RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1811: Lends my strength

The trust is the thing that the tentacle may result , but also is the priceless thing. Especially when you once lost him, often must pay hundred times of prices to recall. 信任是触手可得的东西,但也是千金难买的东西。尤其是当你一度失去他的时候,往往要付出百倍的代价去挽回。 Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades display has the sincerity, but this is not Xie Ming again trusting gives his reason completely. 菜月昴表现的非常有诚意,可这并不是谢铭再次把信任全部交给他的理由。 However .... 不过.... I can give you again an opportunity, makes this plan a more perfect opportunity one time.” “我可以再次给你一次机会,一次让这个计划变得更加完美的机会。” Xie Ming tranquil saying: ” Before noon, convinced last Wang Xuan: Priscilla postscript Lieres, making her join to this plan. ” 谢铭平静的说道:”在中午之前,说服最后一名王选者:普莉希拉・跋利耶尔,让她加入到这次的计划中。” In this period, you can use any method that you can think, any card in a hand that in your hand has.” “期间,你可以使用你能想到的任何手段,你手中所拥有的任何底牌。” If you succeed, then plans then to defer to the original appearance, you and Priscilla going on patrol kings, discover to submerge to king Strega (Witch) teach the member.” “如果你成功,那么计划便按照原来的样子进行,你和普莉希拉两人巡游王都,找出潜入到王都中的魔女教成员。” If before noon, you have not achieved, then I then meet to decide, and will lead you in the side, will not let be concocted the opportunity that Strega (Witch) found again any may backlash.” “如果在中午之前,你没有做到,那么我便会自己决定,并且会把你带在身边,不会让虚饰魔女再找到任何有可能反噬的机会。” „...... I understood.” “......我明白了。” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades get hold of the fist, nod of effort: I will achieve.” 菜月昴握紧拳头,用力的点了点头:“我会做到的。” You try hard are.” Saying that Xie Ming shows neither approval nor disapproval: You only have morning time.” “你努力便是。”谢铭不置可否的说道:“你只有一上午的时间。” The words fall, his form then disappeared in Lancet Treia hotel. Seine Ha Luti, the poor|Fei Luti and vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades three people, almost also relax. 话落,他的身影便消失在了阿斯特雷亚宅邸。莱茵哈鲁特、菲鲁特和菜月昴三人,几乎同时松了口气。 Your this idiot!” “你这个蠢货!” !” “唔呀!” The knee nest encounters one to sweep the leg, offering food to a guest moon/month Pleiades cries out strangely to kneel down, both hands support: „Do you do the poor|Fei Luti!” 膝盖窝遭到一记扫腿,让菜月昴怪叫一声跪倒,双手撑地:“你干什么啊菲鲁特!” How also asked me!?” “还问我怎么了!?” Been unbearably angry poor|Fei Luti's to the vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades buttocks is being a foot: Your this reckless fellow! Even if there is resentment at heart, where has to be in front of others to display!” 气不过的菲鲁特对着菜月昴的屁股又是一脚:“你这不要命的家伙!就算心里有怨气,哪有当着别人的面表现出来的!” „The person who if faces is not the Xie Ming little elder brother, you definitely died!” “要是面对的人不是谢铭小哥的话,你肯定死定了!” Un, Pleiades. Just, was very dangerous.” “嗯,昴。刚刚,真的很危险。” Even if Seine Ha Luti, facial expression also incomparably serious looks at vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades: If you are not willing to say at that time as before, perhaps then you could not say forever.” 哪怕是莱茵哈鲁特,神情也无比严肃的看着菜月昴:“如果你当时依旧不愿说的话,那么恐怕你就永远说不出来了。” Just Xie Ming, really moved killed intent.” “刚刚谢铭,是真的动了杀意。” „......” “......” But, you do is very splendid, Pleiades.” “但是,你做的很出色,昴。” Yeah?” “哎?” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades stare slightly, somewhat accidental/surprised looks to Seine Ha Luti. 菜月昴微微一愣,有些意外的看向莱茵哈鲁特。 Seine Ha Luti? What you are saying!?” The poor|Fei Luti also showed the inconceivable expression: This idiot does is very splendid?” “莱茵哈鲁特?你在说什么啊!?”菲鲁特同样露出了不可思议的表情:“这蠢货做的很出色?” Un, in my opinion is this.” “嗯,在我看来是这样的。” Seine Ha Luti showed and usually the same temperate smile: „At least under the action of Pleiades, Xie Ming he changed the mind.” 莱茵哈鲁特露出了和平时一样的温和笑容:“至少在昴的行动下,谢铭他改变主意了。” This is the merit of Pleiades.” “这是昴的功劳。” Although I do not have the memory of previous samsara in your mouth also saying, but something I can look. Xie Ming he, is preparing for the important thing, the rejection to he similarly important thing.” “虽然我没有你们口中还所说的上一个轮回的记忆,但有些东西我还是能看出来的。谢铭他,正准备为了自己重要的东西,舍弃一些对他同样重要的东西。” If he really such made, the result of finally obtaining, to our anybody is not perhaps considered as that a good result.” “如果他真的那样做成了,最后得到的结果,对我们任何人来说恐怕都不算是个好结局。” Even if regarding Xie Ming is also so.” “哪怕是对于谢铭自己而言也是如此。” But, Pleiades. You make Xie Ming give you opportunity, but this will also represent you to shoulder the responsibility that this opportunity will bring. If you have not seized this opportunity, then future remorse that all sorts of triggers, will be accompanying you, until you died.” “可是,昴。你让谢铭给予你机会,但这也代表着你将肩负起这机会所带来的责任。如果你没有抓住这次机会,那么未来的种种所引发的自责,将陪伴着你,直到你死去。” Pleiades, did you complete to come to understand?” “昴,你做好觉悟了吗?” ........ “........” Silent several seconds, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades raised the head: If must ask that I do have this consciousness, I from the heart replied that definitely is: Does not know.” 沉默了数秒,菜月昴抬起头:“如果要问我有没有这个觉悟,我发自内心的回答肯定是:不知道。” If must ask me, I had had confidence that seizes this opportunity, my reply definitely is: No.” “如果要问我,我有没有把握抓住这次机会,我的回答肯定是:没有。” Because of me .... Too weak.” “因为我....太无力了。” The first time, his entire journey is the same like the puppet, whatever is concocted the Strega (Witch) control. 第一次,他全程都如同傀儡一样,任由虚饰魔女操控。 The second time, even if everyone presents, Seine Ha Luti also on the scene, but has not prevented to be concocted as before the sneak attack of Strega (Witch). 第二次,哪怕所有人都在场,莱茵哈鲁特也在场,但依旧没有阻挡住虚饰魔女的偷袭。 If not that sudden silver-haired woman takes the bull by the horns, 如果不是那个突然出现的银发女人当机立断, Words that will kill immediately, perhaps oneself must become was concocted Strega (Witch) to connect the item that oneself and envied between Strega (Witch). In everyone in fighting bravely, only has oneself anything busily unable to add on. The first time so, the second time is also so. 立马将自己杀死的话,恐怕自己又要成为虚饰魔女连通自己和嫉妒魔女之间的道具了吧。在所有人都在奋战的时候,唯有自己什么忙都帮不上。第一次如此,第二次也是如此。 Two samsara, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades have fully understood a matter. 两次轮回,菜月昴已经充分了解到了一件事。 I could not become Seine Ha Luti you, could not become and Xie Ming such person. I merely, am only I. Depends on my own words, anything cannot achieve.” “我成为不了莱茵哈鲁特你,成为不了和谢铭那样的人。我仅仅,只是我。靠着我自己的话,什么也做不到。” Therefore, I need your help.” “所以,我需要你们的帮助。” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades earnest saying: „Is Seine Ha Luti, the poor|Fei Luti, you willing to lend my strength?” 菜月昴认真的说道:“莱茵哈鲁特,菲鲁特,你们愿意借给我力量吗?” Naturally, friend of mine, Pleiades.” Seine Ha Luti modest saying of: This and is not only your matter, is our things.” “当然了,我的朋友,昴。”莱茵哈鲁特温和的说道:“这并不仅仅是你一个人的事情,是我们大家的事情。” You added what idle talk to the present.” “都到现在了你还说什么废话。” poor|Fei Luti ill-humored saying of: We do not help you, but also who can help you?” 菲鲁特没好气的说道:“我们不帮你,还有谁能帮你?” Seine Ha Luti .... poor|Fei Luti .... “莱茵哈鲁特....菲鲁特....” Disgusting words even.” poor|Fei Luti white vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades: Leaves our time is not many, only has one in the morning. Currently is the considering everything, nearly 6 hours.” “肉麻的话就算了。”菲鲁特白了一眼菜月昴:“留给我们的时间不多,就只有一上午。从现在看是满打满算,也就只有近六个小时。” Moreover, must convince that Priscilla .... “而且,还是要说服那个普莉希拉....” .... What Sir Priscilla, is really very thorny ..... “啊....普莉希拉大人,的确是非常的棘手啊.....” Seine Ha Luti forced smile said: That is even Xie Ming, Sir who does not want the relations.” 莱茵哈鲁特苦笑道:“那可是连谢铭,都不怎么想扯上关系的大人。” Is so exaggerating?” “这么夸张?” This saying, but vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades being startled: Even does Xie Ming feel thorny?” 这话,可是把菜月昴给惊到了:“连谢铭都觉得棘手?” Although I also slightly have hearing, but this also too ..... “虽然我也略有耳闻,但这也太.....” Seine Ha Luti you said that these are not quite convenient, therefore me.” “莱茵哈鲁特你说这些不太方便,所以我来说吧。” The poor|Fei Luti sighed: Simply speaking, that is one, is extremely extremely self-confident, extremely arrogant woman. Regards naturally all good luck, thinking the world is the fellow who revolves itself to rotate.” 菲鲁特叹了口气:“简单来说,那是一个极度自我,极度自信,极度傲慢的女人。把所有的好运都当成理所当然,认为世界是围绕着自己转动的家伙。” „......” “呜哇......” The vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades corner of the eye pulled out pulling out: Sounding is good to trouble.” 菜月昴眼角抽了抽:“听上去就好麻烦。” Ha, actually the heart of Sir Priscilla is very good. Moreover, in some sense the world indeed rotates regarding her.” “哈哈哈,其实普莉希拉大人的心地还是很善良的。而且,从某种意义上世界的确是围绕着她转动。” This saying by you, really felt being out of sorts feeling.” The poor|Fei Luti spits the mortise: „The world does not transfer regarding you?” “这话由你来说,实在充满了违和感。”菲鲁特吐槽道:“世界难道不是围绕着你转的吗?” Truly.” “确实。” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades that knows the Seine Ha Luti actual state, say/way of nod approval. After all according to the view of Xie Ming, these half divine protection world also is really in the practical significance transfers regarding Seine Ha Luti. 知道莱茵哈鲁特实际状况的菜月昴,不禁点头赞同的道。毕竟根据谢铭的说法,这半个加护世界还真是实际意义上的围绕着莱茵哈鲁特来转的。 No, I refer to the divine protection of Sir Priscilla.” “不,我指的是普莉希拉大人的加护。” Seine Ha Luti somewhat helpless saying: After a while, I must go to the multi- rabbits to execute the scene again. The time are not much, do not crack a joke.” 莱茵哈鲁特有些无奈的说道:“再过一会儿,我就要去多兔处决现场了。时间不多,还是不要开玩笑了吧。” Ok?” The poor|Fei Luti selected the eyebrow: „Can this violate your principle? Said others' divine protection arbitrarily.” “可以么?”菲鲁特挑了挑眉:“这会不会违反你的原则?擅自将别人的加护说出来。” Doesn't matter, poor|Fei Luti Sir.” “没关系,菲鲁特大人。” Seine Ha Luti said with a smile: „The divine protection of concerned Sir Priscilla, in many will of the people have actually guessed somewhat.” 莱茵哈鲁特笑道:“有关普莉希拉大人的加护,其实许多人心里多多少少都已经猜测出来了。” Moreover we do not use this information in the evil way, but to let everyone welcomed the good result, this was the correct matter.” “而且我们也不是要将这个情报用在邪道上,而是为了让所有人迎来好的结局,这是正确的事情。” „The divine protection of Sir Priscilla, is named ‚the divine protection of Sun powerful divine protection .... “普莉希拉大人的加护,是名为‘太阳的加护’的强大加护....”
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