? Why several hundred years ago on Aggie Donner of dying, the Gospel that her power congealed can actually know vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades that different came, as well as by frozen loving Millie? 为什么在几百年前就死去的艾姬多娜,她的权能所凝结的福音书却能得知异界来的菜月昴,以及被冰封的爱蜜莉雅? Why likes Millie so being natural, was elected for Wang Xuan? 为什么爱蜜莉雅就那么理所当然的,被选为了王选者? Thinks to look, Nika kingdom country the place of fishy. 想想看吧,露格尼卡王国这个国家的蹊跷之处。 By talented person meeting that the sage names, does not know when starts to receive dragon God to shelter, has not needed to pay any price the country. In this national multiplication inheritance, the family of sword Saint. 以贤者命名的贤人会,不知道何时就开始受到龙神庇护,还不用付出任何代价的国家。在这个国家繁衍传承的,剑圣的家系。 Then, has a look at people who now this time present again. 然后,再看看如今这个时代出现的人们。 The collection divine protection in a strongest sword Saint Seine Ha Luti, Miko of five dragon dragon God chooses, as well as final... Satella promisor: Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades. 集加护于一身的最强剑圣莱茵哈鲁特,龙神选择的五名龙之巫女,以及最后的...莎缇拉的契约者:菜月昴。 In the vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades of Earth, why has been able with the Satella signing contract? Besides this contract from starting on existence, without any other possible. 一直在地球的菜月昴,为什么会和莎缇拉签订契约?除了这个契约从开始就存在之外,没有其他任何可能。 All things that Nika has, no matter the tragedy or the comedy, all matter final trends, are letting these three big essential factors centralized in the same place. 露格尼卡所发生的所有事情,不管是悲剧还是喜剧,一切事情最终的走向,都是在让这三大要素集中在一起。 Great Sage of dying, had to leave any trace. But is the trace that he stays behind, is Nika this kingdom. 死去的大贤者,并不是没有留下任何痕迹。而是他留下的痕迹,正是露格尼卡这个王国本身。 The entire Nika kingdom, perhaps to ruin to be concocted Strega (Witch) to be founded. 整个露格尼卡王国,恐怕就是为了葬送虚饰魔女而建立起来的。 Sword Saint: Seine Ha Luti. 剑圣:莱茵哈鲁特。 dragon God: Likes Millie, Priscilla, the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivating, Anna Tassie, the poor|Fei Luti. 龙神:爱蜜莉雅、普莉希拉、库珥修、安娜塔西亚、菲鲁特。 Great Sage: Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades. 大贤者:菜月昴。 Only has this to envy Strega (Witch) dies Great Sage for the seal, finally sees to envy Strega (Witch), sees Satella Great Sage, may the and she to sign the contract. 唯有这个‘为了封印嫉妒魔女而死’的大贤者,最后见到嫉妒魔女,见到莎缇拉的大贤者,才有可能和她签下契约。 But makes Xie Ming determine thoroughly evidence of own this suspicion, is side Anna Tassie that fox. 而让谢铭彻底确定自己这个猜想的证据,则是安娜塔西亚身边的那只狐狸。 That, named Aggie Donner's fox. 那只,名为艾姬多娜的狐狸。 No matter how look, that is one of clone Aggie Donner makes. Then, by the Aggie Donner's personality and wisdom, will handle the meaningless matter? 不管怎么看,那都是艾姬多娜制造出来的分身之一。那么,以艾姬多娜的性格和智慧,会做毫无意义的事情吗? Answer, similarly also not. 答案,同样也是不。
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