RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1809: Object of this/should apology

The blade flashes, Seine Ha Luti only feels a shoulder heat. Afterward, the fresh bloody stool that splashes dyed on his face. 刀刃一闪,莱茵哈鲁特只觉得肩膀一热。随后,溅出的鲜血便染在了他的脸上。 When .... “什么时候....” When cannot see clearly the blade to leave, even after cutting own body, takes the lead to appeared not the pain. 根本看不清刀是什么时候出的,甚至在斩到自己的身上后,率先出现的都不是痛感。 This blade, directly Seine Ha Luti just self-confident cutting not to have half. 这一刀,直接把莱茵哈鲁特刚刚的自信给斩没了一半。 Others is a blade does not have the means to see clearly, what discussed the experience to the opposite party full power sword technique? 就连人家是怎么出刀的都没有办法看清,又何谈见识到对方全力的剑术? On this degree?” “就这点程度?” Saying that Xie Ming coldly: This, do you also want to see the entirety of my sabreplay?” 谢铭冷冷的说道:“就这样,你还想见到我刀术的全部?” Saying, after the day fire net flame hidden is entering again void, appears. But along with, was Seine Ha Luti increased a quite fierce slash again. 说着,天火净焰再次隐入到了虚空中后浮现。而伴随着的,便是莱茵哈鲁特的身上再次增添了一道相当狰狞的刀痕。 .... “咳....” Coughed a blood, Seine Ha Luti responded. Oneself, cannot defend like before again. 咳出一口血,莱茵哈鲁特反应了过来。自己,不能再像之前那样防守了。 After all Xie Ming just movement absolutely did not have to be earnest, moreover was intentional came hitting with the back of the blade dragon sword of Seine special care before body. 毕竟谢铭刚刚的动作根本都没有认真起来,而且还是故意的用刀背来‘打’莱茵哈鲁特护在身前的龙剑。 Is hitting, rather than cutting. 是‘打’,而不是‘斩’。 Hits with the blade, with cuts with the blade, is not a matter of concept. The former is the amusement, the latter really moves slightly. 用刀去打,和用刀去斩,根本就不是一个概念的事情。前者是玩乐,后者才稍微动了动真格。 Seine Ha Luti, even produced an shame for just. 莱茵哈鲁特,甚至为刚刚的自己产生了一丝羞愧。 Why oneself because saw clearly the opposite party amusement movement, but felt that joyful, thinking the opposite party is own good opponent? 为什么自己会因为‘看清了对方玩乐的动作’,而感到那么的喜悦,认为对方是自己的好对手? Or the pride where oneself come where, comes thinks self-confidently? 或者说,自己哪来的骄傲,哪来的自信来这么认为? Let alone .... Xie Ming really real thing? 更何况....谢铭真的动了真格吗? He this most basic matter, does not have the means to judge now. Regarding does not have Seine Ha Luti of twists and turns, such difficult position and confusedness, are really a different experience. 他现在连这个最基本的事情,都没有办法判断。对于一路毫无波折的莱茵哈鲁特来说,如此的困境和迷茫,真的是件全新的体验。 But he also has the premonition, if oneself spanned this test, that can become stronger. 但他同样也有着预感,如果自己跨越了这次的考验,那就能变得更强。 Only pitifully, if before is , the mentality also calculates that gentle Xie Ming, that estimate can give him this corresponding trial. 只可惜,如果是之前心态还算平和的谢铭,那估计会给予他这份相应的试炼。 But his mood now is very unhappy, is very unhappy. 但他的心情现在很不美好,很不美好。 An own mood unhappy person, how also possibly to give others to bring happily? 一个连自己的心情都不美好的人,又怎么可能给别人带来美好呢? Don't you want to watch my sabreplay? 你不是想看我的刀术吗? Good, I look to you. 好,我给你看。 Shakes.” “震。” The blade potential of attack suddenly changes, back of the blade seemingly light hitting on dragon sword the sword blade, no point strength. But the vibration of above transmission, the entire arm of Seine Ha Luti was falling into the condition paralysis directly. 攻击的刀势突然一变,刀背看似轻飘飘的打在了龙剑的剑身上,没有一点的力量。但上面传递的震动,直接连带着莱茵哈鲁特的整条胳膊都陷入了麻痹状态。 Afterward selects gently, the dragon sword then lets go directly. 随后再轻轻一挑,龙剑便直接脱手而出。 Let alone among two people the technique had the disparity, even if Seine Ha Luti with Xie Ming same is the big grandmaster, Xie Ming also has the percentage hundred exceeds him self-confidently. 别说两人之间的技艺本就有差距,哪怕莱茵哈鲁特和谢铭一样都是大宗师,谢铭也有着百分百的自信胜过他。 Depends on the sabreplay that practices to obtain, at the sabreplay that in the innumerable scenes of carnage disciplines, how could to be generally spoken? 一路靠着自练得到的刀术,和在无数修罗场中磨练出来的刀术,岂能一概而论? If so, what blade does Xie Ming also practice? The tower of what sabreplay crawls? 如果真是如此,谢铭还练什么刀?爬什么刀术之塔? Scoffs.” “嗤。” The jet black blade, passed through the heart of Seine Ha Luti. Seine Ha Luti stared in a big way the eyes, the corners of the mouth left behind one line of blood. 漆黑的刀刃,贯穿了莱茵哈鲁特的心脏。莱茵哈鲁特瞪大了双眼,嘴角留下了一行鲜血。 Xie Ming .... 谢铭....” I and you have said that Seine Ha Luti.” “我和你说过,莱茵哈鲁特。” Saying that Xie Ming coldly: Lets the consciousness that you complete dead.” 谢铭冷冷的说道:“让你做好死的觉悟。” You really think, I am chatting with you merely?” “你真以为,我仅仅是在和你说笑?” The day fire net flame was extracted the body of Seine Ha Luti slowly, the domain world retracted to the Xie Ming whole body. Therefore, Seine Ha Luti's phoenix divine protection also has the effect. 天火净焰被缓缓抽出了莱茵哈鲁特的身体,领域世界重新缩回到谢铭的周身。因此,莱茵哈鲁特身上的不死鸟加护也随之起效。 If Xie Ming wields the blade now, then Seine Ha Luti must die without doubt. 如果现在谢铭挥下刀,那么莱茵哈鲁特必死无疑。 Regarding without person of enmity no hate, Xie Ming will not go to really under the killer. Let alone the character of Seine Ha Luti, he quite appreciates. 对于无仇无恨的人,谢铭不会去真下杀手。更何况莱茵哈鲁特的性格,他还是比较欣赏的。 But this time, he was a little in the way. 只不过这次,他有点碍事了而已。 The flame of phoenix in remoulding the injury on Seine Ha Luti physical body, without after a while, the red hair sword Saint is then reactivating in the Xie Ming front. 不死鸟的火焰在重塑着莱茵哈鲁特肉体上的伤势,没过一会儿,红发剑圣便复活在了谢铭的面前。 Divine protection, even the breakage and bloodstain of his clothes gave the restore. 加护,甚至连他衣服的破损和血渍都给修复了。 ....... “.......” Look complex looked at Xie Ming one, Seine Ha Luti picks the return dragon sword to turn over to the sheath, 神色复杂的看了谢铭一眼,莱茵哈鲁特捡回龙剑归鞘, Sighed slightly: Xie Ming, you really not to Pleiades how?” I have said that I want to chat with him.” 微微叹了口气:“谢铭,你真的不会对昴怎么样吗?”“我说过,我只是想和他聊聊。” Saying that Xie Ming coldly: Teaches should not be the blade that the child uses, reprimands and club.” 谢铭冷冷的说道:“教训小孩用的不该是刀,是斥责和棍棒。” ----- ----- The conference room of Lancet Treia family/home, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades and poor|Fei Luti are waiting for here. 阿斯特雷亚家的会议室,菜月昴和菲鲁特在这里等待着。 Defeat of Seine Ha Luti, they have seen through the window. Regarding experiencing Xie Ming that nearly has destroyed day of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades that ability that extinguishes the place, this is not worth the surprised matter. 莱茵哈鲁特的战败,他们已经通过窗户看到。对于见识过谢铭那近乎毁天灭地的能力的菜月昴来说,这并不是什么值得惊讶的事情。 But regarding Astraudo Jaga's servant, regarding from seeing Seine Ha Luti has never seen him Firouz top grade person, as soon as defeats, this quite attacks three views. 但对于阿斯特雷亚加的仆人,对于从见到莱茵哈鲁特就从未见过他一败的菲鲁特等人来说,这一幕还是相当冲击三观的。 Which advantages if the poor|Fei Luti camp has, one is poor|Fei Luti that legitimate royal family bloodlines. 如果说菲鲁特阵营有哪些点优势,其中一个便是菲鲁特那正统的王室血脉。 Another, is Seine Ha Luti's invincible strength support. 另一个,便是莱茵哈鲁特无敌的实力支持。 However this invincibility, now actually by Xie Ming with several blades crossing out. If the pure advantage, liked the Millie Camp exceeding other Wang Xuan, arrived in the second position. 然而这个无敌,现在却被谢铭用几刀给划掉了。若单纯优势来看,爱蜜莉雅阵营已经超越了其他的王选者,来到了第二的位置上。 Then from now on and the others, this/should what course to follow? If the poor|Fei Luti campaigns for the failure, how they will be handled? 那么今后自己等人,该何去何从?如果菲鲁特竞选失败,他们会被怎么处置? This is the matter that the servants are worried about. 这是仆人们担心的事情。 The poor|Fei Luti is worried, is the situation of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades. 菲鲁特所担心的,则是菜月昴的情况。 The discerning people can see that the Xie Ming oncoming force is bad, but after a sleep/felt wakes up, feeling alarmed and anxious of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, the fear on face, the poor|Fei Luti also watches. 明眼人都能看出谢铭的来势不善,而一觉醒来后菜月昴的担惊受怕,脸上的恐惧,菲鲁特也看在眼里。 When Xie Ming and Seine Ha Luti fights, she also listened to the matter that the first two week institute had from vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades here. 谢铭和莱茵哈鲁特战斗时,她也从菜月昴这里听了前两个周目所发生的事情了。 To be honest, the poor|Fei Luti felt, if are Xie Ming, oneself will also wish one could twisting the head of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades. She even starts to suspect, this useless fellow was really initially the person of that effort saw in the hotel strength? 说句心里话,菲鲁特觉得如果自己是谢铭,自己也会恨不得把菜月昴的脑袋给拧下来。她甚至开始怀疑,这个没用的家伙真的是自己当初在宅邸力看到的那个努力的人吗? But the suspicion turns over to the suspicion, as the friend of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, she is impossible really to look at others the head of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades twisting. 但怀疑归怀疑,身为菜月昴的朋友,她也不可能真的看着别人把菜月昴的脑袋给拧下来。 Therefore, can only try to find the solution. 所以,只能想办法了。 Recalled and Xie Ming realized present's all recollections, the poor|Fei Luti discovered a matter. 回想了一下自己和谢铭认识到现在的所有回忆,菲鲁特发现了一件事。 Xie Ming, is actually an opening to persuasion but not to coercion person. At that time when oneself stole away loved the Millie Wang Xuan badge, Xie Ming is also almost and begins. 谢铭,其实是一个吃软不吃硬的人。当时自己偷走爱蜜莉雅的王选徽章时,谢铭也是差点和自己动手。 But because own promptness recognizes instigated, is not, prompt attitude sincere admitting mistakes, that matter successful resolution. 可因为自己的及时认怂,不是,及时态度诚恳的认错,那件事才成功的化解。 How then... vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades also do try this move? 那么...菜月昴也试试这一招怎么样? Regarding realizing oneself wrong vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades is not naturally a problem, let alone bends the waist to admit mistakes, waits for Xie Ming to come in comes an inheritance to kneel in the inheritance of own father to him slippery is not a problem. 对于认识到自己错误的菜月昴来说自然不成问题,别说弯腰认错,等谢铭进来的时候给他来一个传承于自家老爸的传承滑跪都不成问题。 The main issue is, does Xie Ming accept own apology. 主要的问题在于,谢铭接不接受自己的道歉。 But this matter, before doing, never knows. 但这件事,在没做之前,永远也不知道。 Therefore, shoves open that flash of conference room front door in Xie Ming, the vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades flying, a vegetable/dish moon/month family's top slides kneeling to arrive in front of Xie Ming by own body following the wooden floor. 因此,在谢铭推开会议室大门的那一瞬间,菜月昴飞身而起,一个菜月家族的顶级滑跪让自己的身体顺着木制地板来到谢铭面前。 With shouted. 伴随着的,还有大喊。 Really! Very sorry!!!” “真的!非常对不起!!!” Go away.” “滚开。” Xie Ming kicked on the chin of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, trampled it directly flies: Sincere apology, should not the attitude I do not need.” 谢铭一脚踢在了菜月昴的下巴上,将其直接踹飞:“诚恳道歉,坚决不该的态度我不需要。” Moreover, object who you must apologize, is not I.” “而且,你要道歉的对象,也不是我。”
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