RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1815: Sword ghost and sword Saint

The great strength that Strega (Witch) teaches, is concocted the great strength of Strega (Witch), vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades has personally experienced. 魔女教的强大,虚饰魔女的强大,菜月昴可是亲身经历过的。 No matter the death of first week goal Seine Ha Luti, is a second week goal Lancet Treia family/home war, fully explained that Pandora's ability is how terrifying. 不管是第一周目的莱茵哈鲁特之死,还是第二周目的阿斯特雷亚家一战,都足以说明潘多拉的能力是多么恐怖。 Although oneself and Priscilla this/Ben lets the bait that Pandora presents. But if Ok, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades do not want to experience that desperate matter again a time. 虽说自己和普莉希拉本就是让潘多拉出现的诱饵。但如果可以的话,菜月昴还是不想再经历一次那么绝望的事情了。 But what now is most essential, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades do not know after oneself Priscilla called, the next plan of Xie Ming is anything. 但现在最关键的是,菜月昴根本不知道自己把普莉希拉叫出来后,谢铭的下一步计划是什么。 Is such noticeable continues, one by one that lust Si Jiaomai thing elimination in the residential within the body, waits for them to visit on own initiative, is...... 是就这么引人注目的继续下去,逐一的将那个色欲司教埋在市民体内的东西消灭,等待她们主动上门,还是...... Hey, clown.” “喂,小丑。” „Is is, here is a clown.” “是是是,这里是小丑。” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades that thinks earnestly painstakingly raise the head: Sir Priscilla has what fen .... 埋头苦想的菜月昴抬起头来:“普莉希拉大人是有什么吩....” The words have not said that vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades on aware the remaining characters pouching in throat. Because already one crowd, no matter how looks at very not wonderful civilians, surrounds slowly toward their three people. 话没有说完,菜月昴就自觉的将剩下的字给吞进了喉咙里。因为已经有一群不管怎么看都非常不妙的平民,向着他们三人缓缓包围过来。 Feeding... this is must do?” “喂喂喂喂...这是要干什么啊?” Also with asking?” “还用问吗?” Al drew out the long blade, some expressions of looking down on the world became have also enforced: Stays in the following fellow, could not somewhat have repressed.” 阿尔拔出了长刀,一直有些玩世不恭的语气也变得严肃了起来:“呆在后面的家伙,已经有些按耐不住了。” But... but ..... “可...可是.....” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades puzzled saying: If cannot repress, why doesn't use her power directly?” 菜月昴不解的说道:“如果按捺不住的话,为什么不直接动用她的权能?” That wyvern full Wangcheng scene, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades have a vivid memory now. If to that wyvern in groups, Priscilla's Yang sword is even if strong, is impossible to insist. 那飞龙满王城的场景,菜月昴现在都还记忆犹新。如果对上那成群的飞龙,哪怕普莉希拉的阳剑再强,也不可能坚持住。 Clown, you in working as persuasive speaker, gives to use up these brains that oneself only remain?” “小丑,你是在当说客的时候,把自己仅剩的那些大脑都给用完了吗?” Priscilla sneers saying: Controls the action like merely, but is pure is keeping the dunghill of civilian within the body through her. This is only the power takes to her one merely ability, is not uses the power.” 普莉希拉冷笑道:“仅仅像这样操控行动,只是单纯在通过她留在平民体内的污秽物。这仅仅只是权能带给她的一种‘能力’,并不算使用权能。” „But if changes the goal physical body through the dunghill, that must use the power. That, is the genuine bringing on oneself blind alley.” “但要是通过污秽物来改变目标肉体,那就必须要动用权能了。那,才是真正的自取死路。” So that's how it is...” “原来如此...” Then group dragon danced in the air, was mainly lust Si teach to win the time to Pandora, suppressed that long vent while convenient. 当时的群龙飞舞,主要是色欲司教为了给潘多拉争取时间,顺便也是憋了那么久的发泄。 In order to satisfy Xie Ming, always lawless big crime Si Jiaomen endured such a long time. In some sense, but also really pressed them. 为了满足谢铭,向来无法无天的大罪司教们可是足足忍了那么长时间。从某种意义上来说,还真是难为她们了。 But from another perspective, Pandora to remaining big crime Si teach, has so strong control. 但从另一个角度来说,潘多拉对剩下的大罪司教,就是有着如此强的掌控力。 But actually that group of big crime Si do teach for what, always do as one is told to Pandora? Even under Pandora's order, even can launch the suicide attack without hesitation. 可那群大罪司教究竟是为了什么,才对潘多拉那么唯命是从?甚至在潘多拉的命令下,甚至能毫不犹豫的进行自杀式攻击。 This is also the matter that vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades do not want to understand. 这也是菜月昴一直没有想明白的事情。 Even if is really the lunatic, that should also have the corresponding idea is. Even if the lunatic, not possible one happy, commits suicide is playing? 哪怕真的是疯子,那也应该有相应的想法才是。哪怕是疯子,也不可能一高兴,就自杀着玩吧? Also is in a daze? Vegetable/Dish moon/month friend.” “还发愣呢?菜月老兄。” A Al palm of the hand clapped in conducting the back of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades: Young lady she will not protect our.” 阿尔一巴掌拍在了菜月昴的背上:“大小姐她可不会保护我们的。” Words that must go on living, you must try hard.” “要活下去的话,你得自己努力了。” Hiss ..... I knew.” “嘶.....我知道了。” Looks all around, looks the population of encircling are getting more and more, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades forced a smile: Self-preservation, was unable to offend somebody.” 环顾四周,看着围过来的人数越来越多,菜月昴强笑了一声:“自保,还不能伤人。” Somewhat feels embarrassed me ..... “是不是有些为难我啊.....” ----- ----- Started.” “开始了啊。” The scene in city, has not naturally hidden the truth from Seine Ha Luti that monitors king city. But after looking at eye unemotional Xie Ming, Seine Ha Luti dropped the idea that goes to support. 城里的场景,自然没有瞒过在监控王城的莱茵哈鲁特。但在看了眼面无表情的谢铭后,莱茵哈鲁特还是打消了前去支援的想法。 He leaves here to go to support, then Strega (Witch) teaches definitely to attack this scene. At the appointed time, Xie Ming will definitely act directly, carries out the B plan. 他离开这里前去支援,那么魔女教必然会来袭击这个现场。届时,谢铭肯定会直接出手,执行B计划。 Therefore, he cannot leave here. Xie Ming, will not leave here similarly. 所以,他不能离开这里。谢铭,同样也不会离开这里。 Just like one week of goal plan, all, but must solve by each ally. 和一周目的计划一样,一切,还得靠每个同盟者自己去解决。 But a little, is actually different from one week of eye. 但有点,却和一周目有所不同。 That is this Zhou eye, Xie Ming already the duty of each ally, arranging. 那就是这个周目,谢铭已经将每一位同盟者的任务,都给安排好了。 The king city north side, the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivated/repaired, Wilhelm to draw out the long sword simultaneously. Because the front surface walks toward them, is both eyes is atheistic, the red ponytail woman who grasps the long sword. 王城北侧,库珥修、威尔海姆同时拔出了长剑。因为迎面向着他们走来的,是一位双目无神,手持长剑的红色马尾女性。 She is Master of heroic story the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivated/repaired listened to childhood Duke, was in the dream of king in older generation knights the sweetheart. 她是库珥修小时候所听的英雄故事的主人公,是王都里老一辈骑士们的梦中情人。 In that time, which knight does not look forward to her, which knight doesn't admire her? 在那个时代,哪名骑士不憧憬她,哪名骑士不爱慕她? But .... No one can defeat her, no one can for her anti- under destiny and family gives her responsibility. 可是....没有人能够战胜她,没有人能够替她抗下命运和家族给予她的责任。 Until, that humble birth, shows talent for the first time in the Demi-human war, and issues the challenge in everyone's front to her face to face, defeats her, resisted the man of responsibility to appear for her. 直到,那个平民出身,在亚人战争中崭露头角,并在所有人的面前当面向她发出挑战,战胜她,为她抗下了责任的男人出现。 Theresia .... “特蕾西亚....” Once took the sword ghost not to exist as the Title man, the years gave his white reckless and wrinkle, gave him already no longer the former body. 曾经以剑鬼为称号的男人已经不复存在,岁月给予了他白胡和皱纹,给予了他已经不复从前的身体。 Two lines of clear tears, flow off following the face of this man. He has become an old man thoroughly, the wife but who should die jumps over maintains the young beautiful appearance to appear before him as before. 两行清泪,顺着这名男人的脸庞流下。他已经彻底成为了一个老头子,但原本应该死去的妻子越依旧保持着年轻的美貌出现在他面前。 With... the stance of puppet. 以...傀儡的姿态。 On that body, Wilhelm could not feel aura that any are familiar with. 在那副躯体上,威尔海姆感觉不到任何自己熟悉的气息。 When the wife holds the sword heroic spirit, wife that does not have the means cancelled gentleness in any event, he could not feel. 妻子持剑时的英气,妻子那份无论如何都没有办法被抹去的温柔,他都感觉不到。 There, is only a puppet, does not have any intellectuality puppet. 那里的,只是一具傀儡,不具备任何知性的傀儡。 But that after all is the wife! 可那毕竟是自己妻子啊! Although the present is a puppet, perhaps but the wife has to get out of the controlled possibility, has the possibility of coming back to life? 虽说现在是傀儡,但说不定妻子有摆脱被操控的可能,有复生的可能呢? Old Master Wilhelm .... “威尔海姆老爷子....” After two people, Felice very difficult saying: I know, this you are very brutal to the old gentleman, but .... 两人身后,菲莉丝十分艰难的说道:“我知道,这对老爷子你来说十分残酷,但是....” Ms. Theresia, already ..... “特蕾西亚女士,已经.....” Felice, was needless to say.” The storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivated/repaired to stop Felice, tranquil saying: This matter, is not we can meddle.” “菲莉丝,不用说了。”库珥修制止了菲莉丝,平静的说道:“这件事,不是我们能插手的。” Gives you not to have the issue, Wilhelm Sir/minister.” “交给你没问题吧,威尔海姆卿。” ..... I do not know. The storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates to turn the head to look to Wilhelm, discovered that this always on incomparably firm and resolute male face, now actually fills weakly. “.....我不知道。库珥修转头看向威尔海姆,发现这个从来都无比坚毅的男人脸上,现在却充满了软弱。 I do not know.” “我不知道。” Shakes the hand of sword to shiver, when to fighting white whale wild and crazy attitude full ghost, at this time changed into an old person thoroughly. The eyes were full of the vacillation, filled flinching. 握着剑的手在颤抖,那对战白鲸时狂气十足的鬼,此时彻底化为了一名老人。双眼充满了动摇,充满了退缩。 The sword ghost is the person of sincere feeling, he grows stronger because of the sentiment. Then is natural, will be weak because of the sentiment. 剑鬼是至情之人,他因情而变强。那么自然,也会因情而软弱。 Let alone the sword ghost, conversion was others, was unlikely to use the sword to wife's body. 别说剑鬼了,换成是其他人,都不太可能对着自己妻子的身体出剑。 You had anything to misunderstand, Wilhelm Sir/minister.” “你是不是有什么误会了,威尔海姆卿。” The sound that the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates had/left several points of severity much: I mean, gave you.” 库珥修的声音多出了几分严厉:“我的意思是,交给你了。” Gave me ..... “交给我了.....” There stand, is being Wilhelm Sir/minister, your wife's body. Was you tracked down so many years, wife who finally found.” “那里站着的,是威尔海姆卿,你妻子的身体。是你追寻了那么多年,才终于找到的妻子。” In childhood, I listened to Ms. Theresia's story to grow up. But most makes me feel affected, is the man of that named sword ghost, shouldered the responsibility for the beloved woman.” “小时候,我是听着特蕾西亚女士的故事长大的。而最让我觉得感动的,便是那名为剑鬼的男人,为了自己心爱的女人而承担起了责任。” But I notice that now, is actually that with the man who the shoulder shoulders the responsibility, is actually preparing to evade!” “但我现在看到的,却是那个用肩膀承担起责任的男人,却在准备逃避!” Evades... me .... “逃避...我....” Right!” “没错!” Aims at Wilhelm the sword fiercely, the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates severe saying. 猛地将剑指向威尔海姆,库珥修严厉的说道。 What your expression is!? What that in your eye weak is!?” “你那表情是什么!?你眼里的那份软弱又是什么!?” Tracked down for many years finally to find her, even turned into the puppet? How even was controlled!?” “追寻多年才终于找到了她,就算变成傀儡了又怎么了?就算被人操控了又怎么了!?” You gave up! Your wife's body, does not depend on yourself to seize, you hope that who closes right up against come her to give to seize!?” “你就这么放弃了吗!你妻子的身体,不靠着你自己夺回来,你希望靠着谁来将她给夺回来!?” Told me, Wilhelm Sir/minister.” “告诉我,威尔海姆卿。” Now, your wife in your front, is being controlled.” “现在,你的妻子就在你的面前,被人操控着。” You, how must do!?” “你,要怎么做!?”
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