RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1812: Words technique

Young lady, some people want to see you.” “大小姐,有人想见你。” „?” “哦?” Lies down Priscilla lazy on study room sofa blinks, sits to set out: Hehe, This One knows that he will come.” 慵懒躺在书房沙发上的普莉希拉眨了眨眼睛,坐起身来:“呵呵,妾身就知道他会来。” Makes him come.” “让他进来吧。” .... “呃....” Al flexure oneself helmet, he thought that own young lady was very likely misunderstood anything. But thinks carefully, he felt suddenly this is very interesting. 阿尔挠了挠自己的头盔,他觉得自家大小姐很有可能是误会了什么。但仔细想了想,他突然又感觉这样挺有趣的。 Good, my leads him to come.” “好的,我这就带他进来。” „.” “啪。” Turned on the bright red folding fan, covered own half face, on the Priscilla face showed the somewhat self-satisfied smile. 打开了鲜红的折扇,遮住自己的半张脸,普莉希拉脸上露出了有些得意的笑容。 In hearing to like Millie wanting when the kings execute the multi- rabbits, she knows that man will be driving. A little person of consciousness can see slightly, this acts the back intention. 在听到爱蜜莉雅要在王都处决多兔时,她就知道那个男人会主动过来。稍微有点意识的人就能看出,这番行动背后的意图。 Although in this world understood person who Strega (Witch) teaches very few, but she compares understanding one person in that ranks very much unfortunately. 虽然这个世界上了解魔女教的人非常的少,但很不巧她正是比较了解的那行列中的一人。 If Xie Ming teaches also to have many understanding of Strega (Witch), definitely will find her. 所以如果谢铭魔女教也有着较多的了解的话,就必然会找到她。 Remembers the previous time when Wang Xuan Hall, Xie Ming looks at own vision, to words that oneself spoke, Priscilla smiled in a soft voice. 想起上次在王选大厅时,谢铭看自己的目光,对自己说的话,普莉希拉就不禁轻声笑了起来。 Said is so firm, but hasn't the world made your little darling arrive in front of This One?” “说的那么坚决,但世界还不是让你乖乖来到妾身面前了?” Young lady, the person brought.” “大小姐,人带到了。” Un.” “嗯。” Receives the folding fan, focuses on putting in the black short hair youngster of gym suit at present, Priscilla will gawk slightly. 收起折扇,将注意力放到了眼前穿着运动服的黑色短发少年身上,普莉希拉微微一愣。 You who?” “你谁啊?” First meeting, Sir Priscilla.” “初次见面,普莉希拉大人。” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades neither arrogant nor servile bowing: I am Lancet Treia the family/home, accompanying in studies of poor|Fei Luti Sir, the disciple of Seine Ha Luti, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades.” 菜月昴不卑不亢的躬身:“我是阿斯特雷亚家,菲鲁特大人的陪读,莱茵哈鲁特的弟子,菜月昴。” Disciple of Seine Ha Luti?” “莱茵哈鲁特的弟子?” Hears this status, the Priscilla slightly knitting the brows head. She indeed knows actually, before more than half a year, Seine Ha Luti led a wear strange strange youngster to enter in the home to train personally. 听到这个身份,普莉希拉微微皱了皱眉头。她倒是的确知道,在大半年前,莱茵哈鲁特亲自带着一个穿着奇怪的陌生少年进入了家中进行训练。 However compared with this, she wants to ask some not good knight to do accounts. 不过比起这个,她更想找某个无良的骑士算算账。 Al? What do you mean?” “阿尔?你这是什么意思?” Oh? What's wrong?” “唉?怎么了吗?” Al's surprised saying: Is the young lady you make me take to bring in? What issue has?” 阿尔惊讶的说道:“是大小姐你让我带进来的啊?有什么问题吗?” „Are you playing This One?” “你在耍妾身吗?” Not, how possibly.” Al beckons with the hand: Is only, this little elder brother indeed has the important matter to look for you. Moreover he also comes on behalf of Lancet Treia family/home.” “不不不,怎么可能。”阿尔摆了摆手:“只是,这位小哥的确有重要的事来找你。而且他好歹也是代表阿斯特雷亚家来的。” „The This One interest did not have, no one sees.” 妾身兴致没了,谁也不见。” Do not say ~ “不要这么说嘛~” Al, do not make This One say again the second time.” “阿尔,不要再让妾身说第二次。” ..... “等.....” The vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades person was directly silly, he made fully the preparation in Lancet Treia, thought several sets of excuses. Finally makes to introduce oneself, do others want to catch up with oneself outward? 菜月昴人直接傻了,他在阿斯特雷亚做足了准备,想好了几套说辞。结果才做个自我介绍,人家就要把自己往外赶? Please wait!” “请等一下!” Al!” “阿尔!” „...” Al flexure helmet, forced smile was saying to vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades: Excuse me, vegetable/dish moon/month little elder brother. My family young lady is this, today asks you first to go back.” “呀咧呀咧...”阿尔挠了挠头盔,苦笑的对着菜月昴说道:“不好意思啊,菜月小哥。我家大小姐就是这样,今天就请你先回去吧。” „It is not good!” “不行啊!” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades clench teeth saying: „It is not now, is not this morning, all on evening!” 菜月昴咬牙说道:“不是现在,不是今天上午,一切就晚了!” This ..... “这.....” Al, today how many times can you also make This One repeat?” “阿尔,你今天还要让妾身重复多少次?” ......... Valley “.........”谷 Al's helpless sighing: This, little elder brother. You first told me the matter, when the young lady temperament got down, I said with her again.” 阿尔无奈的叹了口气:“这样吧,小哥。你把事情先告诉我,等大小姐脾气下去了,我再和她说。” ......... “.........” Ponder, quick ponder! What is disappoints her!? Was what makes her not have the interest? Is her originally, whom waits to arrive? 思考,快思考!到底是什么让她失望!?是什么让她没了兴致?她原本,是等待谁到来? Who that can also!? 那还能有谁啊!? Sir Priscilla, Xie Ming he will not come today.” “普莉希拉大人,谢铭他今天不会来了。” ....... “.......” Priscilla narrows the eye slightly, will look at vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades for the second time: What do you mean?” 普莉希拉微微眯起眼睛,第二次将目光投向菜月昴:“什么意思?” Believes that Sir Priscilla has also heard, loving Sir Millie who Xie Ming is at the faction, big rabbit sentenced in this time publicly neutralizes our poor|Fei Luti Sir and storehouse arc of contact of halo to cultivate/repair the Sir and Sir Anna Tassie formed the temporary treaty of alliance. “相信普莉希拉大人也听说过了,谢铭所在的爱蜜莉雅大人派系,在这次‘大兔公开处刑’中和我们菲鲁特大人、库珥修大人和安娜塔西亚大人结成了临时盟约。 Innermost feelings relax, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades know, oneself has attracted Priscilla's interest. ”内心松了口气,菜月昴知道,自己已经吸引起普莉希拉的兴趣了。 About Priscilla's personality, he Seine Ha Luti discussed with the poor|Fei Luti and on nearly one hour, finally draws the conclusion. 关于普莉希拉的性格,他足足和菲鲁特、莱茵哈鲁特上讨论了近一个小时,才终于得出结论。 Interest. 兴趣。 Regarding the Priscilla such arrogant person, lets her rejoice is most important. She was happy, she will be interested in having the patience to listen to you to say. 对于普莉希拉这么高傲的人来说,让她高兴才是最重要的。她高兴了,她才会有兴趣有耐心听你说下去。 In fact what matter is this, you must first say the matter that the opposite party is interested , the opposite party is willing to listen to you to say. 事实上什么事情都是这样,你要先说出对方感兴趣的事情,对方才愿意听你说下去。 But wanted to find to make the opposite party bring up the interest topic, must do the sufficient homework to be good. 但想要找到能让对方提起兴趣的话题,就必须要做好充足的功课才行。 If vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades do not know that Xie Ming and Priscilla at matter of Wang Xuan Hall, perhaps is very difficult in such a short time, discovers Priscilla's interesting point. 如果菜月昴不知道谢铭和普莉希拉在王选大厅发生的事情的话,恐怕很难能在这么短的时间内,发现普莉希拉的兴趣点吧。 The opening without doubt is most difficult, but the midway is not relaxed. 开头无疑是最难的,但中途也不算轻松。 Straightforward and Priscilla said that wants her to ally, without a doubt is the bad plan in bad plan. 直截了当的和普莉希拉说希望她加盟,毫无疑问是下策中的下策。 Xie Ming such reason of doing, merely to oneself the reason of upsetting the table, therefore came to set the example. 谢铭之所以那样做的原因,也仅仅是为了给自己一个掀桌子的理由,所以才过来做了做样子。 Wish lets Priscilla the means that complies with form an alliance, similarly must make this matter be interested in forming an alliance is good. 想要让普莉希拉答应结盟的办法,同样还是要让她对‘结盟’这件事感兴趣才行。 But this, must ordering a meal moon/month Pleiades own language background. 而这,就需要菜月昴自己的语言底子了。 Actually our these allies, is very strange. Among five Wang Xuan, Xie Ming looked for other three obviously, even Sir Anna Tassie that type cannot send the people who anything affects to join the partner.” “其实我们这些同盟者,也很奇怪。五位王选者当中,明明谢铭都找了其他三位,甚至连安娜塔西亚大人那种并不能派上什么作用的人都加入了同伙。” But why, Xie Ming doesn't he look for Sir Priscilla?” “但为什么,谢铭他不找普莉希拉大人呢?” Cast aside Priscilla's facial expression with the split vision slightly, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades continued saying: Believes that Priscilla can certainly look, Sir Xie Ming contacts that influence in every way, reason that conducts this sentencing meeting.” 用余光微微撇了眼普莉希拉的神情,菜月昴继续说道:“相信普莉希拉一定能够看出来,谢铭大人联络那么多方的势力,来举办这场处刑会的原因。” Attracts numerous the talent, as well as attracts Strega (Witch) to teach.” “广招人才,以及吸引魔女教。” Hidden ability that but Strega (Witch) teaches, is always extremely fierce. Few people teach to create the disaster before Strega (Witch), knew in advance this matter ahead of time.” “但魔女教的隐藏能力,向来是极为厉害的。很少有人在魔女教制造灾难前,就提前预知了这件事情。” What is certain, certainly had Strega (Witch) of danger to teach the member to enter in the city.” “不过可以肯定的是,一定有危险的魔女教成员进入到了城中。” Therefore?” “所以呢?” Therefore I believe, the decision of Xie Ming is wrong.” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades definite saying: Xie Ming he has not understood, in person who during this struggle most needs, is Sir Priscilla!” “所以我认为,谢铭的决定是错误的。”菜月昴确定的说道:“谢铭他没有明白,在这场斗争之中最需要的人,是普莉希拉大人!” That is natural.” “那是当然。” Priscilla turns on the fan to cover half face, smiles arrogant: This One is the center of the world, if the world lost me, that naturally anything matter does not have the means to be successful.” 普莉希拉打开扇子遮住半张脸,傲慢一笑:“妾身是世界的中心,如果世界失去了我,那自然什么事都没有办法成功。” Yes, I think, told Xie Ming.” “是啊,我是这么想的,也这么告诉了谢铭。” Speaking of this, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades stopped intentionally, takes a look to observe Priscilla's response. 说到这,菜月昴故意停顿了一下,瞧瞧观察普莉希拉的反应。 As expected, although Priscilla is maintaining that arrogant stance as before, but that beautiful eyebrow could not bear provoke several. 不出所料,虽然普莉希拉依旧保持着那份傲慢的姿态,但那秀丽的眉毛还是忍不住挑动了几下。 Actually he, the meaning was basically clear at this point. But, Priscilla wants is not knows, but listens to others to say. 其实他说到这里,意思就基本上明确了。但,普莉希拉想要的不是自己知道,而是听别人说出来。 Xie Ming said before leaving also and vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, permits method that he uses any him to think. 谢铭在临走之前也和菜月昴说了,允许他用任何他能想到的手段。 Then, quite many things, already in connivance of Xie Ming. Therefore, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades are also not lie. 那么,相当于许多事情,已经是在谢铭的默许之内了。因此,菜月昴也并不算说谎。 Although Xie Ming has not spoken, but allows me to look for Sir Priscilla you.” “虽然谢铭没有说话,但还是允许我来找普莉希拉大人你。” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades bow slightly: I believe, Sir Xie Ming also responded, during this plan, Sir Priscilla is essential existence.” 菜月昴微微鞠躬:“我认为,谢铭大人也反应了过来,在这次计划之中,普莉希拉大人是不可缺少的存在。” My arrival, then to transmit the meaning of Xie Ming.” “我的到来,便是为了传达谢铭的意思。” Xie Ming he needs you, Sir Priscilla.” 谢铭他需要您,普莉希拉大人。”
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