RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1810: Opening heart

„!” “啪!” Although this foot Xie Ming had received almost 99 strengths, as but before kicks vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades from the sky turned, distressed falling falls on the place. 虽然这一脚谢铭已经收了几乎99的力量,但依旧把菜月昴踢的在空中翻了一圈,才狼狈的摔落在地。 Pleiades!” “昴!” „The poor|Fei Luti, I am all right .... “菲鲁特,我没事....” Scratched under the blood of corners of the mouth, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades crawled to look to Xie Ming: Then were you air/Qi disappear?” 擦了下嘴角的血,菜月昴爬了起来看向谢铭:“这下你气消了吗?” If not, you can also hit several.” “如果没有,你还可以多打几下。” Xie Ming frowns slightly, is staring at the eye of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades: „Are you, hating me?” 谢铭微微皱起了眉头,盯着菜月昴的眼睛:“你,在恨我?” „!!!!” “!!!!” Pleiades!?” “昴!?” How possibly...” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades exaggerating smiled: „Do I possibly hate you? I not awfully?” “怎么可能啊...”菜月昴夸张的笑了一下:“我怎么可能恨你?我不要命了吗?” Pleiades.” “昴。” Seine Ha Luti silent several seconds: You should not forget, I do have the divine protection of confirmation lie?” 莱茵哈鲁特沉默了几秒:“你应该没有忘记,我有验证谎言的加护吧?” ........ “........” „Are you hating me?” Xie Ming repeated, arrived at the front of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades slowly: How do you have the qualifications to hate me? Why do you hate me?” “你在恨我?”谢铭重复了一遍,缓缓走到了菜月昴的面前:“你怎么有资格恨我?你出于什么原因恨我?” Come, said that looks.” “来,说说看。” ....... “.......” You, if did not say, I have my treatment method.” Xie Ming is staring at the eye of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, saying one word at a time: Hates my, is my Villain/enemy.” “你要是不说,那我也有我的处理方法。”谢铭盯着菜月昴的眼睛,一字一顿的说道:“仇恨我的,就是我的敌人。” However I treat Villain/enemy, always only has a processing mode.” “而我对待敌人,从来就只有一种处理方式。” Kills thoroughly.” “彻底杀死。” „!!!!” By the Xie Ming shock and awe withdrew several steps, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades forced a smile several: I... how possible .... “!!!!”被谢铭震慑的不禁退后几步,菜月昴强笑了几声:“我...怎么可能....” You think that I am joking with you? You believe, you have thisdeath returned to ‚ the power, couldn't I kill you?” Xie Ming smiled: You think after you were won the power, is who gives you power?” “你以为我在和你开玩笑?还是你认为,你拥有这‘死亡回归‘的权能,我就杀不了你了?”谢铭笑了起来:“你以为你被夺走了权能后,是谁将权能给你的?” Moreover you really think, being able dead is a good deed?” “而且你真的以为,死不了是一件好事吗?” „The first death, was I makes you not have dying of pain especially, was good to reduce your pressure. But the second death, should not have to feel better.” “第一次死亡,是我特地的让你没有痛苦的死去,好减轻你的心理压力。但第二次死亡,应该没有那么好受吧。” „!!!!!” “!!!!!” Therefore, why you will hate me, because you what reason hate me.” “所以说吧,你为什么会恨我,你因为什么原因恨我。” Projects a chair to sit down conveniently, saying that Xie Ming coldly: I believe, I have the ample patience to you, enough enduring patiently.” 随手投影出一把椅子坐下,谢铭冷冷的说道:“我自认为,我对你有足够的耐心,足够的忍耐了。” „The first time, I trust you to achieve you. You only need toward surrounding to release Magic time, most preliminary gauze curtain, I then can catch your position a time immediately, solves Pandora, happy.” “第一次,我对你信任你能做到。你只需要往着周围释放一次魔法,一次最低级的纱幕,我便能在第一时间捕捉到你的位置,解决潘朵拉,皆大欢喜。” „The second time, I decided that I solves all these. When I soon succeed, you caused the rebellion of oneself power, attracted in front of Pandora oneself, making me fall short.” “第二次,我决定自己去解决这一切。就当我快要成功时,你引起了自己权能的暴动,将潘朵拉吸引到了自己面前,让我功亏一篑。” „The third time, I look for you. But do you, actually use the vision of hatred to visit me? Why?” “第三次,我来找你。而你,却用着憎恨的目光看着我?为什么?” Xie Ming too did not understand, the face where vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades come hates itself. 谢铭是真的不太理解,菜月昴到底哪来的脸来恨自己。 .... Hehe hehe .... Hahahaha!!!!” “呵....呵呵呵呵呵....哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!!” Pleiades?” “昴?” poor|Fei Luti some do not know looks to laugh wildly vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades that: What are you smiling?” 菲鲁特有些不认识的看着狂笑起来的菜月昴:“你在笑什么?” What am I smiling?” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades laugh saying: I am smiling at present this breathless, comes person who asks me to want a view!” “我在笑什么?”菜月昴大笑道:“我在笑眼前这个气急败坏的,前来找我要个说法的人啊!” I also think, his really anything can achieve, anything does not need others to help! Finally, you are not the versatile person! Your that confident plan, can easily be destroyed!” “我还以为,他真的什么都能做到,什么都不需要别人帮助呢!结果,你也不是全能的人啊!你那胸有成竹的计划,也能被人轻易的破坏啊!” ........ “........” Xie Ming static looks to laugh wildly, smiles the tears not to gasp for breath, smiles to bend the waist, smiles the tears class/flow to come out, from smiling to turn into the youngster who cries. 谢铭静静的看着狂笑着,笑到眼泪都喘不过气,笑弯了腰,笑到眼泪都流出来,从笑变成哭的少年。 You deceived me!” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades are pointing at Xie Ming: You deceived me!” Valley “你骗了我!”菜月昴指着谢铭:“你骗了我!”谷 ....... “.......” I am a useless fellow, I am clear!” “我是一个没用的家伙,我自己心里清楚!” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades cry saying: „The first time, I do not know the Strega (Witch) fate that completely you said is anything, is only in unpurposed strolling.” 菜月昴哭着说道:“第一次,我完全不知道你所说的魔女缘分是什么,只是在毫无目的的闲逛。” In Pandora appears after my front, I also think that was the young girl of my destiny appears! Therefore anything has not done, so long as maintains the relations with her. “在潘朵拉出现在我面前之后,我还以为是我命运的少女出现了!所以什么都没有做,只要和她搞好关系。 Because of my mistake, the poor|Fei Luti died! Everyone died! These I understand!” ”“因为我的错,菲鲁特死了!大家都死了!这些我都明白!” But you encouraged me, you want me to insist! Good! I insisted! However you! Xie Ming!” “但你鼓励了我,你要我坚持下去!好!我坚持下来了!但是你呢!谢铭!” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades are red the eye to look at Xie Ming: Finally you to these that I said that is completely the pretence under pretext for a while, but to let me brought back the power, making the world restart!” 菜月昴红着眼睛看着谢铭:“结果你对我说的那些,全部都是一时托词,只是为了让我重新拿回权能,让世界重启!” You said so many, to regard the item me merely! Such being the case! You spoke frankly!” “你说那么多,仅仅只是为了把我当成道具!既然如此!你就直说啊!” Said ‚, because you were defeated, I no longer trust you! Said that I want you to accept the power to return, I want to solve this matter!” “说‘因为你失败了,我不再信任你’!说‘我要你接受权能回到过去,我要自己解决这件事’!” You can definitely say! You can definitely not need to encourage me! Does not need to make me stand! You made me have self-confidently, then also told me me not to believe you with the behavior! You are only a item!” “你完全可以这么说!你完全可以不用鼓励我!不用让我重新站起来!你让我重新有了自信,然后又用行为告诉我‘我已经不相信你’了!你只是道具而已!” If I am a no waste! You is a despicable villain!” “如果我是一个没有的废物!那你就是一个卑劣的小人!” ........ “........” Was scolded by vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, Xie Ming had not been mad too much, is only somewhat accidental/surprised. Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades had the hate because of this matter unexpectedly. 被菜月昴这么骂了一顿,谢铭倒没有生太多的气,只是有些意外。没想到,菜月昴居然是因为这件事而产生了怨恨。 In his opinion, perhaps was betrayed him. 在他看来,或许是自己背叛了他吧。 Gives hope that he stands, wants pinching out this. This attack, places thinking of place, truly very offends somebody. 给予他重新站起来的希望,又将这希望给掐灭。这份打击,切身处地的想想,确实挺伤人的。 Do not look at vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades this mindless appearance, but he indeed is in a personality the person. Because of attacking to lose, will lament because of own mistake, but despairs. 别看菜月昴这一副没心没肺的模样,但他的确是一名性情中人。会因为打击而失落,会因为自己的错误而悔恨,而绝望。 Also because others give his anticipation and faith, but stands. 又会因为他人给予他的期待和信赖,而重新站起来。 Before, he should trust oneself. Then, oneself made was equal to betray his action. Then, then must make anything, did not need to say again. 在之前,他应该是信任自己的。然后,自己做出了等同于背叛他的行动。那么,接下来要做什么,就不需要再多说了。 Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades, you said right.” “菜月昴,你说的没错。” Xie Ming stands up, tranquil looks at vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades: After the first failure, I indeed no longer trusts you. Before to recall the destruction the time, needs you to accept and use that power.” 谢铭站起身来,平静的看着菜月昴:“在第一次失败后,我的确不再信任你。为了将时间调回毁灭前,需要你接受、使用那份权能。” I to let like Millie they living, therefore encouraged you. Because of then me, although has not regarded waste you this degree, but also no longer thinks that you are the qualified participant of this plan.” “我为了让爱蜜莉雅她们活过来,所以鼓励了你。因为当时的我,虽然没有把你当成‘废物’这个程度,但也不再认为你是这次计划的合格参与者。” From my perspective, loves Millie and Rem they want important many compared with you. Because I trust the tragedy that causes arbitrarily, appearing time was one enough.” “从我的角度来看,爱蜜莉雅和雷姆她们比你要重要的多。因为我擅自的信任而导致的悲剧,出现一次就足够了。” Therefore I decided that I solves this matter, no longer allows anybody to be involved.” “所以我决定自己来解决这整件事,不再让任何人参与到其中。” You said right, I deceived you, handled very excessive matter to you. At this matter, I must apologize to you.” “你说的没错,我欺骗了你,对你做了很过分的事情。在这件事上,我要向你道歉。” Sorry.” “对不起。” „......” “......” Looks that to Xie Ming that oneself bowed, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades withdrew slightly several steps: You... you what's the matter!” 看着微微向自己鞠躬的谢铭,菜月昴退后了几步:“你...你到底是怎么回事啊!” „Very strange?” “很奇怪么?” Xie Ming smiles: Makes the mistake, naturally must apologize, isn't this very normal matter?” 谢铭笑了笑:“做错了事,自然是要道歉,这不是很正常的事情?” You... I ..... “你...我.....” Face azure red of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, deeply is also bowing the bow to Xie Ming later: I am also, really sorry very much!” 菜月昴的脸青一阵红一阵,随后也对着谢铭深深鞠下了躬:“我也是,真的很对不起!” I know that I am a waste! Because of my indulging in flights of fancy, thus caused you to lose the trust to me! This is the natural matter!” “我知道我是一个废物!因为我的胡思乱想,从而导致了你对我失去了信任!这是理所当然的事情!” But! I hope that you can give me a making up opportunity! Gives me one to participate in the opportunity of this plan again!” “但是!我希望你能给我一个弥补的机会!给我一个再次参与到这次计划的机会!” I am a waste! But, I do not want such waste to get down!” “我是个废物!但,我不想要就这么废物下去!” Asked! Please! Believes my one time again!” “拜托了!请你!再相信我一次!” Asked!!” “拜托了!!”
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