RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1813: Necessary factor and non- necessary factor

The saying that vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades spoke, it may be said that is a point cannot pick up the problem. 菜月昴说的这话,可谓是一点都挑不出毛病来。 Does Xie Ming need Priscilla to join to the union? Can say the need, can say that does not need. 谢铭需要普莉希拉加入到同盟当中吗?可以说需要,也可以说不需要。 But can he say with Priscilla? With her said that ‚you are dispensable regarding Xie Ming? If said, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades dare definitely to crawl when the time comes this hotel. 但他能这么和普莉希拉说吗?和她说‘对于谢铭而言你可有可无’?如果这么说,菜月昴敢肯定到时候自己会爬着出这个宅邸。 So-called dispensable, can actually divide two meanings: Has you not to have you to be the same】 With You cannot, but there are you well. 所谓的可有可无,其实可以分两种意思:【有你没你都一样】和【没有你可以,但有你更好】。 The idea that Xie Ming has naturally is the former, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades also understand are the former, but told Priscilla is the latter. 谢铭持有的想法自然是前者,菜月昴也明白是前者,但却告诉普莉希拉是后者。 Then, what has you better meaning is? 那么,有你更好的意思是什么? Naturally needs you. 自然是需要你呗。 The entire segment words fully conform to the logic, moreover makes Priscilla hear comfortably is very very happy. 整段话语完全符合逻辑,而且还让普莉希拉听得很舒服很开心。 Without the powerful strength solves the problem, the words often are the person most effective weapon. Initial Xie Ming, also does that. 在没有强大的力量来解决问题的时候,话语往往是人最为有力的武器。初期的谢铭,同样也是这么做的。 If the slightly entirely white sweet young girl, perhaps by vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades flickering. 如果是稍微傻白甜的少女,恐怕已经被菜月昴给忽悠过去了吧。 But was a pity very much, although Priscilla is arrogant, but is not silly arrogant. 但很可惜,普莉希拉虽然傲慢,但不是傻傲慢。 Mouth is very agile, this Seine Ha Luti may be unable to teach.” “嘴巴很利索嘛,这点莱茵哈鲁特可教不了。” Priscilla turns on the folding fan, narrows the eye: But was a pity very much, disciple of Seine Ha Luti. Perhaps you think that This One too did not know about that man, but in effect it is not so.” 普莉希拉打开折扇,眯起眼睛:“但很可惜啊,莱茵哈鲁特的弟子。你或许认为妾身对那个男人不太了解,可其实不然。” That man in some aspect, with This One is similar. Even if breaks his leg, he will not kneel down. Even if pressing his head, he will not lower the head.” “那个男人在某种方面,和妾身是同类。哪怕打断他的腿,他也不会跪下。哪怕按着他的脑袋,他也不会低头。” If the whole thing, really needs This One, he will not make you come, but will come personally.” “如果整件事情,真的需要妾身的话,他绝不会让你来,而是会亲自过来。” Your coming, only explained three matters.” “你的过来,只说明了三件事。” First, your union meets at present troublesome, although this trouble is not big, but you could not solve.” “第一,你们的同盟目前遇到了麻烦,虽然这个麻烦并不算大,但你们解决不了。” Second, that man thinks that This One can solve this trouble, but does not solve are not related.” “第二,那个男人认为妾身可以解决这个麻烦,但不解决也没有关系。” Third, the one who earnestly seeks This One to join the union is not he, but is you.” “第三,渴求妾身加入同盟的并不是他,而是你们。” ......... “.........” Drop of cold sweat, coasts following the outline of cheeks from the frontal eminence of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades slowly. Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades understand, oneself made mistakes. 一滴冷汗,缓缓从菜月昴的额角顺着脸颊的轮廓滑下。菜月昴明白,自己又犯错了。 He, belittles the world person, belittled Priscilla. 他,小觑天下人,小觑普莉希拉了。 At present this woman is not light/only depends on the divine protection obtains now position being in luck woman absolutely, but the solid household head, breaks off the capable woman of wrist with other four Wang Xuan sufficiently. 眼前这个女人绝对不是什么‘光靠加护才获得如今地位’的走运女人,而是实实在在的一家之主,足以和其他四名王选者掰腕子的女强人。 Everyone is belittling her, after all Priscilla's camp and does not have any signboard that can take acts. 所有人都在小觑她,毕竟普莉希拉的阵营并没有什么可以拿得出手的招牌。 The storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates there to have her, has azure Felice, sword ghost. Firouz unique Seine Ha Luti, Anna Tassie has the chamber of commerce, has the personal commission army corps, has Julius. 库珥修那里有她本人,有‘青’之菲利斯,还有剑鬼。菲鲁特有莱茵哈鲁特,安娜塔西亚有商会,有私人佣兵团,有尤利乌斯。 Likes Millie also having Xie Ming and assumes full responsibility of the border marquises of names of remaining four colors: Lods Var. 爱蜜莉雅也有着谢铭和包揽剩下四色之称的边境侯:罗兹瓦尔。 What then Priscilla does have? 那么普莉希拉有什么? Although her protection knight Al the strength is strong, but from Julius this first-class knight, actually also missed many ranks. Let alone, Al was also short of an arm. 她的守护骑士阿尔虽然实力强劲,但距离尤利乌斯这种一流骑士,其实还差了不少等级。更何况,阿尔还少了一条胳膊。 In this disadvantage, everyone thinks that Priscilla's arrogance is the natural disposition makes it so, and no energy. 在这种劣势中,所有人都认为普莉希拉的傲慢是本性使然,并没有什么底气。 But .... Really is so? 但....真的是如此吗? To understand that this point vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, wiped a cold sweat: It seems like, Sir Priscilla Xie Ming really found that I somewhat showed off meager skills before an expert.” 想明白这一点的菜月昴,抹了把冷汗:“看来,普莉希拉大人对于谢铭真的是非常了解啊,我有些班门弄斧了。” No, anybody has his use.” “不,任何人都有他的用处。” Priscilla smiled: Even if the clown, has the joyful others 's use. These words that you spoke, although there is biased concealment, but This One listened enjoyably indeed.” 普莉希拉笑了起来:“哪怕是小丑,也有着愉悦他人的用途。你说的那些话,虽然有偏颇隐瞒,但妾身听了的确十分的舒心。” Therefore, This One is willing to give you again an opportunity, convinced This One to join to the opportunity of union one time. Do the clowns, how you plan to do?” “所以,妾身愿意再给你一次机会,一次说服妾身加入到同盟的机会。小丑,你打算怎么做?” ....... “.......” Again to an opportunity? Real false? No, currently where also has that ample force to care about the genuine and fake? Even if false, must turn into it is really good. Valley 再给一次机会?真的假的?不,现在哪里还有那个余力去在意真假?哪怕是假的,也要把它变成真的才行。谷 As for Priscilla to own name? At this moment, will vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades also care about this minor matter? 至于普莉希拉对自己的称呼?事到如今,菜月昴还会在意这种小事? Has the person of explicit cognition to oneself, 对自己已经有明确认知的人, Will not care about others to own view and name. Because he understands, others' these words cannot change oneself ability, own present situation. Can change, only has itself. 是不会太在乎别人对自己的看法和称呼的。因为他明白,别人的这些话语并不能改变自己的能力,自己的现状。能改变的,唯有自己。 Do not worry... the ponder, do not stop the ponder. At present since this woman is willing to keep itself to get down, explained that she is to participate in this union.” “不要着急...思考,不要停下思考。眼前这个女人既然愿意留自己下来,说明她自己是想要参与到这个同盟当中的。” Reason is anything, matter that this does not need to consider. Needs to consider that why she is willing to participate in the union, actually must make me convince her as before.” “原因是什么,这不是需要考虑的事情。需要考虑的,为什么她愿意参加同盟,却依旧还要让我来说服她。” „...... Needs the stair?” “......是需要台阶吗?” This should not have wrong, is the arrogant person, more cannot pull the face to come actively. In Lancet Treia family/home days, he crossed obviously does not know many such person. 这点应该没有错,越是高傲的人,就越扯不下脸来主动。在阿斯特雷亚家这段日子,他可见过不知道多少这样的人了。 Although these fellows smiled the chrysanthemum in Seine Ha Luti front face, but... even is smelly a face in front of the poor|Fei Luti in oneself. 那些家伙虽然在莱茵哈鲁特面前脸都笑成了菊花,但在自己...甚至在菲鲁特面前都臭着一张脸。 Probably they and Lancet Treia family/home cooperates, is and the others occupied big small advantage. 好像他们和阿斯特雷亚家合作,是自己等人占多大便宜似的。 The poor|Fei Luti naturally cannot be used to these person of problems, direct likes the cooperation cooperation, does not cooperate rolls the attitude to make them somewhat unable to get out all of a sudden. 菲鲁特自然不会惯着这些人毛病,直接一句‘爱合作合作,不合作就滚’的态度让他们一下子就有些下不了台。 But at this moment, Seine Ha Luti will speak some words with the temperate smile, making that group of aristocrats follow backs down, but does not lose the face. 而就在这时,莱茵哈鲁特都会以温和的笑容说些话,让那群贵族顺着下台阶,而不失面子。 Reason that needs backing down, in most situations for own face. 之所以需要‘下台阶’,在绝大多数情况都是为了自己的面子。 Then, does Priscilla need face? 那么,普莉希拉需要‘面子’吗? Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades think that she does not need. 菜月昴认为她不需要。 Xie Ming is working as in front of the people in entire kingdom, said that she is one light has the woman of leather bag, she can not care completely, even the self-confident rebuttal goes back. 谢铭当着整个王国的人面前,说她是一名“光有皮囊的女人”,她都能够完全不在意,甚至自信的反驳回去。 With the self-confident support, what does Priscilla also need like this face? 在这样的自信支持下,普莉希拉还需要什么‘面子’? But face does not need, actually needs the stair, needs the reason. 但‘面子’不需要,却需要台阶,需要理由。 Moreover this reason cannot play any tricks, cannot continue to pull the fierce appearance to enlarge the flag with Xie Ming. 而且这个理由不能耍任何小聪明,不能继续拿着‘谢铭’扯虎皮拉大旗。 I, neglected something.” “我,忽视了一些东西。” In the eye flashes through the light, the mentality of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades suddenly sees the light together instantaneously. 眼里闪过一道光,菜月昴的思路瞬间豁然开朗。 Really can probably because of Xie Ming, Priscilla be willing to join to this cooperation? 真的‘必须’要因为谢铭,普莉希拉才愿意加入到这合作当中吗? Xie Ming this factor, must exist? 谢铭’这个因素,是必须存在的吗? This with playing the action game is the same, hits the recommendation rank of this BOSS is 30 levels. But can you really promote to 30 levels honestly can hit? 这就和玩动作游戏是一样的,打这个BOSS的推荐等级是‘30级’。但你真的必须要老老实实的升级到‘30级’才能打吗? If you have enough technology, even if not reach the recommendation rank, can't pass through in the same old way? 如果你有足够的技术的话,就算不达到推荐等级,不照样可以过关? Arrives in 30 levels, to let you can more relaxed solves this Boss, rather than you must reach 30 levels, can hit this Boss. 抵达30级,是为了让你能够更轻松的去解决这个Boss,而不是你必须达到30级,才能去打这个Boss。 If likewise, there is Xie Ming this factor, could make Priscilla comply refreshedly. But now, Priscilla this big Boss has indicated clearly. 同理,如果有‘谢铭’这个因素,或许能让普莉希拉答应的更爽快一点。但现在,普莉希拉这个大Boss已经明示了。 You cannot use Xie Ming this factor. Because of this factor, she knows what's the matter. 你不能使用‘谢铭’这个因素。因为这个因素,她知道是怎么回事。 In other words, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades cannot suppress her with rank, but must capture/raid her with technology. 也就是说,菜月昴不能用‘等级’去压制她,而是必须要用‘技术’去攻略她。 Then, technology can this main point, where in find? 那么,‘技术’这个要点,在哪可以找到? Before he arrives, in the middle of all concerned Priscilla's information that remembers. 在他来到之前,所记住的所有有关普莉希拉的信息当中。 ..... Sir Priscilla.” “.....普莉希拉大人。” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades clench teeth, raised the head earnest saying: As the kingdom future queen, do you want to leave alone to your common people?” 菜月昴咬了咬牙,抬起头认真的说道:“身为王国未来的女王,你要对自己的百姓放任不管吗?” „......” “......” Under the helmet, Al selected the eyebrow. 头盔之下,阿尔挑了挑眉毛。 But Priscilla, then receives the folding fan, showed the joyful smile. 而普莉希拉,则是收起了折扇,露出了愉悦的笑容。
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