RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1807: Recalls again

Under the space fissure protections of jet black six glow star manufactures, Xie Ming and Othinus three people of bodies have not stained this purple flame. 在漆黑六芒星制造的空间裂痕保护下,谢铭欧提努斯三人的身上并没有沾上这紫色的火焰。 After all contaminates that thing, will not have any good result. 毕竟沾染上那玩意,可不会有什么好结果。 Even if the Holy Grail wickedness of the world, or Bodhisattva desire of the world, without this thing is energetic. 要知道,哪怕是圣杯里的此世之恶,或者摩罗菩萨的此世之欲,都没有这玩意带劲。 Comes up from position square purely the comparison words, the wicked silt of seven big beasts mix completely in the nature together, can perhaps just be able to be equal to the mud of this abyss. 单纯从位格上来比较的话,七大兽的恶之淤泥在性质上全部混合到一起,或许才能刚好能和这深渊之泥相等吧。 Simple, the malignant silt that if produces seven big beasts compares with seven circles, then among these seven circles in mathematical significance ‚happening together, then envies Strega (Witch) the mud of abyss. 简单的来说,如果将七大兽所产生的恶性淤泥比作七个圆,那么这七个圆之间在数学意义上的‘交集’,便是嫉妒魔女的深渊之泥。 Is singing like the poetry: 正如同诗歌所唱: Drinks completely the thing of the world, the queen in city of shadow, most fearful disaster- envies Strega (Witch). 饮尽世界之物,影之城的女王,最可怕的灾难-嫉妒魔女 The name of envy gives the world misery. 以嫉妒之名给予世界苦难。 The demon beast presents the place is the ruins, Strega (Witch) the place of passing through does not have a thing again. 魔兽出现之处即为废墟,魔女所经之地再无一物。 If envied the body of Strega (Witch) to obtain again Strega (Witch) factor that was concocted Strega (Witch), then in her reigning square true and Xie Ming was coordinated. 如果嫉妒魔女的身上再获得了虚饰魔女魔女因子,那么她在位格上就将真正的与谢铭对等。 Xie Ming conducts primary human that the primary sublimates through Karbala life tree record, Adam. 谢铭是通过卡巴拉生命树图录进行原初升华的原初人类,‘亚当’。 Then envies Strega (Witch), then after the snake seduces, seduces Eve that Adam degenerates. 那么嫉妒魔女,便是被蛇诱惑后,诱惑‘亚当’堕落的‘夏娃’。 Eve is not wicked, the concept that but Eve represents actually degenerates. Similarly, envies the Strega (Witch) nature is also same. 夏娃非恶,但夏娃所代表的概念却是堕落。同样,嫉妒魔女的性质也是相同。 【The name of envy gives the world misery, His representative then by the mud of this abyss, gives the world and myriad things trial. 【以嫉妒之名给予世界苦难】,其代表的便是以这深渊之泥,给予世界和万物试炼。 Accepts and can undertake this degenerating person, will turn to be pursued Adam of Eden, with envying the Strega (Witch) coexistence in this world. But without undertaking, that died. 接受并能承担这份堕落的人,将变成被驱逐出伊甸的亚当,和嫉妒魔女共存于这个世界。但没有承担住,那就是死亡。 Told with the concept that the cross teaches that is the myriad things all for man-made. World all myriad things, all are the god make. 用十字教的概念来讲述,那便是万物皆为人造。世间所有的万物,全都是神为了人而制造的。 Then this person, whom does refer to? 那么这个人,指的是谁? Adam and Eve. 亚当和夏娃。 It is not able to undertake this degeneration, that is not considered as a person, but is the manner makes, willfully organized myriad things. 无法承担起这份堕落,那就不算是人,而是为人所造,任意受人摆布的万物。 It can be said that envies Strega (Witch) nature, with Xie Ming is worst. 可以说,嫉妒魔女的相性,和谢铭是最差的。 Xie Ming domain world, it can be said that the embryonic forms of myriad potential surfaces, can say that is the embryonic form of Eden. Therefore, the Eden pure land can block to degenerate in evil. 谢铭的领域世界,可以说是万千位面的雏形,也能说是伊甸的雏形。因此,伊甸净土可以挡住堕落于恶。 But as pure person Xie Ming is not good, he contaminated on wicked, was a standard degenerates the start of reverse. 但身为‘洁净之人’的谢铭却不行,他沾染上了恶,便是位格堕落反转的开始。 But the same, pure person can also through crusading against wickedly, lets own position standard have been promoted. 可同样,洁净之人也可以通过讨伐恶,来让自己的位格得到提升。 Adam and Eve, the itself/Ben is the male and female two people that succeeds one another to repel one another. 亚当和夏娃,本就是相辅相克的男女二人。 Therefore present Xie Ming has two means: Will envy Strega (Witch) and these half world through the strength forcefully extinguishes completely massacres, or makes the world tree integrate the power source, thus enables the domain world to accept to purify this half abyss world. 所以现在的谢铭有两种办法:通过力量强行将嫉妒魔女和这半个世界全部灭杀掉,或者让世界树纳入权能本源,从而让领域世界可以接受净化这半边深渊世界。 Considering king there matter, actually leaves the choice of Xie Ming to only have one type. 考虑到王都那里的事情,其实留给谢铭的选择就只有一种。 Envies Strega (Witch).” “嫉妒魔女。” The energies of ten big particles change into the flowing light to pour into to Xie Ming within the body completely, Monster Blade in hand, because extreme condensation of energy, is not glittering the gloss of metal system, but is the energy shape of solid state fluid. 十大质点的能量化为流光全部注入到谢铭体内,手中的妖刀因为能量的极度凝聚,不在闪烁着金属制的光泽,而是固态流体的能量状。 Was held up merely, the surrounding space then starts to disrupt tiny acid slag. 仅仅是被举起,周围的空间便开始碎裂成细小的‘玻璃渣’。 I have complied with Satella, must replace her to say the sound to sorry to you, as well as thanks.” “我答应过莎缇拉,要代替她对你说声对不起,以及感谢。” Xie Ming tranquil saying: So many sentiments, make your one person withstand unexpectedly, really sorry very much. Thank you, can withstand her unable to withstand for her, throws to your sentiment unilaterally.” 谢铭平静的说道:“这么多的感情,居然让你一个人来承受,真的很对不起。以及谢谢你,能为她承受她无法承受,单方面抛给你的感情。” Commitment, I have achieved. Therefore, please rest.” “承诺,我已经做到了。所以,请你安息吧。” Earthly Blade Art, h .... 尘世刀诀,h....” Blade, but also without cuts completely, the present world suddenly changes. 刀,还没有完全斩下来,眼前的世界就骤然一变。 ........ “........” All sceneries became the color of black salt, the under foot burns the abyss silt of purple fire to start at the visible speed to drop, but was filled up in several suddenly times again. 所有的景色都变为了黑灰之色,脚下燃烧着紫火的深渊淤泥开始以肉眼可见的速度下降,但在几个眨眼的功夫又再次被填满。 But merely is several seconds in this Xie Ming subjective concept, the whole world had the enormous change. 而仅仅是这谢铭主观概念上的几秒,整个世界都发生了极大的变化。 Envy Strega (Witch) little darling who the preparation goes crazy returned to the original position, lies down in the original place. 准备发狂的嫉妒魔女乖乖的回到了原来的位置,躺在原来的地方。 Untied by Xie Ming, changes into the energy the seal the same as fly upside down sky over the abyss like the meteor, reconstituted seal Magic. However takes root in the world of divine protection world sets up several, and Karbala life tree record in sky, has not changed actually. 谢铭解开,化为能量的封印如同流星一样倒飞回深渊上空,重新组成了封印魔法阵。不过扎根于加护世界的世界树数根,以及天空中的卡巴拉生命树图录,倒是没有变化。 After all the power is even strong, is impossible to affect Xie Ming. 毕竟就算权能再强,也不可能影响到谢铭这边。 Only if yes, Xie Ming coordinates the recollection of the world on own initiative. 除非是,谢铭这边主动配合世界的回溯。 Died ..... “又死了么.....” Will condense the energy on Monster Blade to diverge, Xie Ming closed the eye slightly, loosened oneself control to the world. 将凝聚在妖刀上的能量散去,谢铭微微闭上了眼睛,松开了自己对世界的掌控。 The tree root draws out from the place bottom, returned the Rewrite world through the potential surface channel. Karbala life tree record also re-enters Xie Ming within the body that arrives at retrocedes unceasingly. 树根从地底拔出,通过位面通道重新回到了Rewrite世界。卡巴拉生命树图录也重新进入到不断后退的谢铭体内。 Everyone backs up given world, Xie Ming is tranquil looks at these, until he returned to the dragon car(riage). 所有人都在世界的牵引下倒退,谢铭则是平静的看着这些,直到他回到了龙车之内。 Dark gray diverges, the time started flowing again. 灰黑散去,时间再次开始了流动。 ........ “........” Closed the eye, using extremely strong control to suppress the anger, opened again. 闭上了眼睛,用着自己极强的控制能力压制住了怒火,才再次睁开。 Sir Xie Ming, are you all right?” 谢铭大人,你没事吧?” I am all right.” “我没事。” And likes Millie smiling about Rem, Xie Ming tranquil saying: I have go out beforehand, you first defer to the original plan to conduct the arrangement.” 对着雷姆和爱蜜莉雅笑了笑,谢铭平静的说道:“我有事先出去一下,你们就先按照原定的计划进行安排吧。” „, Un .... Can yes.” “啊,嗯....可以是可以。” Asking that likes Millie having doubts: But Xie Ming, which do you want to go?” 爱蜜莉雅疑惑的问道:“但谢铭,你要去哪啊?” Goes to Lancet Treia family/home.” “去阿斯特雷亚家一趟。” ----- ----- Shifts through the space, just stepped into Lancet Treia family/home one step, this red hair sword Saint then from the hotel, on the face has the temperate smile as before. 通过空间转移,刚踏入阿斯特雷亚家一步,这位红发剑圣便从宅邸中走了出来,脸上依旧带着温和的笑容。 Xie Ming, hello/you good.” 谢铭,你好。” Seine keeps off me specially.” Xie Ming tranquil saying: My something, want to ask vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades.” “莱茵哈鲁特别挡我。”谢铭平静的说道:“我有些事情,想要问问菜月昴。” This is not good, Xie Ming.” “这可不行,谢铭。” Seine Ha Luti smiles: No matter what who can see, your present condition is not right. I cannot make you under this condition see Pleiades.” 莱茵哈鲁特笑了笑:“任谁都能看出,你现在状态的不对劲。我可不能让这种状态下的你去见昴。” If there is a matter that anything worries, does not mind, you can say with me.” “如果有什么烦心的事情,不介意的话,你可以和我说说。” „...... You determined, you don't let?” “......你确定,你不让?” ....... “.......” Hears these words, the smile on Seine Ha Luti face disappears slowly, the facial expression slowly becomes serious. The palm, has gripped dragon sword that hangs in the waist. 听到这句话,莱茵哈鲁特脸上的笑容缓缓消失,神情慢慢变得严肃起来。手掌,已经握住了挂在腰间的龙剑。 Xie Ming, you determined that can do this?” 谢铭,你确定要这样做吗?” ....... The domain world, opens.” “.......领域世界,开。” As the sound falls, two people surrounding spaces instantaneously change. The hotel yard of Lancet Treia family/home, became the green and luxuriant forest. In the sky, the red and black two Sun are burning slowly. 随着声音落下,两人周围的空间瞬间一变。阿斯特雷亚家的宅邸大院,变为了郁郁葱葱的森林。天空中,赤色和黑色的两轮太阳在缓缓燃烧。 Here is the world that turns over to me to manage.” “这里是归我所管的世界。” Extracts the day of fire net flame from the shadow, draws out from the scabbard the blade slowly, Xie Ming tranquil saying: Therefore, without my permission, any ability will not have the effect.” 从影子中抽出天火净焰,将刀从刀鞘中缓缓拔出,谢铭平静的说道:“所以,没有我的允许,任何能力都不会起效。” Announced with the name of Xie Ming, this world forbids the divine protection.” “以谢铭之名宣告,此世禁止加护。” „!!!!!” “!!!!!” In this flash, Seine Ha Luti felt oneself strength by the seal most probably, even the weight/quantity of hand mesosaurus sword, sank several points. 在这一瞬间,莱茵哈鲁特感觉到自己身上的力量被封印了大半,甚至连手中龙剑的分量,都沉了几分。 ... This should not be the dragon sword Redd's original weight. 不...这应该就是龙剑雷德原本的重量吧。 Come, Seine Ha Luti.” “来吧,莱茵哈鲁特。” The knife point refers, Xie Ming crooked head: I already seal you besides all abilities beyond body and sword technique. Similarly, I will not use other abilities.” 刀尖指地,谢铭歪了歪脑袋:“我已经封印了你除了身体和剑术之外的所有能力。同样,我也不会使用其他的能力。” Since you thought that my condition is not right, that... first accompanies me to find relief.” “既然你觉得我状态不对,那...就先陪我来解解闷吧。”
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