RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1814: Yang sword

Popular recommendation: Can expect this matter on no one?” 热门推荐:“就没有人能料想到这件事吗?” Front looks at incomparably free Priscilla, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades deep sighing of following on the heels: Follows by her, how Pandora may walk in .... 看着前面无比招摇的普莉希拉,跟在后面的菜月昴深深的叹了口气:“跟在她旁边,潘朵拉怎么可能会找上门来啊....” If by having free degree on street, Priscilla in five big Wang Xuan, only will be perhaps inferior is loving Millie of half elf. 要知道,如果论起走在街上的招摇程度,普莉希拉在五大王选者中,恐怕只会逊色于身为半精灵的爱蜜莉雅。 Although said that is not a good deed, but likes Millie at least also knowing oneself are noticeable, therefore wears the Magic cape to cover the status specially. But Priscilla, is absolutely impossible to do that. 虽然这么说不是一件好事,但爱蜜莉雅至少还知道自己惹人注目,所以特意穿上魔法的斗篷来掩盖身份。可普莉希拉,绝对不可能这么做。 Has absolutely self-confident her to oneself, is impossible to think oneself have any covers the status the necessity. 对自己有着绝对自信的她,绝不可能认为自己有任何掩盖身份的必要。 Goes on patrol naturally own king city, own common people, this is the matter that she should handle. At this matter, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades were bet right. 大大方方的巡游自己的王城,自己的百姓,这才是她应该做的事情。在这件事上,菜月昴是赌对了。 As a fine individualism, making Priscilla yield for others, is not not possible, but really difficult. 作为一名精致的个人主义,让普莉希拉为了别人而让步,不是不可能,而是真的难上加难。 Although the person of more individualism, a person when true liking, is the unilateral making concessions offer. But Priscilla likes the scenes of others truly, even if her knight Al has not imagined. 虽说越个人主义的人,在真正喜欢上一个人时,就越是会单方面的退让奉献。可普莉希拉真正喜欢上其他人的场景,哪怕是她的骑士阿尔都没有想象过。 May have a matter, can actually make Priscilla make concessions: Relates to her own the time. 可有件事,却能使普莉希拉退让:关系到她自己的时候。 When affirming Priscilla has joins union this tendency, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades have actually solved the biggest difficult problem. From the success, was only left over a window paper. 在肯定了普莉希拉有着‘加入同盟’这个倾向时,菜月昴其实就已经解决了最大的难题。距离成功,只剩下了一张窗户纸。 But vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades also successfully found can puncture this window paper needle. 而菜月昴也成功找到了可以戳破这层窗户纸的‘针’。 First is, Priscilla is definitely interested to to become Queen Nika, even if otherwise were selected by Divine Dragon, she is impossible to accompany. 首先的便是,普莉希拉肯定对成为露格尼卡女王是感兴趣的,否则就算被神龙选中,她也不可能奉陪。 The summary, urging the factor that Priscilla acts to have two: Interest and benefit. 总结来说,驱使普莉希拉行动的因素有二:兴趣、利益。 The benefit is very good to understand, will be she will only make the divine protection direction, to the beneficial matter. The interest is also similar, but also included a very important component. 利益很好理解,就是她只会去做加护指引的,对自己有益的事情。兴趣也差不多,但其中还包括了一个很重要的成分。 Face. 面子。 The so-called person makes one breath Buddha to make burns a joss stick, is impossible to exist in this world does not attach great importance to face-saving completely, person who is not concerned about face. 所谓人挣一口气佛挣一炷香,在这个世界上不可能存在完全不要面子,不要脸的人。 Even if Xie Ming , is concerned about face, let alone Priscilla. 哪怕是谢铭,也是要脸的,更别说普莉希拉。 Then, comes to see again at the matter of this union, Xie Ming made anything to Priscilla. 然后,再来看看在这次同盟的事情上,谢铭对普莉希拉做了什么。 Has not informed her completely, even has not responded her completely. Then, now needed her ability, looked for her. 完全没有通知她,甚至完全没有搭理她。然后,现在需要她的能力了,又来找她了。 Although specifically speaking is not such matter, Priscilla also understands that Xie Ming really does not want to be joined by oneself. But from the result, Xie Ming treats Priscilla. 虽然具体来说并不是这么回事,普莉希拉也明白谢铭是真的没想让自己加入。但从结果上来看,谢铭就是这么对待普莉希拉的。 Let alone Priscilla, changed into others to choose even at this time exits the foul odor. 那别说普莉希拉,就算是换成其他人都会选择在这个时候出口恶气。 It can be said that when Xie Ming comes the kings for the first time, looked for Priscilla, then currently will not have that many matters. 可以这么说,如果谢铭第一次来王都时,就找上了普莉希拉,那么现在就根本不会有那么多事。 But now says these, is belated action, without significance. Now what is important, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades successful came out to press the street Priscilla to the belt/bring. 但现在说这些,都属于马后炮,没有意义。现在重要的是,菜月昴成功把普莉希拉给带出来压马路了。 He successfully completed his first phased mission, remaining... only then final duty: Pandora directing. 他成功完成了自己的第一阶段任务,剩下的...就只有最后的任务:把潘多拉给引出来。 Therefore now vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades are worrying, will Pandora really contact to follow on own initiative in Priscilla behind him? 所以现在菜月昴才在发愁,潘多拉真的会主动来接触跟在普莉希拉身后的他吗? Also, Priscilla really can detect that has hidden to king in Strega (Witch) teaches? 还有,普莉希拉真的能察觉到已经隐藏到王都里的魔女教? But this question not in vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades how long continues at heart, he by Priscilla's action frightening. 但这个疑问并没有在菜月昴的心里持续多久,他就被普莉希拉的行动给吓到了。 From the having a thing in the world place, extracted one a long sword that is burning the raging flame, is cutting to general public overheads of passing by. 从一无所有的地方,抽出了一把燃烧着熊熊烈火的长剑,对着路过的一名普通民众当头斩下。 Everyone, has not responded including vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades. 所有人,包括菜月昴都没反应过来。 As Priscilla's protection knight, Al seemed like responds. But he was actually only flexure the helmet, has not conducted more movements. 作为普莉希拉的守护骑士,阿尔似乎是反应过来了。但他却只是挠了挠头盔,并没有进行更多的动作。 In situation that no one prevents, this has cut from this ordinary common people the flame long sword, this innocent person point .... 在没有人阻止的情况,这把火焰长剑从这名普通的百姓中间斩过,将这个无辜的人一分.... Injury?” “没有伤害?” Looks perfectly, the civilians who even the clothes have not damaged, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades stared in a big way the eye. 看着完好无损,甚至连衣服都没有破损的平民,菜月昴瞪大了眼睛。 This... this is .... “这...这是....” „.” “啪嗒。” No, has any breakage. The flame long sword brings from this common people, is together also in the red meat of creeping motion. However the next flash, this red meat was fired the ash. 不,也不是没有任何破损。火焰长剑从这名百姓身上带出来的,是一块还在蠕动的红肉。不过下一瞬间,这块红肉就被烧成灰了。 Peaceful.” “安静。” When the civilians will soon scream makes noise, Priscilla sends out the aristocrat unique authoritative imposing manner , the eyes swept away an around everyone. 在平民即将尖叫出声时,普莉希拉散发出了贵族特有的权威气势,双眼横扫了一遍自己周围的所有人。 Now, Strega (Witch) taught to submerge the kings, This One is inspecting. Just that was race's on this civilians dangerous thing that Strega (Witch) taught.” “现在,魔女教潜入了王都之中,妾身正在检查。刚刚的那个,便是魔女教的人种在了这个平民身上的危险之物。” If thou and others wanted to court destruction, then can scream now heartily. As the matter stands, This One will then regard you to give up own life on own initiative.” “如果汝等想要自取灭亡,那么现在便可以尽情尖叫了。这样一来,妾身便会视你主动放弃了自己的生命。” Then, Priscilla then continues stand forth, has not spoken a few words again. 说罢,普莉希拉便继续向前走去,没有再多说一句话。 After the surrounding common people shortly are again surprised, then looked at a safe and secure, does not have any that civilians of damage, swarmed instantaneously. 周围的百姓再短暂惊讶后,再看了看一身平安,没有任何损伤的那名平民,瞬间蜂拥了过去。 „... Waits for .... “等...等一下....” Pushed with great difficulty the crowd, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades kept up with Priscilla's angle pantingly: Just that was, what's the matter?” 好不容易挤开了人群,菜月昴气喘吁吁的跟上了普莉希拉的角度:“刚刚那是,怎么回事?” Un? Clowns, originally you also.” “嗯?小丑,原来你还在啊。” Sees vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades very obviously, Priscilla showed the surprised expression: Why doesn't go back?” 见到菜月昴,普莉希拉很明显的露出了惊讶的表情:“为什么不回去?” Does not go back ..... “不回去.....” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades somewhat speechless looks at Priscilla: „The my second duty, is entices to teach to Strega (Witch) that I eye covetously.” 菜月昴有些无语的看着普莉希拉:“我的第二个任务,就是勾引出对我虎视眈眈的魔女教啊。” Compared with this, how Sir Priscilla you just to achieve? Does not injure to the host, the light elimination lodges in the host body internal seed.” “不过比起这个,普莉希拉大人你刚刚是怎么做到的?不伤到宿主,光消灭寄宿在宿主身体内部的种子。” Cuts, is such simple.” “斩下去,就是这么简单。” „......” “呃......” Was choked by Priscilla's reply, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades can only look that to also calculates is quite credible Al. 被普莉希拉的回答呛了一下,菜月昴只能看向了还算‘比较靠谱’的阿尔。 That naturally is Yang sword the reason, vegetable/dish moon/month little elder brother. ” ”那自然是阳剑的原因啊,菜月小哥。” Yang sword?” “阳剑?” Right, besides dragon sword Redd of Seine Ha Luti, in this world also has many famous artisans and famous swords exists.” “没错,除了莱茵哈鲁特的龙剑雷德之外,这个世界上还有许多的名匠和名剑存在。” Incantation sword, love sword, spirit sword, life sword, shadow sword and Yang sword ..... “咒剑、爱剑、灵剑、命剑、影剑、阳剑..... However Yang sword special, is to elect the person. ” ”而阳剑的特殊型,便在于选人。” Elects the person?” “选人?” Right.” Al flexure face: Without the qualifications uses Yang sword, the person who then grips Yang sword meets instantaneously by Yang sword firing the ashes.” “没错。”阿尔挠了挠脸:“如果没有资格使用阳剑的话,那么握住阳剑的人会瞬间被阳剑给烧成灰烬。” But... the person, if grips Yang sword has enough qualifications, the person who then grasps Yang sword then can grasp the temperature of Sun.” “但...如果握住阳剑的人有足够的资格,那么掌握阳剑的人便能掌握太阳的温度。” Temperature of Sun?” “太阳的温度?” Right.” “没错。” Al shrugs saying: Fires the ashes Villain/enemy with the temperature of Sun, with the temperature warm people of Sun.” 阿尔耸肩道:“用太阳的温度将敌人烧成灰烬,用太阳的温度温暖众人。” This is Yang sword and other treasures has the biggest difference.” “这便是阳剑和其他宝具最大的差别。” „The sword of This One, always only cuts the person or the thing that these must be purified.” Priscilla's light saying: Regarding the host of does not have any evil, Yang sword and air has no difference.” 妾身之剑,从来都只斩那些必须要被净化的人或物。”普莉希拉淡淡的说道:“对于没有任何罪恶的宿主来说,阳剑和空气没有任何区别。” So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Although words saying, on the head of hateful vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades is going against one pile of question marks, but thanks to so, him also knew a matter. 话虽然这么说,可恶菜月昴的脑袋上还是顶着一堆问号,但多亏如此,他也知道了一件事。 Should not need to be worried about Priscilla's safety again. 应该是不需要再担心普莉希拉的安危了。
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