RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1808: Seine Ha Luti

Works as!” “当!” The back of the blade of day fire net flame, ruthlessly rap in Rhine special care above the dragon sword before body. In crushes under the strength of ordinary meteorite sufficiently, nothing accident/surprise, red hair sword Saint flying upside down, facial expression sudden change. 天火净焰的刀背,狠狠敲击在了莱因哈鲁特护在身前的龙剑之上。在足以击碎普通陨石的力量之下,没有任何意外,红发剑圣倒飞而出,神情骤变。 Before he is still thinking, even if did not have the divine protection, oneself should still be able to be equally matched with Xie Ming. But looking back now, this idea how naive. 之前他还在想着就算没有加护,自己应该也能和谢铭不相上下。但现在看来,这个想法是多么的天真啊。 He even, the tool path of opposite party cannot even see clearly, cannot feel, can only the wielding a sword standard keep off relying on the intuition. 他甚至,连对方的刀轨都看不清,感受不到,只能凭着直觉来挥剑格挡。 On this degree?” “就这种程度吗?” Xie Ming sound spooky from the front transmits, one time is cut again, from the midair shoots down Seine Ha Luti to the ground. 谢铭的声音幽幽的从前方传来,又是一次重斩,将莱茵哈鲁特从半空中击落至地面。 On this degree, you also wants to prevent me? Seine Ha Luti.” “就这点程度,你也想来阻止我吗?莱茵哈鲁特。” „......” “......” Grasps dragon sword the arm to shiver slightly, Seine Ha Luti stands slowly, the forced smile said: This leaves, Xie Ming your strength rise somewhat is really excessive.” 握着龙剑的手臂在微微颤抖,莱茵哈鲁特慢慢站立起来,苦笑道:“这一别,谢铭你的实力提升的实在有些过分啊。” Everyone unceasing progress.” “谁都在不断的进步。” New light saying: Adjusted? We continue.” 项新淡淡的说道:“调整好了吗?那我们继续。” „!!!!!” “!!!!!” Ding!” “叮!” The slight hesitation, Seine Ha Luti has not turned toward suddenly is sideways to wield a sword. This judgment is correct, the direction that because the day fire net flame cuts is there. 没有丝毫的犹豫,莱茵哈鲁特猛然向着侧身挥剑。这个判断是正确的,因为天火净焰斩来的方向就是那里。 Has made rapid progress.” “进步很快啊。” Perhaps on the strategy and Magic, Seine Ha Luti is an out-and-out idiot. But above the ability of sword technique, he may not know to want on the high many levels compared with Xie Ming. 或许在谋略、魔法上面,莱茵哈鲁特是个不折不扣的白痴。但在剑术的才能之上,他可比谢铭不知道要高上多少个层次。 Under the divine protection of that dozens powerful covers, almost all people had a misunderstanding to Seine Ha Luti. 在那数十个强力的加护掩盖下,几乎所有人都对莱茵哈鲁特产生了一个误解。 The great strength of Seine Ha Luti, establishes above overlapping of his divine protection. 莱茵哈鲁特的强大,是建立在他加护的重叠之上的。 This misunderstanding, actually incomplete mistake. His invincibility, indeed is because that wants anything to have in anything's divine protection above. 这个误解,其实并不完全的错误。他的无敌,的确是因为那想要什么就有什么的加护上之上。 But this does not represent, after losing the divine protection, Seine Ha Luti is a weak one. 但这并不代表,失去了加护后,莱茵哈鲁特就是一个弱者了。 When his five years old, have then closed right up against the sword technique to exceed his father purely, press up to his grandfather sword ghost Wilhelm. 在他五岁的时候,便已经单纯靠着剑术胜过了他的父亲,直逼他的祖父剑鬼威尔海姆。 If the sword ghost has not left, but in his side taught he, believes that this time Seine Ha Luti not possible not to have been used the entire technique Xie Ming suppressing absolutely. 如果剑鬼没有离开,而是在他身边教导他的话,相信此时的莱茵哈鲁特绝对不可能被还没动用全技艺的谢铭给压制住。 Also at least, can hit to have. 至少,也能打个有来有回。 But unfortunately, in he five -year-old that year, the divine protection of sword Saint jumped over his father similarly, arrived at his body. For this reason, Lancet Treia family/home collapses to disintegrate. 但可惜的是,同样是在他五岁的那年,剑圣的加护跳过了他的父亲,来到了他的身上。因为这个原因,阿斯特雷亚家崩溃瓦解。 The divine protection of sword Saint can only exist in a person of body, on Seine Ha Luti presented the divine protection of sword Saint, explained that former generation sword Saint Theresia lost this divine protection. 剑圣的加护只能存在于一人之身,莱茵哈鲁特身上出现了剑圣的加护,就说明上代剑圣特蕾西亚失去了这个加护。 Then, Lancet Treia family/home then obtained Theresia to crusade against the news that the white whale failure died in battle. 然后,阿斯特雷亚家便得到了特蕾西亚讨伐白鲸失败阵亡的消息。 Young Seine Ha Luti, therefore shouldering killed grandmother charge. Even if this matter, actually has no relations with him. 年幼的莱茵哈鲁特,也因此背负上了‘杀害祖母’的罪名。哪怕这件事,其实和他没有任何关系。 Wilhelm therefore had the barrier to leave with him, because the fathers of Seine Ha Luti also this generation of sword Saints unexpectedly were not oneself, as well as mother's death hated own son, did not know the trace. 威尔海姆因此和他产生了隔阂而离开,莱茵哈鲁特的父亲也因为这代剑圣居然不是自己,以及母亲的死而痛恨自己的儿子,不知所踪。 The mother, suffers from will not change the outward appearance but continuously deep sleep sleeping beauty sickness, has sunk unable to awake. 母亲,更是患上了不会改变外观但会一直沉睡的‘睡美人’病,一直沉睡不醒。 Only has five -year-old Seine Ha Luti, supported Lancet Treia family/home, arrived at today. The sword technique ability of his within the body deep sleep, continuously deep sleep to today. 只有五岁的莱茵哈鲁特,就这么扛起了阿斯特雷亚家,走到了今天。他体内沉睡的剑术才能,也一直沉睡到了今天。 But at this moment, this deep sleep for a long time ability, actually by Xie Ming awakening. 但在此刻,这沉睡已久的才能,却被谢铭给唤醒了。 No matter with blade uses the sword, actually are not related. What Seine Ha Luti needs is the opponent, can in the opponent who in some aspect gives the pressure. 不管是用刀的还是用剑的,其实都没关系。莱茵哈鲁特需要的是对手,是能够在某方面上给予自己压力的对手。 But opponent like this, could not find in this world. Let alone must add on the limiting condition: Can exceed him to suppress his powerful enemy in the sword technique. 可这样的对手,在这个世界上根本找不到。更别说还要加上限制条件:在剑术上能够胜过他压制他的强敌。 Therefore, the innermost feelings of Seine Ha Luti start to jump for joy. 所以久违的,莱茵哈鲁特的内心开始雀跃起来。 Ha!” “哈啊!” Both hands are grasping the sword hilt, effort the Xie Ming day fire net flame pressing. But the next quarter, dragon sword is resisting the strength vanishes, what replaces it is another from right side is coming the fresh breeze. Valley 双手握着剑柄,用力的将谢铭的天火净焰给压了下去。可下一刻,龙剑抵御着的力量消失,取代而之的是另一股从着右侧而来劲风。谷 Works as!” “当!” dragon Jiance keeps off, 龙剑侧挡, Although the footsteps the inserting ground slid backward several steps, Seine Ha Luti indeed again solid caught cutting of Xie Ming to strike. Gradually... can feel .... 脚步虽然嵌入地面向后滑了好几步,莱茵哈鲁特的确再次结结实实的接住了谢铭的斩击。“逐渐...能够感觉到了....” Right?” “是吗?” The Xie Ming tranquil tone, scattered the joy of Seine Luti all of a sudden. 谢铭平静的语气,一下子打散了莱茵哈鲁特内心的喜悦。 The arm shakes, the strength of powerful shivering spread over the whole body of Seine Ha Luti through the dragon sword instantaneously, dragon sword separating that the standard keeps off. 手臂一震,强大的颤抖之力通过龙剑瞬间传遍了莱茵哈鲁特的全身,同时也将格挡的龙剑弹开。 Strikes Sparta that is relentless to kick, seal in his chest front. 一击毫不留情的斯巴达直踢,印在了他的胸前。 ..... “噗.....” Spouts a blood, Seine Ha Luti flies upside down, hit ruthlessly on behind tree, coasted again slowly. 喷出一口鲜血,莱茵哈鲁特倒飞出去,狠狠撞在了身后的树上,再缓缓滑下。 Coughs... coughs ..... “咳...咳.....” The divine protection of restore department starts to cure the injury of Seine Ha Luti rapidly, even if the skin is thick, eats a last present Xie Ming foot Sparta to trample, is not the fun matter. 修复系的加护开始迅速治愈莱茵哈鲁特的伤势,哪怕皮再厚,吃上现在的谢铭一脚斯巴达直踹,也不是什么好玩的事情。 But situation now, Xie Ming also a little in fit of temper. 更可况现在,谢铭还有点在气头上。 Therefore regards Seine Ha Luti that this fight the teaching fights, so will naturally be injured. 所以把这场战斗当成教学战的莱茵哈鲁特,自然会遭到如此的伤害。 Stands.” “站起来。” The day fire net flame anti- on the shoulder, Xie Ming brutally looks at Rhine Luti: „Is this then your strength? This has the name of sword Saint, protects the real strength of Nika kingdom?” 将天火净焰抗在肩上,谢铭无情的看着莱因哈鲁特:“这便是你的实力吗?这就是拥有剑圣之名,守护露格尼卡王国的真实实力?” ..... Naturally, has not ended.” “.....当然,还没有完。” Effort wiped under the corners of the mouth, is leaning on dragon Jianzhan, Seine Ha Luti put on the stance. The thing that in the limpid blue pupil contains, had been completely changed. 用力的抹了下嘴角,拄着龙剑站了起来,莱茵哈鲁特重新摆好了架势。清澈的蓝色瞳孔中所蕴含的东西,已经被彻底改变。 Firm and resolute, is burning the fire of some type of will. 坚毅,燃烧着某种意志之火。 Xie Ming, I do not think oneself are what sword Saint, if by sword technique, the grandfather Wilhelm's sword technique stronger on a section compared with me, your technique in the place that I cannot see.” 谢铭,我一直不认为自己是什么剑圣若论剑术,祖父威尔海姆的剑术要比我要强上一截,你的技艺更是在我看不到的地方。” I am called the sword Saint, merely is only because Lancet Treia family/home is the family of sword Saint, I have named ‚the divine protection of sword Saint divine protection.” “我被称为剑圣,仅仅只是因为阿斯特雷亚家是剑圣的家系,我拥有着名为‘剑圣的加护’的加护而已。” I have felt oneself lacked anything.... Did not lack anything, but lacked the lots. But the arrival of Pleiades, making me detect thing that oneself lacked.” “我一直觉得自己缺少了什么。不...不是缺少了什么,而是缺少了很多东西。但昴的到来,让我察觉到了自己缺少的东西。” I lack the friend, lacks the family member, lacks the opponent. These insufficient, making me pause same place for a long time was too too long.” “我缺少朋友,缺少家人,缺少对手。这些不足,让我在原地停步了太久太久。” Therefore?” “所以呢?” Xie Ming tranquil saying: What do you want to express?” 谢铭平静的说道:“你想表达什么?” „To sigh own lucky.” “只是想感叹自己的幸运而已。” Seine Ha Luti smiled, the body burns bright red battle qi: Because of you, made up for my final defect.” 莱茵哈鲁特笑了起来,身上燃烧起鲜红的斗气:“因为你,弥补了我最后的缺失。” „The arrival of poor|Fei Luti Sir, filled the vacancy of my family member. The arrival of Pleiades, filled the vacancy of my friend. Finally, your drawing a sword, filled the vacancy of my opponent.” “菲鲁特大人的到来,填补了我家人的空缺。昴的到来,填补了我朋友的空缺。最后,你的拔刀,填补了我对手的空缺。” At this time in heart this spirited feeling, if unable to express with the sword, that was really regrettable.” “此时心中这份激昂感,如果无法用剑来表达的话,那实在是太遗憾了。” Whatever the cause, but Xie Ming... invites you now well, earnest with me to fighting one.” “不管出于什么原因,但谢铭...请你现在好好的,认真的和我对战一场吧。” With is not the Nika's patron god that you fight, is not the sword Saint of Lancet Treia family/home, merely is I, merely is clumsy existence of named Seine Ha Luti.” “和你交手的不是露格尼卡的守护神,也不是阿斯特雷亚家的剑圣,仅仅是我,仅仅是名为莱茵哈鲁特的笨拙存在。” I hope, can experience to your full power sword technique.” “我希望,能见识到你全力的剑术。” Although this is my speaking one's mind, but always receives to try, Xie Ming you do not have the role that the means play vent, not?” “虽然这是我的自说自话,但总是收着力,谢铭你也没有办法起到发泄的作用,不是吗?” „, Will really say.” “呵,真会说啊。” The hilt turns over, the blade toward below, Xie Ming in Setsuna/instant, then arrived in front of Seine Ha Luti. 刀柄翻转,刀刃朝下,谢铭刹那间,便来到了莱茵哈鲁特面前。 Such being the case... that you complete the consciousness of dying.” “既然如此...那你就做好死的觉悟吧。”
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