RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1816: Having no alternative

The love, making people weak. Love, can make one powerful. 爱,使人软弱。爱,也能使人变得强大。 This point, obtained the best annotation on the sword ghost Wilhelm Lancet Treia's body. 这一点,在剑鬼威尔海姆・范・阿斯特雷亚的身上得到了最好的诠释。 He can ten years sharpen a sword, defeats the present age sword Saint in the face of the public, makes her own wife forcefully. 他能够十年磨一剑,在公众面前击败当代剑圣,强行使她成为自己的妻子。 He can drop out to join the camp that cultivates to the storehouse arc of contact of halo, only for own spousal revenge, to cut the white whale under the sword. 他能抛下一切加入到库珥修的阵营,只为了替自己的爱人复仇,为了将白鲸斩于剑下。 But when, this thinks when the dead wife appeared in the front again, was honored as him of sword ghost even not to have the means to hold up the sword. 可是,当本以为早就死去的妻子再次出现在面前时,被誉为剑鬼的他甚至连剑都没有办法举起。 Several years later, before his missing unceasing accumulation, generation of sword Saint Theresia. Usually can also press these mood in the heart, may become the lover really to appear at present, these mood had erupted thoroughly. 时隔多年,他对前代剑圣特蕾西亚的思念不断的累积。平时还能将这些情绪压在心底,可当爱人真的出现在眼前时,这些情绪已经彻底的喷发了出来。 With the weak two characters described that this time Wilhelm, is not excessive. 用软弱两个字来形容此时的威尔海姆,并不过分。 This weakness, is understandable weak. But, actually cannot in the weakness that this time presented. 这份软弱,是可以理解的软弱。但,却是绝不能在这时候出现的软弱。 Our behind, is king city, is king Chengli the innumerable common people.” “我们的身后,是王城,是王城里的无数百姓。” The storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates to close one's eyes, said in a soft voice: Wilhelm Sir/minister, if you have really shouldered her responsibility for Ms. Theresia, if you are really her husband .... 库珥修闭眼,轻声说道:“威尔海姆卿,如果你真的已经替特蕾西亚女士承担下了她的责任,如果你真的是她的丈夫....” Then you should understand, what now Ms. Theresia hopes is anything.” “那么你应该明白,现在特蕾西亚女士希望的是什么。” Like, similarly incessantly is her responsibility that she shoulders now is also the same. 正如同,她现在所肩负的,同样也不止是她一个人的责任一样。 Theresia .... “特蕾西亚....” Wilhelm closing the eyes pupil , the memory emerges like surging tides, with the wife is living each, clear emersion. 威尔海姆合上了眼眸,记忆如潮水般涌现,和自己妻子生活着的每一幕,都清晰的浮出。 So many years, he has no forgetting. Each quarter, printed in his innermost soul. 这么多年,他没有任何的遗忘。每一刻,都印在了他的灵魂深处。 In that side sea of flowers, with wearing her of long skirt meets. When leaves, takes her of long sword and long skirt does not match. When war, calm and sad cutting kills one after another Villain/enemy her. 在那边花海中,与身着长裙的她相遇。离别时,拿着和长裙不相配的长剑的她。战争时,冷静又悲伤的斩杀一名又一名敌人的她。 In the prize presentation ceremony was defeated by oneself, she who finally shows the happy smile. When marriage, happy she. When gives birth to the child, is filling maternal affection her. 颁奖礼上被自己打败,终于露出开心笑容的她。结婚时,一脸幸福的她。生下孩子时,充满着母性的慈爱的她。 Theresia Lancet Treia's mark, has filled up the Wilhelm Lancet Treia's entire life. 特蕾西亚・范・阿斯特雷亚的印记,早已经填满了威尔海姆・范・阿斯特雷亚的整个人生。 He, anybody is loving her compared with this world, anybody understands her compared with this world. 他,比这个世界上任何人都爱着她,比这个世界上任何人都理解她。 Own sword technique, from meeting her moment, then already for the thing that she has. 自己的一身剑技,从遇到她的那一刻开始,便已经是为了她而存在的东西。 Yes... behind is king city, is Theresia rather gives up oneself the thing of loving, responsibility that must shoulder. Although this responsibility, by Seine Ha Luti inheriting. 是啊...背后就是王城,是特蕾西亚宁愿放弃自己的所爱之物,也要去承担的责任。虽然这份责任,已经被莱茵哈鲁特给继承。 But this does not represent, Wilhelm's body on does not have any responsibility. 可这并不代表,威尔海姆的身上就没有任何责任了。 Storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates the Sir.” “库珥修大人。” The old person wriggled several lip, said in a low voice: I do not have the means to kill my wife.” 老人蠕动了几下嘴唇,低声说道:“我没有办法杀死自己的妻子。” Un.” “嗯。” But I also understand, the wife does not want to see controlled absolutely, massacres any innocent person.” “但我也明白,妻子绝对不想看到被操控的自己,杀掉任何无辜的人。” Un.” “嗯。” Hiss ..... “嘶.....” Deeply inspires, the weak look finally becomes again sharp, the old person restored the aggression of sword ghost again. 深吸了一口气,软弱的眼神终于变得再次锐利,老人再次恢复了剑鬼的霸气。 Therefore, I will not kill Theresia. I, will not make Theresia kill anybody!” “所以,我不会杀死特蕾西亚。我,也不会让特蕾西亚杀死任何人!” But for this reason, I need your help, the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates the Sir, Felice.” “但为此,我需要你们的帮助,库珥修大人,菲莉丝阁下。” Without idling exercise, Wilhelm's strength also already no longer in the past. But his opponent, is actually maintaining the sword Saint of past strength as before. 哪怕没有懈怠锻炼,威尔海姆的实力也已经不复当年。但他的对手,却是依旧保持着当年实力的剑圣。 For by oneself, was not made the wife feel that ashamed and regret, he needs to help. 为了不让自己,不让妻子感到羞愧和后悔,他需要帮助。 Needs some people to help him, fills on this gap that is brought by the age. 需要有人来帮助他,填补上这由年龄带来的缺口。 „, Naturally.” “啊,当然。” The storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivated/repaired to reveal the smile of being full of the heroic spirit: Fights with first generation of sword Saints, matter that but each swordsman wishes for earnestly.” 库珥修露出了充满英气的笑容:“和先代剑圣交手,可是每一名剑士都求之不得的事情。” Thank.” “感谢。” Wilhelm also shows a smile, later the expression changed into Ling Ranhe to be serious. 威尔海姆也露出一丝微笑,随后表情化为了凌然和沉重。 Theresia, I came. 特蕾西亚,我来了。 The flower of flame the next instance, the sword blade collision splashes, blooms with this couples. 下一个瞬间,剑刃碰撞溅出的火光之花,与这对夫妻之间绽放。 ----- ----- Was attacked, 遭受到袭击的, Naturally not possible, only then the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates the north side that three people of institutes are. In fact, the east side that in big rabbit place execution grounds outside is at except for Seine Ha Luti , the northern three sides are attacked that Strega (Witch) taught simultaneously. 自然不可能只有库珥修三人所在的北侧。实际上,除了莱茵哈鲁特所在的大兔处刑场的东侧之外,西、南、北三侧同时遭到了魔女教的袭击。 This and attack of first week eye of meeting, already completely different. 这和第一周目遇到的袭击,已经完全不同。 Should attack east side angry Si teach to disappear, should give the storehouse arc of contact of halo to cultivate/repair first generation of sword Saint puppets who and the others strike fatally to take the lead to enter the stage. 本该袭击东侧的愤怒司教不见踪影,本该给予库珥修等人致命一击的先代剑圣傀儡率先出场。 The guzzling Si teach second body, launches the attack to Lods Var and Ram's responsible west side. 暴食司教的第二躯体,对着罗兹瓦尔和拉姆负责的西侧发动攻击。 But Djafer several people of institutes deal, by the beast tide that the lust Si teach blood pollutes. 而加菲尔几人所应对的,是被色欲司教的鲜血所污染的兽潮。 The north sword glittering, the west side explodes the cry to continue, the south side blood scatters. 北侧剑光闪烁,西侧炸鸣不止,南侧鲜血四溅。 Obviously, this is Strega (Witch) teaches the initial plan. First week eye, because Pandora found vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades this accidentally/surprisingly greatly pleasantly surprised, lets Si Jiaomen the free display the revelry. 很显然,这本才是魔女教最初的计划。第一周目,只是因为潘朵拉意外找到了菜月昴这个大惊喜,才让司教们自由发挥的狂欢罢了。 The tripartite battlefield, is actually very difficult. 三方战场,其实都挺艰难的。 The guzzling Si teach ability is strange, at present all depends on Lods Var's excellent Magic to maintain the present situation. 暴食司教的能力诡异,目前全靠着罗兹瓦尔的高超魔法才能维持住现状。 The beast moist huge number, has made Djafer sisters conduct beast simultaneously. Even but if has colored glaze Magic aid and physical ability enhancement of beast, the demon beast tide of interception quantity is very so difficult. 兽潮数量巨大,已经让加菲尔姐妹同时进行兽化。但哪怕有着琉兹的魔法援助和兽化的体能增强,拦截如此数量的魔化兽潮已经很艰难。 First is excellent for sword technique of sword Saint, old even if the sword ghost cultivates to fight side-by-side with the storehouse arc of contact of halo , can only resist reluctantly, comes under attack unilaterally. 先代剑圣的剑技高超,老了的剑鬼哪怕和库珥修并肩作战,也只能勉强抵挡,单方面挨打。 But in secret, but also has angry Si teach to eye covetously. In the city, has two time bombs. 而暗中,还有着一名愤怒司教在虎视眈眈。城内,更是有着两个定时炸弹。 But is good to have two appropriately explosive disposal, similarly also in city. 但好在有着两名再合适不过的拆弹员,同样也在城内。 Specialized work, makes specialized comes. Therefore the two time bombs in city, first do not conduct excessively considered, concentrates on the line of sight outside these attacks. 专业性工作,还是让专业的来好。所以城内的两个定时炸弹,就不先进行过多考虑,将视线专注于外面的这些袭击上。 Only if king city left calamity that only then he can solve, otherwise Seine Ha Luti will definitely only defend stubbornly in the east side. 除非王城内部出了只有他能解决的乱子,否则莱茵哈鲁特肯定只会固守于东侧。 Considers from this foundation the words, then the east side can definitely not keep so many people. Rem and bluish green green jade silk, can support other three parties. 从这个基础进行思考的话,那么东侧完全可以不留那么多人。雷姆和碧翠丝,可以对其他三方进行支援。 Djafer there, can abandon does not manage. After all the beast tide is the quantity are merely many, is unable to be a worthy opponent. In addition Nika also has the special knight group, soon should be able to solve. 加菲尔那里,可以弃置不管。毕竟兽潮仅仅是数量多,并不是无法匹敌。再加上露格尼卡还有着专门的骑士团,用不了多久应该就能解决。 The north storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates the aspect, if respects Wilhelm's will, then gives them to solve well. 北侧库珥修方面,如果尊重威尔海姆的意志,那么交给他们自己解决最好。 But the present issue is, their three people seemingly cannot solve first generation of sword Saints. Is expert in the river system, moreover treats Magic Felice, cannot very good gives the storehouse arc of contact of halo to cultivate/repair with Wilhelm supports. 可现在的问题在于,他们三人貌似并不能解决先代剑圣。专精于水系,而且是治疗魔法的菲莉丝,并不能很好的给予库珥修和威尔海姆支援。 Even, including two people of wounds, he cannot cure promptly. 甚至,连两人身上的伤口,他都不能及时的治愈。 God of death divine protection, this is first generation of sword Saint Theresia's inherent divine protections. By wound that Theresia destroys, when is close to her meeting the blood stream to continue. 死神的加护,这是先代剑圣特蕾西亚与生俱来的加护。被特蕾西亚破坏的伤口,在接近她的时候会血流不止。 This is also an important reason that Theresia is not willing to grasp the sword. 这也是特蕾西亚不愿意握剑的一个重要原因。 Even if with azure the Magic master of name, in the face of the strength of divine protection, Felice can do the blood outflow of slowing down wound place as far as possible, thus alleviates the injury. 哪怕是冠以‘青’之名的魔法师,在加护的力量面前,菲莉丝所能做的就是尽可能的减缓伤口处的血液流失,从而缓解伤势。 But this, after all is not the long-term plan. 但这,毕竟不是什么长久之计。 Pondered slightly, Xie Ming looks to sitting in oneself nearby bluish green green jade silk. 微微思考了一下,谢铭看向坐在自己一旁的碧翠丝。 Teacher Betty, troubles you to support north. Does not need to act directly, hidden in Magic of hidden place use support department on the line.” “贝蒂老师,麻烦你去支援一下北侧吧。不需要直接出手,隐藏在暗处使用支援系的魔法就行。” Ok?” “可以么?” bluish green green jade silk knits the brows slightly: By doing so, won't that two people be disgruntled?” 碧翠丝微微皱眉:“这样做,那两个人不会心生不满吗?” Meeting.” Xie Ming light saying: But, they have no alternative.” “会吧。”谢铭淡淡的说道:“但,他们也别无选择。”
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